Essential Study Skills for Law Students


Essent ial St udy Skil l s f or Law St udent s

Int roduct i on

01:: Understanding and making the most of your degree

02:: Academic Survival Skills: Standing on your own two feet 03:: Types of Law

04:: Effective Legal Research: How to get the most out of your University Print and e-Library

05:: Language and Law


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Int roduct i on

Dear Law Student,

Welcome to the Routledge Essential Study Skills for Law Students FreeBook, packed with helpful advice and information to help you start your Law degree with confidence.

This FreeBook contains selected chapters from five key titles that are designed to help students achieve their full potential in their Law degrees. They provide comprehensive introductions to the study of Law, or teach legal and study skills that will prove vital throughout the course of your degree.

First is a chapter f rom John McGarry's Acing the LLB. The book draws upon McGarry's own experiences as a lecturer and marker of student work as well as those of colleagues at a range of institutions to offer easy-to-follow practical advice that you can use to improve your performance and achieve top marks in your assessments.

The second chapter is taken from The Insider's Guide to Legal Skills by Emily Allbon and Sanmeet Kaur Dua. If you're conf used by cases, stuck on statutes, or just unsure where to start with writing, research or revision, this book will show you what you need to succeed. You will learn how to apply skills in their real-world context and to get to grips with legal method and thinking.

Up third, is an excerpt from Law: The Basics by Gary Slapper and David Kelly. This chapter demystifies the different types of law that you will encounter. The book introduces both the main components of the legal system - including judges, juries and law-makers - and key areas of law. Throughout, a wide range of contemporary cases are examined to relate key legal concepts to familiar examples and real world situations.

The fourth chapter is excerpted from Sharon Hanson's Learning Legal Skills and Reasoning. Packed full of practical examples and diagrams across the range of legal skills from language and research skills to mooting and negotiation, this textbook is invaluable f or those seeking to acquire a range of discreet legal skills in order to use them together to produce competent assessed work.

Finally, our fifth chapter is taken from Gary Slapper's How the Law Works and makes sense of much of the legal language you will inevitably come across throughout your studies. This book is a refreshingly clear and reliable guide to today?s legal system and explores all the curious features of the law in day to day life and in current affairs.

Don't forget that Routledge also offers a range of revision guides at affordable prices to guide you through revising for assessments in the core areas of the LLB. Find out more here.

Happy Reading!

Best wishes, The Routledge Law Team


Please note that any references to other chapters within the

texts have been removed.


Understanding and making the most of your degree



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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