Welcome to the “22nd” Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion

Welcome to the “32nd” Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion.

2008 Picnic Update

Date: Saturday, June, 2008

Place: Christopher Morley Park

Weather: Hot and humid, sunny and clear until early evening thunderstorms and heavy sudden rain caused most families to pack up and head for home. Some diehards remained and outlasted the turbulence until the park closing.

In spite of the weather conditions, the reunion was another great success.

Each year we stress the importance of signing the register, yet many failed to do so. An approximate amount of 165 were in attendance. Again Irene Berg (nee Ceo) and family traveled the furthest from Florida.

The reliable breakfast crew of Judy Cervone, Dale Ingenito, The Bergs, LaRocca’s and Hydo’s were already on the job. The bacon and eggs were sizzling, the coffee and tea was steaming, with sides of rolls, doughnuts and cakes.

Many of the regular members were extremely missed (for example, The John Ratigans, Callendrelli’s, Robin Ingenito, DJ Kenneth Mitterando, Joyce LaRocca Corvo, Richard Cervone, Scott Sheppard and Sunny, Eric Kizis, and Flo, Fred and Barbara Saluto. The most missed was Lynn Brewer (director/manager of Christopher Morley Park) who was at our service for all our needs, although she left us in good hands.

As always, the lunch menu was good and plenty. Fried chicken, pork, hot dogs and sauerkraut, chicken fingers, corn on the cob and pasta and tossed salads. The evening meal featured Italian and American heroes and pot luck pleasers donated by family fare.

Several activities were put on hold because of distant thunder but softball for the kids, teens and adults could not be denied. We wonder what Laura Vingara did with the candy filled piñatas?

Carolann’s “Mitt Cheerleaders ” were a big Hit…Dressed in short skirts, they clapped , stomped and shook their pom -poms as they cheered for the Mitterando’s ....Our lovely cheerleaders featured: Samantha Cervone, Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia,  Larry and Tyler Blauvelt, Kevin and Matthew Coco, Howard Berg, Louie and Jim Mitterando, Nicholas, Christina and Renee Hydo, Joseph, Melanie and Veronica Cervone, Kara and Kristie Monaco, Tina Crotty, Jessica Middleton and last but not least, a real trooper, our own, inspirational, Craig Monteforte …Cheering from the peanut gallery were Olivia Pelliccia, Nicole Cervone, Isabella, Julia and Olivia Mitterando.

Craig’s appearance at the reunion was one of the highlights of the day. It’s hard to believe, he has defied all odds on the road to recovery. May God continue his blessings.

Congratulations and the trophy had to be shared this year. The “Pick A Pop” votes were tied between Skip LaRocca and Michael Ratigan. Each Dad will keep the trophy at his home for six months.

Sadly, the storm descended upon us at an early hour. It was a great day being together with our loved ones. There was no time for good byes, just “see you next year”.


Michael and Denise Cervone are enjoying being first time Grandparents. They love spending time with Christopher and he's so excited when he's with them. It's wonderful to see them all together.

Ronald and Jen Cervone put an addition on their house, time to schedule a visit.


You all should be proud how well Joseph, Melanie, Veronica, and Nicole Cervone are doing. Since January 2009 they have lived in three towns and attended three different schools.  Their mom and dad are proud and impressed.

Howard Berg couldn’t be at the picnic this year because of work obligations. Irene misses him and Irene knows Carol Ann misses his dancing!

Careful when you wish for something – it just may come true, for years Laura Vingara wished her entire family would move to New Jersey – she just didn't think they would all move in .  Seriously ,  Laura is SO looking forward to having her family, John, Nicole, Bella, Mother, Craig and Aunt Dale all under one roof.  It will be a blessing for all of us to have each other.  

Leave it to Laura Vingara to be running around loose in Denise Mitterando’s Raritan ‘hood on the eve of Denise’s birthday. Denise had the pleasure of waking up to 40 cardboard body tops with all different types and sizes of bras lined up across the front of her house with a sign that said “We SUPPORT You Denise!” Would you believe a couple of people complained to the town and some official was going to come knock on her door and ask her to take it down!? Good thing Denise’s neighbor is a councilman and intercepted the guy and told him to leave it alone. If Denise had someone say that to her, she would have taken them down for sure; but the next morning there would have been 40 granny panties out there with a sign that said “Get your panties out of a twist!”

A and E Dance Studio is celebrating 5 years. in business. They have expanded. Adrienne and Joe LeBlanc worked over Christmas break on renovations. They added a 3rd dance studio and a retail store!

