
December 14, 2017The regular meeting of the Council of the Rural Municipality of Sifton was held in the council chambers in Oak Lake at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, December 14, 2017.MEMBERS PRESENT:Reeve: Cyril DruweJeff Sigurdson, Rick GabrielleLarry Wallace, Scott Phillips,Stan Cochrane, Clement Gervais,Dave Roulette, Wilson DavisAdministrator: Mary SmithMOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson2017-254BE IT RESOLVED that the agenda for the regular meeting of December 14, 2017 be adopted as presented.CARRIED.9:00 a.m. Roger Main, Public Works Foreman entered the meeting to update Council on the operations for the Sewer Utility and the Oak Lake LUD.MOTION:R. Gabrielle – S. Cochrane2017-255RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular November 9, 2017 and special meeting of December 5, 2017, as circulated, be taken as read and approved, all statutory requirements having been fulfilled.CARRIED.MOTION:S. Cochrane – R. Gabrielle2017-256RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton budget in 2018 for underground Street Light installation on Spoonbill Street at Cherry Point.CARRIED.MOTION:W. Davis – S. Phillips2017-257RESOLVED that the payment of general account cheque numbers 4138 to 4241 and Direct Deposit payroll, inclusive, in the amount of $1,402,271.49 be approved. Included in the above figures are the following:Public School Finance Board……………………………..$392,332.46Fort La Bosse School Division……………………………$616,057.81Southwest Horizon School Division………………………$206,453.38CARRIED.MOTION:J. Sigurdson – D. Roulette2017-258RESOLVED that the Financial Statement for the month ended November 30, 2017 be approved as presented.CARRIED.Page 2December 14, 2017MOTION:D. Roulette – J. Sigurdson2017-259BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 29-2017 being a by-law to amend the Town of Oak Lake Zoning By-Law No. 640, as amended pass first reading.CARRIED.MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson2017-260BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 30-2018 being a by-law to set salary for Municipal Employees for the year 2018 pass first reading.CARRIED.MOTION:W. Davis – S. Phillips2017-261BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 30-2018 pass second reading.CARRIED.MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson2017-262BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 31-2018 being a by-law to provide for payment of indemnities and compensation for the year 2018 pass first reading.CARRIED.MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson2017-263RESOLVED that we move into a committee of the Whole with Reeve Cyril Druwe in the chair to sit as a Conditional Use Board.CARRIED.MOTION:J. Sigurdson – C. Gervais2017-264RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole be adjourned and that we resume the former order of business.CARRIED.Page 3December 14, 2017MOTION:S. Phillips – W. Davis2017-265WHEREAS Tom Sopuck, representing Manitoba Habitata Heritage Corporation on behalf of Kathleen Ruth Stewart has submitted Conditional Use Application No. 17-04 as required to comply with Zoning By-Law No. 1325:AND WHEREAS this application request approval to place a conservation agreement on the NE quarter of Section 4, Township 9, Range 25 WPM involving 134.3 acres;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Conditional Use Application No. 17-04 be approved with the following conditions:1)That the agreement will allow enhancement for the agricultural use (cross fencing, regular fence Maintenance, livestock watering system improvements) and that provision for these enhancements will be for the life time of the conservation agreement.2)The Grantor and Holder agree to comply with regulation of the Noxious Weed Act.3)The agreement will allow parcels of land under the conservation agreement to be burned or herbicide may be applied for management purposes.4)This agreement will allow brushing and/or mowing of woody vegetation within any applicable natural stream channel(s).5)A portion of the property (2-5 acres) can be set aside for residential development in future unless the property has no potential for development.CARRIED.10:30 a.m.Carleigh Babiak, Rec Director/Economic Devlopment Officer entered the meeting to update Council on activities.MOTION:S. Cochrane – R. Gabrielle2017-266RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton provide $1000.00 towards the Southwest Business and Entrepreneur Expo being held in Virden on February 7, 2018.CARRIED.MOTION:S. Cochrane – D. Roulette2017-267BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton approves the recommendation from the Oak Lake Arena Board to amend the current lease agreement between the RM of Sifton and Marge VanMeer as follows:Page 5 Under Lessee Responsibilities – clause B) “Lessee shall pay when due to the billing party any and all utilities, which are separately metered to the Lessee premises…”This clause is to be removed retroactive to October 1, 2017.CARRIED.Page 4December 14, 2017MOTION:S. Cochrane – S. Phillips2017-268WHEREAS Enbridge Pipelines Inc. and Enbridge Southern Lights GP Inc., collectively known as “Enbridge” will be conducting their Pipeline Integrity Dig Program into 2018;AND WHEREAS this program is to maintain the integrity and safe operations of this pipeline system;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the CAO is authorized to sign the Enbridge Integrity Dig Program-Blanket Approach Consent Request for 2018.CARRIED.MOTION:R. Gabrielle – S. Cochrane 2017-269WHEREAS Prairie Land & Investment Services Ltd. on behalf of Corex Resources Ltd. wishes to install a flowline at SW 33-9-25W1M, SE 32-9-25W1M, NE 32-9-25W1M, flowline from 4-33 to 15-32-9-25W1M tie in as referenced in their file: Corex #845/E1209;AND WHEREAS they request approval to construct their flowline across Road 148W between SW 33-9-25W1M and SE 32-9-25W1M;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton provides their approval as they have no objections.CARRIED.MOTION:R. Gabrielle – S. Phillips2017-270WHEREAS Prairie Land & Investment Services Ltd. on behalf of Corex Resources Ltd. wishes to install a flowline at SE 16-9-25W1M, SW 16-9-25W1M, NW 16-9-25W1M, NE 17-9-25W1M; flowline from 1-16 to 16-17-9-25W1M tie in as referenced in their File: Corex #841/E1204;AND WHEREAS they request approval to construct their flowline across Road 148W between NW 16-9-25W1M and NE 17-9-25W1M;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton provides their approval as they have no objections.CARRIED.2:00 p.m.Scheduled Hearing pertaining to By-Law No. 28-2017 – To establish a Ward system. No presentations or objections received.2:10 p.m.Hearing for Ward System concludes and council resumes former order of business.Page 5December 14, 2017MOTION:S. Cochrane – D. Roulette2017-271WHEREAS a proposal to subdivide PT. North ? 