Unit Topic: Minor Games

Overall Aim of the Unit :

To continual development of FMS and applying them to minor game concepts

Equipment: 20 sashes, 4 hoops (different colours), 20-30 bean bags or equivalent

Class: Grade 3 Age: 8-9 year olds

Linking To Australian Curriculum

Health and Physical Education : Movement and Physical Activity

Sub Strand : moving our Body

6.8a Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in a variety of contexts

• applying kicking, striking and throwing skills to propelan object and keep it in motion

6.8b Design and perform a variety of movement sequences

• performing activities that have a transition from one skill to another such as from dribbling to shooting or from leaping to balancing

Objectives for Students:

(By the end of the lesson students will have attempted to/should be able to do)

• Kick: Be able to place their opposite foot next to ball when attempting a kicking motion

• Dodge : Be able to lean body in a lower position in preparation for the dodge

• Be able to identify Boundaries in the playing area and stay within them while participating in a game and skill development activities.

Objectives for my Teaching (throughout the lesson I will)

• Allow the student’s time to answer questions that I have given them regarding the activity, instead of answering for them.

• Look for teachable or freeze play moments during the game. This will entail stopping play to explain a scenario even though I think the game is flowing well.

• Be clear, concise and use appropriate language when I am explaining a particular skill or scenario to the students. After which I will check for understanding by asking a few quick questions

|Phase of lesson and time |Equipment and Organisation |Activities |Teaching Points |

|Phase of Activity |Equipment/Area |Activity # Introduction and Warm up : Octopus tag |Instructions |

|(Introduction, Skill development) | | |Introduction to student, stating name and rules |

|Introduction and Warm up |Class Layout |Activity Description |of the class. Start Octopus tag, selecting two |

| | |Introduction of the teacher including the major rules of the class |taggers, establish the boundaries to adhere to. |

| |[pic] 20 m |Stop look and listen when whistle in blown |Start the game |

|Overall Time 10 mins | |Raise hand when asking a question | |

| |15 metres |Don’t talk while others are talking |Teaching Cues |

|Activity time : 6 mins |Legend |Designate a home base area |Whistle Stop look and listen |

| | |Warm up |Boundaries set out by lines or cones |

|Instruction time 4 mins |: Students |Octopus tag, choose 2 taggers. | |

| | |Group Scarecrow tag : when Tagged students join the tagging team |K.T.P |

|Total Time : 12:30 – 12 40pm |: Taggers | |Dodge |

| | |Modifications |Change direction by pushing off outside foot |

|Ref ; G.Anderson (Personal |: direction to run |Change locomotion from running to skipping |Body lowered during change of direction |

|Communication, August 2011) | |Jail Tag ; children get tagged they go into a designated jail. When there are 5 people|Run |

| | |in jail they count to 10, yell out jail break and re- enter the game. |Arms bend at elbows and move in opposition to |

| | |Safety |legs |

| | |Eyes up when running | |

| | |Obstacles within the playing area |Common Errors |

| | |No slapping when tagging a student |Eyes not looking forward when running |

| | |Stay within the boundaries designated. |2.not pushing off with oppisite foot when dodging|

| | | |No arm movement when in running motion |

| | |Demonstration : teacher will give a verbal explanation of the requirements of the | |

| | |game. Use students where necessary to visually show particular aspects. | |

| | | | |

| | |Transition : whistle will be blown and students will be sent to home base for further | |

| | |instruction | |

|Phase of Activity |Class Layout |Activity # 2 Minor Games: Rob The Tribe |Instructions |

|(Introduction, Skill development) | |Activity Description |Students will be asked to get into 4 groups. |

|Skill development |[pic] 8 m |Students are put into 4 even groups. Designate team names or colours to avoid |Using the hoops to designate groups and give team|

| | |confusion |names. Students will be given a demonstration of |

|Overall Time 12 40pm-12 55pm |15 metres |Each team is sent to a corner of the gym (see diagram) |what is expected in the game. |

| | |Treasures are left in the middle of the playing area. | |

|Activity time 10 mins |Legend |One person at a time can come out a take a treasure |Teaching Cues |

| | |When all treasures are gone, on teachers call “Rob the Tribe” one person can go and |Verbal Cue : to rob the tribe and start the game |

|Instruction time 5 mins |: tribes |steal 1 treasure from another tribe |Rob the tribe to allow stealing of other groups |

| | | |bean bags |

|Total Time 15 mins |: Treasures circle |Modifications |KTP’s |

| | |Increase the amount of treasures taken |Dodge |

| |: Designated bears | |Change direction by pushing off outside foot |

|Ref ; J.Edwards (Personal | |Bears and Eagles |Body lowered during change of direction |

