Schemes of Work for Year 7 Arabic - Arabicscope

Schemes of Work for Year 7 Arabic


Arabic text books:

*Arabic in Your Hands

*Mastering Arabic

*Carnival 2

*Arabic folder (different worksheets)

* ICT Pack: web pages –

( To make your activities for students)


Year 7 Arabic

|Topics / Framework objectives |Learning Objectives |Vocabulary and key language |Grammar |Teaching resources |Teaching activities |

|Module : Let’s go |To know how to read and write |Alphabets |-Position of alphabets within |Arabic Language skills for non Arab, | |

|هيا ننطلق |Arabic Alphabets |حروف الهجاء |the word. |CD/ |-Alphabet games, songs, chants. |

| | |ﺐَ -ﺐِ -ﺐُ | |Gateway to Arabic.P:68 |- Simulate telephone introductions and |

|Unit 1: Arabic Alphabets | | |-Alharakat: short and long | |spell out the names. |

|حروف الهجاء | | |vowels in Arabic. | |-to say and write the alphabet |

| | | |Tanween/ Ashada | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |-To ask and answer basic questions when|

| | | | | |meeting and greeting someone |

| | | | | |-Conduct conversations |

| | | | | |using |

| | |How to say your name in Arabic | |PPP |مرحبا |

|Unit 2: People and places |To know how to say your name |How to greet people in Arabic |To differentiate between male |Arabic Language skills for non Arab, |ما اﺴﻤﻚِ؟ |

|P:34/5.6 |and ask people about their |أهلا \ مرحبا\ السلام عليكم |and female while asking about |P:53,54 |...... أنا اسمي |

|مرحبا |name, how to greet someone |مع السلامة |their names (modakar /motnat) |Start Arabic ( Arabic for non Arabs)CD |كيف يكتب اسمك؟ |

| | |ما اسمكَ؟ | |Cranival Book 1, P:12 |مع السلامة |

| | |ما اﺴﻤﻚِ؟ | |Carnival workbook P: 4/5 |-Pupils practise the phrases, shaking |

| | |...... أنا اسمي | |Worksheet 1 |hands in groups of four. |

| | |كيف يكتب اسمك؟ | | | |

| | | | | |-Guessing games (hidden flash cards, |

| | | | | |objects pictured at an unusual angle, |

| | |To name different objects using | | |slow reveal on overhead projector). |

| | |demonstrative pronouns | | |-Pupils share strategies for memorising|

| | |[pic] | |PPP |the spellings, meanings and gender of |

|Unit 3: Classroom objects |To know how to name different |[pic] |-Demonstrative pronouns |Arabic Folder for worksheets |the words, e.g. similarities to |

|أدوات المدرسة |classroom objects | |-Negation in Arabic |(worksheet 2) |English, colour-coding. |

| | | |what I have and haven’t got | |-Picture bingo: pupils can take the |

| | |Introduction to numbers | | |part of the bingo caller. |

| | |(1 – 20) | | |-Pair work asking for classroom |

| | |How to say | | |objects. |

| | |Days and months in Arabic | | | |

| | |how to write them | | |-numbers 1–12 and how to use them to |

| | |How to say their age using these | | |express their age and the number of |

| | |detail | | |classroom objects |

| |To be able to say how old you |كم عمركِ؟ | | |Number games. |

| |are and ask people about their |كم عمركَ؟ |-To make the difference between| |-Counting games, counting against the |

|Unit 4: Expressing people’s ages |ages |ﺃﻧﺎﻋﻤﺮﻱ |masculine and feminine ( Ka, |PPP |clock; chanting (slowly, softly, |

|كم عمركِ؟ | | |3mroka) (Ki, 3mroki) |Carnival book P: 15 |loudly). |

| | | | |Arabic Folder for worksheets |-Pair work asking and answering the |

| | | | |(worksheet 3) |question كم عمركِ؟ |

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Year 7 Arabic

|Topics / Framework objectives |Learning Objectives |Key language |Grammar |Resources |Teaching activities |

| | | | | | |

|Unit 5: My Birthday |To be able to say when is your |To say your birthday using ‘I’ |-How to make a question in |PPP |-Counting/number games and songs. |

|عيد ميلادي |birthday and the birthday of others| |Arabic |Carnival Book 1 P: 16 -17 |-To introduce the months of the year, present|