20-8-24WPM and South ? 29-8-24WPM as contained in File No. 4184-17-7854 was received and presented to Council;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed subdivision be approved subject the following conditions:1.THATa Conditional Use Order be granted allowing for recreational facility within the “Agricultural” Zone.2.THAT a Development Agreement be entered into between the RM of Sifton and the registered owners, dealing with matters including, but not limited to, no site improvements within 75m of any abandoned wells, retaining the property as strictly open space, and any future development in accordance with the Hazard Lands, Flooding and Erosion Policies of the Dennis County Planning District Development Plan.MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson2017-272BE IT RESOLVED that By-Law No. 28-2017 pass third reading and that it be signed, sealed and delivered.RECORDED VOTE:Druwe:ForGervais:ForPhillips:ForWallace:ForDavis:ForGabrielle:ForCochrane:ForSigurdson:ForRoulette:ForCARRIED.Councillor Stan Cochrane had a conflict of interest with the next item on the agenda and left the meeting.MOTION:J. Sigurdson – C. Gervais2017-273RESOLVED that we approve the A/P Preliminary Cheque Run as presented December 14, 2017.CARRIED.Councillor Stan Cochrane re-entered the meeting.MOTION:S. Phillips – W. Davis2017-274RESOLVED that we approve the A/P Preliminary Cheque Run as presented December 14, 2017.CARRIED.2:45 p.m.Carleigh Babiak entered the meeting to inform council about banners for the expo.Page 6December 14, 2017MOTION:S. Cochrane – S, Phillips2017-275BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton offers for sale the 2003 GMC Sierra 2500 ? ton truck, “sold as is where is” for parts, engine needs work for $2500.00 or best offer.CARRIED.MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson2017-276BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton offers for sale the 1993 Ford semi, not safetied, “sold as is where is” for $5000.00 or best offer.CARRIED.MOTION:W. Davis – S. Phillips2017-277BE IT RESOLVED that Julie Gibson is authorized to attend the MMAA Finance Workshop being held in Portage La Prairie, January 18-19, 2018 with expenses paid.CARRIED.MOTION:C. Gervais – J. Sigurdson2017-278WHEREAS the Oak Lake-Sifton Fire Department are hosting their 8th Annual Ice Fishing Derby on January 27, 2018 to raise funds for their fire rescue services;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton commit to sponsoring the 1st place Walleye with a donation of $500.00 in 2018.CARRIED.MOTION:S. Cochrane – R. Gabrielle2017-279RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton issues the following grants from their Municipal Programs grants:Crime Stoppers$ 117.20Leafy Spurge$ 100.00Oak Lake Garden Club$1500.00Seniors Organized Services$ 150.00Fern Valley Rec Commission$1500.00Oak Island Resort COPP$ 200.00OLCS Food For Thought$ 200.00Oak Lake Water & Fish Association$1000.00Oak Lake Ag Society $3000.00Oak Lake Golf Club$1000.00Oak Lake Minor Hockey$ 500.00Oak Lake Curling Club$1000.00Deleau Community Club$ 150.00Oak Lake RCDB$1000.00Oak Lake 4-H Beef Club$ 500.00CARRIED.Page 7December 14, 2017MOTION:W. Davis – S. Phillips2017-280WHEREAS the RM of Sifton and RFNOW INC. entered into an agreement for installation of fibre optic cable on May 11, 2017;AND WHEREAS RFNOW INC. has advised that they request a change to Schedule “A” to reflect a desire to install the cable on the west side of the road allowance;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we are in agreement with this request and that the agreement be amended to reflect this change.CARRIED.MOTION:S. Cochrane – R. Gabrielle2017-281RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton approve a grant to Manitoba Community Services Council Inc. for the “Coming Together Kitchen” Project for the Oak Lake Community Hall.CARRIED.MOTION:W. Davis – S. Phillips2017-282RESOLVED that we commit $100.00 in 2018 to the Virden Music & Arts Festival.CARRIED.MOTION:S. Phillips – W. Davis2017-283BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton set the following 2017 Christmas hours for the Municipal Office:Monday, December 25 – ClosedTuesday, December 26 – ClosedMonday, January 1 – ClosedRegular office hours of 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. resume Tuesday, January 2, 2018.CARRIED.MOTION:S. Cochrane – S. Phillips2017-284BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton authorize the CAO to complete the 2018 Green Team grant application for two summer students.CARRIED.MOTION:R. Gabrielle – W. Davis2017-285BE IT RESOLVED that the RM of Sifton approves the 2017 Westman Emergency Group Joint Emergency Plan as presented December 14, 2017;AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this plan be submitted to the Province of Manitoba.CARRIED.Page 8December 14, 2017MOTION:W. Davis – S. Phillips2017-286BE IT RESOLVED that we do now adjourn at 5:00 p.m. to meet again January 11, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.CARRIED.______________________________________Reeve, Cyril Druwe_______________________________________Chief Administrative Officer, Mary Smith ................

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