MEEG 101, Introduction to ME

CISC 220: Data StructuresInstructor: Debra Yarrington,Course Description: This course will review data type abstraction, arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists. There will be emphasis on dynamic storage management, garbage collection, trees, hash tables, sorting and searching, graphs, , as well as Complexity Analysis of these data structures. Suggested Textbook: Weiss, Mark Allen: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ Primary C++ Reference: http:// INCLUSIVITY:In this class I am committed to creating an inclusive environment in which all students are respected and valued. I will not tolerate disrespectful or exclusive language or behavior on the basis of age, ability, color/ethnicity/race, gender identity/expression, marital/parental status, military/veteran’s status, national origin, political affiliation, religious/spiritual beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or other visible or non-visible differences.What a boring world this would be if everyone was the same race, culture, religion, gender, had the same abilities, held the same opinions, etc. Being grateful for the differences includes not just being respectful of those possessing those differences, but truly valuing what those differences bring to our classroom, to our learning experience, and to our lives.If anyone experiences anything that makes them uncomfortable, either from fellow students, TAs, or myself, please let me know immediately. Equally, if there is anything I can do within reason to make this class more inclusive, please let me know.CLASS OVERVIEW:This class will be held asynchronously, so there is no required class attendance. However, lab time (on Wednesdays) will be synchronous and attendance for labs will be required unless otherwise noted.CLASS FORMAT :This class will be held online and asynchronously (meaning there is no set class time). All course content can be found at my Data Structures Web Site. All assignments must be submitted via Canvas.Course content will be released weekly in the form of videos, tutorials, and hands-on exercises. Students are strongly encouraged to come to office hours for help (I want to meet you!).Questions should be posted on the class Piazza accountPersonal Code SHOULD NOT be posted publicly on piazza. 50% will be deducted from whatever assignment the code pertains to if it is published publicly.Personal Code can be published privately on PiazzaONLY personal, private emails should be sent to me ( directly. Otherwise, I will not answer anything not posted to Piazza.Students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to answer other student questions on Piazza. We are all learning together!I will be communicating with the class largely via email. Expect to read your email at least daily, if not more frequentlyThere is no required textbookLAB RULES:Lab attendance is required Labs and projects must compile in order to be graded.All labs and projects must be submitted via Canvas.All Homeworks/Projects/Labs, etc. due Thursday at midnight unless otherwise notedDETAILED EXPLANATIONS:ASYNCHRONOUS CLASSES:I live in an area that continuously has spotty internet, especially when others in my family are sharing bandwidth. However, I very much want you to stop by my office hours/reach out to me. Like many of you, I very much miss being with my students and getting to know my students. Please stop by office hours with questions ranging from really smart to really stupid (I don’t know whoever said, ”There’s no such thing as a stupid question,” but as a teacher, I can tell you, he was wrong.) That said, I’ve asked my fair share of both smart and stupid questions, so please feel comfortable stopping by.COURSE ASSIGNMENTS:All reading assignments, labs and projects will be posted to the course Web site (). You are responsible for checking the Web site regularly to make sure you are on target. All course assignments, including homeworks, labs, and projects (and potential extra credits) must be submitted via Canvas.ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES AND LATE PENALTIES (Labs/Projects/Homeworks): Assignments are due Thursday at midnight unless otherwise instructed. Assignments will be accepted one day late without penalty. This is to take into account canvas issues/miscommunications/internet outages, etc. Note that the due date is Thursday – the extra day is there solely for emergencies. Assignments can be turned in through Sunday at midnight with a 15% penalty. After that, assignments will not be accepted and you will receive a 0 on that lab.Assignment Score Disputes:Your TA will email you when lab grades have been released. You have two weeks after the TA has released scores to dispute your grade. After that, the grade is final. If you have a question/dispute about your grade, please email your TA and CC me so we can resolve the dispute as quickly as possible.CLASS COMMUNICATION: EMAIL:Email is the only consistent method of communication I have with the entire class. It is imperative that you know that you are receiving mail from the class list. Anything mailed at least 24 hours prior is considered your responsibility to know. It may be very helpful to check email before, during or after any unusual event (i.e. power outages, snow, tests, holidays) Check the UD Homepage for any University wide cancellations. Learn your Section number and the name and email address of your TA! Your TA is responsible for grading, and thus may have specific preferences for how you turn assignments in, how your format your code, how you show that your code is working correctly, etc. If you have any questions specifically about grading, you should contact your TA and CC me.ACADEMIC DISHONESTY:Why would you cheat in this class? While I am aware that students are under pressure, and, equally, I am aware that some of these assignments may be challenging, I fervently believe that this material is stuff you actually want to learn, and it’s really kind of cool. No good will come of cheating in this class. You will not learn the material, you will not improve your programming skills, you will not be able to succeed in any future endeavor involving more complex coding requirements (e.g, future classes, jobs, etc.). You are risking a lot in terms of getting caught (marks on your transcript, potential expulsion from the University, my disappointment and disrespect), and the only thing you have to gain is a grade that is meaningless if you cheated in order to obtain it. So manage your time well, persist when you are having difficulties with a program/concept, and ask questions and get help. I reiterate – this is material you want to learn.So what constitutes cheating?Copying code from the web (Unless I specifically say that one should use pre-existing code)Copying/sharing code or homework answers with fellow classmates (other than your partner)Getting code or homework answers from previous students, students with more experience programming, etc.Getting another individual (personal or professional) to do your work for you (projects, homeworks, etc.)Giving your code (portions or all) to another paring your code with another student (other than your partner)Writing code for another student Doing homeworks/providing answers for another studentWhat does not constitute cheating? Working/sharing code with your partnerExplaining concepts on piazzaExplaining/teaching concepts you understand to fellow studentsAsking for fellow students to explain concepts, either on Piazza or in personGoogling and reading about concepts on the internetBe aware that anyone who cheats in this class will be prosecuted in accordance with the University's Policy on Academic Honesty.If you are struggling with an assignment, seek help from a teaching assistant or from me. If you do not have sufficient time to complete an assignment, then submit a partial solution. Note that by putting your name on your submission, you are claiming that you were a full participant in doing the work that resulted in your submission. If you did not participate in, or do not understand the solution that you are submitting, remove your name or don’t submit it. Note that submitted assignments are compared (by computer) with each other. Refer to the Office of Student Conduct's website for more information.Grading:Projects/Videos69%Lab Participation, General Participation (piazza, etc.)8%Homeworks23%Scale:Number100-9090-8080-7070-60<60LetterABCCF ................

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