Jaclyn Shafer had a VERY busy year:

o She completed her Masters (Meteorology) in August 2008

o Also in August, she went sky diving for her 24th birthday with her friend, Leslie, over the Cape Canaveral area. They could see the Vehicle Assembly Building and shuttle launch pads while falling

o She wrote a publication based on her Masters Thesis work. It is currently in review and should be published in the American Meteorological Society’s Weather and Forecasting Journal by the end of this year/early next year

o She received a letter of commendation from the manager of the NASA Weather Office and people at the Kennedy Space Center for the hurricane research she did with them through her internship at the Cape

o In November, she donated 11 inches of her hair to Locks of Love

o In December, she started a new job in Huntsville, Alabama as a Research Meteorologist for NASA. The group she works for focuses on weather product development using satellite data from space

Way to go, Jac!

Katie Blauvelt will be a junior at Quinnipiac University in September. She has been accepted to the education program and will now begin to fulfill her requirements for certification in elementary education. Katie loves being a Bobcat and is a very active member of her Alpha Theta Kappa sorority. She spent a week in Ireland in March with roommates and is hoping to spend two weeks in Italy in late July!

July 4th 2008 – while the Vingara's were on vacation, Jimmy Mitterando and Crew literally broke through the walls in their house. The crew moved the sliding door over and started construction on their 1st floor renovation and 2nd floor addition. They would gain a whole bunch of square footage to their two bedroom, one bath ranch house. Antoinette Mitterando designed their beautiful home for them. Construction has been interesting, especially when there was a freak storm in August, you know, the same week the roof was off. It remained interesting to say the least when the mortgage market crashed in September and their “financing” was NOT happening. So where did that leave the Vingara's – well you can say they had a “wide open” floor plan. The Vingaras would have to hunker down for the winter with Jimmy Mitterando and Crew, making what they had work till they could get a new mortgage commitment. The Vingara's had temporary heat for the winter and even used some heaters. Laurie Monteforte , Nicole Vingara and Laura Vingara installed insulation one day for some extra warmth. They lived like they were camping for the LONG winter months. Thankfully in January 2009 – they were able to re-secure a new mortgage and get moving again on the remaining construction. They have and continue to make progress on their home. By now the Vingara's have gained more insulation and interior walls, light switches, electrical on the 2nd floor, tile on the first floor, mostly a complete bathroom upstairs, and even have primer on the walls and ceiling. There is still more to gain, like interior doors, hardwood flooring upstairs, railings, a front lawn and a long to do list. Jimmy is still plugging away and sometimes based on finances he is the crew with John, Laura, Nicole and Laurie doing what they can to complete their home. They work together to get one step closer to completion, which can't come quick enough. They are about to grow by a few more feet. It looks like it will be six more feet -- gaining two feet shortly when Laurie Monteforte moves in for the long haul, two more feet will come from Craig Monteforte, when he moves in soon to make his post stroke recovery at their home, since he'll require a lot of assistance for an undetermined amount of time and the last two feet will belong to Dale Ingenito, who is getting ready to replant herself back in New Jersey.

Dale’s brand new condo will not be ready till November 2009. So soon they'll be one big happy family living in Raritan.

My wonderful Cousin Dale Ingenito is choosing to celebrate her 60th Birthday and my 61st (Irene) by going on a cruise. But she never does anything in a small way, so she is taking me with her! We sail tomorrow on the Norwegian Dawn to Bermuda. My first cruise ever, and we are going to have so much fun. Eat, Drink Wine,  Dance, see shows, listen to the ocean from the balcony, take tons of pictures as we explore Bermuda and then do it all again the next day! I think she should win the: "Cousin of the Year Award!"


Michael and Denise Cervone's property will finally be going back to a "Mother - Daughter" status. In July, Dee, Chris and Christopher will be moving next door, in the same house Dee grew up in! Everyone is looking forward to being so close and all the fun they will have together!

Chuck Berg spent Christmas with his parents again this year. Mom and dad have been very lucky that the last few years he has been able to get time off from work, so their entire family is together.  Christmas Eve is always with Howard’s parents in Orlando and Christmas Day at their home with Janice, Hank and Jackie. Patrick and Stephanie driving back forth between her family and theirs to spend as much time as possible with all of them. Chuck was busy hooking up a new sound system he gave mom and dad for Christmas. Now the rock and roll music is blasting from the Berg house.

Christian Blauvelt will be a fifth year senior in September due in part to attaining his dream of becoming a member of The Ohio State University track team (triple jumper). Injuries plagued him during parts of the indoor and outdoor seasons and he didn’t perform as well as hoped, but that has only fueled Christian’s fire for next year. While the road ahead will be difficult, Christian is directing his future towards veterinary medicine.

It’s been a crazy year for the Cervone’s of Mahopac. We had a lot of sadness, starting with the passing of Uncle Tommy last June, then Bridget’s sister, Louise, in November. Bridget’s nephew, Tommy, is fighting Lymphoma. He continues to have a positive attitude even though this battle has been going on for over a year now. We remain close and supportive for each other. Bridget would like to take this opportunity to thank all the family members and friends who have been so supportive to them as they have gone through such a difficult period. It really helps to keep them going. FAMILY (and FRIENDS) IS GOD’S GREATEST GIFT.

