Minutes of

September 12th 2017

These minutes are not intended to be a verbatim transcript.

Audio of this meeting is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.


Bob Stobbs, President Mallory Lowe

Phil McElroy, Council Member P. O. Box 20

Paul Freeman, Council Member Darmstadt, IN 47618-0020

Steve Kahre, Council Member

Board president, Bob Stobbs, called the regular town meeting to order at 7:30pm. In attendance were President Bob Stobbs, Clerk-Treasurer Mallory Lowe, council members Paul Freeman, Steve Kahre and Phil McElroy. Also present were attorney Jason Spindler and town assistant superintendent Aaron Enlow.

McElroy made a motion, seconded by Freeman to accept the minutes from last month. Motion passed 4-0 voice vote.

McElroy made a motion, seconded by Freeman to approve the financial report. Motion passed 4-0 voice vote.

McElroy made a motion, seconded by Freeman to approve the accounts payable claims. Motion passed 4-0 voice vote.


In the clerk's office: My meeting with Robert Norris of the Dept of Local Government Finance downtown Aug 21st went great. He said our numbers look good and the budget will pass state just fine. We are doing well not incurring any debt and budgeting our revenue wisely and he recommends we continue to do so. I have all our required budget forms entered into the State's Gateway system online. Tonight is our open public budget hearing and next month we adopt the budget. In the Utility Department:

New sewer customer constructions currently being built are:

13747 N St Joseph Ave,     Darmstadt, In 47720,  Nathan Riley (Cravens Construction) PAID

12333 Darmstadt Road,     Darmstadt, In 47725,   Jake Steinkuhl PAID

11650 Darmstadt Road,     Darmstadt, In 47725,   James Waller

1719 Fleener Road,           Darmstadt, In 47725,   Cecil & Sharon Poag

We received payment of $550 from Peter & Megan Knoll at 11201 Jeffrey Court for their new sewer basin.

We received payment of $4,000 for the new sewer tap & install for Braden Seib at 12322 Darmstadt Road.

1719 Fleener road, the log cabin property, owned by Cecil & Sharon Poag still needs to pay their sewer install balance of $2,150.

We have a vacant property at the old Feth's home at 2040 Boonville-New Harmony that is terribly overgrown. We have reported it to Vanderburgh County Garage for the county weed ordinance. The sewer bill for this property came back with a forwarding address in Las Vegas. We also have another vacant property at the old Newmaster's home at 1427 Boonville-New harmony next to Trinity Church. We may need to call in a weed ordinance violation on this property soon. We continue to have a huge leak at the Gribbons home on Wortman road, it leaked 102,000 gallons in July and another 47,000 gallons in August. Gribbons on working on it, Jeff and Aaron have been out to investigate.

Old Business

1. Update on proposed Apartment Complex

Kahre stated that we are having a community meeting at Salem Church tomorrow evening at 7pm. Our town attorney will be present to update the residents on where we are with the petition on the judicial review. Jason noted that he will be in attendance. Jason stated that he has stayed in contact with Mark Crandley the attorney from Indianapolis who is helping with this. Jason mentioned there may be a motion to bump the petition appeal that is currently scheduled for September 25th to a future date. Jason stated they would like to consolidate the cases.

Bob stated that we have received retainer paperwork from Attorney Mark Crandley and Stobbs continued to read aloud the entire contract.

2. Update on 2017-2018 Community Crossings Matching Grant

McElroy noted that we are still awaiting to hear back. McElroy contacted Ms. Mischler at INDOT, and she said they are still evaluating and will let everyone know as soon as they finish.

New Business

1. Public Hearing for 2018 Budget

Lowe stated tonight was the public hearing for the 2018 budget, she explained the budget was very similar to last year. The public in attendance were asked if they had any comments or questions, they did not. Lowe noted next month would be the budget adoption.

Superintendent Report

Aaron reported they had 71 locates, they replaced another one of the air release valves. Aaron noted that they will go back thru and continue to do inspections checking for any infiltration into the system. Aaron explained the flow tote reports to council. He also asked council about the insurance quote we received from the adjuster about the tree that fell on the back of the shop building. Kahre asked if there were any leaks. Aaron replied yes there were leaks. Aaron suggested replacing the whole roof. Kahre stated we should accept the claims adjusters estimate and get estimates from metal roofing companies.

Fire Chief Report

Brandon Zimmer from Scott Twp Fire Department stated they did 10 runs in Darmstadt with a response time of 4 minutes.

Board member comments

McElroy noted that he and Jeff spoke to Carol Hagedorn and Debbie Bennett downtown to see if any grant money was available for sewer system improvements. McElroy stated there was not any available to us at the is time.

Kahre stated that we are closing on the bank building next week. Jason mentioned he will go over all the paperwork. Jason stated the closing will be at Bosse Title on Tuesday, Sept 19th at 2pm and that the town needed to appoint a representative of the town to attend the closing. McElroy nominated Mallory Lowe, seconded by Freeman, nomination of Lowe to represent the town for closing on the bank building passed with a 4-0 voice vote.

Attorney comments

No further comments

Resident comments

Carol Schlumpf requested that the limbs be trimmed around the Inglefield area. There are a couple limbs that hang over the roads. Carol also mentioned the railroad tracks are still very rough and need to be repaired. Lowe responded we had contacted the sheriffs and the county commissioners about the railroad they are aware, but also had no luck getting the railroad to move along in a timely manner with repairs.

The meeting adjourned at 8:34pm


Mallory Lowe



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