Introduction to the Bible for Kids

Introduction to the

Bible for Kids

Unit One

From the Curriculum

Series, ¡°Foundations¡±

by Becky Zeigler

& Shelby Brewer

School Age




Note to Teachers and Parents:

The Word of God is so profoundly important for living a life of faithful obedience.

As a person studies, it seems that the importance only increases as it becomes evident

how essential and powerful it can be in obtaining the inheritance. It is no less important

in the lives of children. As they grow and are trained by their parents and in the church,

there is a great and wonderful responsibility of equipping them with the truths of the

Word of God to impact and change their lives. We are thrilled about this opportunity to

have a small part in helping children to establish foundations upon which they can

continue to build Scriptural knowledge. An accurate and strong foundation precedes

and accurate and strong structure built upon it. Without the right foundation, the

structure will be incorrect. What an amazing gift we as teachers and parents can offer

our children. Thus this series was born out of a sense of responsibility and love for His


There are a few thoughts we wish to convey before you begin. Please familiarize

yourself with the entire unit. All circumstances are different, so whether you find

yourself teaching each lesson, or just one in the five, it is important that you see the

context of your lesson and how it relates to the others. This way you can draw on

previous knowledge they have gained in previous weeks, or take more time on a concept

if it is new.

This is an introduction to Bible basics. We reference ¡®stories¡¯ of the Bible,

throughout the five lessons. We encourage you to emphasize that these ¡®stories¡¯ are

true, historical and accurately recorded. The word ¡°story¡± can sometimes suggest

comparison to made©\up stories and fairy tales. We just want to make sure the

distinction is made.

We also want to encourage the teachers and parents to ask the children to bring

their Bibles to class each week. The act of seeking for references, and getting their own

hands on the Bible, paging through it, and seeing the words, will be a lesson in itself. It is

another way for them to become familiar with God¡¯s Word.

Another note to emphasize is to encourage the children to talk with their families

about the lessons and what was learned. There is a parent resource sheet at the end of

this booklet that will be distributed to each family. Please familiarize yourself with this

so you will know what has been reviewed with each child. There are activities that are

created to bring things home for this purpose, but it will just be another good reminder.

We hope this will be profitable and fun for you and your class!

Shelby Brewer,

Becky Zeigler

School Age


Table of Contents

Lesson 1 ©\ The Bible: One Special Book ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ 1

Lesson 2 ©\ The Bible: Learning the Facts ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ 6

Lesson 3 ¨C The Bible: One Complete True Story ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­ 9

Lesson 4 ¨C The Bible: For Growth and Guidance ¡­¡­¡­¡­.. 14

Lesson 5 ¨C The Bible: Obeying God¡¯s Word ¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­¡­... 22

Lesson 1

The Bible: One Special Book



To help students discover how the Bible is different from any other book. To

do this we will be using the truths found in scripture to build a correct

foundation about the Bible.

Memory Verse


2 Timothy 3:16?17 ¡°All scripture is God©\breathed and useful for teaching,

rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.¡±






Age appropriate children¡¯s

books, a Bible (one book per

child and adult)

Medium size balloon

One balloon per child (with ¡°2

Tim 3:16¡± written with

permanent marker)

Construction paper (9x12)







Hole puncher




Glue Sticks

Copied worksheet: ¡°Things I

Know About the Bible¡±


Have children sit in a circle and lay various children¡¯s books and a Bible on

the ground in the middle of the circle. Begin a discussion on ¡°books¡±. Ask the

children questions about the books (¡°What do you do with books?¡±, ¡°What

books do you have at home?¡±, ¡±Do you like reading books?¡±, etc). Allow time

for each child to express his or her thoughts and ideas.

Then instruct the children to each choose a book. Tell them to open it up and

explore it. Then continue the previous discussion and include the various

parts of the book (Title, author, pages, words, cover, etc.).

Next, ask the child who picked up the Bible to hold it up. Explain that the

Bible is different from the other books in the room. Point out the physical

School Age


differences and then move into the differences in content. Allow time for

children to share their ideas and make sure the following facts are

addressed¡­ The Bible is:

? God¡¯s message written to man.

? A book that helps us know how to live our lives in order to please God.

? A book that contains many books, all with one message.

? A book that was written over 1600 years.

? Discuss the different names for the Bible: Scripture, God¡¯s Word,

Truth, the Law, Commandments, etc.

Introduce the idea that the Bible talks about itself. Read memory verse

2 Timothy 3:16?17:

¡°All scripture is God?breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking,

correcting and training in righteousness.¡±

To help children understand that scripture is ¡°God©\breathed¡±,

take out deflated balloon and show it to the class. Discuss why

the balloon is ¡°small¡± and ¡°flat¡± and what needs to happen in

order to make it ¡°big¡± and ¡°round¡±. Point out that the balloon needs air from

someone¡¯s mouth in order to make a balloon shape. Blow the balloon up.


Compare this to the memory verse and explain that the Bible is written from

¡°God¡¯s breath¡±. God breathed the words, He wrote these important words

and stories for us to read and learn from. Point to each child and emphasize

the fact that ¡°God©\breathed¡± these special words for each person in the room.

Instruct the children to take a deep breath and then slowly breathe out.

Point out that things that ¡°have breath¡± are living. Since we know the Bible is

God©\ breathed we also know it is living. Let¡¯s look at another scripture about

this fact ©\©\ Hebrews 4:12:

¡°For the word of God is living and active sharper than any two?edged

sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints

and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.¡±

The way God gave us His God©\breathed words was through using men to

write them down. Scripture tells us this in 2 Peter 1:21:

¡°¡­but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God¡±

Remind the children that we should never forget how special and important

these words are to us.

Put all the books back on the floor. Ask the children to point out the only

book that is ¡°God©\breathed¡±. Use this time to review what was learned and

School Age



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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