the life of pie364, A Minecraft novel as pie364,ryu, as cheesecake4,a Minecraft novelIt started like any normal Minecraft day, wake up, grab my pick,sword, axe, and iron armor, and headed off to the caves. The second I opened the door a skeleton came in burning from the sunlight. I just stared at ‘im until he shot me in the face. “What the heck man!?!” I exclaimed and sliced him with my enchanted diamond sword and collected his arrows. Finally, after walking forEVER i got to the caves and realized I didnt need anything other than a blaze rod and ghast tear.Which meant going to the place I HATE more than anything, the Nether, a place of fire and lava everywhere, basically hell in Minecraft. After another long hard walk through trees and once I got home I asked Cheesecake4 if he wanted to help me with something. “Sure, what is it?” He asked. “I need you to get the fire resistance potions.”i commanded. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he screamed,”YOUR GOING TO THE NETHER?!?!?!? WHY?!?” “jeez dude we just need a blaze rod and a ghast tear.” I told him, annoyed.”Fine, we just need a blaze rod and a tear, it'll be so easy.” cheesecake said under his breath. I pretended not to notice his muttering. “Ready?” “I guess...” said cheesecake.And we went through the portalAs we got teleported to the nether I forgot one thing, I killed some pigmen last time i was here and there were still mad at me. so we went through hordes of pigmen and fire and got the blaze rod and tear and immediately jumped back through the portal. *pant pant pant* “That was *pant* close.” I panted. arthas was out still hunting sheep. I would have let him come but he would have burned in the nether. ................

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