
Summer Training June 2009


Brother Taylor

Scripture Block

Object lesson – each student given a block (a toy block) and then were asked what they would use it for

• Door stop

• Hit another student

• Exercise

• Straight edge

• Etc.

Scripture block

• Manageable size

• What?

• Help students to reach objective

• Rely on Savior

Master content – look at calendar – on Wednesday and Friday there are 2 scripture blocks (top is blue and bottom is green) Teachers were assigned blue or green.

• Everyone study the block for your color – will draw a name from a hat for the one who teaches that day

• Will have a blue group teacher and a green group teacher

• Before you come to class, read the block and identify doctrines and principles

• Post them on google doc

• You may find something just for you, but post the ones meant for students and what they can relate to

TTG 20 sequential scripture teaching

• Master scripture block

• Focus on skill – study TTG to teach that skill

• 5 minutes to do boards ( variety in teaching is best – boards too)

• Want to use different skills for every block (boards are a skill)

• Video “Wonder Emporium” – girl given block (Brother Taylor’s kids liked it)

Ezekial 34:2,3,8

Pudding object lesson – take one bite

Switch with someone – feed each other

Important to feed others, but need to feed ourselves (be self reliant)

Need to remember who shepherd is or we become prey

“Feed Me” – we will share what we liked about the block and the way it was taught

Activity – go around room, find our other’s names, birthdates, and how they like chicken

We all like chicken in different ways

THE POINT – we want you to be you – we are all teachers and all different, let your personality shine through

Devotionals were assigned for the whole time

• Seminary students live up to expectation

• We will start on time here – will have a clock and will be timed on lessons

Picnic at Porter Park with family on Monday 12:00-1:00 (Dress jeans)

• Need to RSVP to sister Baldwin by Friday – need the number planning to come

• Monday training – bring wife with you

• Brother S. and Brother T. will bring daughters to babysit during Monday training

Sister Baldwin’s notes June 3, 2009


1 Nephi 16-18 – Nephi broke bow, built ship

• Humble

• If we show faith by keeping commandments, then we will have His help (April 2009 conference, “Faith in Adversity” by Elder Rafael E. PIno)

• “look for” TTG 33, Take a Broader perspective

• Went to Priesthood leader (father Lehi) – showing respect – to learn where he should go to hunt for food

• Pray for help (maybe Nephi prayed and was told to go to father Lehi)

• When people are struggling (Lehi murmuring along with the rest) give them responsibility

(rise to calling)

Step up when our kids ask us to

Students can help in family

• If we are obedient & doing the right thing, you can be directed by the Lord

2 Nephi 1-5 – Nephites and Lamanites part

• Doing what is right isn’t always possible

• Chapter 5 – temple built, Lamanites didn’t look to temple

April 2009 conference “Honorably Hold a Name and Standing” by Elder David A. Bednar; “Sacred Names, Sacred Temples” by Elder Gary E. Stevenson; “Temple Worship: The Source of Strength and Power in Times of Need” by Elder Richard G. Scott

• Covenants – blessings come through obedience 2 Ne 1:5 – land was given

April 2009 conference “The Power of Covenants” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson

• Overall view of Book of Mormon – keep the commandments and prosper, don’t and be cut off

• 2Ne 3:5 Promises made if you do what is outlined in Ch 1-4

• Awake & Arise

• SM verses 2 Ne 2:25, 2 Ne 2:27

• I know who I should trust

• Act and be acted upon – Elder Bednar, “Seek Learning by Faith”, Ensign, Sept 2007

• 2 Ne 2:11 opposition in all things

• 2 Ne 2:2 always afflictions in our lives (April Conf 2009 – “Finding Strength in Challenging Times!” by Elder Allan F. Packer)

Ben Blake – taught Scripture block 1 Nephi 16-18

1 Nephi 16:1-3 Look for truth – Laman and Lemuel reaction

• Quit picking on me

• Justify things in our minds – no one wants to be wrong

• What are other examples in scriptures

o Alma and Amulek,

o Mosiah 18 Alma teaching at the waters of Mormon – people clapped their hands, they were joyful after being taught

o Enoch – joy & love for others

Why is one group living gospel and the other opposite?

• Attitude – desire to do what is right (humble & accept change), Laman & Lemuel were justifying actions

• Where is truth coming from? 1 Ne 15:3 hearken to truth

• Wicked take truth to be hard, 3 Ne 11 appears (voice came 3 times and they didn’t hear) the voice was small & did pierce

Source of truth

• 16:10,28 Liahona

Lord gave to them

How does it work? According to righteousness

• Compass & Liahona compared

Both have spindle

Both give direction

Point them to promised land, compass always points true North

GPS will give messages

Compass works magnetically, Liahona works by faith

If you go off course because you choose to, it won’t work for you; but you can come back on course

Constant forces – North is always North, Lord is always there

• Our source of truth

o Light of Christ – we have compass in us – do what is right

o Holy Ghost with us

o Prophets & apostles

o Scriptures

1 Ne 18:11-12 Compass not working, Nephi bound

:21-22 after Nephi loosed (they repented), Nephi prayed and it started working again

Think of a time when you did something wrong & didn’t follow commandment

Think of a time when you did follow spirit & did right

Brendan 1- taught 1st discussion to non-member friends when parents weren’t home. Had been prompted not to – seemed to breech the trust of the parents and was hard later

2- he was there for a friend when she needed to talk

BELL rang during Brendan’s comment – Do everything in our power to let student finish comment. When bell rings, train them to wait & finish the thought. Then bear short, powerful testimony.

Students usually stop early because of something we say:

One last verse or to finish up

PANCAKE PRINCIPLE FEED BACK - more on 1st side – positive (you cook that the longest)

SKILL – TTG 13-15 Readiness

Ben’s feedback

• More likely to participate if you are with them

• You have taken proper preparation in your life

• Overlapping our own lives – they felt love

• Moved around room – not behind podium (barrier)

• Asked good questions

• Learner participation – we did more talking

• Student participation – student drew on board – halfway through (readiness in the middle)

• Asked for liahona and compass comparison – bring in object lesson that you have used before

• TTG 14 testimony at end – simple, powerful

• Gave class time to ponder & then share

o Readiness at beginning (didn’t have one at beginning) – having a readiness at beginning can be good – we can always refer back to it. You don’t need a readiness at the beginning – Ben went right into scriptures. But don’t do it that way every day

o Take time to use compass – find NW corner of classroom (learner readiness)

o Write scripture ref on board –

o TTG 15 variety in how students interact

Student draw picture of compass on board

Share with partner


Readiness - What state are you from? Ben is from Maine – he asked what brought him here – he came to Idaho Boise mission, then came back because he felt it was a blessing to be here

Blessing 2 Ne 1:1-3 flee from Jerusalem Lord warned if they had stayed, they would be

Vs. 4 Jerusalem destroyed destroyed

We receive blessings – some we have to work at, some are given freely

Work required to receive

Happiness –

Vs 6-7 Broken heart and contrite heart

Given – born with




Lehi was talking to his sons (2 Ne 2:14)

He wanted them to put on righteousness (2 N 1:23-24)

What merciful blessings have you received?

