• Your task is to write an e-mail of approximately 120-150 words in application for a job advertised.

• There are six bullet points to answer: the first four are always the same, the last two vary from year to year – see last page for some examples

• Each of the first bullet points should have between 20 and 30 words to address it properly.

• It is worth 20 marks and to get a mark of satisfactory or above, you must address the last two bullet points properly.

• You should aim to have at least 15 words for each of these last two points, but do not try and write too much for these.

• You will be assessed on how well you have answered the points, and on the accuracy of your language.

• For a mark of good or very good, you should have some complex language, such as longer varied sentences and conjunctions (be aware of the extended criteria used in assessing performances in Writing included in this booklet so that you know what is required and try to model your writing on it)

• You should ensure that you are careful when you read the information regarding the job you are applying for, make sure that your answer is tailored to fit that job (depending on the job you may have to alter your strengths or your experience)

• Use the dictionary to check the accuracy of what you have written (spelling, accents, genders etc) but not to create new sentences, particularly when dealing with the last two bullet points as you should have everything you need prepared before the exam.

• Ensure that your handwriting is legible (particularly when writing in Spanish)


|Estimado señor/a |Dear sir/Madam |

|He visto su anuncio y le escribo para solicitar el puesto de camarero/a|I saw your advert, and I am writing to you would like to apply for|

| |the job of (waiter/waitress) |

|una experienca práctica en su tienda |/for the placement in your shop |

|Ví su anuncio de trabajo que me interesa mucho |I saw your advert for the job of…… |

|Después de ver su anuncio, quisiera solicitar el puesto de… |which I’m very interested in |

|Soy estudiante de secundaria y busco un trabajo de verano |Following your advert, I would like to apply for the job of…. |

|Me llamo ………. |I am a school pupil and I am looking |

|Tengo dieciséis años pero tendré diecisiete en abril |for a job during the summer holidays |

|Vivo en Bearsden, un pueblo pequeño que está situado/ubicado cerca de |My name is…… |

|Glasgow en el oeste de Escocia. |I am 16 but I will be 17 |

|Llevo quince años viviendo aquí |in April |

| |I live in Bearsden, a small town |

| |which is situated near Glasgow in the west of Scotland |

| | |

| |I have lived there for 15 years |


|Voy al instituto Bearsden Academy |I go to Bearsden Academy |

|Estoy en cuarto curso |I am in fourth year |

|Mi instituto se llama Bearsden Academy |My school is called Bearsden Academy |

|Este año estoy estudiando….. asignaturas, incluido el español claro, |This year I am studying …… subjects, including Spanish of course |

|También estudio las matemáticas, la química y el francés |I am also studying English, Maths, Chemistry and Spanish |

|Estudio el español desde hace cuatro años |I have been studying Spanish for 4 years |

|Mi asignatura preferida es el español porque es fácil y útil |My favourite subject is Spanish because it’s useful and easy |

|Se me da bien el español |I am good at Spanish/at languages |

|Saco buenas notas en español |I have good marks in Spanish |

|Hablo bien el español |I speak good Spanish |

|Hablo, leo e escribo el español con fluidez |I speak, read and write fluently in |

| |Spanish |

| |


|Soy……………. |I am……… |

|dinámico/fiable/ confiable/ |dynamic/reliable/trustworthy |

|responsable/entusiasta/sociable |responsible/enthusiastic/sociable |

|organizado/lleno de vida |organised/full of life |

|paciente/motivado/confiado |patient/motivated/confident |

|extravertido/educado/alegre |outgoing/polite/cheerful/ |

|servicial/trabajador |helpful/hardworking |

|Tengo un buen sentido del humor |I have a good sense of humour |

|Trabajo bien con los demás/los jóvenes/los niños/los mayores |I work well with others/ young |

|Trabajo bien en grupo |people/children/old people |

|Sé tomar la iniciativa |I work well as part of a group |

|Soy capaz de trabajar sola/en equipo |I can take the initiative |

|Puedo trabajar bajo presión |I can work alone/as part of a team |

| |I am able to work under |

|Me gusta trabajar al aire libre |pressure |

|Por lo tanto, diría que correspondo a la persona a quien busca usted |I like to work outside |

