Los Angeles Unified School District

[Pages:4]Los Angeles Unified School District Local District 8

Local District Parent Community Advisory Council (LDPCAC) Minutes

September 30, 2009

3:00 p.m. ? 5:00 p.m.

Members Present: Maggie Houston, Glenda Mark, Roy Gemser, Mary Anne J. Manalang, Maria Ramirez, Carlos Prinzen, Paul Robak, Jane Tokubo, Paz Velazquez, Tammy Wood, Carlos Prinzen

Staff Present: Linda Del Cueto , Dona Stevens, Michael Romero, Valerie Moses, Shannon Lee, Juan Flecha, Michael Haggood, Emily Kuwahara, Myrna Brutti, Karen Saunders, Patricia Korn, Jeff Smith, Jeff Foy, Nina Michelle White

Meeting began at 3:07 pm

? Minutes from August 26, 2009 meeting were approved ? Time Limits for Agenda Items were set

Superintendent's Report: Mrs. Del Cueto shared the process regarding Public School Choice.

? Public School Choice: New schools & PI 3 schools are the focus of the District to offer plans for improvement ? Zero API growth: 21% Proficient in Math & ELA ? 2 High Schools in LD8 with 10% drop out:

o Gardena HS o San Pedro HS ? Local District Community Meetings -- Parents, Staff & Community ? Process & timeline of plan to improve ? Public entity ? not private Charter ? Plan developed by school, facilitated by Union, school ? Very rigorous process ? Plan must address needs of students in the community: SWD, EL, SEL ? Plan review, quality of application

1. Internal team 2. School committee 3. Advisory committee, HS committee, lead teachers 4. Superintendent's Review Panel 5. Board Members Discussion included: ? Most successful HS ? as a model, research, best practices ? Collaborate with Board ? How to be involved, invite to meetings Good things: expanded time frame - Allows more time for input by community, Union teachers Other schools on list ? refer to list of scores ? 12 schools PI 3 or more, new schools ? Entities may submit a plan to attempt to improve schools who were not included in the Mayor's takeover ? Community does not want schools built in certain areas ? Board will make a decision based on criteria ? Superintendent made process open and transparent ? More opportunities to be included. Parents & communities move forward


? Inclusive process ? Community meetings -- dates in Gardena & San Pedro area ? All are welcome ? LD8 Superintendent -- committed updates every month.

o New, more clarity, more info at ELAC/CEAC meetings ? Celebrate test scores

o PPT ? shared with Principals & APs o In some cases worked hard & didn't show in scores ? Schools put new things in place & may show next year ? Need to be a Pre ? K, K-12 family. Increase articulation ? Celebrate feeders for your schools ? Community engaged in session--analyze data (Oct) ? Teamwork, data informs PD, better planning ? Aligned to standards instruction which needs to reflect the PD ? Suggestion DVD ? Models of Collaboration ? No town meeting style per Supt. Cortines ? Letters sent out Friday 9/25 ? Connect with stakeholders ? Faculty meeting at San Pedro ? SSC meetings for additional information ? Planning sessions, provide extra support ? WASC plan aligned to San Pedro Plan ? Listen to stakeholders, examine data ? Plans presented for review by LDPCAC o What components? o "Connect-ed" for members of council o Self study recommended o Focus on small group input: October 19th & 20th o Suggestions: grade level, interest, etc.

Instructional Update: ? Williams decree- textbook ? All certifications due ? Variables due to student movement ? LD8 schools cooperated and shared ? Certify and suffice

Directors Update: Elementary: Mr. Romero

? Raymond ? Wonder of Reading Library : trained person ? Pt. Fermin ? Marine Science Program ? 135 ? 9 wk Parent Institute: 109 parents participated Ms. Moses ? 186 ? 3rd, 4th &5th gr. increase in ELA scores, 4th &5th gr. increase in Math; exceed CA ? Secretary of Education, Duncan to present flag & plaque to 135th ES as Blue Ribbon school in November 09 ? 95th St. ES ? Supt. Cortines visited

o Positive letter of congratulations o Met API in ELA & Math, up 51pts in API, all groups met API Early Education ? Wilmington Park- Grant for computer labs. ? Next to Early Education Center where college prep begins: Math to Algebra


Special Education ? New LRE, K-12 Banning Complex ? RST training: OCR 4-day training, assist with text ? Focus on meaning & comprehension ? 6 week intensive intervention, additional support ? Adams Grant: 200 book bonus for library ? Parent Conference: Friday, Oct 30 at Sellery Center

Budget Update: ? Virtual Class ? school enter on line, follow up by LD 8 Staff PD and support ? Norm day training ? Stock & regular purchases on line

Operations: ? AP/Dean training: discipline, 2x per year ? Review safety, collaborative ? Youth relations ? MS & HS ? LD8 School Police ? Cyber bullying: Human Relations Division o Implement due to increase in cases o Prevalent: 1st amendment rights? o If parents/guardians are disruptive on campus o How to tell parents, 1/09 ? suspend/offence o 1/10 more info from Legal & General Council ? Refinery Fire- OEHS ? to work with school o Evacuation plan o AQMD- shelter in place

Council of Councils: ? Invite Supt. Cortines ? Agenda: Positive Power point by LD 8 Sup. ? Maritime Program PD ? Math & transitions Pre-K ? K, 5-6, 8-9 ? Public School Choice ? Observations at other schools best practices ? Break out : SE, ES, MS, HS ? input of best practices, PS choice, ? HS complex ? Directors get issues and solutions of schools

Facilities: ? Regionalization- Central 4 & 5 ? Facilities Division 6,7, & 8, North 1 & 2 ? Next meeting update: new projects, maintenance, service requests, # of calls, completed and outstanding, performance with budget cuts. ? K-8 Wilmington ? Pollution issues, o Harbor Teacher Prep ? needs shade, water system and bathrooms on campus o Bike racks at schools

Parent Involvement Unit/CEAC/ELAC: ? No approved conference list ? Orientations & Elections to be completed by October 20, 2009 ? DVD to assist schools ? Documentation of delegation of committees to SSC ? Concerns: combine to save time, lack of groups voice, 3

? Parent/Community reps need to attend monthly Parent Center Institute ? Concerns: community reps to ELAC/CEAC, how to get info to parent groups ? Healthy Schools Suggestions for next meeting agenda LDPCAC : ? HS student in PCAC meetings or 1 student at each council meeting Healthy Schools ? LCPCAC purpose, membership, participation, reduce number of administrators to parents, absences, 3 missed

meetings & dismissed ? QUIA/Stimulus funds ? better accountability, review goals, usage & outcomes (teachers, programs,

intervention teachers, coaches) ? SSC Issues- approval of LD & Central committees Meeting Adjourned at 5:05pm



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