2 Ne 4:14 How did Laman & Lemuel do?

2 Ne 5:3-5 Nephites left Lamanites

2 Ne 4:35 God will give to those who ask –-------------------------------- Pray

2 Ne 5:10-11 They did keep commandments & prosper--------------- Obedient


• Worthy – testimony very strong

• TTG 15 change approaches: board, group, scripture, good variety, switches made at good times

• TTG 15 – feel spirit if teacher radiates Love of Christ: eye contact – engaged with students, appreciated comments

o TTG 37 – too many questions at the same time

o TTG 15 student participation – with too many questions, students don’t know expectation

o Gave us time to work in groups, then changed the time (Let us know how much time is left)

o TTG 14 write comment on board – that thanks the student and shows that his comment is important

o Use “we” instead of “I”

o TTG 14 student learner – keep student involved

Notes by Sister Baldwin – June 5, 2009

Devotional Hymn #259 Hope of Israel - scripture 3 Ne 1 on Hope

Ryan Abrams – Mosiah 2-5

• Uniform (Army) – belong to a group

Name – belong to a family group, insignia

Insignia on Right sleeve – tells he has been in combat

Insignia on Left sleeve – tells he is from Rexburg unit

• Mosiah 5:5 enter into covenant, be obedient

Baptism – enter into covenant

Q: Why did they want to make covenant?

A: to have Spirit on our lives – ability to go on & be better

• Vs. 7 Benefits of entering covenant (we were put in groups – each group added comment to board)

Children of Christ

Hearts changed

Sons & daughters – born of Him

No fear

- We talked about each of the above comments that was on the board

- Q: have you seen someone who has had their heart changed?

- A: by Bob L: Daughter was introduced to a song, it was a pretty song, words were not too good. He got a negative response from her when he asked her about it; but after explaining what the words meant, her facial expression (and body language) showed a change in her – NOW SHE KNOWS. Now when she hears the song, she will remember

- Those that have children have an instant love for them

Jeff T: you have immediate, unconditional love for them, you want to protect them, you want to be a better person yourself so you can be an example to them

• Vs. 5 Willing to covenant to be obedient

• Vs. 8 Enter into covenant, then you need to obey terms of covenant

• Q: why did he bring out obedience twice


• Vs. 12 Retain

• What are the reminders we have been given

Temple covenants – do things, wear certain clothing

Sacrament – each week we get a reminder

Parents – remind us to be obedient

Holy Ghost helps you remember – light of Christ in our lives

• Bell – teacher asked “Forgive me just a second” and finished and bore testimony


• Preparation activity – good prep

• Share examples of when we saw principle work in our lives

• Enthusiasm – real feelings on subject


• EST – had great stories shared – can go a step further – wanted to go to sacrament

• Uniform – put on in front of kids – (suit – uniform of priesthood – could change to suit jacket when you talk about priesthood things)

• With teenagers – you need to gear lesson differently – How do you act in front of parents? Do you change when you are not with them?

Andrew Sparhawk – 2 Ne 28-33

When have you felt misled?

Brendan: by ad – free meal at KFC, heard on Oprah

Got there and they wanted him to fill in survey and get coupon

Felt upset, hungry and had to pay

Ryan A: finishing basement – drywall – had a price quoted, then had other help him and charged more

Was hard – the cost was substantial over what he was quoted

What were the consequences?

Satan misleads

2 Ne 28:7-8 (this is a SM verse – we will be talking more about this during the semester) look for misleads

|Misleading |Today |

|No consequences |Live together before married (divorce is OK) |

|Not a big deal |Honesty – forgotten virtue (tell you what you want to heard, bad |

|All saved |coupons |

|No harm |Drugs |

|Repentance is easy | |

|Sin is little | |

|It’s fun | |

|It will be OK | |

Vs 9-12 look for reason, look for How PRIDE

Student comments:

• The only way to get above is to put someone below you

• People who start other religions are sincerely motivated – they know they are doing the right thing

• Richard W: new job, sounded exciting, but had to lie to make money, RM’s were doing it. HE quit – couldn’t do that

VS 13-16 end result – thrust down to hell

• Stopped us on wo,wo,wo – Nephi getting our attention

• Jeremiah Martin shared story of grandpa on farm - tell horses whoa, if they don’t listen it is louder and more stern, the 3rd whoa you don’t want to hear.

• Back to coupon – hoax to get him in – had to pay more $ --- SATAN DROPS YOU



• We can do what we can do

• Forget all the false promises

• Satan will not win at end of game – he may make a few points


• Comfortable, joke then bring it back to lesson

• Good follow-up questions that got people to emotional level

• Felt safe, what we said was important

• Kids knew role to EST

• Flexible – went with students ideas & comments

• Readiness used throughout (all have felt misled)

• Analyzed scriptures – went back to block several time

• Held scriptures – testified often


• Go back to Christ – left us with Satan is bad feeling

• Caution (could name all churches & they’re wrong – that could send wrong message and hurt feelings)

• We have a prophet


• Students need to testify – they need to go from share to testify

• What would you say is true because of what you testified?

• When have you felt? Is a good question to ask

• 249-255 Teach Ye Diligently

• Be more relaxed

• New Teacher Manual for Book of Mormon – is online in Draft form – great teaching suggestions included in each lesson

• Start in the scriptures, then you can go to other resources for help

June 8, 2009 Notes by Sister Baldwin

Devotional: Shaun Anderson

Hymn 335 – we are the lights along the shore

Video Pres. Monson had a prompting to go to the hospital, was in a mtg and didn’t leave. Got to hospital after man died. Was told the man was asking for him. He decided he wouldn’t ignore promptings anymore.

We all need to prepare ourselves – have our lamps trimmed.

Bro. Seedall Instruction

5 Questions

1. What do you think your significant others first impression of you was?

2. What is the significant others favorite color?

3. What was the # of children in his/her head before he/she met you?

4. At the time you met, what was significant other’s favorite food?

5. What is significant other’s idea of perfect vacation?

So much of what happens in Seminary starts in home.

Joseph and Emma – couldn’t translate because of something that had happened in the home.

White space

1. What matters?

What can I say differently?

Realizing it isn’t that big of a deal

2. What matters?

We love each other

He (Joseph) was able to do God’s work

A relationship is going to stop the work from progressing?

Joseph needed Emma – Emma needed Joseph

TTG pg 18 Prepare Yourself

Write in your journal – as you are prompted, write impressions on how you will do better


1. Gospel learning requires spirit

2. to SEEK for it/ be WORTHY

- compare – Elder Bednar “Into/unto” heart

- Can be worthy, but not seeking (Bro. Martin story of when he was a teen, he was worthy but not actively seeking)

-doesn’t matter how well prepared you are, if you are not worthy, you can’t teach

3. Live gospel

Things we can do to make sure we are living worthy

• Scripture study

• Family prayer

• Talk about things – ask questions

• Be careful how you use your idle time

• Date night (without kids)

• Share time together

• Temple

• Leadership mtg. – Elder Holland – “reclaim Sabbath Day”


• Prepare to teach our children

• Goals

o “Let her use her wings – note her gifts

o No argument – go for a walk

o Bounce your lesson off of her – Bro. Anderson “idea for lesson when Bro. Vellinga came 3rd time came from wife”

o Plan things – scripture study, etc. or they won’t happen

o Bro Taylor “Wife is a great teacher”

Bro. Seedall has 14 yr-old & boy crazy – what would you tell her

• Trust wife – good example

• A seminary student was asked. His comments were “mom told him to tereat her like a princess in case she thinks you are a prince.” And his dad told him “if you mistreat her, I will kill you.”