Maureen Cervone has been writing short stories and poems and is now trying to get them published.

“Comments and clichés Via Cervone Cult”:

Whatever happened to the year between the 2008 and 2009 Mitterando Family Reunions? Seems like so many of us have not been heard from since. Hopefully everyone is back to normal and ready to relax and have fun.

How’s Craig doing? Thank God you got through another crisis. “He’s” hearing us and answering us. It was great to hear you were accepted at the National Rehabilitation Hospital even for a short time. Let’s keep up the prayers.

For Laurie Laura and Dale: Thank you for keeping everyone informed of Craig’s progress. It helps to ease our stress.

If Laura and John ever get their house completed it will be a nice place to live.

Carolann and Adam took a trip in May to Jordan where she met Adam’s brother for the first time. They also visited Syria and Amsterdam.

Congratulations to Dee and Chris for tying the knot. They will be starting life in a trailer home next door to Michael and Denise. Baby Christopher will have his own room next to his grandparents.

Grandma Cervone misses Christian and Katie Blauvelt while they are studying at college. He’s at Ohio State and she attends Quinnipiac in Connecticut.

Ronald, son of Ronnie and Lynn Cervone, was promoted to Chief Petty Officer USN. Ronald, his wife Jen and baby daughter Grace are nestled in Wilton, NY.

Wishing Melissa and Eric a life of love and laughter in their new home in Mahopac, NY.

The Cervone Family welcomes back Jodee, Maureen and young ones to Long Island. New address is 28 Knapp Rd Mastic Beach. Sound familiar?

The Hydo’s never run out of steam. Besides Charlie and Cheryl’s eight hour work day and the children’s school time, nothing keeps them from social and sport activities and competitions. No distance or effort is too much for them and they do everything together.

Kevin, Jill, Kimberly, Briana and Matthew Coco: when God created you and placed you all in the same family, “He” done good. Even Alex is a plus. No one else would do what you do. Keep rocking and rolling.

Thank you, Larry and Kim for sharing so much of your good fortune with all the rest of us. Know how much you are loved and appreciated.

Wendy and Tony are role models as parents. Their four children can make a cloudy day sunny or put a smile on your face. Gianna will be a senior at Holy Trinity High and Anthony (both honor students) graduated this year from Our Lady of Mercy grade school. Olivia, who is more laid back, takes everything in stride with less display and fanfare. Victoria is nearing her 5th year and has a style all her own; friendly, sociable, charming, gifted, smart, comical, pleasant and lovable.

Now that warm weather has arrived, Ronnie and Lynn are planning the summer, reading the camper for overnight trips to the beach. Samantha graduated Stonybrook University and will continue to work at “Splish- Splash” until the fall closing.

Last, but not least, Dick and Bridget can finally enjoy life alone. Their daughters and grandchildren are all settled in homes of their own. A second honeymoon sounds good.

Just a couple more short notes…I’ve been in contact with Rich and Dee. Like so many of us, Richie is struggling with his health, but Dolores sounds great. Never was a better witch than she. Johnny and Jackie Nap are looking great, business is doing good and they travel a lot. Lois Roberts, daughter of Uncle Julie , still resides in Pennsylvania. Wish we could get them to our reunion.

Thanks to Denise Mitterando, Judy Cervone and the Picnic Committee. (Submitted by Margie Cervone)


Ronald Cervone made Chief Petty Officer (E-7) in September of 2008.

In May 2008, Scott Borawski started his own contracting business, Island Home Solutions. Call him for a free estimate at 516-318-7985. His brother, Keith, joined the company in July, so help keep the family working!!!



Juliette LeBlanc joined the pre-k soccer clinic...she loves it!  Go Red Team!

Christopher Van Lowe is already getting drum lessons from his Grandpa (Michael Cervone). We don't know who enjoys it more! We may have another drummer in the family!

Alexis LeBlanc will be celebrating her 3rd birthday this July and she will be starting Ballet class with her mom/teacher this summer.

Olivia Pelliccia is 10 and just finished the 4th grade.  She is a very good student who likes to read and likes art.  She is a cheerleader, plays softball, and even tried dance this year.

Gracie Cervone got on the local news, when her other Grandpa sang in downtown Saratoga Springs on New Year’s Eve.


Juliette LeBlanc will be graduating from pre-school and entering Kindergarten in the Fall!!!

Veronica Cervone is in her third year of violin and doing very well.

Victoria Pelliccia 4 1/2 will enter Kindergarten in Sept.  She had a fun year in PreK, was the mascot cheerleader for her sisters, and is in her very 1st dance recital, TODAY!  She's a real firecracker.


The Pelliccia’s have been busy as usual. Gianna Pelliccia celebrated her Sweet 16 in September and just finished her Junior year at Holy Trinity High School.  She has been a cheerleader coach for Olivia's team, and an assistant. teacher for Religious Education.  She made the Honor Roll and has just finished her driver's ed course.  (Driver's Beware).