|Communication, September, 2011) | |All Treasures start in the middle |Run |

| |Equipment |Select three students to be bears who protect the treasures |Arms bend at elbows and move in opposition to |

| |Sashes : 20 |Groups can send out 2 people at a time to collect treasures |legs |

| |4 different coloured hoops |Bears can’t block students in the area where treasures are | |

| |20-30 bean bags or equivalent |If anyone of the group gets tagged both members are sent back and two members come out|Ref ; Department of Education, 2010 |

| | |Safety | |

| | |Eyes up when running |Common Errors |

| | |Spread treasures out in designated area to avoid collision |Eyes not looking forward when running |

| | |Be aware of obstacles and other people in area |2.not pushing off with opposite foot when dodging|

| | | |No arm movement when in running motion |

| | |Demonstration | |

| | |Teacher will verbally give instructions to students, then utilise a student |Focus Questions |

| | |demonstration. |Why did you pick a particular group to rob their |

| | | |tribe? |

| | |Transition ; students sent to home base for further instruction |Bears and Eagles; What did you do, working as a |

| | | |team to get the treasures. |

|Phase of Activity |Equipment/Area |Activity # KickBall |Instructions |

|(Introduction, Skill development) | |Activity Description |Playing Kickball. 2 teams are selected. One team |

|Game Play | |Set up as per diagram; using wickets, hoop and soft ball |will be fielding in bounded area. One kicker at a|

| |Class Layout |Player rolls the ball to kicker |time. Teacher or student who is about 7 m away |

|Overall Time 12 55pm – 1 10pm | |After Strike, Kicker runs as many times to designated polydot and back before ball is |can roll the ball to the kicker. Once kicked into|

| |[pic] 8 m |bowled again |play the fielding team must all handle the ball, |

|Activity time 10 mins | |Kicker can be out via, caught or bowled. |throw it too each other. Last person yells out |

| |15 metres | |stop. The batter keeps running between two cones |

|Instruction time 5 mins |Legend |Modifications |until they hear STOP. |

| | |Add in in bases, simular to rounders diamond | |

|Total Time 15 mins |: Fielding team |Fielding team must all touch the ball. Once the student contacts the ball they sit |Teaching Cues |

| | |down. Last person who has the ball raises above their head and says “STOP”. The batter|Shouting stop for the runner to cease running |

|Ref ; Greg Anderson (personal |: Kicker |will be continually running between markers to get as many runs as possible before |Stop on whistle |

|Communication, November , 2011) | |this happens | |

| | | |K.T.P (Skill Based) |

| | |Safety |Kick : |

| |: Cones |Throwing the ball too hard in between players |Place the opposite foot next to the ball before |

| | |Eyes up when fielding the ball to avoid collisions |striking through |

| | |Batting team standing back behind the batter in safe area. |Eyes focused on ball when kicking |

| |: bowler | |Kicking leg follows through towards the target |

| | | |after ball contact |

| | |Demonstration | |

| | |Teacher can demonstrate the concept, asking the students to do the activity then |Common Errors |

| | |explaining each point to them as it comes up |Kicking the ball with the same foot as the one |

| | | |that is placed next to ball. |

| | |Transition : Back to home Base for further instructions |Taking eyes off the ball |

| | | |Kicking the ball with the toe |

|Phase of Activity |Equipment/Area |Activity #4 Conclusion and debrief |Instructions |

|(Introduction, Skill development) | |Activity Description |Teacher will get all students to sit quietly at |

|Conclusion | |Students will be asked to sit back at home base |home base where they will ask them some simple |

| |Class Layout |Teacher will go around and ask a basic question about the lesson |questions on what they completed in the class. |

|Overall Time 1 10pm- 1 20pm | |A student will respond verbally or use a demonstration to give a response |After which they will be delivered back to |

| |[pic] 8 m | |homeroom for lunch |

|Activity time 0 | | | |

| |15 metres |Demonstration : Students can be asked to give a visual explanation of the recommended | |

|Instruction time 10 mins(including| |focus questions and learning outcomes |Focus Questions |

|taking back to class room) |Legend | |When you dodge around people do you stand high or|

| | | |go low |

|Total Time 10 mins |: Students |Safety |Do we use our arms when running |

| | |Students sitting down on the ground cross legged |Which leg do we push off when dodging around |

| |: Teacher |No pushing of other students |someone. |

| | |No talking over teacher and other students | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Transition | |

| | |Students line up at the gym door in two lines to be taken back to homeroom | |


1. References : Department of Education.(2000). Fundamental motor skills assessment procedures and score sheets. Fundamental motor skills..


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