| | |متى عيد ميلادكَ ؟ |-Make a difference between |Carnival Book 1: P: 6 - 7 |the birth dates of famous American and |

| | |متى عيد ميلادﻚِ ؟ |feminine and masculine |Arabic Folder for worksheets |British stars, showing a picture of each |

| | |عيد ميلادي يوم الخميس من شهر | |(worksheet 4) |person and giving the date in figures, e.g. |

| | |فبراير | | |12/02/75. |

| | | | | |Pupils progress to listening to a tape some |

|Unit 6: Colours | |To use colours when describing |-How colors adjective changes | |young people, giving details of their |

|الألوان |To be able to say different colours|their classroom objects |when used with masculine and |PPP |birthdays. Pupils listen and identify who is |

| |in Arabic |ما لون المسطرة؟ |feminine nouns |Carnival Book 1 P: 26 |talking. |

| | |ما لونه؟ | |Arabic Folder for worksheets |-Pupils arrange themselves into birth date |

| | |ما لونها؟ | |(worksheet 4) |order around the class. |

| | |أزرق __ زرقاء | | |-Pupils can note their own birthdays on a |

| | | | | |card in figures. These can then be used for |

| | | | | |birthday bingo. Pupils ask and answer around |

| | |هذه أسرتي | | |the class, in the form of a survey |

| | |هذه أمي -هذا أبي -هذا أخي - هذه |-Demonstrative pronouns | | |

|Module 2: My family | |أختي - هذا جدي – هذه |-Make a differences between a | |-Pupils draw and label their own family tree |

| |To be able to say the members of |جد تي |feminine and masculine |PPP |or one which is fictitious or historical. |

|Unit 1: My family |your family | |-Possessive pronouns |Carnival Book 1. P: 24. |-Pupils work in pairs, each pupil having |

|[pic] | | | |Carnival workbook 1. P: 9 |different information about the same family. |

| | |[pic] | | |They find out the missing information by |

| | |[pic] |-Tow ways of saying I have in | |asking each other questions. |

|Unit 2: Brothers and sisters | |[pic] |Arabic | |-Pupils interview each other about their |

|[pic] |To be able to say how many brothers| |-Revision of numbers in ---How | |families, in pairs. |

| |and sisters you have | |numbers change while used with|PPP | |

| | |ما إسم أخيكَ؟ |feminine and masculine/ plural |Arabic Folder for worksheets | |

| | |ما إسم أختكِ؟ | |(worksheet 5) | |

| | |[pic] | |Carnival workbook 1. P: 6 (word search |-Round-the-class survey on names and numbers |

| | |[pic] | |numbers) |of family members. |

| | |[pic] |-Demonstrative pronouns/ | |-Presentation of an imaginary family using |

| | | |possessive pronouns | |overhead transparencies (OHT) or pupil-made |

|Unit 3: Brothers and sisters names | | |-Attached pronouns | |posters/flashcards. |

|[pic] |To be able to say your brothers and| |-Subject pronouns (Third |PPP |- Pupils could also make a collage of a |

| |sisters names | |persons) |Arabic Folder for worksheets |family with speech bubbles or Post-it notes |

| | | | |(worksheet 6) |acting as labels. |

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Year 7 Arabic

|Topics / Framework objectives |Learning Objectives |Key language |Grammar |Resources |Teaching activities |

|Unit 4: Pets |To be able to say what pets you’ve| | |PPP |-Teach names for common pets and practise new|

|[pic] |got and ask people what pets they |[pic] |-Asking questions ‘do you |Arabic Folder for worksheets |vocabulary by playing language games, eg |

| |have. | |have ‘ |(worksheets 7/8) |picture bingo, noughts and crosses with |

| | | |-Negation in Arabic |My Little world P18.19 |pictures on OHP, ‘Pelmanism’ game, matching |

| | | |-Plural / using numbers 32 |Word search P:19 |words to pictures. |

| | | |-69 | |-Class survey on pets. Pupils report back |

| | |ما لون قطتكِ؟ | | |findings in pairs to see who has recorded the|

| | |ما لون كلبكَ؟ | | |most. |

| | |[pic] | | |-Pupils create a wall display, with text to |

| | | | | |accompany family photographs. This could be |

| | | | | |done using ICT |

|Unit 5: Pets and colours | | | | | |

|[pic] |Talking about what colour is your |[pic] | | |-Pupils match reading/listening texts to |