Beside being the king at Rock Band and Guitar Hero, Joseph Cervone is very good at playing drums and the trumpet.

Congratulations to Nicole Vingara – She graduated 8th rade on June 17th, 2009.  WAY TO GO NICOLE! - We are very proud of you.   We LOVE you!

Tyler Blauvelt completed his first year of high school and (like his sister) has gone to school everyday since kindergarten!! He continues to progress in all his classes and mom and dad are so proud of that accomplishment. Tyler is a member of the concert and jazz bands and spends hours playing the drums at home. He is following in his brother’s footsteps by competing as a long jumper and triple jumper on the track team.

Anthony Pelliccia, now 13, just graduated the 8th grade and received the Gold Cord (?) for his high honors.  He plays baseball and basketball and loves his music. He will go to Holy Trinity High School in the fall as well.


Melanie Cervone turned 13 this year.

Congratulation – and Happy Happy Birthday Baby – to Dale Ingenito – who is hitting the Big 60! this July 8th.

Happy 21st Birthday to Patrick Berg, Love Mom and Dad


Happy 40th Birthday to Laura Vingara, Valarie Bart and Denise Mitterando!

Jaclyn Shafer turns 25 August 18th

Jen Cervone had a milestone birthday - 30


Happy 21st Birthday to Stephanie O'Brien, Love Howard and Irene


A very very Big Happy Birthday to Dale on her 60th Birthday!!!!! Love, Howard and Irene


Happy Birthday Today Chris! You were born on Father’s Day, June 20, 1982. And I had to miss the picnic that year!   Glad I am here this year to celebrate your birthday with you and Chuck, Love Mom


Patrick Berg, son of Howard and Irene Ceo Berg will wed Stephanie O'Brien,   daughter of Tony and Dora O'Brien on December 12, 2009. YEAAAAAAAAAA!


On October 4, 2008, Scott Borawski and Heidi Tracy were married at The Water's Edge Resort in CT. It was a beautiful, fun-filled weekend celebration. Mom and dad finally have a daughter to add to their family. We wish them a lifetime of happiness.


Janice and Hank Behrbom celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on March 19th. Howard and Irene wished them a Happy Anniversary as they joined them with their daughter Jackie for a dinner celebration.


Laura and John Vingara celebrated 15 years of marriage in November 2008.

Howard and Irene Berg will celebrate their 35th Wedding Anniversary on September 8. I love you Honey.


Jaclyn Shafer has moved to Huntsville, AL for her job with NASA. She can be found sitting on her lake-view balcony most days

Laurie Monteforte has been living with Dale since last summer, but will be living with the Vingara’s as soon as the renovation is complete.

Melissa and Eric Kizis are moving on up! They bought a lovely townhouse right in Mahopac (address removed for internet) and are moving out shortly. {Bridget is finally getting her sewing room (their bedroom), although she will miss the two of them.} So glad they decided to stay close by. Congratulations, Melissa and Eric

Dale Ingenito will be moving to Bridgewater, NJ as soon as her new condo is finished (sometime in November). At this writing, she has a contract for the sale of her home in Maryland.



The Van Lowe Family is growing.....FAST!!!  Dee and Chris are expecting their 2nd child October 30. Christopher can't wait to be a Big Brother!

Eileen and Joe Borawski are thrilled to announce they will be first-time grandparents in August. They can't wait!!


Dee and Chris Van Lowe celebrated the birth of their son Christopher Michael on October 17, 2008. 7 lbs 9oz 18.5 inches and a whole lot of hair!!! 


Craig Monteforte had a second open heart surgery to repair a leaky valve on April 29th 2009. Surgery should have been fairly routine and normally would have taken about five hours to complete. However his doctor warned the family based on all the pre-op testing that Craig had, that his surgery would be longer and more extensive then originally planned. Surgery was 12 hours. During surgery, or some time shortly thereafter, Craig unfortunately suffered another stroke. This time it was a major stroke, affecting his right side of the brain, thus making his left side paralyzed. The stroke also took its toll on some of the thinking part of Craig’s brain, but not his fight. He spent nine days in ICU, and has been in the hospital since. He was readmitted to NRH (National Rehab Hospital in DC) with the help of Laurie and Laura, who fought to get him into the facility as they all knew it would the best place for recovery. Craig has made continued progress in the weeks he's been at NRH. He has walked again, still with a HUGE amount of effort and equal portion of determination. The doctor says his left arm will be the last thing he'll probably gain use of. Craig continues to improve weekly. Progress is sometimes slow, but it's still progress. He gets physical, occupational, cardio therapy and lots of other testing. He has been doing this all with “his family” by his side. Laurie Monteforte (Craig's mom) has taken family medical leave, so she spends her days and some nights too at NRH participating in Craig's care. Corey and Kristina Monteforte continue to support their “dad” and visit often and encourage Craig. They are both awesome to their dad! During the next week or so Craig will be getting discharged fro NRH. As a family the best place for Craig's post NRH recovery will be at home with John, Laura, Nicole and Laurie Monteforte. Craig will continue to require a lot of help to reach daily goals, but he should be able to gain more mobility and more cognitive progress. Out patient therapy will first take place at home and then more then likely Craig will go to some kind of therapy in NJ. They are taking one day at a time, with sometime not much planning in between. We are hopeful that Craig will continue to make progress. Thanks for keeping Craig in your thoughts and prayers. He has a long way to go, but once again he has begun the journey of recovery with his first step.

