
Annotated BibliographiesArticle 1:Ashurst, A. (2010). Providing leadership, motivation and support for your staff. Nursing and Residential Care, 12(6), 301-2.The author discusses the importance of being a caring and supportive leader in the health-care setting. He explains that a good leader is dependable, and cares about the residents, families and also the concerns and well-being of team members. A leader encourages managers to be inspiring and motivational and encourages advancement in their careers.The article also discusses the importance of leaders being positive in the work environment and this inspires team members to have positive attitudes. Also encouraging and praising team members leads them to be more productive.This article was uplifting and motivating after working in long-term care facility for 15 years. I have observed when the work place morale is low it makes for a hard day’s work. My plan is to interview a nursing home administrator from a local nursing home. I will ask the interviewee what approaches are taken when team morale is low and does he/she converse with team members to discuss issues to correct the problem.Article 2:Kenmore, P., (2008). Applied leadership: Exploring leadership styles. Nursing Management, 15(1), 24-6.Kenmore’s article is based on the results of a study on leadership styles of hospital managers in different acute care settings. The study confers the most common leadership styles observed as affiliative and coaching. Affiliative leaders can be effective when everyday operations are working smoothly and the staff is motivated. If affiliative leadersare too concerned with pleasing staff, they will not approach difficult or delicate issues. In coaching, unsatisfactory performances can be overlooked along with satisfactoryperformances, which result in unmet goals by the team and both the good and bad become dissatisfied. According to the study, the best leaders are flexible and use the leadership style that’s most appropriate for the situation and individual. The study concluded that managers with good communication skills and a sense of drive and clarity is the key to successful leadership.After reading the article I found it interesting the leadership styles it addressed. Duringthe interview process, I will ask the interviewee which of these leadership styles can beobserved in his/her facility. And if these styles are used what types of problems are identified.Article 3:Fincham, J.E. (2009). Leaders or Managers for difficult times. American Journal of Phamaceutical Education. 73(2), 24.In this article Fincham addresses Kotter’s view regarding leadership and management. According to Kotter, individuals are not born leaders and are not born with leadership skills. Leadership skills are developed from within an individual as different situations challenge one throughout their career. Leaders motivate and stimulate individuals tomove in a direction of growth. Managers are not automatically good leaders. Managers coordinate and ensure day to day operations run smoothly and guide others. But leaders make things successful. He also converses that leadership involves good communication, critical thinking and repetitive reinforcement upon team members to be successful. Kotter suggest that leading and managing are both complimentary of the other. I realize it’s difficult sometimes to transition from manager to leader. After reading this article it gave me insight regarding the differences between the two. I will ask the interviewee did he/she have problems transitioning from manager to leader. And what problems were encountered from team members you once managed. Article 4:Godden, A., Patterson, D., Rughani, A., & Smithson, H. (2012, January). Training for Leadership. The British Journal of General Practice, 62(594), 8-9.The article discusses The Medical Leadership Competency Framework (MLCF) which is a guide for all specialty areas, and provides a scope of leadership that should be used tomature our leaders. The MLCF recognizes five core leadership areas that leaders should strive to be competent and discusses them in brief detail. The authors indicate that leadership is a part of professionalism and has to be achieved to become really valued. This article was informative regarding leadership and professionalism being intertwined. The information in the article related to me that being a leader means to remain professional at all times and respect your team members. While performing the interview, I will ask the interviewee are leadership classes provided to managers when they transition into leader roles, due to change in professional status. .. ................

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