
LAW 40S Media Watch ProjectThis assignment will help you apply and transfer your knowledge into "real world" situations. It is designed to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of law in Canada through different forms of media. While it is due toward the end of the semester, it is suggested that you work on this project as you work your way through this course so that it does not become a large burden when you are finishing final projects and preparing for exams. There are 3 distinct parts to this assignment. You must complete all 3.1. Study of articles related to various areas of law:a) Collect 5 articles on the different areas of law that you study throughout the course:CriminalFamilyCivilRights and FreedomsTortsContractsb) Clip these articles and highlight the important legal information within them with a highlighter markerc) write a 150 word summary of the important legal concepts within each articled) Organize these articles according to the type of law that they apply to and place them into a scrapbook (use tape or glue), using a title page for each type of lawe) Be sure to add the source and date of your articles2. Case Study (This is a separate task from #1)a) Follow 1 case in the newspaper as close as you can and highlight all relevant information about the case in the articles that you follow (these articles will be in addition to those required for #1)b) In the end, you should have another 4 to 5 articles or other forms of information about your particular case for this task. Also, ask anyone you know if they know of any information about the case and include any information or additional insight that you can.c) Write a 500 word report on your case and the legal issues involved with it.d) Be sure to add the source and date of your articles.3. Television and/or online visual content study (This is a separate task from #1 and #2)a) For this portion of the project, you will watch 2 hours of television or online visual content and write a report on what you watched. This could include:A documentaryA movie that is related to lawA television showOr another source that you have cleared with your teacherb) Summarize what you watched in the show(s) and write a 500 word essay on the legal concepts shown and/or demonstrated in the show(s)c) Be sure to also add information such as:Date shownChannelTimeProducerLength ................

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