Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership ...

[Pages:267]Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership and Management Practices

Guide for Training Community Leaders to Improve Leadership

and Management Practices

? 2008 Management Sciences for Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Trainers and facilitators may photocopy the exercises, tools, guidelines, and instructions for participants without prior permission, for noncommercial use only. Any translation, adaptation, or commercial use of any part of this book in any form or medium requires prior written permission from the editor.

Management Sciences for Health 784 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4613 USA Tel.: +1.617.250.9500 Fax: +1.617.250.9090 Email: bookstore@ Website:

ISBN 0-913723-01-0

Funding for this guide was provided by the Office of Population and Reproductive Health, Bureau for Global Health, US Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Leadership, Management, and Sustainability Program under cooperative agreement GPO-A-00-05-00024-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID.

Editor: Barbara Timmons Composition: Lesley Rock for SquareOne Publishing Partners

AUTHORS Susana Galdos, Senior Associate, Management Sciences for Health (MSH). Cambridge, MA Mary Luz Dussan M?rquez, Community Development Coordinator, Waslala, Management and

Leadership Program (M&L), MSH-Nicaragua Mario Lacayo Flores, Assistant Director, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua, and Community Coordinator,

Waslala Argentina Paraj?n, Community Team Coordinator, Waslala, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua Omar Cortedano Larios, Community IEC Specialist, Waslala, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua

WORKSHOP TEAMS In Nicaragua Omar Cortedano Larios, Mary Luz Dussan M?rquez, Gilberto Espino, Mario Lacayo Flores, Argen-

tina Paraj?n, Rigoberto Rivera, Edman Ubeda, Marta Vanegas, Community Promoter Teachers, Waslala, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua Lizmarling Otero, Secretary of Community Team, Waslala, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua Susana Galdos, Senior Associate, M&L, MSH-Boston

In Peru Mary Luz Dussan M?rquez and Susana Galdos, MSH staff trainers Patty Barba, Katerine Berr?os, Miluska Calder?n, Willima Ch?vez, Erika D?vila, Betsy D?az, Helen

Fern?ndez, Engels Figueroa, Dorina Flores, Juan Carlos Flores, Kane Flores, Nelly Gonz?les, Maruja Guill?n, Francisco Huancas, Eliana L?pez, Luz Marina Medrano, Nora Nieto, Vladimir Palomino, Kenneth Peralta, Karina Pereira, Mar?a Elena Ponce, William Rodr?guez, Rosario S?nchez, Katia Sarmiento, Yssa Shajuano, Cosme Tacanga, Silvia Torero, Rosa Uribe, Roc?o Valle, Carmen Vallejo, Geiller Vargas, Lionel Vigil, workshop facilitators

COLLABORATORS In Nicaragua Barry Smith, Chief of Party, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua Claritza Morales P., Human Talent Coordinator, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua Yara Castro P?rez, Secretary, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua Alejandro Poveda Memorial Team of Coordinators, M&L, MSH-Nicaragua

In Peru Edgar Medina, Project Director, Municipios y Comunidades Saludables

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This guide is the result of experience acquired during the Moral Leadership and Community Management workshops held in Nicaragua and Peru with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). We would like to thank USAID and the people and institutions in both countries that made this sharing and learning process possible.



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