Promoting Advanced Literacy for Upper Elementary Students

Promoting Advanced Literacy for Upper Elementary Students


Fall 2019

Expanded Content for Grades 3?5!

To access and evaluate complex texts, students must develop deeper skills, language, and knowledge. These advanced literacy skills enable students to integrate concepts they read about with what they already know, and in turn, empower them to communicate complex ideas for diverse purposes.

Lexia? Core5? Reading supports the core components of advanced literacy by

? building academic language skills. ? developing skills for deep

comprehension and text analysis. ? cultivating disciplinary knowledge. ? sparking higher-order thinking.

Major Program Expansion

Three new levels for grades 3-5

? extend students' journey around the world. ? feature five brand new activity types. ? include over 240 new online units, each with added

practice and explicit instruction when students need it.

Over 120 new printable Lexia Lessons? and Lexia Skill Builders?

? support Core5's powerful blended model. ? provide targeted intervention and practice.

Now more than 275 high-interest passages

? encourage connection and integration of ideas within and across texts.

? include a wide variety of genres and text types such as informational (science, social studies), poetry, drama, biography, authentic texts, persuasive, procedural, interactive diagrams, maps, and more!

Student-Driven Learning, Advanced Skill Development

Structural Analysis


Activity Types!

Goal Develop skills to read, spell, and understand multisyllabic words often found in literature as well as in the domains of math, history, and science.

Vocabulary Strategies Activities


? develop strategies for determining the meaning of unknown words in context.

? learn meaningful word parts (e.g., affixes), how to use these parts to transform words, and how to use word parts with context clues to infer word meanings.

Level 21: Vocabulary Strategies 3


Goal Promote accurate, automatic, and expressive reading of words, sentences, and texts, with a focus on meaning.

Fluent Reading Activities

Students ? learn characteristics of expressive reading such as appropriate stress, phrasing, and intonation. ? apply fluency techniques at the sentence level and in short poems.


Goal Teach word-learning strategies, provide exposure to rich and varied vocabulary words, and allow students to develop an awareness of word relationships and associations.

Level 18: Fluent Reading 2

Academic Vocabulary Activities


? build deep knowledge of academic word meanings, relationships, and uses. ? demonstrate understanding of academic words in texts, create definition cards, and determine appropriate word usage in multiple contexts.

Level 18: Academic Vocabulary 2

Comprehension and Grammar

Goal Develop deep reading and listening skills through the application of higher-order thinking skills and research-based reading strategies.

Text Connections Activities

Students ? apply reading and listening comprehension skills to diverse text sets organized around engaging, gradeappropriate themes. ? use critical thinking strategies to answer questions related to each passage. ? complete an interactive, text-construction task to apply what was learned in each set.

Grammar Concepts Activities

Students ? build reading comprehension skills through an exploration of grammar at the sentence level. ? learn the parts of speech and their functions and apply this knowledge across simple, compound, and complex sentences. ? practice combining and expanding sentences.

Passage Comprehension Activities

Students ? read and comprehend grade-appropriate texts from a wide variety of genres. ? respond to questions focused on higher-order thinking skills. ? cultivate background knowledge with integrated thematic units that give context and purpose for reading.

Level 15: Text Connections 2 Level 21: Grammar Concepts 3 Level 17: Passage Comprehension 5

Drivers of Literacy Success

FOCUS on True Personalization

Comprehensive and adaptive instructional model ensures each student receives the right level of instructional intensity on the right skill at the right time.

? Learning path continuously adjusts based on student performance, providing scaffolded support only when needed

? Individualized weekly usage recommendation ? Performance Predictor provides dynamic, monthly

progress monitoring

FOCUS on Motivation and Engagement

Immersive program design holds learner's attention, supports self-directed learning, builds confidence, and celebrates success.

? Thought-provoking and visually compelling introductions and tasks

? Student ability to track progress to personal goals ? Built-in opportunities for student choice in open-ended

tasks, polling, and activity selection

FOCUS on Research-Proven Pedagogy

Student growth in the program correlates with actual performance on numerous independent outcome measures and state tests.

? Multiple peer-reviewed, published efficacy studies ? Proven acceleration for targeted populations,

including English learners ? Research-based program design ? Rigorous content and skill expectations


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