
HTML and LaTex for Science

Place in beginning of document


Sample Colors

Color |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Name |Aqua |Black |Blue |Fuchsia |Gray |Green |Lime |Maroon | |RGB |#00FFFF |#000000 |#0000FF |#FF00FF |#808080 |#008000 |#00FF00 |#800000 | | 

Color |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |Name |Navy |Olive |Purple |Red |Silver |Teal |White |Yellow | |RGB |#000080 |#808000 |#800080 |#FF0000 |#C0C0C0 |#008080 |#FFFFFF |#FFFF00 | |Reference:

To insert a line break use Prevents line of text from becoming one continuous line.

To create a new paragraph your text here

LaTeX is a program that creates special formatting or characters to create text markup.


To start LaTex you must surround your item with the start, $ , and stop command, $ .

You must use the font Verdana for the start and stop commands. If the LaTex formatting does not show up add an additional space between the LaTex command and the equation.

To make a subscript use the _

Example: [pic] is created from $ HgSO_3 $

To make an exponent or superscript use the ^

Example: [pic] is made from $ Cu^{2+} $

To create a subscript and a superscript use both the _ and ^

Example: [pic] is created from $ SO_4^{2-} $

Example: [pic] is created from $ _{14}^7N $

Example: [pic] is created from $ _{78.96}^{34} Se^{2-} $

Note: to put more than one item as a subscript or superscript you must put the items in { }.

Commands in LaTex:

\ (forces regular space)

Arrows: To produce a double sided arrow start with capitalizing the command. To make a longer arrow add the word long in front.

\rightarrow gives [pic]

\Rightarrow gives [pic]

\longrightarrow gives [pic]

\Longrightarrow gives [pic]

\thinspace gives space

\pm gives [pic]

The above commands are placed between the $ $ .

$ \underline { ? } $


$ E_R = mc^2 $


Example: $ \leftarrow $ gives [pic]

or to give a left and right arrow [pic]

$ \leftrightarrow $

To create some Greek letters:

$\alpha $ gives [pic]

$ \beta $ gives [pic]

$ \gamma $ gives [pic]

$ \delta X $ [pic]

$ \Delta X $ [pic]


To underline use $ \underline{your text here}$

Example : [pic] $ \underline {?}$

To do italics use $ \emph{ words in here } $

To do more complicated math related equations use:

fraction use \frac {a}{b} gives [pic]

square root use \sqrt{x + y} gives [pic]

Example: [pic] use $ \sqrt (E/m) $

Example: [pic] use $ =E = {mc}^2$

Example: [pic] $ 0.084 = \frac{J}{s \cdot m \cdot ºC } $

Example: [pic] use $ m = \frac{m_0}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}} $

To produce [pic], use $ \frac{1}{(x + 3)} $

To produce [pic] use $ \sqrt[3]{x + y}$


In Quia to show a graphic image you must first upload the image file, as .jpg, .bmp or .gif to Quia and then choose the image location:

Image URL: /files/quia/users/asewan/SciClipArt/hyperbola.gif

This graph is a




To add a symbol without using Latex use the Tahoma font and select the symbol using Word to your document, then copy and paste your symbol into the Quia question. Example Tahoma font to select = °


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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