• Stand on own feet

• Ground rules

• Trust – no curfew

• Elder Bednar – son came to him to make a deal – “just tell us the lecture #” (can’t teach through lecturing)


Faculty pray, teachers pray, personal prayer,

Pray together with kids before leaving home – pray for wife – pattern on how you view wife

Pray for wife in faculty prayer

Pray for home – pray for spouse in Seminary classroom

Pray for student specifically ( in personal prayer)

Pray for student to read scriptures

Pray for student to make good decisions

Bro T. “Would not be successful if not for his wife’s prayers”

Bro S. “When I feel she has confidence in me, …”

Inservice training

- You are not required to go to faculty meetings – you are welcome any time

No competition between student teachers

- Not going to score

- Principle – based

- Student teachers work as a team, trust PreService trainers & Church board

- Every teacher that got hired is who kids needed

We teach principles – application comes from you – the student!

TTG18 Faith

Faith in Lord

• There is water below you (Bro. Seedall’s story about blind uncle and jumping off high dive)

• You are here because it is this program & He chose you

Faith in Power of Word

• Teach scriptures every day

• Assembly schedule (30-min lesson) teach a short lesson

• 10-min day (SM day)

Faith in students

• Not watered down

• Teach clearly & by the spirit

• Don’t be afraid of student participation & discussion goes where they want it to

• Youth are awesome, we don’t need to feel we are dragging them along

• Remember as a youth, we understood & were ready to learn

• Doctrine will stand by itself

• Students expecting a lesson (says a substitute) give them one

If Satan had own page

• He would have you doubting spirit

• He would have you doubting word

• He would have you not preparing lesson


When Sis. Baldwin receives them, she will start using them.

Picnic at park – bring a dessert to share

Phone #’s

Brother Seedall – Office: 496-1594

Cell: 521-0865

Brother Taylor – office: 496-2443

Cell: 206-9643

Sister Baldwin – office: 496-1593 (My office hours are crazy. I am usually here during the school year

M-Th 7:30 or 8:00 until 3:30 or 4:00. During the summer, I will be here less)

Cell: 520-1167 (if you think I can answer your question and you can’t find Bro. S. or Bro. T.

Notes by Sister Baldwin – June 10, 2009

Bob Lamoreaux – devotional

Hymn – Teach Me to Walk in the Light

Story about brother running into glass door

Isa. 2:5 – house of Jacob

How do you walk in the light of the Lord?

Eph 5:8 Light is Christ – we are light for others

Lesson: Alma 11 – Bob Lamoreaux

Electric fence – have you touched an electric fence? did you touch it on purpose?

Carrots will conduct electricity

Scouts – get in line, 1st one touch, last in line zapped

|Satan |Why we do dumb games |

|Immorality |Manhood |

|Money |Boredom |

|Media |Impress girls (someone) |

|One upping |Be cool |

|Clicks/pride |Adrenaline (endorphines) |

| |Peer Pressure |

| | |

Alma & Amulek teaching Ammonihah

Alma 11:22 - $

:23 Amuleks’ reply

:25-36 find how Zeezrom tries to influence him

Trickery – harden our hearts

- Destruction

- Influence (see above list of Why we do dumb games)

- Captivity

Defeat Satan

Truth, spirit, testimony, messengers (doc & Principles)

Doc & Prin

Vs 36-end: - Christ is the Son of God


-judged by what we do

Doctrine effect on Zeezrom

Spirit courses through him and causes him to tremble

Spirit touches heart

He begam to learn

Zeezrom went to Sidom & was sick

Vs. 4 desire for Alma & Amulek to come

Sent for them – wanted blessing

End result of acting

Lept to feet

Became a missionary

Doc of Gospel – which have helped you

Jon L. Power of atonement cleanses you

Alma 13:27-29


-changed teaching approaches – partners, selves, read aloud

-read more as a class

- did quite a bit of searching

- would have gotten more analyzing if we would read as a class TTG 33

- What were you going toward?

Use readiness to finish

Next time you are bored …

- Personal stories (readiness – applied to block

- Questions – ask a readiness question before question

- Bob is smiling – happy – students are very relaxed

- Covered whole story (broader perspective)

Picked out key verses to show us all of story

Set up story line (what we talked about yesterday)

- Change in Zeezrom – make it bigger when he changed

- Need more application – “What does that mean to you?”

Shaun Anderson – Alma 5

Egg object lesson

What does a fertilized egg have the potential to become?

How different is the end product from the egg?

What outside conditions are necessary in bringing about this change?

How much time is necessary for this change to take place?

Alma is chief judge – people halted progress

Alma 5:4 – delivered by power of God


:7 – Lord changed hearts

:10-13 conditions – changed by testimony of others

- Changed by faith (Alma’s father) & his choice

:13 humble, trust in true & living God

The change is contrary to way of world

Trust in God to be the way He wants me to be

Have you ever tried to change yourself?

When we get down, we struggle on our own

- Humble ourselves

- We think we can do it ourselves

- He will direct

Pres. Eyring – had a change while climbing Mountain.

He didn’t make it to the top, stayed back with son

Sometimes it is more important to stay with others so they won’t have to climb alone

Matt Taylor – when he got degree – tried to do it alone – it didn’t work – he needed help of other and spirit

When we are converted, we reach out to others: example: enter into covenant with wife

Vs. 26: experience this change time & again

It is a process – continual throughout life

Sacrifice – have to hurt & stretch

Am I feeling the spirit?

How do you respond to questions vs 14-30

Vs 6-30 circle ?marks – self evaluation.

Elder Hales visiting Primary – was asked “What are you doing to be a better apostle?

We can all improve

Every question brings you back to Christ

Vs. 38-39, 42

Vs. 59-60 Savior wants to protect us

Vs. 45 – prayer & fasting – we know these things to be true


Readiness – all with you when we talked about egg

Jumped around – active listening

Comments – listen and pay attention

Finish sentence before you go on

Your thoughts (brain works faster than the class was going)

• Terrific discussion – comfortable with you

• Good questions – how do we know we are in that process?

• Individual level

• Find a way to keep story line in doctrine lesson

We are in Rexburg, they are in Zarahemla

• This class was assisting – we need to show class of teenagers the scriptures

• Tied readiness over & over to lesson (dropped egg)

It would have helped connect

• Inviting us to look at Q’s & one that makes a difference in our lives – very personal

• How has Christ helped us or protected us?

Silence – you waited for answer

• Very nervous – a little unsure of preparation?

• Energy level fluctuated – dropped egg – planned it

Good – brought in difference (changed pace)

• Button top button on shirt


Need to find balance

Find balance

You don’t want it to be unreal – you don’t want to do too little and make us feel dumb

Need to use skill set that will effectively teach a teenager

Understand questions (teenager you have to ask more than once)

Understand teenagers

Understand scriptures

Skills – simplify to a teen level

Elder Maxwell went to Driggs – didn’t talk above them

• Teach as if we are in Zarahemla

• How you word questions – reword if they don’t understand

• Ask a question tied to scriptures

• Practice questions on spouse – if they understand or blank stare

June 12 Notes by Sister Baldwin

Ryan devotional – played song “His Hands” while passing around pictures of Christ

Brendan – Alma 17-20

How do you prepare?

Football game – practice, practice, practice

Wrestling prepare by getting to right class of weight

Skip homework

Observe yourself in mirror for oral readings

Pep talk by coach

Alma 17:2-3,7-8 Look for how the sons of Mosiah prepared

|Spiritually |Physically |

|Searched scriptures |No D.A’s (food prep) |

|Armed themselves with spirit & power of God |Sword |

|Taught with power of God |Selected those who would go with them |

|Fasted and prayed |Brownie bow |

| | |

| | |

Quote by Elder Bednar – “Becoming a Missionary”

What did you do to prepare for mission? What difference did it make?

