Unit Name:

Unit Name: WWII Grade Level: 10

Subject/Topic Area(s): Social Studies Time Frame: 4 Weeks

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|ESTABLISHED GOALS (State and/or National Content Standard (s)): G |

|10.7 Students analyze the rise of totalitarian governments after World War I. |

|Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin’s use of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control (e.g., the Gulag). |

|Trace Stalin’s rise to power in the Soviet Union and the connection between economic policies, political policies, the absence of a free press, and systematic |

|violations of human rights (e.g., the Terror Famine in Ukraine). |

|Analyze the rise, aggression, and human costs of totalitarian regimes (Fascist and Communist) in Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union, noting especially their |

|common and dissimilar traits. |

|10.8 Students analyze the causes and consequences of World War II. |

|Compare the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s, including the 1937 Rape of Nanking, other atrocities in China, and the Stalin-Hitler Pact|

|of 1939. |

|Understand the role of appeasement, nonintervention (isolationism), and the domestic distractions in Europe and the United States prior to the outbreak of World |

|War II. |

|Identify and locate the Allied and Axis powers on a map and discuss the major turning points of the war, the principal theaters of conflict, key strategic |

|decisions, and the resulting war conferences and political resolutions, with emphasis on the importance of geographic factors. |

|Describe the political, diplomatic, and military leaders during the war (e.g., Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito, Adolf Hitler, Benito|

|Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower). |

|Analyze the Nazi policy of pursuing racial purity, especially against the European Jews; its transformation into the Final Solution; and the Holocaust that |

|resulted in the murder of six million Jewish civilians. |

|Discuss the human costs of the war, with particular attention to the civilian and military losses in Russia, Germany, Britain, the United States, China, and Japan.|

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|Students will understand the following, including major battles, key figures and |Is appeasement ever an effective strategy? At what point is it essential to stop|

|vocabulary that pertain to each. |the appeasement of an aggressor? |

| |How would the outcome of WWII been different if the US had decided to never get |

|Hitler’s Lighting War and how the public desire for isolationism lead the world |involved? |

|into the second war. |What were the lasting effects of the war both politically and emotionally? |

|Japan’s motivation to enter the war and their Pacific Campaign. | |

|The Holocaust | |

|The Allied Victory | |

|Aftermath in Europe and Japan | |

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|Students will know the major events and turning points of WII. |Recognize, define and use WWII vocabulary in context. |

|Students will know all WWII vocabulary, terms and names presented to them. |Read the text and take notes on daily presentations. |

|Students will know how the countries were divided and how the outcome of WWII |Review notes and prepare for daily quizzes |

|lead us into the Cold War. |Independently research to find out more about a specific WWII topic. |

|Students will become an expert on the topic of their choice that they research |Express findings orally and in writing |

|and present on. |Finish the unit with a comprehensive exam |

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|Students will take daily quizzes on the previous class lesson. | |

|Students will engage in a group research project on the topic of their choice |Students will participate in daily class discussion aiding their learning of the |

|that they will become an “expert” in. They will give the class a 10-15 minute |reading and notes they take. |

|presentation on the material aided by a handout and a visual that they create. | |

|Students will take a comprehensive unit exam on WWII. | |

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|Day 1- Class discussion to review where WWI left the world, desire for isolationism and Germany and Japan bitter over the way they were treated in the |

|aftermath. All of this leading us into WWII. W,H,E,R |

|Read an outside source document on all of the factors that lead to WWII. W,H,E |

|Present the WWII unit on a handout (Daily Homework will be listed on the handout as well as the unit research project) and write the essential questions for|

|it on the side board in the classroom, to stay up throughout unit. W,O |

|Read section 1 in our text out loud as a class and follow the reading with a PowerPoint presentation on the main points and key terms of the section, |

|students take notes. W,H,E,O |

|ELL student given note-taking page to support understanding. T |

|Research Project presented W,H,T,O |

|Day 2- Quiz on information presented in day 1. E |

|Read section 2 in our text out loud as a class and follow the reading with a PowerPoint presentation on the main points and key terms of the section, |

|students take notes. W,H,E,O |

|ELL student given note-taking page to support understanding. T |

|Second half of class is in the computer lab so the students can work on their group projects. H,E,T |

|Day 3 – Quiz on information presented in day 2. E |

|Start “The Last days” documentary on the holocaust. H,E |

|Day 4- Read section 3 in our text out loud as a class and follow the reading with a PowerPoint presentation on the main points and key terms of the section,|

|students take notes. W,H,E,O |

|ELL student given note-taking page to support understanding. T |

|Second half of class is in the computer lab so the students can work on their group projects. H,E,T |

|Day 5- Quiz on information presented in day 4 E |

|Read section 4 in our text out loud as a class and follow the reading with a PowerPoint presentation on the main points and key terms of the section, |

|students take notes. W,H,E,O |

|ELL student given note-taking page to support understanding. T |

|Second half of class is in the computer lab so the students can work with their groups. H,E,T |

|Day 6 - Complete the documentary “The Last Days” H,E |

|Day 7 - Quiz on information presented in day 5. E |

|Read section 5 in our text out loud as a class and follow the reading with a PowerPoint presentation on the main points and key terms of the section, |

|students take notes. W,H,E,O |

|ELL student given note-taking page to support understanding. T |

|Second half of class is in the computer lab so the students can work with their groups. H,E,T |

|Day 8 - Quiz on information presented in day 7. E |

|Begin test prep for Unit exam – the students gather and check off all their notes and quizzes as their study guide. W,E,R,O |

|Second half of class is in the computer lab so the students can work with their groups. H,E,T |

|Day 9 – Last day for students to work in the computer lab with their groups. H,E,T |

|Day 10 - Presentation day – all students will do their oral presentation on their research topic. H,E |

