
Retail ScriptQuickstart, Advanced, Ultimate (note: make sure you practice out loud a few times, write your story instead of Debi’s and make sure you write in and know your prices of each program!!!!! High light the words or sentences that you want to say and have a calculator available)Offer any targeted products to help them as well, and all the products they might need! No matter what you can take away and they will have a seed planted for the future!Hi is _____ there? Hi_____ my name is ________ and I’m returning your call, you called my office in regards to my weight loss products(you saw an, ad, post, flyer). Do you remember? (or I talked to you at the store, or the club or at the game) or I am calling you because you submitted a request to Herbalife wanting more information about our incredible products or opportunity do you remember?Great! Do you have a few minutes now to talk? What I’m going to do is ask you a few questions, tell you about the products and then I will answer any questions you might have. Okay? First, ____ how much weight do you want to lose? What have you tried? How did that work for you? Why do you want to lose your weight now? Listen! Listen! Listen! NOTE: if they submitted online thru Herbalife ask first; How did they find out about Herbalife? What do they know about it!Okay, let me tell you about our programs. The programs are called Thermojectics Weight Management Programs and our company has been around for over 34 years and we are in over 90 countries with millions of successful people using our products. The products are 100% guaranteed to work. There are only two reasons why you wouldn’t lose your weight. Is If you are not taking them consistently and 2. The other is if you are cheating way too much! (Insert a Testimonial. Example: And I mean a lot, my sister lost over 120 lbs and she still ate the foods she loves to eat and introducing a healthy active lifestyle! In fact she’s a manager of a restaurant! Typically people lose a pound a week.) Now our company is Herbalife International, have you heard of Herbalife? If yes.. what have you heard? Listen! Listen! Listen!We have 3 programs you can choose from, the company calls them Quickstart, Advanced and Ultimate.. The difference is choosing more thermojectic and targeted enhancers to increase your weight loss success. Now all three of our programs have what we call Cellular Nutrition in them, that feeds your body all the nutrition that your body needs on a daily basis.. Plus our programs protect your body so you maintain your lean muscle mass. Does this make sense to you? Now what I am going to do is start with the Ultimate program, the one that has the most enhancers and go backwards it seems to be less confusing for people. Okay? It has Formula 1, which is an amazingly delicious shake! I love mine! I had_____ (flavor+PDM) today, it was so good! Replace two meals a day with a shake and eat one main meal and a snack. I don’t even care if you eat lasagna just as long as you don’t eat the whole pan “LOL” okay? It comes with Formula 2 which is a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, botanicals and micronutrients that supports nail, hair and skin improvement.. It has Formula 3 which is called Cell Activator, which I think is one of the most important one’s because it support’s the body’s absorption of nutrients at the Cellular Level. It also has Total Control, which is a proprietary blend, which stimulates your metabolism and provides an energetic and alert feeling and puts you in Total Control. It also has Herbal Concentrate which has the Thermogenic effect, jump-starting your metabolism.. It also has Snack Defense, which helps with cravings and supports blood sugar levels. It can also be taken at night before you go to bed and helps support your weight management with no stimulants in it so you can sleep. It also comes with Celluloss which helps get rid of water retention and helps with the body’s natural detoxification. And it comes with Aminogen, a patented enzyme that helps the body digest dietary protein so you can assimilate it more efficiently. And more lean body mass means toning of the body while losing weight. Now the Ultimate program and it’s cost is _______ for about a month’s supply. Which breaks down to about _____ a day. Or _____ per meal for those two meals you replace.Now we are going to go to the Advanced program. This program has all the products in it that I have mentioned except you lose the last 2 products. You take away the Aminogen, which helps you tone while losing the weight, and you lose the Snack Defense which helps with cravings and supports blood sugars. This program has 6 products in it and costs _____ for a month’s supply. Which breaks down to about ____ a day or ___ per two meals.Now the Quickstart program.. You lose two more of your products, you lose the Total Control, which stimulates your metabolism and provides an energetic and alert feeling, and you lose the Celluloss which helps get rid of water retention. Now the basic program has 4 products in it and costs_____ for about a month’s supply which costs______ per day or ____ per meal. (Insert your story) I lost 30 lbs and have kept it off do you want to know what I did to do that? (I got on the Advanced Program because I knew I was spending at least $6 a day anyways.. And I lost 8 ? inches off my butt, my thighs and my stomach and went down two pant sizes. Then I got pregnant and took the products all through my pregnancy and while I was breastfeeding! Moved up to the Ultimate Program because I wanted to enhance my weight loss…. And lost 30 pounds and 42 inches and kept that off now over 11 years.. don’t you want to lose your _____ pounds and keep it off?) One of the biggest tricks that I suggest people do is add the Protein drink mix to their shakes (like I mentioned earlier that I had in my shake!) It enhances the flavors, makes it rich and creamy, replaces the use of milk or soy milk for on the run people and really supports the stomach flattening out.. and much much more benefits. That adds _____ Per meal So here’s what I offer: I will be your coach and here to support you and teach you how you can lose and keep it off. Answering your questions! Isn’t that amazing? Let me ask you ______ What is a Coach to you? I went through a lot of changes on my journey and I know if I can do this so can you and you don’t have to do this alone. We will talk a couple of times the first week and each week there after. This Is not about changing everything you are doing.. just blending in and putting the wind underneath your sail and support you all the way! Does this sound great?So which program are you going to get started on today? (If they say they can’t – then the second question is “No problem, what can you do today?)If they say yes, which flavor would you like in the shake (Dutch Chocolate, French Vanilla, Dolce de leche, Wild Berry, Pina Colada, Orange Cream, Café Latte, Cookies n cream, Mint Chocolate, Orange Cream) (if they ask, we have Allergen Free Vanilla, Kosher Vanilla, Non Gmo Vanilla)So what Flavor of Protein Drink Mix do you want to add to your program? (Van or Choc)I take Cash or Credit Card (or if they are in front of their computer have them log into your online store)Your total is______What is your shipping address?Email address?When is the best time to talk?Optional additional comments:Have you ever wondered why it’s hard to lose weight? Most people cannot lose/gain weight because with stress, alcohol, additives, airborne toxins, medications, smoking, fatty foods, preservatives, drugs and salt our bodies cannot absorb nutrients. The villi (which is in your intestines) become damaged and it becomes increasingly difficult for your body to absorb nutrients. So as you eat, your appetite increases and so do your carvings because your body needs more nutrients. You also start to crave fats and sugars because they are the easiest substances for your body to absorb. To change that you need to feed your body the proper nutrients at the cellular level, so your body can repair and absorb those nutrients. ................

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