Latin I-III 2019-2020 cnewell@Class Website Please do not hesitate to contact me at the above e-mail address if there are any questions. I update the homework and the powerschool gradebook at least once a week and answer e-mails on a daily basis.Overview:In this Latin Class, we shall focus on reading and understanding written Latin. The main assessments will involve showing understanding of written Latin. We shall do some writing in class; particularly plays and short paragraphs, which will count for the project grade. Speaking and listening will be a lesser part of the class and count for little of the final grade. Tests:There will be a test approximately every two weeks. The first type of test is a vocabulary test and it is very straightforward, simple dictionary definitions of 20-30 Latin words.The second type of test is more challenging and is meant to apply the vocabulary and concepts we have dealt with over the previous 3+ weeks. These tests will stress reading comprehension through context questions and translation.The vocab tests and reading tests will be given alternately every two weeks. The vocab tests are worth half as much as the reading tests.Projects:There will be two major projects per quarter, one per semester. Students will research, create and present aspects of Roman culture that have been introduced during the unit. For these projects, students will apply the technical aspects of what they have been learning to a simulated real-world environment.Projects will be posted on Google Classroom, see main website for join codes.Materials:I suggest having a notebook (cloth or spiral bound) for this class in which to keep notes and daily activities. At the very least you must have a writing device and paper at the very start of each class.General Guidelines:Although all vocabulary will be posted on the website, none of the English definitions will be. Students must be in class, paying attention in order to get an official definition for these words.Technical/grammatical information is introduced in class, honed by reading sentences and then stories. Students are responsible for taking notes and keeping worksheets and handouts in their notebook. Trying to figure out these complex concepts from the textbook and online repositories is a lot more difficult. If you find yourself needing extra help, come to the extra-credit sessions mentioned in the missed work category.Day to Day stuff:On days when there is no official homework, there is always the opportunity to study vocabulary. Students always have a list of words to be memorized and listed on the website. I suggest studying vocabulary in short bursts over a long period of time. I suggest studying grammatical concepts by reviewing readings we have skipped or already completed without looking at notes.Missed Work:Late work is not accepted at New West Charter. If enough assignments are not turned in, extra credit work is available during lunch if the student has made an appointment. Generally these extra credit sessions are on Thursday or Friday and will involve homework to be turned in the following day.Website:The website is updated several times throughout the week to remind students what is going on. Homework and project information will be posted there or on google classroom.If the website is missing information, please e-mail the teacher. Suggestions:Keep up with the vocabulary. All vocabulary is on the website and will be cumulative through the year, not just the semester.If you find yourself behind, attend the extra credit sessions.Do not forget about the projects, they account for 30% of your grade and can significantly destroy your grade if you are not careful!Your grade:Here is the grade breakdown in this class:Projects – 25% Exams – 50% Final Exam 15%Everything else – 10% (any homework, handouts or work that takes one day to complete) ................

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