• Read scriptures – testimony of Joseph Smith, scriptures

• Be worthy

Here and now

What am I doing now? Write down – commit

Challenges in Alma vs 14 – ferocious, murderers

Challenges today – afraid to offend

Vs 11 – comforted, patient in afflictions, good examples, absolute faith and confidence (that helped Ammon – he knew he would be successful)

Bro. Martin – trusted coach (Bell rang during comment)

H.F. is that kind of coach for us


• Bring scriptures to life

• TTG 32 look for questions (2 kinds of things – spiritual, physical)

• What are you doing now? (great question)

• Bell got him

• Big readiness back into lesson

• What are you going to do tomorrow?

• “Remember what we talked about yesterday” isn’t readiness

• Readiness was good

• Natural abilities – that will bless your life

• Follow-up questions great

• TTG – followed perfectly

• Can we tie the scriptures into block

• Richard studied scriptures to prepare, could have brought Richard back into lesson

• What can we do to prepare now? Didn’t debrief it

Have students share

• Write Scripture reference on the board

• Have scripture marking

Jace Johnson – Alma 23-28

(sorry Jace – I didn’t see your lesson)


What factors make people feel lost? (be careful)

• We all know people who have made mistakes

• We all understand atonement

• You don’t want to share transgressions – want to be general

• Didn’t get to 2nd board – have to adjust time – can’t do that every day

3 readinesses in lesson – great

Students discover

Application – what am I going to do differently?

No matter how long – have them commit to something

Brother Seedall – Application -- Remember a time when you felt….

…you felt you were lost?

…you felt atonement?

Never be so arrogant as to think you’re the only one that cant each them the Gospel

Doctrines and Principles

We can have comfort & patience alone

Not necessarily as an end result

Kids come in troubled – rely on Lord for comfort

Alma 26:21 what natural man is there? Penitent, testimony comes from Spirit – can’t get in unholy temple

18:5 what ways do e wrongfully accuse?

Don’t turn away people, turn away sins

:29 wept, murmuring – fear of being slain

Leadership by fear inappropriate

Al 17-20 Love – serves them

Ask Q’s to get to know them

They are your friends – they will share

Wendy took a few minutes to get to know Bro. Seedall’s girls

Greatest example of missionary work

7 years on mission –

“They won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

17: Joy & peace in our lives – they were wicked

:18-35 teaches them all of doctrine

19: clapped hands for joy

26:26-27,30 worth of soul – one on one

They will be stoned, smote

Alma 26:27 individual thing – we all learn at different rates, people can change their lives

June 15 notes by Sister Baldwin

Devotional – Richard

Give students a gift (object lesson – give me this gift) Andrew stuffed it inside his jacket

What can you do to help students receive this gift?

What can prevent them from gaining a testimony?

Armed with Faith (action) and Repentance (change)

More than just coming to seminary

There is action involved

Encourage scripture searching and changing

Brother Seedall – Assignments

You are a guest in their building

Treat Support Specialists as gold

Courtesy at all times

Pro-active is use of mentor or other teachers

Introduce yourself to principal

9:00 Inservice at Madison

We are there to observe – don’t ask too many questions; Listen more than talk

Brother Taylor – Balance

Son Brigham gave him a note – “Good luck dad”

Brigham plays piano for Priesthood

His dad had helped him transpose “God Speed the Right” to a lower key – too low

Bishop asked “What were you thinking?” (Bishop didn’t know dad had helped, also didn’t realize he had hurt feelings.

Brigham was hurt and dad wasn’t there to help soften the hurt, cried all the way home and part of the afternoon

Dad was cooking burgers – closed lid to cooker “Dad is a great cook” etched in grease

“Who wrote that there?” Dad had written it there.

Sometimes the only one who is looking out for you is you.

Teeter totter stories

Bob L. – sister fell off, they were worried because she had hurt knee

Someone bigger on one end and holds the other person in the air

Ryan and Bob – on the teeter totter – had to work together (move back and forth) to balance it

TTG 19-20

Too much what – too much teacher talk

Too much How – too many games

Why? We can pick out principles, but if they don’t understand it…

Are we doing it for us or them?

What’s are easy to find


Why did author write it?

TTG 20

If you don’t have a what, how can you have a how?

Bro S’s mother-in-law

Preparing food – gets off on tablecloth, etc and doesn’t always have a main dish, can have 3 salads

How first – then you’re thinking of yourself first

There can be a lot of whats? In the scripture block

3 fundamentals

Master content

Decide what students need


TTG 21 – 3rd paragraph

Need for spirit

Immerse whole self in scriptures – 1st always


General conference


Student & teacher manuals

• Teacher “out of” not “into” scriptures

• Look ahead and pace out lessons – figure principles to teach over all the year

John – teach faith and them find that it is taught better in a different place

• Get excited – different kids each time you teach

• Lord reveals to you what kids need to know

C hapter content

P rinciples

R eview in your mind

• Settle in to 1 principle

• Big blocks – sometimes read student manual first for principles

• Chapter headings – read and reread – to get big overview

Book of Mormon is converting book – “When I was in Seminary…”

Note: When Sister Baldwin was in Seminary [at Bonneville] way back in the dark ages, they taught Book of Mormon the Freshman year – always.

What principles do students need?

| |Principles |

| | + | - |

|Student + | ++ | +- |

|Relevancy - | -+ | -- |

Build relationship

Tie in what students are experiencing – get to know students and their interests

Reach up-not out

Teach in mission field – you testified to strangers & then have eternal friendships

• STATE PRINCIPLE PLAINLY (don’t try to be clever & package it to disguise it)

• Ask Good Questions - & then you won’t need to know everything

• Keep List of students handy as you prep

Ether 2:13-3:6

All people can be refined

• Readiness – analogy of diamond – starts out as coarse material, under high pressure

Every time they see a diamond

Struggles are the pressures teens are under

• Skipping rocks (another readiness) smooth & flat

Process over time they become smooth & flat

Ask Questions – how does reading scriptures refine us?

TTG 23 How – Every lesson show be done, How?

1- To edify

2- with a focus on learner – RPA

3- methods to edify (appropriate)

Don’t give opportunity for students to tear each other down

Match how & what

4- variety – human nature likes change (Pres. Eyring analogy of temple vs. college – BYU-I devotional, June 9, 2009)

5- pacing

“if you do all you can, Lord will make up the difference.”

Lights in the front & back of boat – rely on Lord

June 17 Notes by Sister Baldwin

Devotional by Brendan

“Called to Serve”

Moroni’s mission statement compared to our objective

-For wives & children -we do it for youth

- preparation for war -we prepare our lessons

-labor exceedingly -we should give every effort as we prepare

-taught to defend against enemy -freedoms we defend against Satan

-protect family -help priesthood and families

-digging because Moroni told me to -because it is the thing to do

-know the word of God -study scriptures

Wendy Alma 30-31

Readiness – stepping stones in lava

You – can’t use desks, can’t use students, how do I get to Christ? (Christ’s picture on board)

Jon asked for help – she gave him other stepping stones: faith, prayer, prophets, humility, scriptures, testimony, atonement

| |Alma 30 |Alma 31 |Today |

|Men of God |Vs. 30 |Vs. 6-7 |We have prophets of God |

| |Alma |Ammon, Aaron, Omner, Zeezrom, | |

| | |Amulek, Shiblum, Corianton | |

|Wicked people |Vs. 12 |Vs. 8-9 |Business, government, Internet |

| |Korihor |Zoramites |(pornography) |

|What did they do that was bad? |Vs. 18 |Vs 11, 24-25 |Careers |

| |Commit whoredoms |Hearts set on gold | |

|What did they believe concerning |Vs. 12 |Vs. 16 |Some believe in Christ – 13,000,000|

|Christ? |No Christ |No Christ |strong |

| | | | |

Alma 30:43

Korihor wants sign

What does that tell us about Korihor?

