Nervous System1. Cell bodies for the motor supply of the trigeminal nerve liea. Hypothalamusb. Midbrainc. Posterior to cerebral aqueductd. Cerebral cortexe. Floor of fourth ventricle <=2. Cell bodies for the motor supply of the facial nerve liea. Hypothalamusb. Midbrainc. