What type of injury - Today at Mines


Acute = sudden release of energy (accident)

Cumulative = occurs over a longer period of time

1. An employee was climbing down the boarding ladder of a water truck, reached the bottom of the ladder, extended his right leg down, and hopped from the ladder. The landing twisted his right knee, straining the knee and possibly tearing a ligament in the knee.

2. An employee was separating plies on a piece of conveyor belt when the knife slipped, cutting her forearm.

3. A technician was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome caused by repetitive use of his hands in gripping-type motions while performing electrical wiring and other electrical work, which also required surgery prior to experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome.

4. An employee was attempting to remove seven roof screens from a bundle of screens leaning against the rib when the entire bundle tipped over, striking her in the left leg.

5. An employee was stacking 50-pound bags in the bagging area when he began to experience lower-back pain. The employee had been stacking bags for 1 hour when he was injured. The employee’s job requires him to stack bags for 3–4 hours every workday.

6. While putting keeper bolts on cutting edges of a Cat 16–G, an employee twisted, causing pain in his back. The edges were already being held in place. The employee has a previous history of back injury. He has seen a chiropractor on and off for 6 years. The employee was released to return to work with no restrictions.

7. An employee was pulling on motor grader cutting edges while in a twisted position. He felt lower-back pain.

8. An employee was dismounting a rubber-tired dozer. Her feet slipped on the ladder (lowest rung) and she landed hard on the ground, straining her knee.

9. An employee placed his left hand on the drill mast, reached up with right hand, and grasped the drill steel to remove it from the hole.  During this action, the left middle finger was smashed or caught between unknown objects, lacerating and crushing the distal phalange of the left middle finger.

10. An employee was operating a bulldozer, performing a backfilling operation. During normal operations, the employee was turning and twisting while operating dozer. He started to experience back pains and swelling of muscles in the lower back.

11. An employee bent down to pick up a bucket weighing approximately 10 pounds, felt a pop and experienced pain in the right groin area, resulting in a hernia.

12. An employee was carrying 5-gallon buckets of oil to the top of the silo. He had pain in the right knee; an MRI revealed a small tear.


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