TV Tonight


Index 1

Program Highlights 2

Message Stick: Talking Stick: Education 2

The Bear Man Of Kamchatka 3

Ballet Shoes 4

Compass: The Qur'an: Part One 5

Spooks 6

Around The World In 80 Gardens: Northern Europe 7

Jennifer Byrne Presents Cads And Bounders 8

Grandpa In My Pocket 9

The Cook And The Chef 10

The New Inventors 11

The Ascent Of Money: Blowing Bubbles 12

Kids' Business 13

Silent Witness: Judgement 14

New Tricks: A Face For Radio 15

The Bill 16

Watch Out For... 17

Amendments 19

Program Guide 23

Sunday, 07 June 2009 23

Monday, 08 June 2009 26

Tuesday, 09 June 2009 29

Wednesday, 10 June 2009 32

Thursday, 11 June 2009 35

Friday, 12 June 2009 38

Saturday, 13 June 2009 41

Marketing Contacts 43

Program Highlights



Message Stick: Talking Stick: Education

Sunday, 07 June 2009

Message Stick presents a new series of studio chat programs called Talking Stick. In this series, presenter Miriam Corowa speaks to Indigenous and non-Indigenous insiders to discuss six topics of interest to all Australians.

From the vexed subjects of Aboriginal health, education and justice, to national and international success in sport and music and the impact of climate change on communities across the country, Talking Stick provides a candid assessment of the state of the Indigenous nation.

In episode five, Education, Miriam talks to three people who embody the possibilities and power that educational success can bring in tackling the disadvantage affecting so many of Australia's Indigenous communities.

Professor Lester-Irabinna Rigney runs the Yunggorendi First Nations Centre at Flinders University in Adelaide and specialises in the field of Indigenous education and languages. Craig Ashby is a young Indigenous man from Walgett who took up a scholarship at St Joseph's College, one of Sydney's elite private schools, and is now completing a Bachelor of Education at Sydney University. The Honourable Linda Burney, the NSW Minister for Community Services and National President of the Australian Labor Party, has maintained a long-standing involvement in the education sector -after starting a teaching career in the late 1970s. These three panellists all provide valuable contributions to a discussion of Indigenous education in Australia.

In a world where knowledge is power, Miriam and her guests consider how the current Indigenous power imbalance can be rectified.

Message Stick: Talking Stick: Education will be repeated on ABC2 - Monday, June 08 at 5:00pm



An ABC TV Production



The Bear Man Of Kamchatka

Sunday, 07 June 2009

A scenically stunning and dramatically engaging story of one man's campaign to prove grizzly bears can live harmoniously with people if they are conditioned from an early age to loving trust.

Canadian, Charlie Russell, is a surrogate mother to orphan bear cubs in the remote and beautiful wilderness reserve on Kamchatka Peninsula in eastern Russia. He has spent more than 10 years raising young bears and helping them return to the wild and in the process developed a unique, intimate relationship with them.

As he spends nine months of the year living as a recluse with the bears in this magnificent wilderness, he watches his young charges become increasingly independent, but hovers watchfully for the ever-present dangers of other grizzlies and poachers.

Russell's intimate and affectionate encounters with his beloved bears are a heart-warming sight in this thoughtful and beautiful film. He is determined to show that the fears man has about the savagery of such beasts are unfounded and that bears and humans can co-exist peacefully.



Filmed and narrated by Jeff Turner for BBC Two. Series Editor: Tim Martin.



Ballet Shoes

Sunday, 07 June 2009

Emma Watson (Hermione Granger: Harry Potter) stars as Pauline Fossil in this heart-warming drama about family, fame and realising your dreams. Set in 1930s London, it follows the adventures of three orphans - Pauline, Petrova (Yasmin Paige) and Posy Fossil (Lucy Boynton: Miss Potter) who are adopted by an eccentric explorer, 'Gum' (Richard Griffiths: Harry Potter).

They are raised in a grand old house by his niece, Sylvia (Emilia Fox: Silent Witness) and Nana (BAFTA-winner, Victoria Wood). Pauline longs to be an actress; Petrova wants to be an aviator, while Posy seems born to be a ballerina. But when Gum doesn't return from an international expedition, they are left to fend for themselves.

To make ends meet, Sylvia takes in a cast of entertaining lodgers and the girls discover their star power at the Children's Academy of Dance and Stage Training. Their struggles to balance personal ambition with earning their keep make for a funny and poignant drama.

The sisters' vow to "put their names in the history books" becomes a promise to keep the family together at all costs.

Adapted and executive produced by the assured hand of Heidi Thomas (I Capture The Castle) from the classic novel by Noel Streatfield, Ballet Shoes is an uplifting family drama.



A Granada production for the BBC. Executive Producers: Heidi Thomas (I Capture the Castle, Lilies), Michele Buck (Dracula), Damien Timmer (Housewife, 49), and Patrick Spence (Waking The Dead); Director: Sandra Goldbacher (Me Without You); Producer: Piers Wenger (Housewife, 49).



Compass: The Qur'an: Part One

Sunday, 07 June 2009

The Qur'an has become the most ideologically influential text in the world. Muslims believe it to be the word of God, as first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in a cave in the Arabian Desert, nearly fifteen hundred years ago.

Today Islam is a religion of vast dimensions. Well over a billion people from the Americas to China, from India to the southern tip of Africa, are Muslim. Yet within this single universe of belief, there are profound differences in the status of women, attitudes to peace and violence, punishment and forgiveness. Some Muslim regimes deny girls the right to an education and women the right to vote or drive. In other Muslim countries, women lead political parties and have even become heads of state.

But if Islam is rooted in the Qur'an, and the Qur'an is the ultimate and changeless message of God, how are these differences possible? Is it possible to go back to the source, and discover what the Qur'an actually says about the most important spiritual and ethical questions?

In this powerful and stunningly beautiful two-part program, The Qur'an, award-winning UK director, Antony Thomas takes us into the heart of the Muslim world and through the personal lives of people living according to their understanding of the Qur'an. The range of witnesses and experiences is extraordinary -- from Ayatollahs and Grand Imams to simple farmers; from women in positions of power to women living in veiled seclusion; from those who speak of the Qur'an's uncompromising message of peace and tolerance to those who find justification in the text for violent conflict and suicide bombing.

All speak frankly about their relationship with the Book which governs their lives, and through them, we gain clearer and clearer insights into this wonderfully complex, beautiful and often contradictory ‘guide and healing for humanity’.



Executive Producer: Rose Hesp.





