
VMC Social Sciences LAW 40S Course OutlineMr. Yardemail: cyard@pembinatrails.caRoom 111Website: yardvmc.Online Gradebook and Course Calendar available at studentsThis course is intended to educate students on the laws that govern and protect Canadian society.Course ContentUnit 1: The Fundamentals of LawThe nature of lawClassification of lawThe evolution and sources of lawLegal institutionsSources of rights and freedoms Unit 2: Criminal LawThe nature of criminal lawDefensesTypes of offences and parties to crimeCriminal procedureSentencing and its alternativesUnit 3: Civil LawThe nature of civil lawTort lawContract lawUnit 4: Family LawThe familyDissolution of the familyAbusive RelationshipsWills and EstatesEvaluationThe term work for this course represents 70% of your final mark with the remaining 30% coming from your final exam at the end of the semester. Your term mark will be derived from in class and out of class assignments (15% of final grade), projects (15% of final grade), quizzes (20% of final grade), and tests (20% of final grade). You will receive a mid-term report card with your grades; however, you can access your grades, as well as your course calendar any time by logging into students Course MaterialsYou are responsible for bringing with you to class:A well-organized binder for this subjectAll of the notes for the current unitPaperPens and pencilsRed penHighlighterI will supply you with:a web-based course calendar, and a course website which will allow you to stay current on all assignments and access notes you may have missed while away from class Unit Booklets and notes Articles, pictures and diagrams, and a textbook as neededTest Dates, Due Dates, Late or Missing WorkAll test dates, quiz dates, assignment dates and project dates are viewable on the in-class course calendar, as well as online on . Due dates will be posted well in advance and students are expected to be able to manage their time accordingly.TestsTEST DATES ARE NOT OPTIONAL OR NEGOTIABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The only reason you cannot be present for a test is in the event of an emergency or medical absence (in such a case written documentation is required)If you miss a test for another reason you will receive no marks for that testPresentationsIf class time is set aside for group presentations students must be prepared to present when it is their turn. If a student is not ready to present, they can expect to receive no marks for that presentationIndividual Assignments or ProjectsOnce any individual assignment or project has been marked and handed back to any section that I teach of your course, I will no longer accept late assignmentsAcademic Honesty and Plagiarism?Every students is expected to be academically honest at all times?Any instance of cheating by any means on a quiz or test will result in that student receiving no marks for that quiz or test?Any instances of plagiarism on assignments or projects will result in that student receiving no marks on that assignment or project Behavioral Expectations-3 things that are not acceptable in this classroom/school community are:1)Doing anything to hinder your own learning2)Doing anything to hinder the learning of your classmates (which includes not only disruptions, but also putdowns and bullying of any sort)3)Doing anything to hinder teaching in the classroom ................

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