Lacking faith

Alma 32:17-18

Zoramites – wanted signs

Lack faith

32:21 Faith is things not seen that are true

Teach the people how to learn

Each step (back to readiness) leads to Christ

Alma 34:18-25 mark repeated word “Cry”

Cry-energy, emotion into your praying

Bro. S. – lost a child – you plead – actually cry for help

Baby- cries for help – their only way of communicating

Alma teaching us that the Lord provides & we depend on the Lord as a baby depends on parents

Alma teaching them to pray

Partner – How prayer brings you to Christ?

A personal conversation with God

He knows what is going on in my day

Faith brings us into focus – we know they are there

Bro. T’s son – couldn’t sleep until he had said prayers with dad

Alma & Amulek

Bear testimony

Alma 30:39 – I KNOW

34:8- Amulek’s testimony

Truth is truth

Look unto Christ

Alma 30:50 fate of Korihor – struck dumb

:56 cast out, begging for food

:59 trodden down

35:14 Zoramites repented and used as instruments in the hand of Christ


• Pattern Korihor/Zoramites

Look for skills there

More depth for Sem. Students

• Marking scriptures – Cry

• Readiness – referred back to, led to whole theme of lesson: stepping stones – invited spirit

• Reference not on board, but repeated it again

• Thanked students for comments

• Organization great – we didn’t get lost

• Moved around classroom

• Held scriptures

• Simple, effective boards

• SM verses –

• Taught us broader perspective – now we can go into bigger picture

• Summary of huge block – left us wanting more

• Preparation – she was prepared

• More testifying of students

Richard Wadsworth

Alma 39-41

Who is an example to you?


Wrote names on the board

Alma 39 – Alma is teaching his sons, previous to that Alma was teaching the gospel

Corianton needed help – vs. 1

Brothers are Shiblon, Helaman – they are good example

Examples are good in our lives – back to readiness

Know everyone’s name and sincerely loved them

Another could joke around when things are tough

Do you think Corianton had example?

38:2 Shiblon steadfastness, faithfulness

:3 faithfulness, diligence, patience, long-suffering

:9 Christ is example – truth and righteousness

39:11 can examples work against us?

:2-3 what did he do?

-boasted of own strength

-left ministry

-harlot Isabel

People didn’t believe Alma because of example of son

Cross yourself

|Border Danger |How to cross yourself |

|Bad parties | |


|Omission – not reading scriptures with intent | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

-Wendy told story of 3 truck drivers: 1st said he could get 1” over edge and still maintain control; 2nd said half tire off edge would be OK; 3rd said stay as far away from edge as possible

-Bro. T’s son – IPOD – loading songs from Internet – didn’t want to know password



• Ether 12:27 weak things become strong – your are working on “You’s” and “I’s”

• Testified of Wendy’s & Bro T’s example

• Trying hard – write on board, reference on board

• Excited throughout lesson – touched hearts

• Readiness left it, but came back

• Forgot to go back to Andrew’s comment even though you said you would come back to it

• Vs 1: if only you would be like your brothers: good makes us feed dumb

• Could we have written Corianton on the example side?

(Alma49:30) he is out teaching again

• Analyze block more

Be in scriptures more

Summarize whole block and principles/doc there

• Use for Strength of Youth to answer questions – don’t shy away – teach doctrine and answer Questions

• 301 Preach My Gospel is “How to teach Moral standards”

• New value for YW – virtue

• Lean forward in the wind – adjust with gusts

Richard crossed room – attention went to teacher & away from scriptures

Brother Vellinga

• Youth conference – 5 minutes before he was to talk, he was asked to change topics to chastity/virtue and to talk 1 ½ hours, not the 45 he had planned for

• Talked at mission president’s funeral

Robert D. Hales was there and Pres. Monson – changed talk

• Mission in San Francisco

Son of important man was going to write a paper about Mormons and wanted to cross the bay to the Oakland temple – spirit came and he couldn’t deny that

• Went to a breakfast with the Mayor of San Francisco and was introduced as thinking city was sin city

• Berkley – 1st area – Hippies

• 2nd area – San F. – knocked on door, they were invited to dinner (a couple of guys living together and thought the missionaries were too) Bro. V. was naïve.

• Gold is color for virtue – gold is great value: chastity is great value

Wedding ring is supposed to last forever

Pure gold is 24K, 10/14 = 10 parts aloes, 14 parts gold = 14K; 14/10 = 14 parts aloes, 10 parts gold = 10K.

10K should last longer, 14K costs more

“Hie to Kolob” – There is no end to virtue

• Went to temple – adversary tries to distract us from what is pure

• Alma 39 – wonderful, wonderful life – terrible, terrible tragedy to lose virtue

Worked in Correlation Dept.

Magazines, Preach My Gospel, lesson books

They screen everything – “If there is anything virtuous…”

Acts 18:5 Paul on mission testify Jesus is Christ

Acts 18:28 Apollos read scriptures that Jesus is Christ

Bible Dic. P. 633 Anointed (Gk), Messiah (Heb)

Psalms 150:6 Let everything that had breath praise the Lord

DC 128:22-23 Joseph Smith testify of Christ – animals, trees, rocks, sun, moon, stars

Testimony of Christ

He is all over on pages of Book of Mormon

June 19 notes by Sister Baldwin

Devotional – Jon Lammers

98 “I Need Thee Every Hour”

Story telling: convert of just over 1 year when he went on mission

Elder Engleheart – head a glow – had spirit – was also a convert of just over 1 year

They had something in common – they felt the rest of missionaries were far ahead (perfect)

Playing basketball and Elder Engleheart fell (unconscious before hitting floor)

CPR was performed, but too late

Scripture – 1 Ne 4:6 led by spirit

Patriarchal blessing in MTC

Knew he could never turn from the church

Alma 34:34 – Elder Engleheart had done 47 temple sessions before mission

Each day should not be taken lightly

Don’t let one day pass when you are not improving

Alma 52-58 – Jon Lammers

In thy most desperate hour

Alma 52:18, 58:38 How long had they been fighting? 2 years

What were the circumstances?

|Cumeni |Manti |

|Low on food |Biggest, blackest Lamanite army |

|2,060 strippling warriors |Innumerable? |

|2,000 more received | |

|10,000 strong? Possibly | |

65,000 at BYU stadium

Your most desperate hour – share with partner

Wendy sick – Savior was there for her

What did Sons of Hel. Do? 38:10-11 Prayed

Jeff – skunk in field – scared, prayed – felt comfort

Alma 58:28-29 How does it end?

Took city w/o shedding of blood – Lamanites fled

Lord fought their battle

How did Lord fight your battle? In most desperate hour?

