The World Bank

MAURO LANDO – Translator – Conference Interpreter

Rua Mascarenhas de Morais 99 ap 1006 –

22030-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil

phones – (+5521) 32540411; mobile (005521) 98124 4136;

e-mail: maurolando65@

Skype – maurolando66

Hardware: Intel core i5 8 GB RAM

Software : MS Office 10, Word 10, Trados Studio 2019

Profile: please check profile at

- - - R e s u m é - - -

Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil - mother tongue Brazilian Portuguese.


source languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian.

target languages : Portuguese, English


source languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese

target languages: A-Portuguese; B-English, B- Spanish


Brazil: (since 1995) Petrobrás, Eletrobrás - ONS, EDF Brésil, CBS Television, BNDES, Rolls Royce turbines, NuovaPignone turbines, Schlumberger, The Brazilian Navy and many others

Brussels: The European Commission Service Commun Intérpretation Conférences, the European Parliament (2002-2006, as AIC)

Geneva: The Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations Office and other International organizations in Geneva and Geneva based NGOs (2016 – 2019 as freelance)

INTERPRETER CERTIFICATIONS: 1998, Brussels: admitted as free-lance interpreter for the Joint Interpretation and Conference Service of the Council of the European Community. Source languages English, French, Spanish, Italian, into Portuguese. Brussels; 2003, Brussels - Same certifications for the European Parliament. Former Member of AIIC, Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence (2003-2016), Geneva, member of APIC, the Brazilian Professional Interpreters Association.


1994: Diploma of Conference Interpreter, P.U.C. Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro.

1971 - 74: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Seminars: “Sémiologie et Cinéma” with C. Metz; “Introduction à la Linguistique Générale”, C. Metz, “Écosystème et Société” with E. Morin & Anthony Wielden.

1968 : The Museum of Modern Art, Rio, Courses on Cinema.

1960-62: Bahia University Music School. (oboe, harmony, music history)

1956-60: Degree in Industrial Chemistry, Mackenzie College, São Paulo.


Editora LTC, Rio de Janeiro :

Chris Gaine - CASE: Computer-Aided Software Engineering

Marc Ferro Questions sur la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale

François Massouilé Les Conflicts du Moyen Orient

Mario Isnenghi La Première Guerre Mondiale

Yves Chevrier Mao Zedong et la Révolution Chinoise

Editora Siciliano, São Paulo (with I.M. Lando)

Michael Tucker I Never Forget a Meal

The National Geographic

P. Burian, R.Caputio Photography Field Guide (translation and technical consulting)


In the last 25 years, translation of well over 100 k. words, from English, French and Spanish, articles, papers, calls for tenders and legislation mostly on Brazilian Electric Sector, the Environment, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Medical Instrumentation, and the Chemical, Steel, Automotive and Oil & Gas industry. - PRIVATIZATIONS – ELECTRICITY & TELECOM: from 1998, translation of calls for tenders, reports and bids for the privatization of the Brazilian electric, telecom & water sector. TV - TV series on Joseph Campbell’s , “The Power of the Myth”; Documentary Films by Frederico Fullgraff: "First World Congress of Radiation Victims. N. York, 1985", "Dose Diária Aceitável - Agrotóxicos no Brasil", 1989(Port. into English) – translator of the Brazilian edition of “Food & Beverage International” magazine.


1994 -               Course on Conference Interpretation- PUC, The Pontifical Catholic University, Rio:-  “The Cycle of Carbon in the Biosphere.” -  “Translation of Chemical Terminology English / Portuguese”

1998-               Via Rápida, courses for translators and interpreters, São Paulo

-  Seminar: “Translation of Chemical Terminology English / Portuguese”

Associação ALUMNI. School for Conference Interpreters, São Paulo –

 “ Alternative Energy Sources for the translator: an Overview.”

2003 -               4 talks at the APIC, the Brazilian Professional Conference Interpreters Association, São Paulo – English in the Environment, An introduction to conventional and alternative energy, How to translate chemistry ENGL>PORT, Units of measure and their conversion.

2004 -               APIC, the Brazilian Professional Conference Interpreters Association, in Rio: An introduction to Oil & Gas for the interpreter.

2005 -               Instituto IEDEC, S.Paulo: An introduction to Oil & Gas for the interpreter and translator.

2006- Mois du Brésil en France: seminaire en Portugais Brésilien pour l’interprète: – Institut Catholique, Paris: “Brazilian exports to the EU: present, and a brief historical review.”


Amerikas Traduções, Rio: Translating Oil & Gas upstream and downstream.

2007 IV CIATI - IBERO-AMERICAN CONGRESS ON TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING , São Paulo – English > Portuguese terminology for alternative energy and the environment –

2009- APIC, The Brazilian Professional Interpreters Association – seminar on line, two talks: 1- The Cycle of Carbon in the Biosphere; 2 – Brazil and the Alternate Energy Sources

PUC, the Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro – lecture for the Course on Conference Interpretation’s final exam –“Versailles Orphans– the Common Destiny of three countries”

2011 PUC, the Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro – lecture for the Course on Conference Interpretation:

“Brazil and the Alternative Energy Sources”

2012 PUC, the Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro –lecture for the Course on Conference Interpretation: Newest Amazon Deforestation Monitoring Technologies

2013 PUC, the Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro – lecture for the Course on Conference Interpretation: “How long before the Interpretosaurus? Machine Interpretation soon ?”

International Translators Conference, Jerusalem, Israel

“How long before the Interpretosaurus? Will technology replace the conference interpreter?”

2014 PUC, the Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro – lecture for the Course on Conference Interpretation: “The San Remo Conference: the making and unmaking of artificial States”

2015 PUC, the Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro – lecture for the Course on Conference Interpretation: Interpreting Alternative Energy Sources”


“Moleculando” – short manual on conversion of measure units and guidelines for the translation of chemicals English > Portuguese

“Le Voyage en Train de Jundiai au Désert du Nèguev” - fiction


Tour leader: From 1971 until 1996, I have escorted American, Commonwealth, and Latin American tours of Western and Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and the Middle East. Also guided American and European groups touring Brazil and South America.


Paris, London, Tel Aviv, Brussels, Geneva


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