Bridget Cervone’s nephew, Tommy Lombardo, is fighting Lymphoma. His recent stem cell transplant seems to be working! We send him our prayers.


Bridge Cervone’s Uncle Tommy Ronga passed away last June, and then her sister, Louise Lombardo, in November.


During their recent visit to Disney's Animal Kingdom, Grace Cervone pointed to every small animal and called it a cat, every large animal was a 'ruf ruf', but thanks to Nemo she got fish right on the first try.


Howard and Irene Berg drove up to Rhode Island last July for the wedding of their God Daughter, Melissa Ippolito to Roni Gold. They stayed at Dale Ingenito's in Maryland overnight coming and going. As usual she was a fantastic host and they had a great time. The wedding was held in a winery in Newport, and it was a beautiful and touching ceremony. Irene was honored that Melissa allowed her to be there for the bride’s dressing for the wedding and even let her take pictures. To have spent that time with her high school friend and her two daughters was an unforgettable experience.

Irene Berg and Dale Ingenito will cruising from NYC to Bermuda the day after the picnic. Since the cruise falls right in the middle of both of their birthdays, they will be celebrating from the time they get on the ship to the time they get off.

Don’t listen to anyone who says that Aruba is BELOW the hurricane belt. Denise Mitterando was there in October, and had the pleasure of experiencing life on an island that doesn’t really have proper drainage during a tropical store that turned into a hurricane. They made the best of it… swam in the pool and cozied up to the swim up bar!

On the road again... Ronald and Jen Cervone took Grace on her first plane ride to Colorado for a sightseeing vacation with friends in August 08. Grace got her second plane ride in May 09 when she took her first trip to Disney / Orlando, Florida.


What “fun” Dale Ingenito had on the l-o-n-g ride from Melbourne, Florida to Huntsville, Alabama to help get Jaclyn Shafer, her belongings, car, bird and two cats safely to her new destination. The cats were a bit jittery and decided to spend a good part of the trip wrapped around both of their necks. Everyone should have a stress-free vacation, hanging on to two cats to keep them from running away every time they had to open the car door while listening to the bird sing or squawk for hundreds of miles. All’s well that ends well, though – everyone got their safely and Jac has a great new lake-view apartment that she loves.


Mitterando email updates: please send them to:  webdivas@

If you have a web site with your pictures and would like to share them with the rest of the family. Email the link to: webdivas@

Thanks, Dale & Irene.

Visit the Mitt web site at: 

Dee Dee (Cervone) VanLowe has a new email address: vanlowe5308@


All my other nieces and nephews I LUV U, TOO ANT BEE

Irene - Thanks for being the update person. It was great to be able to support Laurie, Laura, Dale and Robin as they went through Craig’s surgery and recovery. I hope to get some more updates soon with really good news about his recovery.

BOOPY # 2 ...AVON CALLING!!! Best of luck with this new endeavor....BOOPY #1

All you Facebook people - I may not always respond to a post, but I sure do enjoy following your activities. It’s been fun!

Cheryl – How the heck long DO you have to wait for a Smore??? - Laura

Matthew - We are so proud of you, You have made High Honors again this year and continue to shine in school. Love Mommy and Dad


Jill - You did a wonderful thing for your brother and his family—my hat is off to you!!! Bridget

D & C ...Wishing you much happiness in your new home next to Grandma and Grandpa....Love Aunt Ca

Big Doink - Thanks for sharing in my big 6-O. I’m catching up to you. We’re still cute,


Alexis (Cervone LeBlanc) Grandma loves your visits and all the happy hugs, kisses and smiles you send my way. Can’t wait until you go to pre-school in the fall. I hope I can be class helper for your class like I have been for Juliette.

Thanks to our entire family for all their love and support and prayers, during Craig's surgery and now recovery.  We are amazed at the gift our family gives each other.  You all make each day a bit better knowing we can count on anyone of you for support. We are looking forward to being settled in to our routine in Raritan – and then can't wait till you come to visit, Craig and the rest of the gang.