Strip. Warriors were obedient

57:21 – every command w/ exactness

Mothers taught them

Helaman was father to them, they were his sons

Ingredients to obedience

Covenant 53:18

Mothers taught 57:21

Richard – story what his mother taught him

Testimonies developed over time

-didn’t happen at time of battle

Examples of parents and others


• Identify when spirit was present

• Most desperate hour – change to a difficult hour rather than most desperate hour (leave out word most) – writing activity not sharing activity. Students don’t want to share most desperate hour

• TTG 36 – share story – Jon said “did things not proud of” – leave that out

• Great passion, great presentation

• Finish before bell

• Don’t apologize for emotion – that is you for today

• Stories were tied into block

• Where we turn for help

• Use scriptures after pray they received courage

• Battle ended good because…

Use scripture to teach that change

Brendan – Alma 43-52

Hymns – 243, 250, 259

Rev 12:7-9 war started in Heaven

:10-11 won with help of Christ

Al 43:3-4 Zoramites some were converted, rest joined Lamanites

:17 Mor 25

:18-20 swords, cimeters, breastplates, armour for head & arms, thick clothing

Lamanites –“I’m going into battle, I will wear my loincloth”

• How often do we go unprepared?

No prayer

Richard deleted computer games on computr

Melissa worked at Burger King – co-workers knew she was LDS, she prepared by reading scriptures

How can we turn to prophets?

They are here to serve us – we need to follow counsel

Bro T. – President Bednar – 1st presidency have vision, 12 carry out vision

Listen to prophets – a heads-up

Bro. S. – President Hinckley “Stormy weather ahead” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “To the Boys and to the Men,” Ensign, Nov 1998, 51)

In one stake – find unemployed every meeting

Beef up food storage

43:44 – Zoramites & Amalekites fight like dragons – broke armor in 2

James 4:7 good cross reference


• Said “don’t fall asleep” – could say “this is exciting lesson”

• White spacing

Why so many war chapters? Then go to Revelation scriptures

• Background on Zoramites – excellent

• Read between the lines – Moroni 25 years old – how old are you guys?

• Cross ref was good too

• Ask Questions to personally apply to our lives

• Readiness on hymns from manual

• TTG 32 “Look for” – didn’t discover ourselves, then we know how it affects us

• How are we going to defend ourselves? Should be emphasized more

• Wanted to go to FHE, prayer –help us win over most desperate hours

• Natural at adding testimony

• Asked great Questions – give time for us to answer –

• At end brought it back to Savior – we are at war with Satan

• Use scriptures to teach scriptures

• Prep time - quality lesson, used handbook on very little prep time.

Notes by Sister Baldwin – June 22, 2009

Dev: Andrew

Hymn 221 – Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd

Quick to Observe by Elder Bednar

Sister Bednar came to stake conference – she later called previous Mia Maid and talked for 45 minutes.

Elder Bednar went out of his way – gave card with cell phone # on it to serviceman. Call me and let me know how you’re doing

Matt 18:12-13 sheep gone astray

Help lost ones come back to fold

Brother Taylor

Objective of Seminaries and Institutes

Why do you believe in objective of S&I?

Moses 1:39

How will you, as a teacher, keep this objective from dissolving?

• Review objective before lesson

• Help them to understand atonement in their lives

• Be there constantly – remind us

• Pray to know needs of youth – He knows us individually

• Learn – reason you’re getting it is to give it (not for yourselves)


Childhood games, then games we didn’t like

Red Rover

Jace, Wendy, Ryan vs. Bro. S., Bob, Jace

What is stronghold?

We knew she didn’t stand a chance

1. Alma 50:6, 11 make against enemy, cut off enemy, prepare self, weaken enemy

Alma 50:1-5 dirt in ridges, pickets, timbers, towers (men on tower with stones & arrows)

Alma 49: Lamanites went for Ammonihah because it worked before, but Moroni had fortified that city

Alma 51:22-23 Moroni’s people were contending with themselves – they were not strong and Amalickiah took city

2. Alma 51:27 can be taken – cunning – Satan will try to do same –

Why? Contention, price, not listening to leaders

Alma 50:26 warm contention – what is warm contention?


50:23 happy; vs. 25 contention

3. Alma 56:21, 58:1-2,6 We are in stronghold yet we allow in movies, etc (not that bad)

Little by little Satan leading us out

Jeff – Satan never comes to a door you leave open, it is one that is closed

To help us achieve objective, teachers & students should (see picture)

• Teach and learn by the spirit

• Study scriptures daily & read the text for the course

• Understand the content & context of the scriptures & words of the prophets

• Identify, understand & apply gospel doc & prin

• Master key scripture passages & basic doctrines

Pray – help us all to be great men

How do you think Chief Captain Moroni & others would establish & maintain stronghold on a learning environment of love, respect, and purpose?

Compare: Strongholds of Moroni

• Captain Moroni had group work together to create stronghold

• Strong sharing

• BKP – environment of classroom

• John Busch - Play games them vs. him so they were all together (united)

What does Satan want when BYU-I students leave class? The opposite of ideas below:

• Enjoy learning

• Teach of Jesus Christ – Be worthy

• They are distracted

Pres. Eyring: “As the forces around us increase in intensity, whatever spiritual strength was once sufficient will not be enough and whatever growth in spiritual strength we once thought was possible, greater growth will be made available to us. Both the need for spiritual strength and the opportunity to acquire it will increase at rates which we underestimate at our peril.” –CES Fireside for Young Adults, Jan 3, 1999, 3.

Never break covenant – make covenant

We need to step up – Satan getting too many strongholds

Jace – before Garden of Gethsemane – Christ told Peter that Satan desires to have you and sift you as wheat. And I am praying for you.

Who’s on Board?

All our names on board

What do we do when one of our students is not on board?

Hymn 221 – go after them

Use our shovels and make a stronghold

Get students involved

All the other students miss him when he is gone

Erase some names- how does that make us feel – they need to feel welcome

Is some of this teacher’s fault?


1. high % is teacher’s fault

Teachers are worst enemy – a little reprimand

Use a tool to teach the one

Always check yourself first if someone isn’t on board

Small changes

2. Read the Room

Teach Ye Diligently

Group 1: p. 154-163

What is principle? How will that principle help us maintain a stronghold in our class?

Prevention of problems

Show expectation from beginning – they will rise to it

Group 2: p. 164-173

What is principle? How will that principle help us maintain a stronghold in our class?


Set up room so we can see all students

Group 3: p. 174-181

What is principle? How will that principle help us maintain a stronghold in our class?

Page 176 – a miracle

(students were getting up and leaving classroom – distracting to class)

“If we start right, it is easy to go right all the time; but if we start wrong, we may go wrong, and it will be a hard matter to get right. Joseph Smith, Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith, compiled by Alma P. Burton, p. 32.

Set up expectation

Expect certain behavior

Set up stronghold – say & do not say & do not

Kids leaving class: teach not tell – maybe talk about it the next day

Involve her when she comes back

Ask before you act

If you’re OK with a No, they weren’t really asking

You won’t get everyone on board every day

Find lost ones – pay attention to one that was lost


Alma 58 How do we regain?

Vs. 10

Vs. 12

Vs. 13

Notes by Sister Baldwin – June 24, 2009

Devotional – Jace

Master the Tempest is Raging

Picture of lighthouse – wave crashing, guy standing in doorway

Christus statue – How do you feel about it?