| |Therefore, I would say I match the person that you are looking for|

|Durante mi tiempo libre.. | |

|Como pasatiempos……. |During my free time……. |

|Soy bastante deportista |As a hobby…….. |

|Hago deporte/practico la natación |I am quite sporty |

|Juego al fútbol/al baloncesto |I do sport/swimming |

|Juego por el equipo del colegio |I play football/basketball |

|Soy socio del club de karaté/ |I play for the school team |

|de teatro/de baile/de atletismo |I am a member of a karate/drama/ |

|Soy miembro de la orquesta |dance/athletics club |

|Entreno todos los martes |I am a member of the orchestra |

|Juego cada sábado por la mañana |I train every Tuesday |

|Mis aficiones preferidas son ……. |I play every Saturday morning |

|Me gusta mucho bailar/dibujar/leer |My favourite pastimes are…. |

|Tocar la guitarra |I really like to dance/To draw/read |

|Ir al cine |To play the guitar |

|Salir con mis amigos |To go to the cinema |

|Además |To go out with my friends |

|Voy al cine/al teatro |In addition |

|Leo novelas |I go to the cinema/theatre |

|Veo películas en la tele |I read books |

|Me interesa mucho la lectura |I watch films on TV |

|Me gusta todo tipo de música |I am very interested in reading |

|Mi pasión es el fútbol |I like all kinds of music |

|Estoy obsesionado con |Music/football is my passion |

|Es una buena manera de.. |I am crazy about…… |

|relajarse |It’s a good way ……. |

|hacer amigos |to relax |

|conocer a gente nueva |to make friends |

|Me mantiene en forma |meet new people |

|Es bueno para la salud |It keeps me fit |

| |It’s good for your health |


|El año pasado hice unas prácticas |I did work experience last year |

|Trabajé en una oficina/un colegio/una tienda… |I worked in an office/ |

|Serví/dí la bienvenida a los clientes |a school/a shop |

|Trabajé en la caja |I served/welcomed the customers |

|Archivé los documentos |I worked at the till |

|Y respondí al teléfono |I did the filing |

|Tuve que servir/trabajar/contestar/archivar |and I answered the phone |

|Lo encontré muy interesante |I had to serve/work/answer/file.. |

|Era muy agradable/útil/variado |I found it very interesting |

|Era muy difícil pero interesante |It was pleasant/useful/varied |

|Fue estupendo tener experiencia del mundo adulto |It was hard but interesting |

|Aprendí muchas cosas |It was good to get experience of the |

|Me divertí mucho |adult world |

|Gané mucha confianza |I learned a lot of things |

| |I enjoyed myself |

|En este momento tengo un trabajo a tiempo parcial en una tienda/un |I acquired a lot of confidence |

|restaurante | |

|Trabajo allí desde hace seis meses |At the moment, I have a part time |

|Trabajo los sábados/el fin de semana |job in a shop/restaurant… |

|Trabajo ___ horas por semana | |

|Gano dinero y consigo experiencia en el mundo laboral |I have been working there for six months |

|Aprendo mucho |I work on a Saturday/the weekend |

|Tengo experiencia en el sector de comercio/turístico/restaurantes |I work …………. hours a week |

| |I earn money and gain work |

|Hago trabajo voluntario con un veterinario |experience |

|Tengo la experiencia necesaria por este puesto |I learn a lot |

| |I have experience of working in business/tourist |

| |industry/restaurant industry |

| |I am doing voluntary work at a vet’s |

| | |

| |I have the necessary experience |

| |for this job |

| |



|Hablo dos idiomas, español e inglés, lo cual sería útil/beneficioso |I speak 2 languages: Spanish and |

|para los turistas |English, which could be useful with the tourists |

|Estudio el español desde hace cuatro años |I have been studying Spanish for 4 years |

|Tengo un nivel alto de español |I have a good standard of Spanish |

|Hablo bien el español |I speak good Spanish |

|Hablo, leo e escribo el español con soltura |I speak, read and write fluently |

|Además, también aprendo francés |in Spanish |

| |furthermore I am also learning French |

|Tengo buenos conocimientos de francés/italiano/alemán/búlgaro/polaco |I have a good knowledge of |

|porque lo hablo en casa |French/Italian/German/Bulgarian/ |

|Hablo dos idiomas : el francés y el inglés lo cual sería útil |Polish because I speak it at home |

|trabajando con los turistas |I speak 2 languages: French and English which could be useful |

| |working with tourists |


|Quisiera conseguir este puesto en España porque me gustaría….. |I would like this job en Spain |

