Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Angeles Unified School District

Module One – Elementary

AB 75 Principal Training Program

Practicum Log

PURPOSE: The Module 1 Practicum serves to extend the knowledge and experience base of the elementary administrator focused on the District’s adopted instructional reading program.

A total of 40 Follow-Up Practicum Hours are required from any of the following five categories in order to complete the 80 hour Module 1 requirement.


1. Implement State and District Vision and Goals for Student focused instructional improvement. (5 hrs.)

2. Reinforce the teaching of the California English/Language Arts Content Standards.

(5 hrs.)

3. Guide and monitor full implementation of the District’s adopted instructional reading program. (15 hrs.)

4. Supervise and support professional development opportunities for all teachers. (5 hrs.)

5. Manage and use achievement data for monitoring effectiveness of instruction and student reading achievement throughout the year. (10 hrs.)

Instructions: For each activity, enter the date of participation and record the number of hours. Note the number of required hours for each activity during the school year. Please attach all supporting documentation to this practicum form upon completion of 40 hours.


Participant’s Full Name


Employee # School Name Local District


Local District AB 75 Coordinator


Participant’s Signature Date

For additional assistance, please feel free to contact your Local District AB 75 Coordinator at (213) 241-6608

This log can be filled in with your computer. The document is in Word. Type in the shaded areas.

Elementary Module 1 Practicum Opportunities

Description of the Practicum Opportunities

Module One - Leadership and Support of Student Instructional Program

Note: All follow-up activities must support the implementation of the adopted curriculum institute you attended.

A total of 40 follow-up hours are required from any of the following categories:

1. Implement the State and District vision and goals for student focused instructional improvement through

Scheduling weekly/monthly collaborative time with teachers to discuss the adopted curriculum implementation; preparing newsletter articles; monitoring classroom visits. Documentation: Dated agendas (including Reading First Action Seminars), minutes, and/or notes for grade level/team meetings, Reading First attendance, observation forms, parent newsletters (5 hrs.)

2. Reinforce the teaching of the California English Language Arts Content Standards through

Classroom observations; interpreting grade level results on California Standards Test, during grade level meetings. Documentation: Weekly/monthly sheets of data collection and analysis, meeting agendas (including Reading First), minutes, observation forms (5 hrs.)

3. Guide and monitor full implementation of the District’s adopted instructional reading program through

The implementation of Reading First Action Seminar observation processes; supervision of OCR; use of instructional funds for reading/literacy coaches, monitoring of funds for instructional materials other than those aligned with the adopted reading program. Documentation: Samples of the above items (15 hrs.)

4. Supervise and support professional development opportunities for all teachers through

Training opportunities that focus on the use of adopted instructional reading program and teachers’ delivery of intended curriculum; promotion of and attendance at AB 466 trainings; monitoring teacher attendance at training; obtaining feedback on training; implementation of practices that support teacher reflection. Documentation: Samples of above items (5 hrs.)

5. Manage and use achievement data to monitor effectiveness of instruction in student reading achievement through

Assessing implemented curriculum vs. intended curriculum and planning specific actions to improve student learning; use of school-wide database for scores/reports on all students’ progress, every 6-8 weeks; presenting cumulative reports by grade level to teachers, based on common assessments. Documentation: Samples of above items

(10 hrs.)

Elementary Module 1 Practicum Opportunities

Participant Name:      

Practicum Categories

1. Implement State and District Vision and Goals for Student focused instructional improvement. (5 hrs.)

2. Reinforce the teaching of the California English/Language Arts Content Standards. (5 hrs.)

3. Guide and monitor full implementation of the District’s adopted instructional reading program. (15 hrs.)

4. Supervise and support professional development opportunities for all teachers. (5 hrs.)

5. Manage and use achievement data for monitoring effectiveness of instruction and student reading achievement throughout the year. (10 hrs.)

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Participant Name:      

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