
Subject: Your Invitation to Lead for ChangeThank you for taking the first step on your leadership journey by attending Your Leadership Edge. We hope the experience and the ideas have continued to resonate?with you.?Most of all, we hope the KLC framework is helping you make progress on your challenges, whether at work, in your community, or at home.Every good journey has important stops along the way. I’m writing to you today to point you in the direction of your next milestone, the next step on the KLC Path--Lead for Change.??The KLC leadership principles says,?it starts with you and must engage others.?More often than not, you're going to need to mobilize others in order to make progress on your adaptive challenge. There's no quick fixes and you can't go at this alone.?The Lead for Change program is designed to specifically help you navigate the nature of leadership and authority, work with heated factions and introduce you to how systems within organizations work. You'll come away from this experience:?·???????prepared to mobilize others to deal with tough problems and seize? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?opportunities in any context·???????deepen your skills and confidence to engage others in managing change·???????energize others to deal with problems more effectively for lasting resultsVisit the?Lead for Change?webpage?for more details and to find dates that work for you.?If you have any questions, please let me know! ................

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