Picture caption “Sometimes God Calms the storm & sometimes God lets the storm rage and calms the child”

Reflect on Christ – stop & think about, then we will have a different view

Hel 5:12 build on rock of our Redeemer

If we build on rock, we won’t fall

Once you have accepted atonement, think on daily basis – it is a real benefit to students

Jeff Thurman – Helaman 1-5

What are some of the things you have been told to remember?

Lunch $, pack clean underwear

y-mx+b equation of a line

cover 2 window is small – football strategy by Jon

wife’s birthday and anniversary

Who you are & what you stand for

We are children of God & members of Christ’s church – great power

Helaman 4:21 – remember prophecies of Alma

Actually this is the end of the story – of Pride Cycle

We don’t have to go in this Cycle – Mos 4:11-12 Remember God blesses us.

Pres Benson “Antidote to Pride is Gratitude”

Scriptures have power to change you

Father, mother, EQ Pres, RS Pres

Hel 5:5-12 Mark remember

To better prepare to face the storms,

I will remember………..

Put Christ first and remember you are His child & no matter where you are in the Pride cycle, he will help you come back.


TTG 37-38 Questions & class discussion

• Questions led to deeper thought

• Thank you for that testimony or your testimony

• Thanked Shaun for including SM verse in Devotional

• Readiness & closing helped us to think

• Search – gave us the answers on Pride cycle

Students will retain more if they figure it out

Use skill – assign by row – use students

If students can do it, why should you?

• Ask questions to spark discussion

• When we read out loud, we could have inserted name

• TTG 38 #5 Give students time to think when you ask questions

• Good boards – simple, lots of white space

We are still discovering & learning

Leave boards empty – room to be guided by spirit

Q’s TTG 37 Who, what, when, how, where, why

Keep these in mind

Jace – Helaman 13-16

|What do you fear most? |Antidote |

|Bro S. walking into class |Preparation |

|Jumping into water off cliffs |Protection |

|Grizzly bears |Distance |

|Nothing |Avoidance |

|Spider |Options |

|Dogs | |

|Clowns | |

|Someone hurting | |

|Heights | |

Helaman 13:2-11 Look for

What allowed Samuel to overcome his fears?

What did Samuel tell them to do?

Treasure Chest

What would you buy?





Where is your treasure?

Helaman 13:17-22

Lord doesn’t curse us because he wants to

Because he loves us, reminds us of where our blessings come from

|Worldly treasures |Antidotes (Hel 15:3) |

|Items bring happiness |What did they fear? SIN itself |

|Fashion | |

|Electronics |Truth – believed it and were steadfast & repented & made free (vs. 8) |

|College degrees |When knowledge hits you of atonement and you are made free, it is the |

|Love of car & other luxuries |most wonderful feeling & they fear sin & are made free |

Testimony – truth grew to faith – led to atonement – felt heart change.

Lord chastens us because He loves us


• Readiness – what you’re afraid of

Easy personality – comfortable in front of classroom

• Read big blocks – then look for – could read in groups

• Wrote Q’s on board – students forget what Q’s are

• Wrote references on board

• TTG 37 #1 avoid yes or no Q’s (they are OK as a springboard)

• If one student says “I think this is what you’re looking for”, that could be a tip off that you may be confusing in Q’s asked

• When no one responds, wait

• Had 2 boards similar – 2 lists – do variety

• Bro W. “If you do it, debrief it”

• Follow-up on Q’s

• TTG 38 #6 listen to answers – use eyes (non verbal thing – we pay attention to answers)

• Walk around when in groups & listen

Bro. Seedall - principles

When you receive feedback, look at list – let spirit tell you what to work on

When you see students have confused look, they don’t understand

When you see students have glazed eyes, get them involved


How do we really make scriptures come to life?

• Story line

• White space

• Who, what, when, where, why, how

• Ask students to tell story line

Be careful there are dangers – a bad story teller, a long-winded story teller, or wrong story

• Application to the block

• Find yourself – who are “you” in this story

• Background before you start

Ether 3 as an example

• Set background – Ryan been to Middle East – let us know what mountains (hills) are like

How big are the rocks?

How did he carry them? M&M bag

• Explain it as if you were talking to a 3-year old

• Too broad – what is principle?

June 26, 2009 - Notes by Sister Baldwin

Devotional Ben – Hymn #113 Our Savior’s Love – favorite Hymn

29 A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief – Richard – spirit touched him

O My Father – Bob - sang at Grandpa’s funeral

Use hymns to bring in spirit

Mormon 1-6 Bob

True False test on 4th Nephi

Writer of Book of Mormon – Mormon, Moroni



|Mormon 1:8-11 |Separation into Nephites & Lamanites |

|1:13,16 |# of miracles ceased, Apostacy |

|1:16,17 |Willfully rebelled against God |

| |Forbidden to teach |

|1:19 |Power of evil one, |

| |wrought on all of land |

|2:11 |Mourning & lamantations |

|4:11 |Horrible scene of blood & carnage that cannot be described |

| | |

2:13 studied pride cycle

Why didn’t repenting lead to happiness?

All about them

When we suffer sorrow, how can we be sure it will lead to repentance?

It’s all about who we look to – focus on Christ, not self

What difference have you felt when you focus on self or Christ?

Sorrow when think of self

Hope when look to Christ

2 things that Mormon did when he had difficulties

Mormon 3:2 preach repentance

:6 fortified land of Desolation

:9 boast of own strength

:11 refused to command armies

:16 watched destruction

Watch video clip – look for Moroni’s reaction

-not “I told you so”

“O ye Fair ones- how could ye have rejected that Jesus?”

What can we learn from Moroni’s reaction?

He knew what they could have had

Testimony – focus on Christ

-during difficulty

-everyone else doing it

-wish that for others


• Quiz great readiness – use other scripture stories as readiness

• Look for – pause to reflect on it – great job during video

• Repeated instruction when in group work

Talked about each one – could have written them on board

• Power phrases great (Happiness – righteousness, wickedness – misery, sorrow)

• TTG good use of video

• Extra scripture for group work – do the 1st one together (works as instructions and brings everyone together)

• Q came before we had knowledge to answer it

Jace answered – then went to vs. 13 which answered it, but Jace felt dumb?

• Great analyzing

Good analysis leads to application

No analysis leads to confusion

• Could have noted – Mormon stayed focused in midst of wickedness

Ben 3 Nephi 15-17

Person you like to be around

Brother – do lots together

Nieces and Nephews – look up to you, fun to be with, so genuine

When you aren’t around them, it is great to have known them; miss them, worry about them

You have 5-10 minutes to be with the Savior

What would you say? Thank him, feeling of worship, What I need to do? More listening, I love you

What would He say?

3 Ne 17:1-6 They didn’t want Him to go.

Video clip what did you feel? Overwhelming, peace, love

Alma 12:14 works condemn us

Good feeling at reunion


• Readiness – reflected on tender feelings of heart

Go to scripture block, then analyze, then video

• Instead of thinking about it – it WILL happen

• Could write in journal before testifying

Entire class can testify in a journal

• What was application?

Live lives so it would be a good experience

• Put ourselves in scriptures – awesome

• What are we learning from block?

We were out of the scriptures a lot

• Put yourself in video

What character are You?

17:7 lists afflictions and afflicted in any manner

which affliction do you want to be healed of?

R – think of a friend

10 min with Savior

D – sharing

Names on board

A – prepare to meet Savior

Analyze – didn’t analyze scriptures, almost felt topical

Never really got to analysis & emotion will lead testimony

Good analysis leads to spontaneous application

Vs 7 analyze each condition

Principles – What does Spirit tell you to do? (don’t say “The spirit told me” – a red flag, but tell a story if the spirit tells you to.

