2nd Quarter Project : Time Travel – Travel Brochure

[pic]2nd Quarter Project : Time Travel – Travel Brochure [pic]

It is the year 2050 A.D. (C.E.) You are a travel agent who just created a time machine that will travel back in time. You are trying to encourage people to take this once in a life time trip.

You are going to create a travel brochure to one of the following places:

Ancient Egypt

Ancient India

Ancient China

Ancient Greece

Ancient Rome

In your brochure you must include the following:

✓ Location ( include maps

✓ Time Period (examples may include specific dates, dynasties, empires, periods of history)

✓ Religion and/or Belief System

✓ Important People( politicians, warriors, philosophers, writers, artists, etc.

✓ Important Events

✓ Important Attractions

✓ Pictures

On a separate piece of paper, which will be collected separately, I require a list of sources that you used in your brochure.

Your brochure must look like a brochure. It can be folded, papers attached, etc.

You will be graded on:

1. Accuracy of information & good information

2. Appearance ( Creativity, Organization, Layout

3. Persuasiveness

4. Grammar

5. List of sources

Everything must be in your own words. Even copying one sentence is plagiarism! Do not be a victim of plagiarism!!

Topic Due Date:

Project Due Date:

***Top Brochure in each class wins 10 points on the last test of the quarter.***


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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