|Day 11 – Unit Exam. E |

|Following the unit I will reflect on unit and decide what worked, what didn’t, and what |

|needs to be adjusted for next time. R |

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|(40 min) | |DAY | | |

| |Day 1- Class discussion to review where WWI |(No Class) |Day 2- Quiz on information presented in |(No Class) |

| |left the world, desire for isolationism and | |day 1. | |

| |Germany and Japan bitter over the way they were| | | |

| |treated in the aftermath. All of this leading | |Read section 2 in our text out loud as a | |

| |us into WWII. | |class and follow the reading with a | |

| | | |PowerPoint presentation on the main points| |

| |Read an outside source document on all of the | |and key terms of the section, students | |

| |factors that lead to WWII | |take notes. | |

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| |Present the WWII unit on a handout (Daily | |ELL student given note-taking page to | |

| |Homework will be listed on the handout as well | |support understanding. | |

| |as the unit research project) and write the | | | |

| |essential questions for it on the side board in| |Second half of class is in the computer | |

| |the classroom, to stay up throughout unit. | |lab so the students can work on their | |

| | | |group projects | |

| |Read section 1 in our text out loud as a class | | | |

| |and follow the reading with a PowerPoint | | | |

| |presentation on the main points and key terms | | | |

| |of the section, students take notes. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |ELL student given note-taking page to support | | | |

| |understanding. | | | |

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| |Research Project presented and instructions | | | |

| |handed out. | | | |


|(40 min) | | | | |

| |Day 4- Read section 3 in our text out loud as a|(No Class) |Day 5- Quiz on information presented in |(No Class) |

| |class and follow the reading with a PowerPoint | |day 4 | |

|Day 3 – Quiz on information |presentation on the main points and key terms | | | |

|presented in day 2. |of the section, students take notes. | |Read section 4 in our text out loud as a | |

| | | |class and follow the reading with a | |

|Start “The Last days” |ELL student given note-taking page to support | |PowerPoint presentation on the main points| |

|documentary on the holocaust. |understanding. | |and key terms of the section, students | |

| | | |take notes. | |

| |Second half of class is in the computer lab so | | | |

| |the students can work with their groups. | |ELL student given note-taking page to | |

| | | |support understanding. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Second half of class is in the computer | |

| | | |lab so the students can work with their | |

| | | |groups. | |


|(40 min) | | | | |

|Day 6 - Complete the |Day 7 - Quiz on information presented in day |(No Class) | |(No Class) |

|documentary “The Last Days” |5 | |Day 8 - Quiz on information presented in | |

| | | |day 7 | |

| |Read section 5 in our text out loud as a class| | | |

| |and follow the reading with a PowerPoint | |Begin test prep for Unit exam – the | |

| |presentation on the main points and key terms | |students gather and check off all their | |

| |of the section, students take notes. | |notes and quizzes as their study guide. | |

| | | | | |

| |ELL student given note-taking page to support | |Second half of class is in the computer | |

| |understanding. | |lab so the students can work with their | |

| | | |groups. | |

| |Second half of class is in the computer lab so| | | |

| |the students can work with their groups. | | | |

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|(40 min) | |DAY | | |

| |Day 10 - Presentation day – all students will |(No Class) |Day 11 – Unit Exam. |(No Class) |

| |do their oral presentation on their research | | | |

|Day 9 – Last day for students to|topic. | | | |

|work in the computer lab with | | | | |

|their groups. | | | | |

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Describe the effectiveness of this lesson in helping students meet the learning goals.

Overall I was very happy with this unit, I felt that the whole plan worked beautifully. Some changes that I made from the previous unit on WWI were; reading each section out loud as a class, having students take notes on the power point projects and daily quizzes. While the students whined about this at first the strategy provided a structure that they could count on that made them feel comfortable and secure. They knew what to expect each day when they walked in the door and there were no surprises. I noticed during the WWI unit that when I assigned them a section to read on their own, it never really happened. Even if I tried to give them guided notes, or questions about the reading, they just skipped to the part they needed and the rest was not read. I figured that by spending 10-15 minutes each day reading the section as a class and discussing it, I was doing everything that I could to make sure that they were getting the necessary information. Having the students take notes on a PowerPoint after the reading was an obvious next step for me. It allowed them to 1) just read the section and not worry about the notes at first, 2) Have the information presented to them a second time to aid comprehension and memory, and 3) have some sort of guide on what information was important and necessary. Finally the daily quizzes were also a fantastic new component to this unit. But providing them with daily bell quizzes I not only got them in their seats and settled quickly, but I had them reading over their notes on a daily basis always preparing them for the exam. Each little quiz that I implemented for formative assessment contributed to success when it was time for the summative assessment. In the end this structure aided their comprehension and their exams were evidence of this. They scored on average 10 points higher than they did on their WWI unit exam.

How will you apply what you have learned in future instruction?

While I am overall very happy with the changes that I made, there were still a few flaws and as always room for improvement. The group research presentation is where I believe there is the most room for improvement. I had carefully planned the instructions handout and the rubric for the oral presentation and I thought that I had made it air tight. Not the case. But after six 45 minute periods of class time for the students to work with their group, all but two of the groups gave an incomplete and/or weak presentation. They were missing required handouts, they didn’t have their visual prepared, they just plain weren’t ready. It was a disaster. I sat later in the day and thought about what I could have done differently and realized that while I had given them the clear instructions and time necessary to complete the assignment, I hadn't have check points that maybe sophomores need. I watched them work during those periods seemingly hard, and I thought they were on top of it. But If something had been due at the end of each class period; a topic and working bibliography the first day, a handout pertaining to their presentation the second, a working visual the third, etc.. I would have given them the safety net they needed. I now know that this would have improved the success rate on the project and will make sure to have check points next year.


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