Kimberly Coco - Congrats on your Assistant Manager position at Payless Shoes. You continue to show leadership and dedication. Love Mom and Dad

Happy Father's Day Grandpa! I love all the time we spend together and always have so much fun with you. Thank for being the coolest Grandpa ever! Love, Christopher

M & D ... You better not spoil your grandchild too much....Enjoy having them next door....Love Ca

To My "Almost Godmother"- I love typing to you on the computer all the time. Pretty soon you will be able to understand what I'm saying! Love, Goober


Grandma Margie - I think of you everyday and wish we could spend more time together. I'm so glad we always correspond through the mail. Thanks for always thinking of us and sending your love our way! I love you so much! Love, Dee

Nicholas - You are our one and only “neif”!!

LHB - After all these years, I still like you!!! You have and always will be the prize in my Cracker Jacks……

Craig - Thinking of you cuz, and wishing for the best, looking foward to our next get together - Ronnie (Little)

Samantha...Congratulations upon graduating from Stony brook...We are so proud of you...Love Aunt Ca & Uncle Adam

“Ted” Anthony - Hope you can now taste the difference between chicken cutlet parmesan and shrimp parmesan!!!!

Laura and Laurie – Your love, devotion, loyalty and advocacy for Craig during this tough time has been nothing short of remarkable. Keep on doing what you are doing Dale

Nicole and John – Thanks for planning a terrific surprise party for my 40th Birthday. I (Laura Vingara) was so shocked to see everyone there and can't believe what a great day you all planned.  Val and Tim Bart – Thanks for the generous use of your home, for your “birthday” Val.  I had a wonderful day.  Thanks for making it AWESOME!

When you have multiple sisters it is best to buy trendy shoes in multiple sizes!!

Joe (LeBlanc) You did a great job at the studio getting the store and downstairs studio together. So glad you were able to do that. Love Mom

Craig – You have been through so much in the last 1 ½ years. Keep fighting to get well with the same brave determination that you have displayed throughout. We are all here to help you through this. Better days are ahead. Love, Your Godmother

Dah...Thanks for your involvement in this years Ride...Dolores is smiling down on us...

Dad - Thanks for being a part of my pinning ceremony, and for the help you gave me with the house, Love Ya – Ron

Judy – Do you still scrapbook??? - What's that???? - Laura

Gianna - “….and the password is uuummmcookie!”

To the Quinnipiac move-out crew - Job well done……

Sissy...Thanks for representing me at the Ride the Life ceremony...I can always count on you...Love Doinky

Grandma - Thanks for the crumb cake, and all the other special little things that you do throughout the year - Love ya, Ronald

Janice - I know by the time you read this you will be feeling so much better, Love Big Sis

Cheryl and Charlie - Thanks for your help with the car,  J and M.

Kevin - Your friendship and loyalty has never wavered since I met you in Mr Castandso's class back in 1976.

Judy – We miss you!

Jen - Thanks for everything you do, participating in my pinning, helping with the house, planning our vacations, I couldn't ask for a better wife. I Love You - Your Hubby

John - You are simply amazing.  You have really shown me your love and support and kindness.  Your continued support has and always does mean the world to me. When life gets tougher, you dig your heals in and help more.  You do this even in between your 12 jobs and the constant running you do.  You just roll with it.  You have given me a wonderful gift of commitment to have my mom, my brother and my aunt move in.  You just have really been the “love of my lifetime!”  - Laura

Mom and Dad - We can't thank you enough for all the love, support and help you have given us, and especially for all the good times together!  You are wonderful parents and grandparents. We are looking forward to now being able to also call you neighbors! We love you! Love, Dee, Chris and Christopher

Boopy...Thanks for making the yummy potato salad for the Ride....I can always count on you...Love Ca

Ronnie - Thanks for looking out for your baby brother.

Jill - " I brive a dus".  and as Ralph would say "Baby your the greatest.”

Melissa and Eric (Cervone Kizis) I’m so proud of you and your wonderful accomplishments. You are going to be so happy in your new home. Mel, I can’t wait for Thursday nights when we will watch Ugly Betty, Gray’s and Private Practice at 303 Willy. It’s been fun helping choose colors, tiles, lighting—holy cow you guys are doing a lot! Love Mom

Grandma and Grandpa - Thank you for all the time you have spent with me, and all the gifts you have gotten me – Gracie

Happy Father's Day to my Godfather Uncle Kevin! I'm so glad we will get to hang out and enjoy my first Picnic together. Love, Christopher


Denise – 40 looks so good on you.  Keep up the great work.  If the town of Raritan comes looking for me.... I'll know who sent them.  I will always “support” you.  -Laura

Sam -  Congratulations on graduating from college - R, J, and G


Dick - It’s been a rough couple of years for us, but I know that we’ll be OK. We always manage to climb back up!!! I can’t believe we’ve been married 39 years! Where did the time go?

