State University, Fullerton


California State University, Fullerton

Department of Human Services

Instructor: Dr. Kristi Kanel

Office: EC 476

Phone: 657 278-2644


Office Hours: T/Th. 10:00 am to 12:00 pm


Systematic study of theory, research findings and intervention strategies related to contemporary issues faced by paraprofessional human service workers in working with Latino populations, in particular, those whose primary language is Spanish. Emphasis is on cultural competence when serving Latinos in mental health, social welfare, and educational agencies.


Make-up Policy for Exams

If a student must miss an exam due to illness, death in the family, or other extraordinary circumstances, s/he must arrange with the instructor an alternative time to take the exam.

Attendance Policy

Attendance in class is very important. Please do not take this class if you plan to miss regularly.

Any student majoring or minoring human services must receive a C or better to receive credit for this course. This course satisfies 3 units toward the 18 units of required electives for majors and 3 units toward the 9 units of required electives for minors.


Kanel, K. (2015). Human service delivery to Latinos, 3RD EDITION. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing


This course partially fulfills the requirements set forth by the Council for Standards in Human Services Education (CSHSE). As such, this course also helps fulfill the requirements for the Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner credential. The specific standards being met are listed below each of the following objectives, as well as the learning activities that help fulfill those standards and learning objectives.


The objectives of this course, along with the CSHSE Standards, include:

1. Using theoretical knowledge to understand the behaviors and needs of a variety of Latino families and individuals and how these behaviors and needs may differ from mainstream American cultural norms.

CSHSE Standard 12.c. Changing family structures and roles.

CSHSE Standard 12.d. An introduction to the organizational structures of communities.

CSHSE Standard 12.e. An understanding of the capacities, limitations, and resiliency of human systems.

CSHSE Standard 12.f. Emphasis on context and the role of diversity.

CSHSE Standard 12.g. Processes to affect social change through advocacy work at all level of society including community development, community and grassroots organizing and local and global activism.

CSHSE Standard 13.a. The range and characteristics of human services delivery systems and organizations.

CSHSE Standards 13.c. The major models used to conceptualize and integrate prevention, maintenance, intervention, rehabilitation, and healthy functioning.

CSHSE Standard 13.d. Economic and social class systems including causes of poverty.

CSHSE Standard 13.e. Political and ideological aspects of human services.

CSHSE Standard 15.a. Analysis and assessment of the needs of clients or client groups.

CSHSE Standard 16.c. Knowledge and skill development.

CSHSE Standard 17.b. Dealing effectively with conflict.

CSHSE Standard 17. c. Establishing rapport with clients.

CSHSE Standard 19.b. Client self-determination.

CSHSE Standard 19.e. Belief that individuals, service systems, and society can change.

CSHSE Standard 20. c. Awareness of diversity.

This objective and these standards are fulfilled through student participation in lectures, films, readings, role-plays, small group discussions, as well as through the midterm and final examination.

2. Using theory to understand the etic and emic nature of the mental health, social welfare, and educational issues when dealing with Latino clients, particularly those whose primary language is Spanish, when conducting assessments.

CSHSE Standard 12.e. An understanding of the capacities, limitations, and resiliency of human systems.

CSHSE Standard 12.f. Emphasis on context and the role of diversity.

CSHSE Standard 12.g. Processes to affect social change through advocacy work at all level of society including community development, community and grassroots organizing and local and

global activism.

CSHSE Standard 13.a. The range and characteristics of human services delivery systems and organizations.

CSHSE Standards 13.c. The major models used to conceptualize and integrate prevention, maintenance, intervention, rehabilitation, and healthy functioning.

CSHSE Standard 13.d. Economic and social class systems including causes of poverty.

CSHSE Standard 13.e. Political and ideological aspects of human services.

CSHSE Standard 13.f. International and global influences on services delivery.

CSHSE Standard 15.a.Analysis and assessment of the needs of clients or client groups.

CSHSE Standard 17.b. Dealing effectively with conflict.

CSHSE Standard 17. c. Establishing rapport with clients.

CSHSE Standard 19.b. Client self-determination.

CSHSE Standard 19.e. Belief that individuals, service systems, and society can change.

CSHSE Standard 19. f. Interdisciplinary team approaches to problem solving.

CSHSE Standard 20.b. Clarification of personal and professional values.

CSHSE Standard 20. c. Awareness of diversity.

This objective and these standards are fulfilled through student participation in lectures, films, readings, small group discussions, as well as through the midterm and final


3. Integrating current literature into planning human service interventions for the special needs of Latinos.

CSHSE Standard 12.g. Processes to affect social change through advocacy work at all level of society including community development, community and grassroots organizing and local and global activism

CSHSE Standard 14. a. Obtaining information through interviewing, active listening, consultation with others, library or other research, and the observation of clients and systems.

CSHSE Standard 14. b. Recording, organizing, and assessing the relevance, adequacy, accuracy, and validity of information provided by others.

CSHSE Standard 14.c. Compiling, synthesizing, and categorizing information.

CSHSE Standard 14.f. Using technology for word processing, sending email, and locating and evaluating information.

CSHSE Standard 20. c. Awareness of diversity.

This objective and these standards are fulfilled through student participation in lectures, presentations, small group discussions, and research.

