Cardiorespiratory Exam #1

Cardiorespiratory Exam #1

Spring, 2003

Dr. Christy

Select the one best response.

Questions 1 - 4

1. Which view of the heart is demonstrated by the above ECG?

A. inferior

B. lateral

C. diaphragmatic

D. anterior

2. What is the ECG impression?

A. Acute MI

B. old anteroseptal MI

C. injury pattern

D. left axis deviation

3. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The “R” progression is normal.

B. The left anterior descending coronary artery is involved.

C. Vagotonia is a commonly associated factor with the above finding

D. All the above are true.

4. Estimate the rate.

A. above 100 BPM

B. 70-80 BPM

C. less than 60 BPM

D. 65-75 BPM Questions 5 - 8

5. What is the ECG impression?

A. lateral infarction

B. acute inferior MI

C. anterior ischemia

D. bundle branch block

6. Artery of involvement?

A. left main

B. left anterior descending

C. circumflex

D. right coronary artery

7. What is demonstrated on the ECG of the previous page?

A. increasing P-R interval

B. difficulty in completing depolarization

C. nodal escape beats

D. absence of repolarization

8. Which statement is true regarding the above ECG?

A. Infarction is strongly suggested on this ECG.

B. The lead aVR actually demonstrates an infarction.

C. There are several ventricular beats illustrated on this ECG.

D. All the above are true statements.

Questions 9 – 12

9. Estimate the QRS axis.

A. 0˚ to –10˚

B. 40˚ to 60˚

C. 90˚ to 120˚

D. 0˚ to 30˚

10. What is the ECG impression?

A. p-mitrale

B. sinus tachycardia

C. second degree block

D. cor pulmonale

11. Contributing factor?

A. systemic hypertension

B. aortic stenosis

C. pulmonary hypertension

D. left ventricular failure

12. What is visualized on the above ECG?

A. delayed atrial depolarization

B. left axis deviation

C. wandering pacemaker

D. atrial enlargement

Questions 13 - 15

13. ECG impression?

A. atrial flutter

B. nodal escape beats

C. injury pattern

D. sinus arrest

14. Describe the third beat.

A. supraventricular

B. ventricular

C. nodal

D. atrial ectopic

15. Etiology of the above condition?

A. sympathetic atonia

B. sympatheticotonia

C. parasympathetic atonia

D. parasympatheticotonia

Questions 16 -17

16. What is the ECG impression?

A. sick sinus syndrome

B. type I second degree block

C. wandering pacemaker

D. type II second degree block

17. Lesion site?

A. SA node

B. AV node

C. infranodal

D. bundle branch

Questions 18 –19

18. What is the ECG impression?

A. second degree block, Wenckebach


C. sinus arrhythmia

D. sinus arrest

19. Lesion site?

A. SA node

B. AV node

C. common bundle

D. bundle branch

Questions 20 - 21

20. What is the ECG impression?

A. atrial fibrillation/flutter

B. ventricular tachycardia

C. sinus tachycardia

D. acute injury pattern

21. Which statement is true?

A. Carotid massage would be recommended.

B. Carotid massage would be of no benefit.

C. Parasympathetic atonia is strongly suggested.

D. This is occurring due to ventricular ectopic foci.

Questions 22 -24

22. What is the ECG impression?

A. atrial flutter

B. sinus arrest

C. escape beats

D. All the above

23. Where is the lesion site?

A. SA node

B. AV node

C. ventricular wall

D. common bundle

24. Describe beats #4, #5 and #6.

A. PVC’s

B. ventricular escape beats

C. nodal escape beats

D. normal sinus rhythm

Question 25

25. What is the ECG diagnosis?

A. second degree block, non-Wenchebach

B. first degree block

C. bigemini pattern

D. sinus arrest

Questions 26 -27

26. What is the ECG impression?

A. second degree block, type two

B. sinus arrest

C. nodal escape beats

D. first degree block

27. Lesion site?

A. SA node

B. AV node

C. infranodal

D. ventricular wall


28 -29

28. What is the ECG impression?



C. Sinus arrhythmia

D. SA block

29. Which statement is true?

A. The premature beats are atrial ectopic

B. The ectopic beats are classified as “escape” beats.

C. Both of the above are true.

D. Neither of the above are true.

Question 30

30. Give the ECG diagnosis.

A. ventricular escape beats

B. trigemini pattern

C. SA block

D. All the above

The remaining questions do not refer to an ECG illustration.

31. A “supraventricular” contraction is defines as:

A. originating from the SA node

B. originating from the atrial wall

C. nodal

D. either “premature” or “escape”

32. Which would most likely result in a QRS axis of -10˚?

A. pulmonary hypertension

B. cor pulmonale

C. aortic stenosis

D. tricuspid stenosis

33. When depolarization and repolarization occur in opposite vectors:

A. an injury pattern is likely

B. the leads are most likely reversed

C. the heart is enlarged

D. ischemia is evidenced

34. Vagotonia could be expected to contribute to:

A. sinus arrest

B. increasing AV delay

C. sick sinus syndrome

D. All the above

35. Multifocal PVC’s:

A. are considered benign so long as ventricular rhythm does not develop

B. are cause for immediate referral because of the danger of thrombus formation

C. create the potential for ventricular fibrillation

D. All of the above statements are false.

Answers * these answers have not been verified and may not be correct

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C or D 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.B 31.B 32.C 33.D 34.D 35.B


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