Angela's Professional Portfolio

521017538100Angela’s Angel’sGuidance PolicyAngela’s Angels environment promotes positive behavior and self-esteem through age appropriate expectations, routines and transitional activities. The guidance policy is in accordance to the State of Wisconsin regulations and helps children develop self-control, self-esteem and respect for others through understanding, redirection and positive reinforcement. We provide each child with experiences that encourage these qualities through social interactions, self expression, large and small muscle development and intellectual growth.Our goal is to provide a quality care environment. We will provide reliable consistent care and early education with each child benefiting from lots of one-on-one care and be treated in a positive, safe and nurturing manner.Each child will be valued as part of the group and as an individual whose presence is important to us all, giving children a sense of self worth by helping them to develop at their own individual pace while learning basic skills in a respectful atmosphere. We will encourage each child to feel confident and secure enough in themselves to explore and grow in a stimulating educational and social environment.Each child will be closely supervised by all adults at Angela’s Angels to guide the child’s behavior and activities, prevent harm and assure safety. Children’s behavior will be guided by setting clear limits/rules for the children. The rules will be talked about regularly with the children, as well as posted in each classroom with pictures as a reminder. These rules will also be modeled consistently by each teacher at the center as well. We will state positively what children can do, using specific terms. For example, “You need to talk softly” rather than “Don’t yell”. Undesirable behavior will be redirected to another activity.“Break time” will be used if redirection does not work and the undesirable behavior is continued. No child will ever be on “break time” more than 5 minutes and the teacher will discuss with the children the actions that should have been taken after the “break time” is complete. If a child exhibits continuous unacceptable behavior, the teacher’s will request a conference with parents to consider how to help the behavior. Behavior management will be for the purpose of helping children develop self-control, self-esteem and respect for themselves and others.Punishment that is humiliating or frightening to a child, such as hitting, spanking, shaking, verbal or sexual abuse, withholding or forcing food, or punishment for lapses in toilet training or other forms of physical punishment are prohibited. These forms will never be used, even at the request of the parent.Every classroom will have a list of responsibilities that the children will be able to choose from each day. If the child doesn’t wish to have a responsibility one day they will not be forced, it is their choice whether they’d like to participate or not. The responsibilities will include lunch helper, snack helper, lights helper, door helper, Weather checker, calendar reader, line leader, line counter, etc. These responsibilities are not only helping our teachers but teaching the children about self-confidence, self-esteem and promoting positive behaviors.Each classroom will have a daily routine that they will follow, however the routine will be adjusted each day to accommodate the children in any way, of all ages. The daily routines will include, but not be limited to, breakfast, free time, snacks, outside time, lunch, circle time, and nap time. Circle time is when the children will have class meetings, reading, calendar time, share time, music or anything else that the teacher may plan for that day. Angela’s Angels Child Care practices learning through play curriculum, although it may sometimes seem that the children are playing a lot or have a lot of free time, that’s when they’re learning the most through their explorations and discoveries. In between each activity the children will have a five minute warning bell that will be rung, so that they will be able to know that their activity will be changing soon. Each classroom will be set up to have different centers or areas for the children to play in. This allows for the children that want to participate in quiet activities won’t be disturbed by the louder activities and the children that would like to participate in something individually will not be interrupted by group activities.All parents are welcome to join their child(ren) at any time in any classroom. If you would like to participate in a meal with your child, please let the teacher know ahead of time so that accommodations may be made for you.A daily contact sheet will be provided for each child in care, indicating meals and snacks, diaper changes, rest times and activities. A newsletter and activities calendar will be provided monthly. ................

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