4. Understanding how the organizational culture of current mental health, social welfare, and educational systems may differ from the cultural values of Latinos.

CSHSE Standard 12.d. An introduction to the organizational structures of communities.

CSHSE Standard 12.e. An understanding of the capacities, limitations, and resiliency of human systems.

CSHSE Standard 12.f. Emphasis on context and the role of diversity.

CSHSE Standard 12.g. Processes to affect social change through advocacy work at all level of society including community development, community and grassroots organizing and local and global activism.

CSHSE Standard 13. a. The range and characteristics of human services delivery systems and organizations.

CSHSE Standards 13.c. The major models used to conceptualize and integrate prevention, maintenance, intervention, rehabilitation, and healthy functioning.

CSHSE Standard 13.d. Economic and social class systems including causes of poverty.

CSHSE Standard 13.e. Political and ideological aspects of human services

CSHSE Standard 13.f. International and global influences on services delivery.

CSHSE Standard 17. b. Dealing effectively with conflict.

CSHSE Standard 17. c. Establishing rapport with clients.

CSHSE Standard 17. d. Maintaining behaviors that are or are not congruent with the ethics of the profession.

CSHSE Standard 19. b. Client self-determination.

CSHSE Standard 19.e. Belief that individuals, service systems, and society can change.

CSHSE Standard 19.g. Appropriate professional boundaries.

CSHSE Standard 20. c. Awareness of diversity.

This objective and these standards are fulfilled through student participation in lectures, films, readings, small group discussions, as well as through the midterm and final



Both the midterm and second exam will be multiple choice exams and require the use of a scantron.

1. Midterm Exam 60 points

2. Second Exam 40 points

3. Film analysis 50 points

4. Literature discussion 50 points

The +/- system of grading will be used. Below is the grade breakdown for this course:

A+ = 195 and above

A = 185-194

A- = 180-184

B+ = 175-179

B = 165-174

B- = 160-164

C+ = 155-159

C = 145-154

C- = 140-144


Students will watch a film about a Latino family. At the conclusion of the film, students will be required to submit a film analysis. This analysis must be type-written, double spaced, and be approximately 3-4 pages in length. It will include observations from the films and applicable concepts that relate to various situations and behaviors observed. While watching the film in class, students should take detailed notes about the content and interpersonal behaviors. While writing the analysis at home, students should apply a concept learned in class, from the text, or from other readings that relate to the content observed in the film. Students should address as many observed patterns and behaviors as possible. The film analysis will be due the class period following the conclusion of the film in class. If students are absent on the day of the film, they may rent the film and watch it on their own, but the analysis is still due the class period after the film was completed in class. Late papers will be docked 5 points each day they are late. The film will include concepts covered from all chapters of the main text.


Students will review 3 scholarly journal articles and submit a written discussion of the material. All articles should address a common topic related to the emotional, psychological, social or medical needs of Latinos. Students should incorporate concepts learned in class into this paper which should be about 3 pages in length. It should be APA style with appropriate referencing and synthesizing of the articles. If you are not familiar with APA style, please see the library for help or read the APA guideline book. Your grade for this paper will be based half on your APA writing style and half on the content. Do not write a “Book report”. Break down your paper into the following sections:


Literature review

Concepts from articles that related to class concepts

Your own discussion and conclusion


Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false information or citations, plagiarism, and helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty. The initial responsibility for detecting and dealing with academic dishonesty lies with the instructor concerned who is obligated to discuss the matter with the student involved when possible. When an instructor is convinced by evidence that academic dishonesty has occurred, s/he shall:

1. Assign an appropriate academic penalty (oral reprimand to an F in the course)

2. Report to the student involved, to the department chair, and to the vice president for student affairs the alleged incident including relevant documentation and make recommendations for action.

Special Needs Policy

The mission of our Disabled Students Services Office is “to make all of the university’s educational, cultural, social, and physical facilities and programs accessible to students with orthopedic, functional, perceptual and/or learning disabilities.” Please inform me during the first week of classes about any disability or special needs you have that may require specific arrangements related to attending class sessions, carrying out class assignments, or writing papers or exams; I will be most happy to make appropriate accommodations. According to California State University policy, students with disabilities need to document their disabilities at the Disabled Student Services Office. The office is located in UH 101; the phone number is (714)278-3117. See



Week 1 Introductions

Week 2 Prevalence of Latinos Chapter 1

in the U.S. & need for services

What is culture?

General Cultural considerations

Week 3 History of Hispanics in the U.S. Chapter 2

Week 4 Mexicans Chapter 2

Week 5 Puerto Ricans Chapter 2


Weeks 6 and 7 Mental Health Needs Chapter 3

Week 8 Midterm exam Covers Chapters 1-3

Week 8 Ataque de Nervios Chapter 4

Week 9 Teenage pregnancy Chapter 4

gangs, substance abuse

domestic violence, and AIDS

Case vignette discussions and treatment planning

Week 10 Social welfare issues Chapter 5


Week 12 Latino/American values Chapter 6

Week 12 Educational issues Chapter 6

Week 13 Mock film analysis

Week 13 Film, Mi Familia, Film analysis due 4/24

Week 14 Literature discussion presentations

Week 14 Cultural appreciation day

Week 15 Presentations

Week 16 Final Exam Covers Chapters 4-6


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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