Ouse Lea Ltd, Management CommitteeMinutes of the meeting held in the Ouse Lea Community RoomMonday 8th May 2017Committee members attending: Ruth GregoryBookkeeperPaul Heritage(No 1) Charlie Wells(No 60) Adrian Anderson(No 6)Hazel Crosby(No 37)Beth Cresswell(No 31)1. Apologies Patricia Williams (No 8)(Chairwoman)Richard Stokes (No 18)Hugh Wilson(No 49)Estelle Pashley(No 23)2. Minutes of April Meeting The April minutes were accepted as a true record 3. Matters arising from April meeting - None 4.Financial Report Ruth detailed the recent standard financial transactions, which included the ?13 Companies House fee and ?46 for the photocopying of the AGM accounts. Ruth went on to inform the Committee that she has received a cheque from No5 & No16 for the valuation fee. Ruth informed the Committee that No39 has now settled his outstanding debt of ?2000 and that all the residents have now been reimbursed with their ?700 share. 5. Current status of the lease/freehold survey The Committee discussed the way forward following the results of the survey. Charlie handed the latest survey results over to Paul informing the Committee that the results so far indicated 46 in favour of going forward with extending the lease and 9 in favour of the freehold. Charlie also added that the 9 residents in favour of freehold would also agree to be included in the lease extension. We are still waiting for 9 residents to reply to the survey.Ruth informed the Committee that all but 3 of the residents have paid the valuation fee with another two properties going through the sales procedure.Adrian suggested getting signatures from all those residents wanting to go forward with the lease extension. It was agreed that a formal note be drafted for the residents allowing them to sign their commitment to the process and the costs involved.Actions Adrian and Charlie to draw up a draft letter before the AGM for the approval of the Committee.Paul to chase up the 9 residents still to reply to the surveyPaul to chase up those residents who still have not paid the valuation fee.6. Matters arising from lease/freehold survey The Committee discussed the projected legal costs and Hazel Crosby worked out from the figures supplied by Harrowells a rough estimate of legal costs. These worked out at approximately between ?8-10k. This figure is in line with our original projections of approximately ?400 – ?500 per property. The Committee decided that unless another recommendation came along we would most likely instruct Harrowells to carry out the legal work.Paul mentioned that JRHT had offered originally to provide legal assistance and that we should follow this up before making a final decision.Actions Paul to contact Nic Dennison to follow their offer of legal assistance and to report back to the Committee.7. Gardening Report Adrian reported that he felt there was still work to do in removing some of the self seeded trees in the hedges and that he would be discussing this with Noel. Adrian also informed the Committee that he has checked the estate for any re-growth of knotweed but he had not found any. Adrian also informed the Committee that he has spent ?10 on a new weed sprayer and he ha used it on areas of the Grasscrete to the front of the flats.8. Estate Managers report1.Flats doors /windows quotes Paul gave the Committee details of the latest quote for carrying out the work on the flats communal windows and doors. This quotation came back at ?16,842, which is considerably less than the expected quotation from DGMSActions Paul to speak with DGMS to see if they can match or better the quotation from Minister Windows.Asbestos quote Paul asked the Committee to approve the quotation of ?1400 for the removal of the asbestos in the downstairs storeroom. The Committee approved the quotation and asked for the work to proceed. Paul went on to explain that as there is a great deal of preparation work to be done before the asbestos can be removed, it will be several months before the work can start. Action Paul to arrange for the work to be carried out. Paul agreed to ask Mick Stary to clean out the storeroom to allow this work to go ahead.3Garage boxing in Paul informed the Committee that he was still waiting for the area in the garage where the asbestos was removed to be boxed in. Action Paul to make progress for this work with Mick Stary.4 No39 issues The Committee discussed the situation with the walkway ceiling outside No39. The Committee agreed that the exposed ceiling was overdue for completion, but before sending a formal letter to Mr Turnbull, Paul agreed to speak with him.Action Paul Heritage to speak with Mr Turnbull and report back to the Committee.Roof drain cleaning Paul informed the Committee that he has asked Mick Stary to clean out the entire roof drains as a matter of priority. It was hoped that the cleaning of the drains could be carried out on Tuesday/Wednesday following the Committee meeting. Actions Paul to monitor the cleaning of the roof drains and report back to the Committee. 6. Lighting faults Paul informed the Committee that the lighting faults have been rectified at a cost of ?230. He went on to inform the Committee that problems gaining access to No80 garage is causing problems inreconnecting the supply to the security light.Charlie asked if the security light at No74 was actually required. He suggested rather than using this light,we install some of the low level lighting already in use on the estate. Action Paul to progress the modifications for improving access to certain electrical isolation boxes and to canvas residents on installing new light on the path to Water End gate. 7. Locksmith invoice Paul informed the Committee that he has still not received the invoice from the locksmith for the work carried out last June.8.Blocked paved area Paul informed the Committee that he has spoken with Mick about a start date for the block work and he has been reassured that this work will start within the next few weeks.Action Paul to chase Mick up on this work for completion.9.Garage electricity accounts Paul informed the Committee of the latest energy usage figures and that our present consumption was in line with our present direct debit payments of ?70/month.Action Paul to continue to monitor energy usage and flag up any concerns early. 10.Garage remote control units Paul informed the Committee that he would be purchasing spare remote garage control units, as there are no spare units available.Action Paul to order spare units. 11. AGM presentation Paul informed the Committee that he has made some changes to the AGM presentation, which gives comparisons on services charges with similar flats complexes in York. Action Paul to present the presentation at the forthcoming AGM. 12. Energy usage update Paul informed the Committee of the latest energy usage figures and that our present consumption is in line with our present direct debit payments of ?70/month.Action Paul to continue to monitor energy usage and flag up any concerns early. 13.BBQ Paul asked the Committee for their thoughts on providing a residents BBQ this year. The Committee suggested using the August Bank holiday for the event.Action Paul to publicise the event in the next newsletter and with flyers through letterboxes.14.Insurance renewal Paul informed the Committee that the insurance premium renewal has arrived. As we have a three-year fixed cost agreement with the NFU, the cost of the renewal is the same as lasts years premium of ?3740. The Committee discussed whether it should be paid in one single payment or by monthly direct debit. The Committee agreed the premium should be paid with a single payment. Paul also brought to the attention of the Committee a new clause in our cover of Survey Subjectivity.Action Paul to contact the NFU regarding payment arrangements and to question the new Survey Subjectivity clause.(9) Any Other Business The issue of cars being parked half in and half out of their car ports at No’s 61 & 62 was discussed and the problems these vehicles are causing in this area. It was agreed that the first action would be for the Estate Manager to speak with the residents concerned before any other action.The issue of cars parked around No67 was discussed as cars parked outside the carports are causing difficulties for other residents manoeuvring in and around the area. It was agreed that a note should go in the next newsletter regarding children playing unsupervised in the Orchard area. It was reported that rubble is being placed in the green recycle bins near to the substation and a note should go in the next newsletter reminding residents not to do this. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pmThe next committee meeting is scheduled for Monday 12th June 2017 @ 6.30.p.m ................

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