|perfeccionar/mejorar mi español |because I would like ……. |

|Aprender sobre otra cultura |to perfect/improve my Spanish |

|Hacer unas prácticas laborales |learn about another culture |

|Al extranjero |do some work experience |

|Me encantan la cultura española y la gente española |abroad |

|Tengo un buen conocimiento de la lengua española |I love Spanish culture |

| |and Spanish people |

| |I have a good knowledge of the Spanish language |


|Estaré disponible para una entrevista desde el 20 de mayo |I will be available for an interview from the (20th May) |

|Podría empezar |I could start |

|Después de mis exámenes en mayo |after my exams in May |

|Seré libre desde el 25 de mayo …………. |I will be free from the 25th of May until the……….. |

|Hasta el …………. |I can continue until (20th August) |

|Puedo seguir hasta el 20 de agosto | |


|En este momento tengo un trabajo a tiempo parcial en una |At the moment, I have a part time |

|tienda/restaurante/supermercado |job in a shop/restaurant/supermarket |

|Sirvo los clientes | |

|Trabajo en la caja |I serve the customers |

|Ayudo a los clientes |I work at the cash desk |

|Me llevo bien con el público |I help the customers |

|Me gusta el trato con la gente |I get on well with the public |

|Tengo confianza en trabajar con la gente |I like working with people |

|Hago mucho trabajo de caridad |I am confident in working with people |

|Se dice que soy trabajador, alegre y amable con los clientes |I do a lot of charity work |

| |I am told that I am conscientious, |

| |cheerful and pleasant with the customers |


|Podría ayudar a organizar juegos de playa/excursiones/juegos de mesa |I could help to organise beach games/trips/board games |

|Podría ayudar a organizar………. |I could help to organise… |

|Actividades acuáticas como la vela/el windsurf/la natación/el kayak |….water activities such as sailing/ |

|….los deportes como la equitación/el voleiból/el baloncesto/el |wind surfing/swimming |

|badminton/el tenis/el tenis de mesa/el tiro con arco/el billar/el |…..sports such as horseriding/ |

|fútbol |volleyball/basketball/badminton/ |

|.concursos y torneos en los bolos/futbolín/dardos |tennis/table tennis/archery/pool/ |

|…..las actividades como animación/espectáculos |football |

| |…..competitions and tournaments in |

| |bowling/table football/darts |

| |….activities such as activity |

| |Evenings/shows |


|Me relaciono/llevo muy bien con niños |I get on well with children |

|Ya tengo experiencia trabajando con niños, por ejemplo |I already have experience of working with children for example |

|Ayudo en los clubes de deportes para los alumnos de primero en mi |I help out at sports clubs for first year pupils in my school |

|instituto |I am a tutor to younger pupils than me |

|Soy tutor a los alumnos más jóvenes que yo |I look after my little brother/sister at weekends |

|Cuido a mi hermano/a pequeño/a los fines de semana |I am a volunteer at the youth club |

|Soy voluntario en el grupo juvenil |I do babysitting now and again |

|Hago de canguro de vez en cuando |I did work experience in a primary school last year |

|Hice una práctica laboral en una escuela primaria el año pasado |I love children and I would like to be a primary school teacher |

|Me encantan los niños y me gustaría ser maestro/a | |


|Puedo…………… |I can………….. |

|Ayudar en la cocina |help in the kitchen |

|Preparar las comidas/los desayunos |prepare meals/breakfast |

|Hacer las camas |make the beds |

|limpiar |do the cleaning |

|limpiar los cuartos de baño |clean the bathrooms |

|lavar la ropa |do the laundry |

|trabajar en la recepción |work at reception |

|contestar al teléfono/a los emails |answer the phone/reply to e-mails |

|dar información a los clientes |give clients information |

|organizar excursiones |organise trips |

|ocuparme de la pagina web |take care of the web site |

|Soy flexible y sé adapatarme |I am flexible and can adapt |


|Me encanta viajar/ir al extranjero |I love travelling/going abroad |

|Me gusta descubrir nuevos horizontes y hablar el idioma del país |I like discovering new horizons |

| |and speaking the language of the country |

|Ya he visitado Francia, España, Italia, Grecia, Los Estados Unidos |I have already visited France, Spain, Italy, Greece, USA…… |

| | |

|Ya había visitado España cuando tenía trece años con un grupo escolar |I had already visited Spain when I was 13 with a school group |