AntKnee...Congrats on a job well done at Mercy....Good luck in High School..We love you..Aunt Ca & Uncle Adam

Congrats to my sister and brother in law on their new home...I can't wait for you guys to make us dinner!!  Love A and J

Aunt Melissa and Uncle Eric - When is our first ice cream making party???? Love, Juliette and Lexi.

Fran...Yummy chicken..The Ride thanks you & can't wait til next year...

Knapp Road 40 years ago while sitting in the screen house I would have never imagined living in Mastic Beach.  Jodee and family thank Uncle Johnny for allowing us to invade his home.

Jill - You are my everything and I love you so much. Love Ya Me

To the Quinnipiac move-in crew - We regroup in August!

To all my sleepover boys....Aren’t you kids getting too old for sleepovers?? 

CKT - Don’t ever stop believin’….. and as you begin to focus on your futures, remember to follow your hearts for that is what will bring you happiness.

Adrienne (Cervone LeBlanc) I’m so proud of you and your wonderful accomplishment. Thanks for the job at AandE It makes me so happy to be able to be a part of your dance studio. Do you realize that you are actually the main dance program in Mahopac? So cool!! Go AandE Dance team!! Love Mom

Carolann, Adam, Dickey, Bridget, Judy, Ronnie, Lynn, Michael, Denise, Jill, Kevin, Kim, Larry, Wendy, Tony, Cheryl, Charlie - Thank you for all your help and support.

Craig - We are always thinking about you, Love Howard and Irene


Nicole Margaret - We are so proud of how well you have progressed in school.  Keep up the hard work.  Love Mom and Dad

Nicole C. - Thank you for taking good care of your mother.  You are such a sweet girl.  Love Dad

Pelliccia's ...Look forward to my Christmas Eve sleepover and yummy bacon on Christmas morning...Thanks for letting me be a part of this wonderful tradition...Love Ca

Nicole and Veronica – You were a good help with the outside christmas light.  Veronica even went to the top of a 28 ft ladder.

Craig – You are in our thoughts and prayer, always Dee and Richie

VTC - Keep up the good work.  You are an excellent student and a good help at home. Love Mom and Dad

Uncle Larry - What to say....There aren't enough words to thank you! Love GiGi, Adrienne, Joe, Juliette, Lexi

A special thanks to our family Veterinarian, we are so lucky to have you Uncle Larry.  After our dog GiGi became very sick he discovered 3 pacifiers in her intestines...(She ate them over 2 yrs ago). He successfully removed them and GiGi was ready to come home.....but GiGi decided that she enjoyed Uncle Larry's company too much and needed to find a way to stay.  She ripped open her incision causing Uncle Larry to perform emergency surgery.....it was a crazy experience and a success at the same time.  You really are amazing Uncle Larry!!!!!   Thank you.

Nicole – Looking forward to another girl’s weekend! I can’t wait to scare another boyfriend too! Aunt Denise

Jodee - Thanks for letting me be there for you. We go back a long time and it was great having you stay with us. Kevin

Laura, Laurie and Judy – Thanks for all of the help (pictures, content, research, support) you gave us with the new web site. – Irene and Dale

34 Sequioa Drive Jodee, Maureen, Joseph, Melanie, Veronica, and Nicole thank the Coco family for opening their home to us.

Renee....Doey..Love Aunt Ca

Mother - You continue to amaze me with your eternal love and devotion for your family. You are a strong woman with strong traditional religious values. Your hard work has paid off and every one of your sons and daughters carry on your legacy. I will admire and love you always. Love Kevin

Tommy and Trish and Richie - Hang in there guys I know it’s going to get better as long as we stick together---remember what I told you…FAMILY IS GOD’S GREATEST GIFT. (and yes, I miss her, too!) I LUV U ANT BEE

Irene - Thanks for putting all of the updates on Craig on Facebook. – Dale

Briana - Your almost there Nana. Congratulations on your high grades this year. We know its been a tough year, but you continue to do well and we are very proud of you. Love Mom and Dad

Olivia.....LOVE YOU.......Aunt Ca

To my Family Facebookers -- You know it is a lot of work to “date.” There are just so many users, abusers, losers… but hopefully by keeping the dream of a fairytale ending in mind I will find someone of my own. Have you noticed I haven’t posted anything too negative this month. Hmmmm …. They do say good things come to those who wait. Thanks for all your support and comments! Denise

To the Original Mahopac Cervones I'm sorry.

Juliette (Cervone LeBlanc) Grandma loves coming to your school to be the class helper. My favorite part is when you hold the flag during pledge of allegiance and when you give the weather report. Can’t wait until next year when we share adventures of Kindergarten.

Craig – Nicole and I can’t wait for our weekend on the boat. Just let us know when you are ready! Love your cuz, Denise

Ron...Miss my Godson....

CarolAnn - I heard that the Jordan Embassy called inquiring about some holes you dug at the Dead Sea. They need you to go back and fill them holes up.