Monday, 08 June 2009

Section D learns from the Venezuelan secret service that the visiting Venezuelan President is being targeted by CIA hit-man Annibal Rodriguez (Stephen Da Costa). If MI5 prevents the assassination, the Venezuelans will provide intelligence they have regarding an al-Qaeda attack on a British school.

Meanwhile, Zaf's tortured corpse is found and ex-CIA Bob Hogan (Matthew Marsh) identifies a group called the 'Red-backs', who torture spies to extract intelligence.

When Jo (Miranda Raison) is snatched by them, Adam (Rupert Penry-Jones) asks Hogan to make contact and offer money for her safe return. Hogan sets up the exchange but reveals himself to be a Red-back, and Adam is captured, too.

Ben, (Alex Lanipekun) meanwhile, stops Rodriguez before he can kill the Venezuelan President, but the CIA, who commissioned the assassination, are incensed.

Harry (Peter Firth) sends a team to find Hogan, but the CIA reach him first. Hogan's willing to give up Jo and Adam, but the CIA won't let him talk to MI5 unless they get Rodriguez back. But if Rodriguez is returned to the Americans, the Venezuelans won't provide Harry with information on the school attack. Harry's solution is to tell the CIA that Rodriguez is dead, but he does a deal to share the intelligence about the al-Qaeda attack - agreeing that the US can have the terrorists.

Join the adventure and extend your television experience with the sleek, interactive online game at



A Kudos Film and Television Production for BBC.



Around The World In 80 Gardens: Northern Europe

Tuesday, 09 June 2009

In the penultimate episode of this globe-trotting series, Monty Don reaches Northern Europe. From the floral wonders of Britain's Sissinghurst castle, to the garden palette of impressionist painter Monet, to the quirky individuality of two of Monty's most admired contemporary designers, he's forced to wonder why this part of the world is so rich in gardening glories, and how we can care for this massive horticultural heritage.

Highlights in this episode include: Rousham Park and Sissinghurst in the UK; France's Chateau de Villandry and Monet's Giverny; Het Loo in The Netherlands and the personal retreat of one of Monty's favourite designers in Belgium. And finally, the most northerly botanic gardens in the world.



Executive Producers: Sarah Moors and Richard Sinclair; Series Producer: Kerry Richardson. A BBC Production.



Jennifer Byrne Presents Cads And Bounders

New Series

Tuesday, 09 June 2009

Jennifer Byrne Presents is a series of individual treats for lovers of books and writing. It features discussions with leading authors and investigations into the popularity of writing genres such as crime, sex and romance, and fantasy.

Jennifer and her guests embark on a fascinating exploration of literature's bad boys - the cads and bounders!

Cads and bounders - the very words are a bit delicious, and though their origin is arguable we all know what those terms mean. Men behaving badly - especially towards women.

Without wasting too much energy distinguishing between the two, after all they go so perfectly together: "you sir, are a cad and a bounder", Jennifer has been doing some digging, and it seems the most likely derivation of 'cad' is from cadet, the younger of a good family who was sent away to train as a military officer. While a 'bounder' is literally someone beyond the bounds, a sort of jumped-up cad. What's interesting is that you won't find the word ‘cad’ mentioned in either Jane Austen or Georgette Heyer, though they had plenty of rakes and scoundrels in their novels, which puts the cads' estimated time of arrival at around the mid 19th century.

However, enough of origins, what about their wicked deeds? Jennifer has assembled a sparkling group to nominate what they regard as literature's greatest and most memorable cad or bounder.

Chris Taylor identifies with the scheming cad who is the Vicomte de Valmont from Choderlos de Laclos's Dangerous Liaisons. Mia Freedman names Mr Big from Sex and the City as her ultimate bounder. Edmund Capon thinks that the moustachioed Flashman from the George MacDonald Fraser series is the pinnacle of caddishness. Sandra Yates goes for the traditional bounder, with her choice of the darkly brooding Heathcliffe from Wuthering Heights.

Jennifer Byrne Presents Cads And Bounders will be repeated on ABC2 – Thursday, June 14 at 7:00pm



Executive Producer: Sophia Zachariou; Series Producer: Brendan Walls



Grandpa In My Pocket

New Series

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Grandpa (James Bolam) lives with his family in the beautiful seaside town of Sunnysands. He spends much of his time sitting in his favourite armchair or enjoying a "little lie-down" in his room. At least that's what everyone thinks! Everyone that is, except his seven-year-old grandson, Jason (Jay Ruckley). He is the only one that knows Grandpa's big secret - a magic shrinking cap! When Grandpa shrinks he becomes small enough to hide in Jason's pocket. He can turn up anywhere and everywhere. When he's small he's great fun to be with, but full of mischief. He can help or he can hinder and Jason usually has to step in to sort out the ensuing chaos.

Grandpa In My Pocket explores the hugely important grandparent/grandchild relationship by turning it on its head. Jason and Grandpa's fantastical adventures are full of drama, jeopardy and comedy.

Ep 1: Beowulf The Brilliant - Wednesday, June 10 at 8:25am on ABC1

Grandpa's awful sister, Great Aunt Loretta, threatens to take his dog Beowulf to the Dogs' Home. Horrified, Grandpa shrinks and sets out on a mission to make her love 'Wulfy', but only makes matters worse.

Ep 2: How To Handle A Hampster -Thursday, June 11 at 8:25am on ABC1

Jason's sister Jemima looks after the school hamster for the weekend and discovers that it has a taste for adventure. Jason and Jemima don't want Dad to know that the hamster's in trouble. What a good job Grandpa can shrink and get into tiny places!

Ep 3: Liker Biker's Big Mountain Mission - Friday, June 12 at 8:25am on ABC1

Mr Liker Biker is planning to cycle up Mistymoor Mountain to raise funds for the Young At Heart Club, but he's more interested in choosing new kit than riding a bike. Grandpa's got to get him to the top of that mountain - but how?

Grandpa In My Pocket will be repeated on ABC2 - Wednesday, June 10 at 12:45pm


Adastra Creative Ltd MMIX



The Cook And The Chef

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

This week on The Cook And The Chef, Simon Bryant and Maggie Beer celebrate Stephanie Alexander's contribution to food in Australia.

When it came to food Stephanie had a charmed childhood. Her mother used cooking to express her creativity, and the nightly presentations of meals for her family were a gift of love. Stephanie's associations with food were so wonderfully positive that as a cook she has found herself on a mission to take anxiety out of and bring joy to cooking and eating. From the mid 70s she took her French-inspired cooking to an incredibly receptive restaurant audience.

These days Stephanie has enlisted young foot soldiers for her food revolution. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program seeks funding to provide schools across Australia with the means to set up a learning garden linked with a kitchen. The pilot program was established in 2001 and now 92 schools across Australia are involved in the project. Maggie is the ambassador for the Kitchen Garden Project in South Australia and her love of empowering children through gardening and cooking is shared by Simon who is the patron of the Kids’ Cooking Club at his local farmers market.

