National Family Literacy Month - NovemberWhat is National Family Literacy Month?National Family Literacy Month spans the whole month of November and is organized by the National Center for Families Learning. This month-long observance celebrates the role that literacy programs play in empowering families. To celebrate this observance, we can encourage patrons to visit the library, encourage parents to read for both themselves and for their child, and to attend book clubs to discuss what they read.National Family Literacy Month Graphic Social Media Posts:#PAForward#BasicLiteracy#FamilyLiteracyMonthWelcome to November and National Family Literacy Month! Celebrate family literacy with us by taking some time out of your day to read that book you have been itching to read. Don’t have a book? Then come on over to your local public library and we will make sure to send you home with a book.Children’s first teachers are their parents. By reading to our children, we help prepare them to be reader’s themselves. This also correlates to a higher number of words learned before kindergarten and higher grades. Come by your local library and meet with our children’s librarian who would be more than happy to send you home with some books to read with your child.Content for Newsletter/WebsitesThis November, celebrate National Family Literacy Month by visiting your library! Family literacy plays an important role in the lives of children as it can lead to a higher number of words learned and used. It can also develop a love of reading that can last years or even a lifetime.For children, the first teachers and role models that they have are their parents. Parents can celebrate National Family Literacy Month by reading a book to their child, reading a book to educate themselves, or reading a book that interests them. By reading more as an adult, you are more likely to use more words around your children and model the behavior of reading.Additional Resources Day, November 3What is Election Day?Election day is held on the first Tuesday after November 1. Elections for Federal offices are held only on even-numbered years with presidential elections being held every four years, which happen to be in years divisible by 4. Some state and local elections may be held on election day during the odd years. Election day is where we elect our nation’s leaders, such as Senators, Representatives, and Presidents. However, we may also elect our local and state government leaders during this day as well.Election Day Graphic Social Media Posts:#PAForward#CivicandSocialLiteracy#ElectionDay2020#ElectionDay#VotingMattersToday is election day! Go out and vote! Let your voice be heard and pick those representatives who best represent your values!Want to learn more about the candidates who are running for election? Come to the library to learn more about the candidates through the League of Women Voters.Content for Newsletter/WebsitesNovember 3 is election day this year! On the first Tuesday after November 1 we have election day! This means that Election day can fall on any day between November 2 and November 8. During even years, we elect individuals to federal offices, which include Senators and Representatives. On years divisible by four we elect our President. We also elect many local and state officials during these elections as well. Since this year, 2020, is divisible by four, we have a presidential election.To prepare for Election Day, you may want to register to vote, locate your polling place, decide on what time you can go to vote and make sure it is open, educate yourself on the candidates, and create a candidate list of who you would like to vote for. If you have not yet registered to vote, take note of registration deadlines so that you can be a part of this historic process. In Pennsylvania, you must register by October 19 to vote on November 3. Happy Voting!Additional Resources Your Common Sense Day, November 4What is Use Your Common Sense Day?Use Your Common Sense Day was established by Bud Bilanich, also known as “The Common Sense Guy.” This day celebrates common sense in both business and in life.Use Your Common Sense Day Graphic Social Media Posts:#PAForward#InformationLiteracy#UseYourCommonSenseDayToday is Use Your Common Sense Day! Let’s celebrate by taking the time today to stop and think before we act on impulse. Let’s all practice using our common sense!In honor of Use Your Common Sense Day, come to the library today at [insert time here] to learn more about how you can practice using common sense in both work and in life.Content for Newsletter/WebsitesNovember 4 is Use Your Common Sense Day! This day, which was established by Bud Bilanich, allows us to appreciate how important it is to use our common sense in everyday life. In life, we can see a myriad of examples of individuals not using their common sense. On this day, try to take some extra time and think through your thoughts instead of acting on impulse.Want to take this day a step farther? Look at examples of people not exercising good common sense and try to learn from their mistakes. Look for resources, either at home or at your library, that focus on the use of common sense in either life or work.Additional Resources Kindness Day, November 13What is World Kindness Day?World Kindness Day started in 1998 to promote kindness throughout the world. It is an international holiday that is always observed on November 13. The most basic way to celebrate this day is to be kind to others and to follow the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated.World Kindness Day Graphic Social Media Posts:#PAForward#CivicandSocialLiteracy#WorldKindnessDayToday isn’t just Friday the 