Brother Seedall

TTG 36 true stories

Teach stories

If story is main dish then you’ve missed point

What do you say after testimony?

Thank you

I hope I can be like you

I hope I can do like you in similar circumstances

I testify that is true

Your remind me of J.S. in similar…

I appreciate that testimony (they don’t realize they have testified)

TTG 36 cautions: on stories

What to do for rest of summer? Read B of M & write down ideas

|Notes |Ideas |

| | |

| | |

| | |

You don’t have to follow all of ideas – you may get better ones

Visit with principal

School policies & events

1st day ideas – changes with the time of year, school can change schedule, Seminary sometimes take a few days together to give school time to do scheduling

June 29 notes by Sister Baldwin

Richard – Devotional

Write how B of M has changed your life. Stories shared.

Teaching tool learned: wait a few minutes for people to respond – waiting is a good tool.

Mormon 3:22

Brother Seedall

Brother Abrams prepared for tour of duty in Iraq.

3 months in Ft. Worth

3 months at Ft. Bliss

At Ft. Bliss soldiers from 91st were there to teach what to expect in Iraq. They had never

been to Iraq. Some was repetitive, some was worse than Iraq.

Taught to react not respond

Matt 4:1-11 Jesus was already prepared when Satan came

“I hope with all my heart and soul that every young man who receives the priesthood will honor that priesthood and be true to the trust which is conveyed when it is conferred. May each of us who holds the priesthood of God know what he believes. As the Apostle Peter admonished, may we ever be ready “to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.” 1 There will be occasions in each of our lives when we will be called upon to explain or to defend our beliefs. When the time for performance arrives, the time for preparation is past.” – President Thomas S. Monson, Our Sacred Priesthood Trust, Ensign, May 2006, 54-57.

TTG 34-35

SM – regular & consistent

President Benson said a time will come when missionaries are prepared to go out with 1000 scriptures

If your expectations are high, they will reach them. – can identify and know all 25 the first 2 weeks. Then work on Understanding and Application

Identify – cards, games

Competition – contention, don’t like to lose, hard to calm down again, understanding is missed

Understand – take it apart – doctrines & Principles

Context & Content – see Big picture, why did author write it?

X reference

Memorize – songs are favorite way in our area, but be careful

Doctrines – How does it fit in?

Why did 1st Pres. Pick it?

Application – will work on it on Wednesday.

July 1 Notes by Sister Baldwin

Devotional – Shaun Anderson

Hymn 266 – The Time is Far Spent

In block – called to endure hate of the world

Prep to get to this point

DC 33:8-10 look for repeated words “Open Your Mouths”

Have faith that your mouth will be filled

:17 oil and lamp trimmed – always prepared to teach Seminary

Wick not too long or too short

Pruned trees bring forth more fruit

Daily scripture study is better than once a week

Wendy – Moroni 7

Decision daily

Homework or not

Which tie to wear

Breakfast – what to fix

Big choices


Internship – where to do it

What helps us make decisions


Take for granted the spirit

Make a list – pros and cons (sometimes Wendy still picks short list)

Judge – what is difference between righteous & non-righteous

Vs 1 who is speaking? Moroni using words of father, Mormon

400 AD

Vs 15 judge – good from evil

Judge influences that you will let into your house

Vs 16-17 Scripture mastery – mark that

Spirit of Christ given to every man

Forms of persuasion

Example – tie into media

How do we know if something is:

|Of God |Of Devil |

|View media with Babylon/Zion approach |Feel it – in music, in movies |

| | |

Mormon taught us that as we do this, we can become like Christ

:19 Child of Christ

:45 Charity – characteristics

:47 Pure love of Christ

:45 add the word Christ before each phrase

:46 w/o Christ we are nothing

Commit: I will………


Wendy is great at knowing her objective

• You want the students to understand Christ

• What is Charity – read vs. 45 – allowed Moroni to explain vs 47

• Think of self in that place was great

• Group work – assigned group leader just as handbook suggests

Gave time to complete

Report on what we did in groups

You learn from others in group – the application is there in a group

• Write down what you will do

• TTG group size – 5 or less

• Good that we came back to rows after group

• Listened to groups – Bro. S. comes right in and gets involved

When we read scriptures, you paused as we found things

More time to testify

Give them a challenge to share at home or with a friend

Chapter 7 a rich chapter

Only touched a couple – try to get all (intent of author)

Could say: here is a list of things – we can only touch on a couple of them

Key ****:19-20 if you lay hold on every good thing

How do we lay hold

NEXT MEETING: Monday, Aug 17- breakfast – details to follow

Brother Seedall – Application to Scripture Mastery

Ideas for application

• You have a friend struggling scenarios

• Missionary moment

• Cards have application on them

• Write scripture in own words

Identify quickly, then move on to application

• John Busch cranium game – Understand & Application

• Jeopardy game

• Tiffany Savage – bounce ball on desk to determine points, then “go and do” back to scriptures

• Use daily – 10 minutes OK – not 40 minutes

• Use before, during, after lesson

• No rules – we are flexible (TTG says do often – regularly & consistently)

• Variety is good – different time, different activity

We see you S.T. as potential to go where we want to go

H.F. wants us to move forward

Use all 4 years (bookmark) scriptures for S.M.

Use G.A. quotes

Basic Doctrines – resources (Brother Taylor was telling us about). It is on the LDSCES site under teaching emphasis


It is amazing – there are General Authority talks there

- There are Scripture mastery helps there (you can download learning resources)

- The talks from past symposiums are there (they used to have all the full-time seminary teachers meet in S.L. during the summer for a week and hear talks, etc. on the course they would study the coming year. These talks are great

- The scripture mastery scriptures can be downloaded in mp3 format to your IPODs, etc.

Q&A session

Big block: don’t have time, we have to choose

Others teach things we miss

Look over all book – decide what you will teach when

Example John Busch: taught one thing then the next week, he found it would have been

better to have taught it then

Read book of Mormon – find the Doctrines/Principles

Be familiar – not different than taking a car trip with family

Take notes – point out things along the way

Move to application-

- Spend this much time here and that much time there

- Get points in – not too long

- Send most of time on application

- Richard story of Mission Pres. “I testify” after Richard had told scriptures and stories, etc.

“I know this to be true” – Bro S. says do this a lot

Moroni 7 – he declares word then bears testimony

- Listen

Spirit will tell you what to teach

Spirit will teach them – what they need to know, and if they need to repent

Fall 475 – Thursday 4:30-6:00 every other week

What to put on Walls?

- Picture of Savior

- Pictures of brethren

- Plan of Salvation (Elder Packer says to)

- If sharing a room, ask principle

- Have wall up by Aug 1 then you won’t have to cram

- $ - pay for it yourself if you will keep it, Seminary has most everything you will need

- Never expect principal to pay for something you haven’t cleared with him first

How to use video cabinet in classroom

Spend a day learning how to use it


Teaching teenagers


Teaching us

You want teaching to be present



++ is where you want to be – Hie to Kolob – student excited

+- live principles

-+ Be careful – it may not apply as much

-- stay out of this box

Hel 12:2-3 forgetting God

Need change of heart

Trust God

Hel 14:15




Hel 3:36

Riches – love of riches

I don’t need God

Blessings, righteous,

keeping commandments


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