In the kitchen, Simon and Maggie inspired by Stephanie, delve into their pantry and fridge to see what they can create. Maggie finds potato left over from a pizza, and pumpkin from a cous cous dish. She brings these left-overs to life with various ingredients to create a frittata. Simon's pantry staples include lentils and rice and he uses a combination of both to make a warming risotto which features some great winter veggies like leek and fennel. Maggie also makes one of Stephanie's Kitchen Garden recipes, a wonderful warm polenta and rosemary bread with corn. Like Maggie, Simon wouldn't make anything with kids that he wouldn't enjoy eating himself and his cheesy potatoes are no exception.

The Cook And The Chef will be repeated on ABC2 - Thursday, June 11 at 5:00pm



Produced by ABC TV. Executive Producer: Margot Phillipson; Series Producer: Colin Haynes.



The New Inventors

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Hosted by James O'Loghlin, The New Inventors presents a special episode, 'Dealing with Disaster'.

Invention 1A BUSHFIRE SMART HOUSE - inventor Dr Ian Weir (WA). The Bushfire Smart House is designed to sustain itself in a bushfire without human intervention using bushfire-rated reflective glazing in windows that reach down to the floor, remote-controlled ember-resistant perforated roller shutters, a protective roof, sprinkler system, and a safety zone inside the house that contains dedicated fire fighting and safety equipment. Bushfire Smart House - you can't stop a bushfire, but you can design smarter homes.

Invention 1B SIGHT SKETCHER - co-inventor Justin Leonard (VIC). The Sight Sketcher measures and maps a house in its environment and then uses test scenarios to assess its vulnerability to bushfire. Developed at the CSIRO, the scanning device takes snapshots of the house and any surrounding features to create a 3D model of all relevant bushfire risks. Sight Sketcher - solve a problem before it's a disaster.

Invention 2 ANUGA - inventors Dr Ole Nielson and Stephen Roberts (ACT). ANUGA is software developed by Australian National University and GeoScience Australia. It models water flow in the event of floods, dam breaks, storm surges and tsunamis, so that the water's movement can be anticipated and draft evacuation plans, protective levees and cities can be designed safely. Anuga - predicting a safer future.

Invention 3 ARK - inventors Matt Guest and Scott Horan (ACT). Domestic animals are not allowed into temporary accommodation during a disaster, so ARK trailers are used to house and treat up to 40 dogs, 60 cats, 50 sheep, snakes and other exotic pet species. They were recently utilised in the Victorian bushfires. ARK - man's best friend shouldn't be left behind.

The New Inventors will be repeated on ABC2 - Friday, June 12 at 4:30pm



An ABC TV Production



The Ascent Of Money: Blowing Bubbles

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Why do stock markets produce bubbles and busts? Professor Niall Ferguson goes back to the origins of the joint stock company in 17th century Amsterdam and Paris. He tells us that the United Dutch East India Company was the first joint stock company in history.

Ferguson draws telling parallels between the recent stock market crash and the 18th century Mississippi Bubble of Scottish renegade murderer and gambler, later financier, John Law, who was the perpetrator of the first stock market 'bubble' in 1720.

He shows why humans have a herd instinct when it comes to investment, and why no one can accurately predict when the bulls might stampede.

We learn that after the stock market crash in 1929 the market lost a staggering 86%, reaching its nadir in 1932. One quarter of the population of the United States was unemployed.

Why did the 1929 crash happen, and indeed why does any crash happen? This remains one of the most hotly debated questions in financial history.

Professor Ferguson explains why Enron, the company responsible for one of the biggest financial scandals in modern history, and that was declared bankrupt in 2001, pioneered the dubious business practices that continue to plague us today.



Presenter: Niall Ferguson; Director: Adrian Pennick; Producer: Melaine Fall;

A Chimerica Media Production.



Kids' Business

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Over one year at a central Victorian primary school a group of typical, but also amazing, 10-12 year olds met in a once weekly class to discuss issues concerning their relationships both at school and at home. And Cath South and Stewart Carter filmed this process. The resulting film Kids' Business is a moving account of the kids' struggles over that year.

The class, Solving The Jigsaw, which the school has run for six years, gives the children a setting where they can discuss anything they want relating to their lives. The motto of the group is "there is nothing you can't talk about". And because of the confidential setting, the kids discuss the most personal, and in some cases heart-rending, issues they face. Death, family feuds, disappointment, exclusion, bullying, and violence at home are all discussed openly and dealt with sensitively.

The class is run by facilitator Bernadette Wright, with the intention of teaching the children how to communicate their feelings and control situations that may feel out of their control. Bernadette fosters a feeling of trust in which the grade 5 and 6 kids feel confident to talk about their lives. But most importantly, they learn how to talk to their parents about what matters to them. The result is a deeply moving insight into the complexities of these children's lives and relationships.

The kids and their families all agreed to share their experiences on film.



Directed and produced by Cath South and Stewart Carter. Kid's Business is a People Pictures Production.



Silent Witness: Judgement

Friday, 12 June 2009

When the badly decomposed body of a Hasidic man is discovered on a disused wasteland, Harry (Tom Ward) is required to investigate his death, and to treat the community with care. Everything points towards a brutal anti-Semitic murder by a Polish labourer - but when the time of death contradicts his wife's last sighting, Harry becomes suspicious. The deeper Harry delves, the tighter this close-knit community becomes, until Harry and Nikki (Emilia Fox) come across forensic evidence that suggests the killer comes from within the Hasidic community.

Meanwhile, Leo (William Gaminara) investigates the death of a female Australian backpacker at a house party. The partygoers are saying it's a straightforward drug death, but markings on her body suggest a sexually motivated crime. Leo finds himself being given short shrift by her friends as he tries to piece together the moments leading to her death.



Written by Christian Spurrier. Directed by Diarmuid Lawrence. Produced by George Ormond and executive produced by Phillippa Giles. A BBC Production.



New Tricks: A Face For Radio

Saturday, 13 June 2009

An arson attack on 1980s music station Roxy Radio ten years ago resulted in the death of the popular, but controversial DJ, Johnny Deacon, and left the cleaner, Sharon Revie, blind and scarred for life. The station's media-mogul owner, Sir Max Wyatt, who was already under public scrutiny for ripping off the company employees’ pension fund, committed suicide shortly after the studios burned down. Despite suggestions of an insurance scam or revenge attack, the original investigation drew a blank.