| |pet | |-Adjective agreement |Carnival Book 1. P: 13 |photos. |

| | | |-Using connectives |Arabic Language Skills for non Arabic|-Pupils discuss family photos (including |

| | | |-Two forms of ‘Your’ |P: 32. 23.38 |pets) in groups, using a range of familiar |

| | | | | |structures. |

| | | | | | |

|Unit 6: | | | | |-OHT presentation of physical characteristics|

| |Saying the colour of your eyes and| | | |using a range of different physical types and|

|[pic] |hair | |-Revision of colours |PPP |people of different ages and ethnic groups. |

|Physical description | | |-Asking questions using |Arabic Folder for worksheets |-Presentation of adjectives of character |

| | | |‘what’ |(worksheet 9) |using well-known cartoon characters. |

| | | |-Dual in Arabic |*Carnival Book 1 : P:38 |-Slowly reveal pictures of famous people; |

| | | | | |elicit as much description as possible. |

| | | | | |-Pupils match description (written or spoken)|

| | | | | |to object/picture. |

| | | | | |-Describing and guessing who (other |

| | | | | |pupil/teacher). |

Year 7 Arabic

|Topics / Framework objectives |Learning Objectives |Key language |Grammar |Resources |Teaching activities |

| | |أين تسكن؟ | | |-To ask questions about where |

|Module 3: In my house |Talking about where people live |أين تسكنين؟ |-Making questions using |PPP |people live, using where and |

|[pic] | |أسكن في شقة؟ |‘where?’. |Arabic Folder for worksheets |who? |

| | |أسكن في بيت؟ | |(worksheet s9 /10) |-To answer questions using Fi |

|Unit 1: Where do you live? | | | |Carnival Book 1. P: 36 |+ name of town and some simple |

|[pic] | | | | |phrases |

| | | | | |-How to develop a conversation |

| | | | | |about where do you live. |

| | |[pic][pic] | | |- Guessing countries. |

|Unit 2: Rooms in the house |Describing the rooms of the house |[pic] | | |- Flashcards |

|[pic] | | |-Making questions using ‘What’ |PPP | |

| | | |how many ) |Arabic Folder for worksheets |- Starter: Matching parts of |

| | | |-Further use of ‘there is ‘ |(worksheet 11) |sentences |

| | |[pic] |Using adjectives |Carnival Book 1. P: 36/37 |-Card game : matching |

| | | | |Carnival Book 1:P:87(questions |activities with rooms. |

| | | | |pronouns) |- Squashed sentences. |

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| | |[pic] | | | |

|Unit 3: Furniture |Describing furniture in different |[pic] | | | |

|[pic] |rooms |[pic] | | | |

| | |ﻤﺎﺍﻠﻮﻗﺖﺍﻟﻶﻥ؟ | | |- Starter: identifying |

| | |[pic] |-Further use of ‘there is’ |PPP |furniture from descriptions |

| | |[pic] |there isn’t’ |Arabic Folder for worksheets |-Finding the odd one out . |

| | | |-Using adjectives |(worksheet 12) |-Describing items in different |

| |To describe the position of | | | |rooms. |

| |different items in the house | | | |-ICT: write a description of |

| | | | | |own bedroom |

| | | | | | |

|Unit 4: Prepositions / The time|How to say the time in Arabic | | | |-Introducing prepositions using|

|and the Place | | | | |actions |

|[pic] | | |-To make the difference between|*Carnival Book1: P: 69 |-Make the actions and get them |

| | | |prepositions and the other |*Carnival Book 1. P:37(prepositions) |to say the prepositions. |

| | | |adverb of places |*Carnival Book 1: P:73 (Adverb |- Fill in the gap |

| | | | |Places) | |

| | | | | |-Sequencing times |

| | | | | |-ICT: interact clock background|

|Unit5: Telling the time |Asking and saying the time | | |*Carnival Book 1P:56 | |

|[pic] | | |-Revision of numbers |*Carnival Book 1P:54/55 |-Matching the time with the |

| | | |-Use of verbs in Present tense |(Verbs in school context) |right clocks. |

