Build Intelligent mail, contacts and calendar apps using the Outlook ...

[Pages:36]Build Intelligent mail, contacts and calendar apps using the Outlook REST


Andrew Davidoff

Senior Software Engineer


? General Overview ? Microsoft Graph & Outlook API endpoints ? Usage details ? What's new with the APIs

? Key takeaways

? Powerful: APIs to create powerful applications & services to drive productivity. ? Secure: Industry standard OAuth flow that respects your authentication policies. ? Easy to Use: REST APIs that are easy to use on any platform you choose. ? Strategic: THE APIs to use across Office 365, Hybrid Exchange 2016 & . ? Production Ready: Available now to build production apps & services at scale


Why do the REST APIs matter?

? 100's of millions of users

? Office 365 & for production apps & services ? Hybrid Exchange deployment support in preview ? On-premises Exchange on our roadmap

? Many of these are highly engaged Outlook users

? Powerful, intuitive way to build apps & services

? Granular, tightly scoped permissions to access data

? Based on open standards ? OAuth 2.0, JSON & OData 4.0

API Landscape

? Modern APIs

? Microsoft Graph

? The API to use to build apps & services integrating w/ Office services for cloud & hybrid users

? Outlook REST API

? Outlook/Exchange specific API endpoint to use if Microsoft Graph doesn't have the APIs yet.

? Older APIs

? Exchange Web Services (EWS) SOAP APIs

? Available since Exchange 2007 SP1 for integration with Exchange. No granular access.

? Exchange Active Sync (EAS)

? Used by mobile device manufacturers for built-in messaging client. Requires licensing. ? Not intended for any other integrations including line of business apps & services

Modern API Basics ? API Endpoints

? Microsoft Graph:

? Worldwide except China: ? China:

? Outlook REST API:

? Office 365 Multi-Tenant: ? China: ? Office 365 Dedicated: Per-customer URL.

? Documentation

? Graph APIs: ? China endpoint details:

Modern API Basics ? Versioning

? Version is explicitly mentioned in the path:

? //

? Production version is /vX.Y/

? No breaking changes based on OData 4.0 versioning guidelines. ? Fully supported for production applications & services ? Latest production versions: Microsoft Graph v1.0 & Outlook REST API v2.0

? Beta version is /beta/

? New APIs introduced in Beta to solicit feedback. Not intended for production.

? Might make breaking changes based on feedback. ? Promoted to a production version usually within 3-6 months.

Modern API Basics - Addressing

? Addressing a user

? User's mailbox: //users/meganb@ ? Shortcut for signed in user's mailbox: //me/

? Addressing a group

? Group: .../groups// where is the Azure Active Directory group ID.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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