When Jeremy Kirkham (Reece Shearsmith), super-geek and life president of Deacon's fan club, campaigns for the case to be reopened, the UCOS team gains a murder inquiry and Brian Lane (Alun Armstrong) gains a new friend. Socially inept, awkward and clumsy, Jeremy finds it is a meeting of minds when he shows Brian his fully catalogued collection of all Deacon's programs, including his distressing last broadcast on the night of the fire.

Deacon's producer, cheesy DJ Graham Madeley, escaped the fire. With his trophy younger wife Sarah and his office now a shrine to his dead friend and the good old days, Madeley's loyalty and hero-worship of Deacon seem at odds with how others viewed their relationship. So Pullman (Amanda Redman) sends Brian undercover at one of the station's fun days. But Brian is less in disguise and more in full fancy-dress costume, thanks to his wife Esther and her interpretation of the 1980s.

With Halford (James Bolam) missing since Ricky Hanson's trial, the team is under pressure not only to deliver on the case, but to cover Halford's prolonged absence. Strickland is keen to find a permanent replacement for Jack, but Pullman and Standing (Dennis Waterman) call his bluff, threatening to quit UCOS rather than work with someone new on the team.


A Wall to Wall production for BBC.



The Bill

Saturday June 13, 8:30pm - Ep. 663 - Matters of the Mind

The theft of a watch at a social club leads the Sun Hill team to suspect the resident magician Drake Danvers (Tim Treloar), who initially claims he bought the watch.

However, when DC Stevie Moss (Lucy Speed) and DI Neil Manson (Andrew Lancel) do secure a confession, Manson is unconvinced, and they eventually discover that the magician is being blackmailed.

A sting is set up to catch the extortionist, but a brawl breaks out and diverts their attention, letting the culprit escape with the money. They then have to rely on CCTV footage, and the very person the magician was protecting, turns out to be his betrayer.

Saturday June 13, 9:15pm - Ep. 664 - Leap of Faith

After a call for help from PCs Beth Green (Louisa Lytton) and Tony Stamp (Graham Cole), PC Nate Roberts (Ben Richards) dives into the Thames to rescue a young woman attempting suicide.

When a small bag of heroine is found in the girl's pocket, DCs Terry Perkins (Bruce Byron) and Jo Masters (Sally Rogers) visit the boxing club where she works and uncover evidence of drug-dealing. But the reason for her suicide attempt is much more sinister.

Beth clashes with Perkins over his handling of the suspect, and then she tells the team she's applied for a post with the witness protection team.

The Bill will be repeated on ABC2 – Tuesday, June 16 at 9:20pm



talkbackTHAMES (FremantleMedia). Executive Producer: Jonathan Young.

Watch Out For...

Sunday, 07 June 2009


Sunday Arts

This week on Sunday Arts we feature Casey Bennetto and Eddie Perfect One-on-One in conversation about their hit musicals.

One-on-One: Casey Bennetto and Eddie Perfect

Find out what Paul Keating and Shane Warne have in common in this week's One-on-One when Sunday Arts team up the man who brought us Keating! The Musical and the guy behind Shane Warne The Musical. Casey Bennetto and Eddie Perfect discuss their hit musicals and how they approached writing about these two very big personalities. Shane Warne the Musical starts in Sydney on May 15th and runs until June 27.

Sunday Arts will be repeated on ABC2 – Sunday, June 07 at 7:30pm


Thursday, 11 June 2009



Gravity Probe

On April 20, 2004, a small spacecraft set out on a giant quest … to answer one of the fundamental questions of our universe. This is the extraordinary Gravity Probe B mission - 50 years in the making, boasting the most perfectly formed gyroscopic spheres ever created by human beings, beset by setbacks and cancellations, fire and failure … it's the longest, most expensive experiment ever conducted by NASA. Dr Jonica Newby discovers that they are finally on the verge of delivering the answer to the question - was Einstein right about gravity?


Farmers in Victoria, planning to find new ways to manage their land, can now maximise its environmental benefit by turning to a scheme being trialled by the Victorian Government. Current economic theory puts no value on the environment, but this scheme allows farmers to make a financial bid for the land works they may wish to introduce. This can then be assessed against a modelling tool called the Catchment Management Framework (CMF).This tool was developed by the Victorian Government to combine different scientific models of environmental characteristics, such as soil type, vegetation and water in order to predict the impact of land management. Graham Phillips meets a farmer who is already seeing benefits from this 'Eco-Market'.

Uranium Minerals

Ever since the first nuclear power station was commissioned, the storage of radioactive waste has been a contentious issue. But, deep beneath the sands of the Murray basin in North Western Victoria granite deposits may offer a solution to safer storage of radioactive waste. Radioactive materials can remain dangerous for thousands of years but Mother Nature has her own method of stabilising nuclear materials. Dr Paul Willis investigates a unique mineral deposit that may help solve a problem that refuses to go away.

Catalyst will be repeated on ABC2 – Friday, June 12 at 5:30pm



Wednesday, May 13

Insert classification:

9:00pm The Gruen Tranfer


Friday, May 15

Insert classification:

8:00pm Collectors


Insert classification:

11:20pm triple j tv With The Doctor


Insert classification:

11:50pm Good Game


Saturday, May 16 SA & NT ONLY

Amend teams to read:

2:00pm The SANFL: Sturt Vs South Adelaide

Wednesday, May 20

Insert classification:

6:00pm Travel Oz

(G*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following program may contain images and voices of deceased persons)

Insert classification:

8:00pm The New Inventors


Insert classification:

8:30pm Spicks And Specks


Friday, May 22

Insert classification:

8:00pm Collectors


Saturday, May 23 NSW & ACT ONLY

Insert teams:

3:00pm Rugby Union: Shute Shield 2009: West Harbour Vs Warringah

Wednesday, May 27

Insert classification:

3:55pm Classic Tales


Insert classification:

6:00pm Travel Oz


Thursday, May 28

Insert classification:

3:55pm Classic Tales


Insert ‘Final’:

3:15am Street Practice

(CC, Rpt, PG*Sexual references) Final

Friday, May 29

Insert classification:

3:55pm Classic Tales


Insert closed caption:

4:35pm Iron Man: Armored Adventures


Insert classification:

6:30pm Can We Help?


Saturday, May 30

Insert classification:

1:30pm Can We Help?


Saturday, May 30 QLD ONLY

Insert teams:

2:00pm Rugby League: 2009: Burleigh Vs Wynnum Manly

Saturday, May 30 NSW & ACT ONLY

Insert teams:

3:00pm Rugby Union: Shute Shield 2009: Sydney University Vs Manly

Saturday, May 30 VIC ONLY

Insert teams:

1:00pm VFL Football 2009: Port Melbourne Vs Box Hill Hawks

Sunday, May 31

Delete program:

4:05pm Lugosi: Fallen Vampire

Insert program:

4:05pm Once Upon A Time: Rome Open City

(CC, Rpt, PG)

While ostensibly about Roberto Rossellini's masterpiece, this is a biography of the great director.