| | | |-Numbers from 70-100 | | |

Year 7 Arabic

|Topics / Framework objectives |Learning Objectives |Key language |Grammar |Resources |Teaching activities |

| | | | | | |

|Module 4: At school | | | | | |

|[pic] | | | | |-Pupils answer the register in Arabic. |

| | | | | |- Deliberately set work for which |

|Unit 1: Classroom instructions |To be able to understand classroom|[pic] |-To understand the difference |PPP |pupils must request certain |

|[pic] |instructions |[pic] |between the |Arabic Folder for worksheets |materials. |

| | | | |(worksheet 13) |-Competitions using classroom language “ |

| | | | | |James says: …….” |

|Unit 2: School subjects | | | | | |

|المواد الدراسية | | | | | |

| | |:المواد الدراسية | | |-To introduce school subjects suing students |

| |Saying your school subjects |.أدرس الرياضيات |-To ask questions |PPP |time table. |

| | |. العربية.التاريخ.المسرح اللغة |-To use basic connectives |Arabic Folder for worksheets | |

| | |العلوم .الفرنسية.الجغرافية.الدين |-Definite /indefinite article |(worksheet 14) | |

| | |..أدرس | |Carnival book 1. P: 50 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Unit 3: Likes and dislikes | |-أفضل-مادتي المفضلة هي | | |- Asking students “what is your |

| | |[pic] | |PPP |Favourite subject? |

| |Saying your opinion about school |. العربية.التاريخ.المسرح اللغة |-To use verbs in the present |Arabic Folder for worksheets |- Pupils write own likes and dislikes with |

| |subjects and giving reasons |العلوم |tense |(worksheet 15) |reasons. |

| | |.... لأنه متعب\ ممتع\سهل\ ممل |-Asking questions “Do you like |Carnival book 1. P: 52.53 |-Listening activities to Arab youngsters |

| | | |maths’ | |talking about the subjects they like or |

| | | |‘Why’ | |dislike. |

| | | |-Negative in Arabic | | |

|Unit 4 : describing the school | | |Quantifiers | | |

|day | | | | |- Squashed-up sentences |

|يومي المدرسي |Describing your school day | | |PPP |- Pupils draw a “ storyboard” cartoon |

| | | |-To use present tense |Arabic Folder for worksheets |describing what the do at school. |

| | | |-To use more connectives |(worksheet 16) |-ICT: to make their own PPP |

| | | |-New ways of asking questions |Carnival book 1. P: 87 |Describing their day at school. |

| | | | | |- Reading activities |

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Year 7 Arabic

|Topics / Framework objectives |Learning Objectives |Key language |Grammar |Resources |Teaching activities |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |-Finding the odd one out |

|Unit 5 : What do you do after |Talking about what you do after | |-Using present tense |PPP |-Matching sentences halves. |

|school |school | |More connectives |Arabic Folder for worksheets |-Reordering a text. |

|ماذا تفعل بعد المدرسة ؟ | | |Quantifiers |(worksheet 17) |-Write what the do after school using |

| | | | | |different connectives. |

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|Module 5: Hobbies | | | | | |

|[pic] | | |-Using affirmative and |PPP |Starter: |

|Unit 1: Hobbies |Saying what hobbies you like or | |negative form in Arabic |Arabic Folder for worksheets |Reading : |

|[pic] |dislike | |-Constructing complex sentences|(worksheet 18) |Listening: to listen to the three friends and|

| | | |about interest and hobbies. |Carnival book 1. P: 71 |choose the correct word from the bracket |

| | | |-how to ask simple questions | | |

| | | |about people’s likes and | | |

| | | |dislikes by revising the raised| | |

| | | |voice technique and by asking: | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |-How to ask why and give a | | |

| | | |simple reason for their opinion| | |

| | | |by using because in Arabic with| | |

| | | |he/ she followed by a range of| | |

| | | |adjectives | | |

| | | | | | |

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Year 7 Arabic

|Topics / Framework objectives |Learning Objectives |Key language |Grammar |Resources |Teaching activities |

| | | | | | |

|Unit 2: Sports | | | |PPP |-Starter: Hobbies with opinions |

|[pic] |Talking about sport and saying |[pic] |-Using (what is this ? in |Arabic Folder for worksheets |Pelmanism’ game, matching pictures to |

