Augusta Suzuki Piano Association

(2016-17 Schedule)

-AUG. 20th National Honeybee Day! We will have a honeybee themed Performance and Theory Class. Students performing Honeybee from Suzuki Piano School Bk 1 or their own composed variations of the theme are to research info about the Honeybee to connect with their piece. (Please visit: ) We will take a field trip to Honeybee Day at Phinizy Park. FREE EVENT

-SEPT. 24th Composer of the Month: Beethoven. Students meet at Augusta University for Performance Class. Special performance by students working on pieces by Beethoven in Suzuki Piano School, Bk 2.

Sonatina in G major, (Moderato) by Ludwig van Beethoven

Pianist: Robert Green

Sonatina in G major (Romance) by Ludwig van Beethoven

Pianist: Zhengyu Lu

Following the performance, we will watch the movie "Beethoven Lives Upstairs". (Hosted by the Hegwood Family)

-OCT. 15th "Long, Long Ago". (Based on Suzuki Bk1 Solo "Long, Long Ago" by Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839), song #11, pg. 25. History and music studies go hand in hand. Throughout the month, students working on this solo will be reading a book from our studio library titled "The Usborn Book of Living Long Ago - Everyday Life Through The Ages" by Felicity Brooks. () After our monthly Performance and Theory Class, we will take a field trip to The Living History Park to attend the Colonial Times: A Day to Remember event. (Photo below: Musician Jim McGaw plays the dulcimer at the Colonial Times event. I always enjoy listening to him perform! You will have the opportunity to hear lots of music during the Colonial period, and watch them dance! One type of dance during that period is called the Minuet.)

-NOV. 19th Suzuki Book 2 Graduation: Zhengyu Lu and Robert Green. Location and time: TBA. Refreshments and Gifts following. Special Guests, Suzuki Strings of Augusta for chamber ensembles.

-DEC. 17th Suzuki Piano Winter Wonderland Tea Party. (Appreciating the joy of the winter season and school vacation to spend time with family!)

Student's end of the year performance and award presentation. Tea, cake and other light refreshments following.

-JAN 14th Performance and Theory Class. As a fun "social" activity after class, students -with the help of their parents- will craft rhythm boards.

(Photo below: Rhythm Boards. Photo left for late elementary to advanced students. Photo right for beginner students.)

[pic] [pic]

-FEB 24th February is Black History Month. Students meet at Augusta University for Performance Class. Our composer for the month will be an African American female composer by the name of Florence Beatrice Price. During our performance class, we will have special piano and voice performances of music composed by this amazing composer. We will also view "The Caged Bird: The Life and Music of Florence B. Price". (Hosted by the Hegwood Family.)


-MARCH 25th Students will study music of the Baroque period, and we will also discuss the history of the piano. Students are to read "The Music Box: The Story of Cristofori" by Suzanne Guy in our studio library. We will take a field trip to Jabez S. Hardin PAC at Columbia County Library to hear repertoire of Baroque chamber music, and to also have the joy of seeing music performed on a harpsichord, blending in with our piano history studies.


-APRIL 22nd EARTH DAY MASTER CLASS & CONCERT. Time for our yearly check-up to make sure that we are raising our abilities and continuing to make improvements! Join us for a fun master class with master teacher, Robin Blankenship. Following the master class, we will have lunch and proceed on to Phinizy Swamp Nature Park for our Earth Day Concert.


-MAY the 4th Be With You! Star Wars themed Performance and Theory Class! Wear a Star Wars T-Shirt or costume!


Additional Events

*Sunday, October 9, 2016

Artrageous! Family Sunday Symphony Petting Zoo. 1:00-4:00 PM. Touch, play, and learn about a variety of instruments with musicians from Symphony Orchestra Augusta, create musically inspired crafts, and dance along to impromptu performances. Cosponsored by the Friends of Symphony Orchestra Augusta. FREE

*November 4-6, 2016

5-Piano Master Class

Master teacher, Bruce Anderson.


Spivey Hall Chorus Room

2000 Clayton State Blvd

Morrow, GA 30260

*Sunday, January 15, 2017

Suzuki Piano Graduation Concert


Spivey Hall

2000 Clayton State Boulevard

Morrow, GA 30260


No Performance classes during summer vacation. Private lessons will be scheduled in preparation for the

5-Piano & Chamber Music Workshop


Snow Fine Arts Center

University of Central Arkansas

201 Donaghey

Conway, Arkansas


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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