Tuesday, June 02

Insert classification:

8:30pm Around The World In 80 Gardens


Wednesday, June 03

Insert classification:

6:00pm Travel Oz


Thursday, June 04

Insert classification:

11:25pm Spectacle: Elvis Costello With…


Friday, June 05

Insert closed caption:

6:05am Iron Man: Armored Adventures

(Repeat, CC) Final

Insert classification:

6:30pm Can We Help?


Saturday, June 06

Insert classification:

1:30pm Can We Help?


Saturday, June 06 QLD ONLY

Insert teams:

2:00pm Rugby League: 2009: Redcliffe Vs Burleigh

Saturday, June 06 TAS ONLY

Amend program title to read (ie delete Smoky Dawson):

4:05pm Terrors Of Tasmania

(CC, Rpt, G)

Saturday, June 06 NSW & ACT ONLY

Insert teams:

3:00pm Rugby Union: Shute Shield 2009: Easts Vs Warringah

Saturday, June 06 VIC ONLY

Insert teams:

1:00pm VFL Football 2009: Port Melbourne Vs Box Hill Hawks

Program Guide

Sunday, 07 June 2009

05:00 rage


Continuous music programming

06:00 rage


Continuous music programming

06:30 Andy Pandy

(G, Rpt)

06:35 Lazy Town

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:00 George Shrinks

(G, Rpt)

07:25 The Latest Buzz

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:50 Fairly Odd Parents

(G, Rpt)

08:10 Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G)

08:35 Dragon Booster

(CC, G, Rpt)

09:00 Insiders


A not-to-be missed analysis of the week's political news, with interviews, discussion and analysis with Barrie Cassidy and guests.

10:00 Inside Business


Alan Kohler with analysis and comment on the events and issues concerning business, investors and entrepreneurs.

10:30 Offsiders


A show for anyone who's serious about sport, Offsiders will provide challenging, insightful, humorous debate about the topic that dominates weekends - sport. Hosted by Barrie Cassidy.

11:00 Asia Pacific Focus


Draws on the ABC's regional expertise to provide quality analysis on major issues and interviews with key newsmakers in the Asia Pacific.

11:30 Songs Of Praise: Harrogate

(CC, G)

Pam Rhodes visits the elegant town of Harrogate which, in its Victorian heyday, was a magnet for the rich and famous.

12:00 Landline


Australia's national rural program, with reports from around the country on rural and urban issues. Presented by Anne Kruger.

01:00 Gardening Australia

(CC, G, Rpt)

A Queen's Birthday best of. Colin Campbell explains how different nutrients affect plant growth; Sophie Thompson builds a no fuss compost bin that almost anyone can make for little cost.

01:30 Message Stick: Talking Stick: Education

(CC, G)

Presenter Miriam Corowa discusses Indigenous education with guests including NSW Minister for Community Services and The Honourable Linda Burney.

02:00 The Airships: Forced Landing

(CC, G, Rpt) Final

Examines the world's most famous airship disaster which put an end to regular passenger flights.

03:00 Soweto Strings: Two Years In The Life Of A Classical Music Project

(CC, G, Rpt)

South African youngsters soar to musical heights amidst the poverty and crime of Soweto, thanks to a dedicated and gifted British teacher.

04:30 First Tuesday Book Club With Jennifer Byrne

(CC, Rpt)

Jennifer Byrne, Marieke Hardy and Jason Steger plus authors Richard Flanagan and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie debate the merits of this month's two books, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ransom by David Malouf.

05:00 Sunday Arts


We feature Casey Bennetto and Eddie Perfect One-on-One in conversation about their hit musicals.

06:00 At The Movies

(CC, Rpt)

Join Margaret and David as they review the latest in cinema releases.

06:30 The Einstein Factor

(CC, G)

Offbeat quiz show hosted by Peter Berner. The Brains Trust panel are Dr Barry Jones, Dr Robert Bell and Jean Kittson.

07:00 ABC News


07:30 The Bear Man Of Kamchatka


A warm and stunningly beautiful film about one man's love and care for orphaned grizzly bear cubs and his determination to prove they can live harmoniously with humans.

08:20 ABC News Up-Date


08:30 Ballet Shoes

(CC, G)

Follow the adventures of three orphans who are adopted by an eccentric explorer in this heart-warming adaptation of Noel Streatfield's classic tale set in 1930s London and stars Emma Watson.

09:55 Compass: The Qur'an: Part One

(CC, M*Violence)

In this powerful and beautiful program, award-winning director, Antony Thomas takes us into the heart of the Muslim world and through the personal lives of people living according to their understanding of the Qur'an.

10:45 Reel Bad Arabs

(CC, Rpt, M*Frequent violence. Coarse language. Adult themes.)

Isolates and examines American cinema's most persistent Arab caricatures, from oversexed Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and blood-thirsty terrorists. Based on author Jack Shaheen's book.

11:40 Order In The House


A weekly review of parliamentary proceedings.

12:40 Movie: Canadian Pacific

(CC, PG, 1949, B&W, Rpt)

A surveyor fights all odds to get the railroad through the wilderness. CAST: Randolph Scott, Jane Wyatt DIR Edwin L. Marin (1949)

02:25 Movie: They Passed This Way

(G, 1948, Rpt)

An adventure film about the manhunt for lone cowhand Ross McEwen who held up the bank at Santa Maria while the town was welcoming the famous Pat Garrett. CAST: Joel McCrea DIR: Alfred E. Green (1948)

04:00 The Pet Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

Johnny Young and team of vet reporters will deliver advice on anything from a Labrador to a Lorikeet.

Monday, 08 June 2009

04:30 Police Rescue

(CC, PG, Rpt)

05:30 The New Inventors

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:00 Freaky

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:05 Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:30 Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:40 The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:50 The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers

(G, Rpt)

07:00 Martin Morning

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:10 Dinosapien

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:35 Sitting Ducks

(G, Rpt)

07:45 Miss BG

(G, Rpt)

08:00 Wow Wow Wubbzy

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:10 Olivia

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:25 Timmy Time

(CC, G)

08:35 Sesame Street

(CC, G, HD)

09:00 In The Night Garden

(CC, G, Rpt)

09:30 Play School Concert

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:00 Angelina Sets Sail

(G, Rpt)

10:45 Olivia

(CC, G, Rpt)

11:00 Landline

(CC, Rpt)

12:00 Midday Report


12:30 Poirot

(CC, PG)

01:30 The Cook And The Chef

(CC, G, Rpt)

02:00 Parkinson

(CC, PG, Rpt) Final

03:00 Bananas In Pyjamas

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:05 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:30 Lunar Jim

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:40 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:55 Classic Tales


04:00 RollerCoaster


Princess Natasha

(CC, G, Rpt)

The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:00 M.I. High


05:25 Naturally Sadie

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:50 BTN Daily


06:00 Landline Extra

(CC, Rpt)

Australia's national rural program, with reports from around the country on rural and urban issues. Presented by Anne Kruger.

