Chapter 1 – Practice

Chapter 1 – Chocolate Cake Nomen:

Activity 1 – What part of speech is each of the following (noun,verb,complement):

1. puella ___________________ 5. legit ___________________

2. villa ___________________ 6. altera ___________________

3. aestate ___________________ 7. Flavia ___________________

4. arbore ___________________ 8. scribit ___________________

Activity 2 – Translate the following sentences three ways, giving different

translations for the verbs:

1. Puella Romana sub arbore sedet.

a. ___________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________________

2. Flavia in villa scribit.

a. ___________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________________

The words is and does in the phrases is sitting and does sit are called helping verbs. Do the Latin sentences in the story in Chapter 1 use this kind of verb? YES NO

How many times is the Latin verb est used in the story? __________

Is it a helping verb? YES NO

Activity 3 – Look at the Latin and English sentences – describe one way in which

the order of the Latin words differs from the order of the words in the translations:

Flavia est puella Romana. Flavia is a Roman girl.

1. _______________________________________________________

Cornelia in villa vicina habitat. Cornelia lives in a neighboring country house.

2. _______________________________________________________

Activity 4 – Translate into English.

1. Corneila iam legit.


2. Quis sub arbore scribit?


3. Altera puella sub arbore scribit.


4. Flavia est laeta quod Cornelia sub arbore sedet.


5. Flavia est puella Romana.


6. Cornelia in villa vicina habitat.



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