| |what you like and don’t like |[pic] |Arabic |(worksheet 19) |sentences. |

| | |ألعاب القوى |-Using other personal pronouns | |-Listening: To listen to different people |

| | |الهوكي |(he, she, we) | |describing what they do as sport and giving |

| | |ركوب الدراجات |-How the verb changes when used| |opinions. They have to fill in the grid with |

| | |الجمباز |with these pronouns | |sport and opinion. |

| | |الدراجات |-_How to express a simple | |-Reading: to combine a small number of |

| | |السنوكر |opinion using some adjectives | |sentences using time adverbs as connectives |

| | |الجودو |-Using connectives | |to sequence their text. Or a text not in the |

| | | |[pic] | |right order, to put the sentences in the |

| | | | | |right order to make a whole text. |

| | | | | |-Writing: understand and produce in speech |

| | | | | |and writing sentences such as I play |

| | | | | |football. I don’t like swimming. My brother |

| | | | | |likes tennis. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |-How to use their knowledge of | | |

| | | |I do/ I practice etc .. | |-Starter: Brainstorming names of sports they|

| | | |-To develop a conversation by | |know in Arabic /match picture to labels. |

| | | |giving a statement about sports|PPP |-Speaking: converse with others by asking: |

|Unit 3: What do you do as a |Saying what sport you do in your | |and asking questions |Arabic Folder for worksheets |[pic] |

|sport? |free time and how many times you | |(in Arabic) |(worksheet 20) |and give opinions and time frequency |

|[pic] |do it. | |-How to express agreement and | |using constructions such as |

| | | |disagreement | | |

| | | |using time frequency | |-Reading: Pupils skim a letter by |

| | | |-Describe a third person’s | |highlighting key words with a marker pen. |

| | | |likes and dislikes | |Work as a class through a text which contains|

| | | | | |unfamiliar language and guide pupils to ask |

| | | | | |themselves contextual and grammar-based |

| | | | | |questions to aid understanding. |

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Year 7 Arabic

|Topics / Framework objectives |Learning Objectives |Key language |Grammar |Resources |Teaching activities |

| | |القيثارة- |-To use play followed with the | |- Matching symbol to text from |

|Unit 4 : Musical instrument |Saying what musical instrument you play|الناي- |definite article. |PPP |- Pupils listen to Arab speakers on video |

| | |البيانو- |-Revisit the negative to say which|Arabic Folder for worksheets |talking about their favorite instrument and|

| | |العود- |musical instrument they do not |(worksheet 21) |tick when key words are heard. |

| | |الكمان- |play. | |- Guessing games based on teacher’s or |

| | |أعزف على البيانو- | | |pupils’ mimes. |

| | |لا أعزف على القيثار- | | |- Pupils requiring support might match |

| | | | | |visuals to text and reconstruct a story. |

| | | | | | |

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| | | | | | |

| | | | | |-Starter: To match the four speech bubbles to|

| | | | | |the pictures / revision of days of the week/ |

| | | | | |adverbs of time. |

|Unit 5: What do you do at the |Talking about what you do at the | | |PPP |-Reading: Analysing the letter and |

|weekend? |weekend | |-Revision of present tense. |Arabic Folder for worksheets |highlighting the key words. Answer the |

|[pic] | | |To combine a small number of |(worksheet 21) |question to show understanding. |

| | | |sentences using time adverbs as | |- Writing: how to set out a simple informal |

| | | |connectives to sequence their text| |letter to a pen friend., seeking and giving |

| | | | | |information |

| | | |-Ask and understand questions | |about hobbies and interests. To write their |

| | | |about hobbies | |own informal letter about hobbies. |

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ماذا تفعل في المدرسة ؟

أذهب الى المدرسة

أصل الى المدرسة

أذهب الى المدرسة

أصل الى المدرسة

أستمع الى المعلم

أكتب في دفتري

أقرأ في كتابي

ألعب مع أصدقائي وقت الاستراحة

بعد المدرسة

أستمع الى الموسيقى

أشاهد التلفاز

أحل واجباتي المدرسية

↖[pic]↗[pic]↘[pic]ألعب مع أصدقائي

أساعد أمي في المطبخ

أقرأ الكتب

ألعب الشطرنج


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