06:30 Talking Heads: Renee Geyer

(CC, G, Rpt)

Studio interview program that goes behind the ‘public face’ of fascinating men and women in our society. This episode's Talking Head is Renee Geyer.

07:00 ABC News


07:30 The 7.30 Report


08:00 Australian Story


Stories of contemporary Australian life and people, told by the subjects themselves.

08:30 Four Corners


Australia's premier television investigative journalism program.

09:20 Media Watch


Australia's leading forum for media analysis and comment, presented by Jonathan Holmes.

09:35 Spooks

(CC, M*Violence)

Section D has intelligence regarding an al-Qaeda attack on a British school but they must first stop a sanctioned CIA hit on the Venezuelan President. CAST: Hermione Norris

10:30 Lateline


A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

11:10 Thanks For The Memories

(CC, Rpt, PG*Contains Surgical Scenes)

Heart transplant recipients experience remarkable changes in their lives as they inherit the memories, habits and desires of their donors.

12:00 MDA: Aftershocks

(CC, Rpt, M*Coarse Language)

Ella is unhappy with MDA's tactics when representing a deceased MDA member, and reveals that the hospital has offered her a fulltime job. CAST: Kerry Armstrong

12:55 Movie: Letter From An Unknown Woman

(CC, G, 1948, Rpt)

Stefan Brand receives a letter from an unknown woman who has a lifelong passion for him. CAST: Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan DIR: Max Ophüls (1948)

02:20 Movie: Annabel Takes A Tour

(G, 1938, B&W, Rpt)

A wacky heiress falls in love with the songwriter she's been romantically linked with as a publicity stunt. The problem is, he's married. CAST: Lucille Ball, Jack Oakie, Ruth Donnelly DIR: Lew Landers (1938)

03:25 Bowls: Perth International 2009: Australia Vs Scotland: Men's Pairs


Tuesday, 09 June 2009

04:30 Police Rescue

(CC, PG, Rpt)

05:30 The New Inventors

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:00 Freaky

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:05 Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:30 Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:40 The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:50 The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers

(G, Rpt)

07:00 Martin Morning

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:10 Dinosapien

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:35 Sitting Ducks

(G, Rpt)

07:45 Miss BG

(G, Rpt)

08:00 Wow Wow Wubbzy

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:10 Olivia

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:25 Timmy Time

(CC, G) Final

08:35 Sesame Street

(CC, G, HD)

09:00 In The Night Garden

(CC, G, Rpt)

09:30 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:00 Behind The News


10:25 Our History

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:35 Arrows Of Desire

(CC, G, Rpt)

11:00 The House of Agoraphobics

(CC, Rpt, G) Final

12:00 Midday Report


12:30 The Einstein Factor

(CC, G, Rpt)

01:00 The New Inventors

(CC, G, Rpt)

01:30 Catalyst

(CC, Rpt)

02:00 Movie: Criminal Court

(CC, PG, 1946, B&W, Rpt)

A well-liked lawyer accidentally kills a not-so-well-liked saloon owner. CAST: Tom Conway, Martha O'Driscoll, June Clayworth, Robert Armstrong DIR: Robert Wise (1946)

03:00 Bananas In Pyjamas

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:05 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:30 Lunar Jim

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:40 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:55 Classic Tales


04:00 RollerCoaster


Princess Natasha

(CC, G, Rpt)

The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:00 M.I. High


05:25 Naturally Sadie

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:50 BTN Daily


06:05 Time Team: Rise Hill

(CC, G)

Digs are suggested by a member of the viewing public who knows of an unsolved archaeological mystery. The team then uncovers as much as they can about the archaeology and history of the site in three days.

07:00 ABC News


07:30 The 7.30 Report


08:00 Foreign Correspondent


Mark Corcoran presents stories from the ABC's international correspondents.

08:30 Around The World In 80 Gardens: Northern Europe

(CC, G)

In the penultimate episode of this globe-trotting series, Monty reaches Northern Europe where he visits Sissinghurst castle in Britain, Monet's garden in France, Het Loo in the Netherlands and a personal retreat in Belgium.

09:35 Mumbai Calling: Dating Season

(CC, PG)

Dev accepts a speaking engagement on behalf of Kenny Gupta. Kenny is initially reticent to give the speech at 'The Indo British Trade Association Dinner Dance (and Raffle)', but Dev convinces him. CAST: Sanjeev Bhaskar

10:00 Jennifer Byrne Presents Cads And Bounders

(CC, PG)

A series of individual treats for lovers of books and writing. Jennifer and her guests embark on a fascinating exploration of literature's bad boys - the cads and bounders!

10:30 Lateline


A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

11:05 Lateline Business


The day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

11:30 Four Corners

(CC, Rpt)

Australia's premier television investigative journalism program.

12:20 Media Watch

(CC, Rpt)

Australia's leading forum for media analysis and comment, presented by Jonathan Holmes.

12:35 Foyle's War: Among The Few

(CC, PG, Rpt)

When Foyle and Sam are shot at and almost run over by a speeding vehicle they inadvertently uncover an illicit fuel racket. Sam goes undercover at the local fuel depot posing as a tank driver. CAST: Michael Kitchen

02:15 Movie: Go Chase Yourself

(G, 1938, B&W, Rpt)

A bank teller unwittingly aids three criminals and ends up in a fast-paced chase. CAST: Joe Penner, Lucille Ball, June Travis, Richard Lanev DIR: Edward F. Cline (1938)

03:25 triple j tv With The Doctor

(G, Rpt)

The Doctor's making a house call! Features interviews and comedy segments, plus all the best video clips and appearances by all your fave triple j presenters.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

04:30 Police Rescue

(CC, PG, Rpt)

05:30 The New Inventors

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:00 Freaky

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:05 Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:30 Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:40 The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:55 The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers

(G, Rpt)

07:00 Martin Morning

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:10 Dinosapien

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:35 Sitting Ducks

(G, Rpt)

07:45 Miss BG

(G, Rpt)