Congratulations on your 8th grade graduation Nicole! Love Aunt Denise

Kim - Another great year for you and another birthday. Your catching up to me. We will both be 50 soon and need to celebrate. How about watching the Lawrence Welk show together for a real night out. You can blow the bubbles around the house. Love ya, Kevin

Laura – Thanks for another fun weekend at the beach in the Dog House Aunt Dale

Christian....Loved playing the Lucky Ducky game with you....Love Aunt Ca

Jodee - Thanks for letting me be there for you. We go back a long time and it was great having you stay with us. Kevin

Pickle - Thanks for always being there for me. I love ya! Love ya Coke

Samantha - Congrats on your graduation from college we are very proud of you. Love

Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jill

K & L...We thoroughly enjoyed Easter day with you guys. Thanks for everything...Love CA & A

Judy - Thanks for everything you do we appreciate it a lot. Love KandJ

Doinky Carolann - Welcome home from Jordan. I heard you swam in the Dead Sea, but checked to see it was Glutten Free first.

Dee Dee - Thanks so much for including me in Christopher's life. I am very honored to be his Godfather. Love Uncle Kevin

Bridget - Keep your head up and your heart open. You have truly earned your wings. Kevin

Mother...Always enjoy our time together...wish that it could be more often... Who wants to go to  Dolllar Tree or  have a feet treatment ?  Love Your # 1 Daughter.

Craig just remember all the fun we had playing cars and going to car shows.  Jodee

Mother what a job you and Daddy did. Words can not express what is in my heart. JMJMVN

Maureen - You know why 24 years ago we picked Endless Love as our wedding song. Jodee

Charlie - Can''t wait for the cabins this year. I need you to count how many times I go up and down the mountain this year. Kevin

Ronnie - Thanks for everything including our phone chats. Your always there for me. Love ya Kevin

Happy Father’s Day Dad! Love ya, me

Matthew Coco -- Continues to impress everyone with his generosity and giving for the family. We love you Matt.

Cousin Craig....Keep up the great progress...I expect you to dance next year in the picnic show...NO EXCUSES.... We love you ...Ca & Adam

Briana Coco - Can you check on the price of corn at Stop and Shop. We need to pick up some later.

Kimberly Coco -"Slow Down your moving to fast. You got to make the morning last.” Love Kasey Kahne

Alex Goldberg - Thanks for taking great care of our Nana. You are always welcome at the Coco House.

Alex G - I need a new BBQ partner. I think your DA MAN for it.

Maureen C - We are always praying for you and continue to hope for a complete recovery. It's a tough time for you, but you will beat this disease. Love Kevin and Jill

Cousin Laura...You and your family are such an inspiration. The sacrifices that you have made exemplifies the true meaning of family. We love you guys..Ca & Adam

Melissa and Eric - God Bless the both of you. You have worked very hard this year and now are the new home owners. Good Luck and Congratulations. Love Uncle Kevinand Aunt Jill

Cousin Denise...Once again, a job well done. Thank you for your wonderful Mitt news....Ca

Dear Dad (Pep) - Its been six long years without you. I still can feel your presence around me guiding me through the tough times. Thanks for always being there. Love Kevin

Jill Coco - She is our new Facebook communicator. Anyone who needs to get a messages out to the family just send it to her since she has access 24x7.

Mom – You drive me nuts, but you know I love you. Your favorite daughter

Joe - My handy husband, thank you for all your hard work on our Dance Studio renovations. It was fun working together....I Love You, A!

Uncle Johnny.....Look forward to our daily phone calls...Love Ca

J & K...This year you made so many sacrifices to help others. You guys are what family is all about...We love you...Ca & A

Matthew Coco - What a true gentleman and a fine looking boy.

Ron - Happy Father's Day!  You are such a wonderful father and husband.  Thank you for all you do, with the house and for our family.  Love you! Jennifer

Craig -- We are praying for your safe recovery. Stay the course and continue to work hard. You can do it Cuz. Kevin and Jill

Pickle - Thanks for being there for everyone. I am so proud of you and love you so much. Kevin

Jill Coco - Family Gatherer+Friend+Loving Wife+Religious Follower+Candle Lighter+caring Daughter. Oh what a woman I chose to be my wife.

J & M.....Faith will get you through anything...Love Ca & A

Daddy - Thank you for always playing with me and keeping my nose so clean.  You are the best!  Gracie


I remember when I was younger my mom or dad calling the Monteforte’s when they were still in the Bronx to see if they had the “coffee on.” Away we would go over the George Washington Bridge for a cup of coffee. I can still see that yellow sunflower clock against the right wall near the table. I know that clock made it to Laurie’s place in Maryland. I just want to know… where are you going to put it once you decorate in Raritan, NJ Laurie?! (submitted by Denise Mitterando)


LOVE AVON? Bridget Cervone has become an Avon Representative. If you would like to order online you can do so at: bcervone Paper brochures are also available. Call Bridget at 845 628 6028!

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