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Aravind Rammohan

Date of Birth: September 15th, 1974

Place of Birth: Chennai, India

Degrees: B.Chem Engg, May 1996,

U.D.C.T., Mumbai, India.

M.S. Chemical Engineering, May 2000,

Washington University, St.Louis, MO.

D.Sc. Chemical Engineering, (expected) December 2002

Washington University, St.Louis, MO.


▪ “A Lagrangian description of flows in stirred tanks via Computer Automated Radioactive Particle Tracking (CARPT)”, Rammohan, A. R., Kemoun, A., Al-Dahhan, M. H. and Dudukovic’, M. P., 2001, Chemical Engineering Science, 56(8), pp. 2629-2639.

▪ “Characterization of single phase flows in stirred tank reactors via Computer Automated Radioactive Particle Tracking (CARPT)”, Rammohan, A. R., Kemoun, A., Al-Dahhan, M. H. and Dudukovic’, M. P., 2001, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 79, A8.

▪ “CARPT dynamic bias studies: Evaluation of accuracy of position and velocity measurements”, Rammohan, A. R., Kemoun, A., Al-Dahhan, M. H., Dudukovic, M. P., and Larachi, F., 2001, Tracers and Tracing methods, Leclerc, J. P., Ed., 15 (79), pp. 59 – 67.

▪ “Eulerian flow field estimation from particle trajectories: Some numerical experiments”, Rammohan, A. R., Dudukovic', M. P., and Ranade, V. V., 2001, submitted to I & EC research

▪ “Characterization of gas - liquid flow structures in stirred tank reactors via Computer Automated Particle Tracking (CARPT) and Computed Tomography (CT) - Part I”, Rammohan, A. R., Kemoun, A., Al-Dahhan, M. H., and Dudukovic, M. P., A.I.Ch.E Journal (in progress).

Conference Proceedings/Posters

▪ “Characterization of single-phase flow in a stirred tank using Computer Automated Radioactive Particle Tracking (CARPT)”, Rammohan, A. R.; Kemoun, A.; Al-Dahhan, M. H. and Dudukovic, M. P., paper 166e, Presented at AIChE 1999 Annual Meeting, October 31-November 5, 1999, Dallas, Texas.

▪ “Characterization of single-phase flow in a stirred tank using Computer Automated Radioactive Particle Tracking (CARPT)”, Rammohan, A. R.; Kemoun, A.; Al-Dahhan, M. H. and Dudukovic, M. P., MIXING XVII, Presented at 17th North American Mixing Conference, August 1999, Alberta Canada.

▪ “Motion of neutrally buoyant particles in stirred vessels: Computer Automated Radioactive Particle Tracking (CARPT) experiments and CFD simulations”, Ranade, V. V.; Rammohan, A. R.; Kemoun, A.; Al-Dahhan, M. H. and Dudukovic, M. P., MIXING XVII, Presented at 17th North American Mixing Conference, August 1999, Alberta Canada.

▪ “Characterization of single-phase flow in a stirred tank using Computer Automated Radioactive Particle Tracking (CARPT)”, Rammohan, A. R., Kemoun, A., Al-Dahhan, M. H., and Dudukovic’, M. P., Presented at Fourth International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes, 14th - 16th May, 2001, Toulose, France.

▪ “Gas liquid flow in stirred tank reactors”, Rammohan, A. R., Kemoun, A., Al-Dahhan, M. H., and Dudukovic’, M. P., paper 174d, Presented at A.I.Ch.E 2002 Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana.

▪ “Eulerian flow field estimation from partical trajectories:numerical experiments”, Rammohan, A.R.,Dudukovic’, M.P. and Ranade, V.V., paper 175h, Presented at A.I.Ch.E. 2002 Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana.

December 2002


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