08:00 Wow Wow Wubbzy

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:10 Olivia

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:25 Grandpa In My Pocket


08:35 Sesame Street

(CC, G, HD)

09:00 In The Night Garden

(CC, G, Rpt)

09:30 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:00 For The Juniors

(G, Rpt)

10:15 We Are From

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:30 Behind The News

(CC, Rpt)

10:55 Australians

(CC, G, Rpt)

11:00 Space Odyssey

(CC, G, Rpt)

12:00 Midday Report


12:30 National Press Club Address


01:30 Talking Heads

(CC, G, Rpt)

02:00 Movie: Child Of Divorce

(CC, PG, 1946, B&W, Rpt)

An exploration of the pain a child suffers when her parents divorce. Based on the play Wednesday's Child by Leopold L. Atlas. CAST: Sharyn Moffett, Regis Toomey, Madge Meredith DIR: Richard Fleischer (1946)

03:00 Bananas In Pyjamas

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:05 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:30 Lunar Jim

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:40 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:55 Classic Tales


04:00 RollerCoaster


Princess Natasha

(CC, G, Rpt)

The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:00 M.I. High


05:25 Naturally Sadie

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:50 BTN Daily


06:00 Travel Oz

(CC, G)

A travel series hosted by Greg Grainger. Each episode travels to three or four destinations, all within Australia and its territories.

06:30 The Cook And The Chef


Maggie visits her friend Stephanie Alexander to find out about her work with kids. In the kitchen it's kid-friendly food with corn and polenta bread and cheesy potatoes.

07:00 ABC News


07:30 The 7.30 Report


08:00 The New Inventors

(CC, G)

A special episode featuring new ideas on how to design a bushfire smart house; solve a problem before it's a disaster; predict a safer future; and accommodate animals affected by a disaster.

08:30 Spicks And Specks


The world of music exposed like never before. Comedian Adam Hills leads two teams through different rounds of music-related riddles and games.

09:00 The Chaser's War On Everything


The Chaser returns, expanding the war beyond our borders and taking aim at unsuspecting targets around the world, as well as escalating their assault on Australian politicians, business leaders and the media.

09:35 Moving Wallpaper

(CC, Rpt, M*Sexual References)

A satirical look at the making of TV soap Echo Beach. CAST: Ben Miller

10:00 At The Movies


Join Margaret and David as they review the latest in cinema releases.

10:30 Lateline


A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

11:05 Lateline Business


The day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

11:30 Dalziel And Pascoe: Guardian Angel: Part One

(CC, PG, Rpt)

Wetherton's bliss is rocked when housewife, Susan Goodman, is murdered while doing her weekly shopping. CAST: Pal Miclean, Colin Buchanan

12:25 Movie: HG Wells' The Man Who Could Work Miracles

(CC, PG, 1937, B&W)

George Fotheringay is a draper's assistant who, out of the blue, is suddenly endowed with the power to work miracles. CAST: Ralph Richardson, Roland Young, Joan Gardner DIR: Lothar Mendes (1937)

01:50 Movie: Innocents In Paris

(CC, G, 1953, B&W, Rpt)

A diverse group of English innocents arrive in Paris for the first time. Each has come with different expectations and desires, and sets off to fulfil their dreams. CAST: Alastair Sim, Laurence Harvey DIR: Gordon Parry (1953)

03:25 National Press Club Address

(CC, Rpt)

Thursday, 11 June 2009

04:30 Police Rescue

(CC, PG, Rpt)

05:30 The New Inventors

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:00 Freaky

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:05 Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:30 Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:40 The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:50 The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers

(G, Rpt)

07:00 Martin Morning

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:10 Dinosapien

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:35 Sitting Ducks

(G, Rpt)

07:45 Miss BG

(G, Rpt)

08:00 Wow Wow Wubbzy

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:10 Olivia

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:25 Grandpa In My Pocket


08:35 Sesame Street

(CC, G, HD)

09:00 In The Night Garden

(CC, G, Rpt)

09:30 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:00 For The Juniors

(G, Rpt)

10:15 Music Moves

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:30 Atoms Alive

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:45 Real Chinese

(CC, G, Rpt)

11:00 Navigators

(CC, G, Rpt) Final

12:00 Midday Report


12:30 Pilot Guides

(CC, *The information in this program was correct at the time of production. Travellers should confirm current travel advisories and related matters prior to travel)

01:30 Collectors

(CC, G, Rpt)

02:00 Movie: Follow Me Quietly

(CC, PG, 1949, B&W, Rpt)

A mysterious killer, known only as The Judge, kills anyone he considers worthless. CAST: William Lundigan, Dorothy Patrick, Jeff Corey DIR: Richard Fleischer (1949)

03:00 Bananas In Pyjamas

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:05 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:30 Lunar Jim

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:40 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:55 Classic Tales


04:00 RollerCoaster


Princess Natasha

(CC, G, Rpt)

The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:00 M.I. High


05:25 Naturally Sadie

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:50 BTN Daily


06:05 Dan Cruickshank's Adventures In Architecture: Paradise

(CC, G)

Dan Cruickshank looks at buildings that evoke the image of paradise across religions and cultures.

07:00 ABC News


07:30 The 7.30 Report


08:00 Catalyst


Space probe results - was Einstein right about gravity?; Computing the environmental cost of land management; and nature's answer to radioactive waste.

08:30 The Ascent Of Money: Blowing Bubbles

(CC, G)

Why do stock markets produce bubbles and busts? Professor Niall Ferguson explains the origins of the joint stock company in 17th century Amsterdam and Paris.

09:25 Kids' Business

(CC, PG)

Over one year at a central Victorian primary school a group of typical 10-12 year olds talk about things that concern them. For some that means dealing with death, bullying and violence at school, and occasionally at home.

10:20 Lateline


A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

10:55 Lateline Business


The day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

11:25 Spectacle: Elvis Costello With... James Taylor

(CC, G, Rpt)

An exciting talk series hosted by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member Elvis Costello. Each artist not only talks but performs. This episode features James Taylor.

12:10 Wildside

(CC, Rpt, M*Violence, Coarse Language, Sexual References)

A mentally disturbed man is arrested after a vicious hammer attack leaves another man dead. CAST: Rachael Blake, Tony Martin

01:00 Movie: The Spaniard's Curse

(CC, PG, 1958, B&W, Rpt)

As an accused man pleads to the jury, he repeats the words of an old Spanish curse invoked by those wrongly convicted. CAST: Lee Patterson DIR: Ralph Kemplen (1958)

02:20 Movie: Death Drums Along The River

(PG, 1962, Rpt)

Sanders is investigating a murder in an African hospital which leads him to the discovery of a secret silver mine. CAST: Richard Todd, Jeremy Lloyd DIR: Lawrence Huntingdon (1962)

03:55 The Glass House

(CC, Rpt, M*Contains Sex References, Adult Themes and Material that may offend some viewers)

Joining Wil, Corinne and Dave to throw some stones in the Glass House this week are Tony Woods & John Jarratt.