13, it is also World Kindness Day! Let’s celebrate today by being kind to one another. Send your friend an uplifting text or make someone smile today. However you celebrate today, do it with a smile.Today, on World Kindness Day, come visit your local library for a cup of coffee, on us. Let the library and our staff be kind to you and, in turn, pass that kindness on to others in your daily life. While you’re here, ask our library staff about ways that we can serve you and how we keep the kindness going.Content for Newsletter/WebsitesWorld Kindness Day started in 1998 to promote kindness throughout the world. It is an international holiday that is always observed on November 13. The most basic way to celebrate this day is to be kind to others and to follow the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated.Some ways to celebrate this special day would be to commit to three random acts of kindness today. You can meet this goal by giving compliments, holding the door open for others, being friendly and kind, or some other way. Be creative!Additional Resources Recycles Day, November 15What is America Recycles Day?America Recycles Day, a program of Keep America Beautiful, is a nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. Every year, on or around November 15th, communities sponsor events to increase awareness of and participation in recycling.America Recycles Day Graphic Social Media Posts:Do you understand how to appropriately recycle? Check out these [websites] for events and information to learn more. Recycling seems so easy, but it can be really challenging to do it properly! Check out our website to learn more about our local recycling guidelines.Call to ActionWhat are the recycling guidelines for your neighborhood? Learn them today and educate your neighbors!(Virtual) Check out our virtual program on recycling and repurposing items. (In-person) Come to our recycling fair! You can volunteer or just bring recyclables and let us take care of them for you!Potential Hashtags: (most provided by America Recycles Day website)#BeRecycled#recycling #recycled #recycle #AmericRecyclesDay #KeepAmericaBeautiful #DoBeautifulThings#PAForward#CivicandSocialLiteracyContent for Newsletter/WebsitesAmerica Recycles Day, a program of Keep America Beautiful, is a nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. Every year, on or around November 15th, communities sponsor events to increase awareness of and participation in recycling.You can join us for some very special recycling events that we will be hosting in honor of this day. (Virtual events = reusing, recycling, repurposing workshops; how-to recycle in local community)(in-person events = representatives from local recycling management companies to go over regulations; hosting a recycling drive or clean-up drive)Additional Resources International Games Day, November 21What is International Games Day?Held on the 3rd Saturday of November, International Games Day is an opportunity for libraries to engage with their communities through game play. All games are welcome, just have fun!International Games Day Graphic Social Media Posts:Games are great! Celebrate International Games Day with us by spending some time with your favorite people, playing your favorite games. Or, try something new! Are there any games you’ve been meaning to try but haven’t yet?Who doesn’t love a good game? Join us in celebrating International Games Day by enjoying a game with your favorite people. What are some of your favorite games?Call to actionCome play! Tabletop, video…whatever you like best! Just make sure you share your joy with others. Hashtags#PAForward#BasicLiteracy#internationalgamesday#igdProgram(Virtual) Come to our virtual gaming tournament! We’ll have [list of games], just sign up for a time at [website].(In-person) We are sponsoring game play from [hours] at [location]. Bring your own games or play one of ours. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite!Content for Newsletter/WebsitesInternational Games Day is held on the 3rd Saturday of November each year. Volunteers at libraries all over the world (it’s on all seven continents!) sign up to host various events for their communities. The type of game doesn’t matter – tabletop, video, whatever! All that matters is people coming together to enjoy each other’s company and play.Additional Resources Small Business Saturday, November 28What is Small Business Saturday?Small Business Saturday, held the Saturday after Thanksgiving, is an attempt to promote smaller, local businesses, as opposed to the national chain retailers at the official start of the holiday shopping season.Small Business Saturday Graphic Social Media Posts:Shop small! Did you know that the money you spend at local establishments comes back to help the community?Support our local businesses by shopping small this Saturday. Call to actionShop small this Saturday, and while you’re out in town, come pay us a visit. We’ll be here from [hours]! ProgramTake a break from your Small Business Saturday shopping and come join us from [hours]. We will be hosting craft and relaxation stations to help you unwind after dealing with those crowds.Hashtags#PAForward#FinancialLiteracy#smallbusinesssaturdayContent for Newsletter/WebsitesSmall Business Saturday is a fantastic event for our community. Held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, it encourages individuals to support their local businesses by shopping in town and not at the mega box or cyber stores. When you spend money locally, much more of it will end up back in our economy, which benefits all of us!Additional Resources ................

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