NOMINATION FORM - Canadian FinTech & AI Awards 2020

|[pic] |Proudly supporting Canadian innovation in Financial Technology and |

|NOMINATION FORM |Artificial Intelligence |

|Law Firm of the Year Category | |

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|First Name: |Last Name: |Title: |

|Company/Organization: |Email: |Telephone: |

|How did you hear about the Canadian FinTech & AI Awards? |

|DFI Website ☐ |Social Media ☐ |Colleague ☐ |

|Newsletter ☐ |Awards Website ☐ |Other: |

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|First Name: |Last Name: |Title: |

|Company/Organization: |Website: |Email: |

|City: |Province: | |

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|This Award is for a Canadian law firm that has been the most impactful in the FinTech or AI space. It recognizes a law firm that has been |

|in the FinTech or AI space for a number of years and has been instrumental in helping to launch or grow FinTech or AI companies through |

|legal advice. |

|Must be a Canadian firm |

|Must provide legal services to FinTechs or AI companies |

|Must have demonstrated financing, M&As, or advice related to FinTech or AI |

|Must have supported the Canadian innovation ecosystem inclusively |

|Each question must be answered in a maximum of 2500 characters (approximately 400 words). |

|Please provide a brief overview of the company. |

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|Who benefits from the organization's service/program and how does it positively impact the industry? |

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|What sets this organization apart from its competitors? |

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|Is there any other information we haven't asked that might be relevant/important for the Judges to know? |

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|I acknowledge that the nominee meets the criteria for the category and that I am responsible of the truth of the information I provide in the |

|nomination form. I understand that the detailed nomination information is kept confidentially by the Digital Finance Institute, and shared |

|only with the selected expert panel of judges in the category and the auditor of the Awards. |

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|Please note that nominees must attend the 5th Annual Canadian FinTech & AI Awards Gala Dinner on November 18, 2019 in Toronto in order to win |

|an award. Tickets may be purchased through the website, . |

If you have any questions, please email awards@.


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