Friday, 12 June 2009

04:30 Police Rescue

(CC, PG, Rpt)

05:30 The New Inventors

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:00 Freaky

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:05 Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:30 Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

06:45 The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:00 Martin Morning

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:15 Dinosapien

(CC, G, Rpt)

07:35 Sitting Ducks

(G, Rpt)

07:45 Miss BG

(G, Rpt)

08:00 Wow Wow Wubbzy

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:10 Olivia

(CC, G, Rpt)

08:25 Grandpa In My Pocket


08:35 Sesame Street

(CC, G, HD)

09:00 In The Night Garden

(CC, G, Rpt)

09:30 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

10:00 Count Us In

(G, Rpt)

10:15 Behind The News Specials

(CC, Rpt)

10:30 Me Voila!

(G, Rpt)

10:40 A Table!

(G, Rpt)

10:45 Living With The Leeuwin

(CC, G, Rpt)

11:00 Croc Country

(CC, G, Rpt)

11:30 Sex In The Bush

(CC, G, Rpt)

12:00 Midday Report


12:30 Darling Buds Of May

(CC, G)

01:30 Spicks And Specks

(CC, PG, Rpt)

02:00 Monarch Of The Glen

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:00 Bananas In Pyjamas

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:05 Play School

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:30 Lunar Jim

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:40 Rupert Bear: Follow The Magic

(CC, G, Rpt)

03:55 Classic Tales


04:00 RollerCoaster


Princess Natasha

(CC, G, Rpt)

The Mr Men Show

(CC, G, Rpt)

Skunk Fu

(CC, G, Rpt)

Wolverine And The X-Men

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:00 M.I. High


05:25 Naturally Sadie

(CC, G, Rpt)

05:50 BTN Daily


06:00 Message Stick: Talking Stick: Education

(CC, G, Rpt)

Presenter Miriam Corowa discusses Indigenous education with guests including NSW Minister for Community Services and The Honourable Linda Burney.

06:30 Can We Help?


Can you get vintage tea like you do with wine?; Pete Rowsthorn is off to join the circus; and a story that would make the 'Blues Brothers' proud.

07:00 ABC News


07:30 Stateline


The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Tamara Oudyn examines the issues concerning Victoria.

08:00 Collectors


A series on collectables, collecting, and the collectors who passionately seek, find and enjoy. From antiquities to 20th century icons, from quirky to classy and kitch to classic, Collectors celebrates the joy of collecting.

08:30 Silent Witness: Judgement


The badly decomposed body of a Hasidic man is found on a disused wasteland, and Harry is required to investigate his death. Leo investigates the death of an Australian backpacker at a house party. CAST: Tom Ward, Emilia Fox

10:15 The Hollowmen: Wonder Drug

(CC, Rpt, M*Coarse Language)

Pressure mounts on the Government to fund an expensive new pill, despite evidence that it may not be worth funding at all. CAST: Lachy Hulme, David James, Neil Melville, Rob Sitch, Merrick Watts. Special guest Kerry Walker.

10:45 Lateline


A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

11:20 triple j tv With The Doctor

(CC, Rpt)

The Doctor is here to administer all the triple j tv goodness you can handle with heaps of live music, comedy and interviews, 'Hack' current affairs, plus a behind the scenes peek at what you don't catch on the radio.

11:50 Good Game

(CC, Rpt)

Junglist and Bajo bring you all the latest news and events, reviews, animations and interviews from the wonderful world of gaming.

12:20 rage


Continuous music programming

Saturday, 13 June 2009

05:00 rage


Continuous music programming

06:00 rage


Continuous music programming

08:00 rage


Continuous music programming

10:00 rage Special: Let's Dance


A rage Special of videos that feature superb choreography.

11:00 Executive Stress

(CC, G, Rpt)

Caroline and Donald clash professionally over the publication of his first novel, and a potentially very costly mistake is made. CAST: Penelope Keith

11:30 The Cook And The Chef

(CC, Rpt)

Maggie visits her friend Stephanie Alexander to find out about her work with kids. In the kitchen it's kid-friendly food with corn and polenta bread and cheesy potatoes.

12:00 Stateline

(CC, Rpt)

The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Tamara Oudyn examines the issues concerning Victoria.

12:30 Australian Story

(CC, Rpt)

Stories of contemporary Australian life and people, told by the subjects themselves.

01:00 VFL Football 2009: Werribee Vs Collingwood


04:00 Miracle On Everest

(CC, PG, Rpt)

Legendary Australian mountaineer Lincoln Hall remembers - in his own words - the story of his miraculous Mount Everest climb. Left for dead, he defied the odds and lived to tell the tale.

05:00 Bowls: Perth International 2009: Australia Vs Scotland: Women's Pairs

06:00 Echo Beach

(CC, PG, Rpt)

Welcome to Echo Beach, where long-held secrets will inevitably get out, and the sea isn't the only thing making waves. CAST: Jason Donovan, Martine McCutcheon

06:25 Minuscule: The Quest For The Pink Lollypop


A combination of 3D characters and live footage, with no commentary or dialogue, these shorts offer a bird's eye view of an insect's day-to-day existence

06:30 Gardening Australia

(CC, G)

Stephen Ryan does some essential winter maintenance in his perennial border; Tino Carnevale starts pruning the fruit trees in the vegie patch; and Jane Edmanson visits an innovative community project in Melbourne.

07:00 ABC News


07:30 New Tricks: A Face For Radio

(CC, PG)

The team reopens the murder of popular DJ Johnny Deacon, who died live on air following an arson attack at 1980s music station Roxy Radio. But was Deacon the target? CAST: James Bolam, David Troughton

08:25 ABC News


08:30 The Bill

(CC, PG)

A magician is blackmailed and ultimately betrayed by the person he's protecting. CAST: Lucy Speed // Evidence of drug-dealing at a local boxing club, and PC Beth Green leaves Sun Hill. CAST: Louisa Lytton, Bruce Byron

10:00 ABC News


10:05 Foyle's War: The Funk Hole

(CC, Rpt, M*Violence)

While investigating a death in the woods and the inhabitants of a nearby 'Funk Hole' hotel, Foyle is taken off the case, charged with sedition and placed under house arrest. CAST: Michael Kitchen, Honeysuckle Weeks

11:45 rage


Continuous music programming


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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