|Fui de vacaciones a España |I went on holiday to España |

|Con mi familia el año pasado/hace dos años |with my family last year/ |

| |two years ago |

|Me gustó muchísimo | |

|Fue estupendo |I really liked it |

| |It was great/brilliant |

|Nunca he visitado España, esta será mi primera visita | |

| |I have never visited Spain, this will be my first visit |

| | |


|Le adjunto a esta carta mi curriculum vitae |You will find my C.V attached to this letter |

| | |

|No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si necesita más información |Don’t hesitate to contact me if you |

|Espero tener noticias suyas pronto |require more information |

|Sin otro particular, le saluda atentamente |I hope to hear from you soon |

| |Yours sincerely |


Scenario 1 SQA SPECIMEN PAPER 2013

You are preparing an application for the job advertised below and you write an e-mail in Spanish to the company.

To help you write your e-mail, you have been given the following checklist of information to give about yourself and to ask about the job.

You must include all of these points:

• Personal details (name, age, where you live)

• School/college/education experience until now

• Skills/interests you have which make you right for the job

• Related work experience

• Languages spoken

• Reason for wanting to work in Spain

Use all of the above to help you write the e-mail in Spanish. The e-mail should be approximately 120-150 words. You may use a Spanish dictionary.

Scenario 2

You are preparing an application for the job advertised below and you write an e-mail in Spanish to the company.

To help you write your e-mail, you have been given the following checklist of information to give about yourself and to ask about the job.

You must include all of these points:

• Personal details (name, age, where you live)

• School/college/education experience until now

• Skills/interests you have which make you right for the job

• Related work experience

• Languages spoken

• Reason for wanting to work in Spain

Use all of the above to help you write the e-mail in Spanish. The e-mail should be approximately 120-150 words. You may use a Spanish dictionary.

Scenario 3

You are preparing an application for the job advertised below and you write an e-mail in Spanish to the company.

To help you write your e-mail, you have been given the following checklist of information to give about yourself and to ask about the job.

You must include all of these points:

• Personal details (name, age, where you live)

• School/college/education experience until now

• Skills/interests you have which make you right for the job

• Related work experience

• When you will be available for interview and to work

• Your experience of working with the public

Use all of the above to help you write the e-mail in Spanish. The e-mail should be approximately 120-150 words. You may use a Spanish dictionary.

Scenario 4

You are preparing an application for the job advertised below and you write an e-mail in Spanish to the company.

To help you write your e-mail, you have been given the following checklist of information to give about yourself and to ask about the job.

You must include all of these points:

• Personal details (name, age, where you live)

• School/college/education experience until now

• Skills/interests you have which make you right for the job

• Related work experience

• Which games, sports and activities you could help organize

• Your experience of working with young people

Use all of the above to help you write the e-mail in Spanish. The e-mail should be approximately 120-150 words. You may use a Spanish dictionary.

Extra bullet points to consider taken from other specimen papers:

When you will be available for interview and to work

Your experience of working with the public (FRENCH)

How you can contribute to the day-to-day running of the hostel

Your experience of travelling to and visiting other countries (GERMAN)

Which games, sports and activities you could help organise

Your experience of working with young people (ITALIAN)

Languages spoken

Previous contacts with China (MANDARIN/CANTONESE)

Your specific language skills

Your experience of working at functions or events (URDU)



Los grandes almacenes, « Las Galerías » en Madrid ofrecen empleo este verano.

Necesitan jóvenes con conocimiento de español e inglés, buena presencia, y buenas destrezas comunicativas para trabajar con los clientes.

Si le interesa esta oferta de empleo, por favor envíenos un e-mail con sus datos e información a : Galerí@

El Hotel Puerta del Mar en Nerja ofrece empleo este verano.

Necesita jóvenes con conocimiento de español e inglés y buena presencia para trabajar como camareros y camareras en el hotel durante los meses de junio, Julio y agosto.

Si le interesa esta oferta de empleo, por favor envíenos un e-mail con sus datos e información a: @

Café en el centro de Málaga busca camarero/a

Necesitamos a una persona motivada, con conocimiento de español e inglés.

Para más información, o si el empleo le interesa, debe ponerse en contacto con la Señora González a SGon@

Colonia de verano en Marbella

Buscamos personas entusiastas y llenas de energía para trabajar en nuestra organización en la costa del sol este verano.

Necesitamos jóvenes con conocimiento de español e ingles.

Para este puesto tiene que saber entenderse bien con los jóvenes.

Se deben organizar cursos de español o ingles, juegos, deportes y mucho más para un grupo de diez niños, de 5 a 13 años.




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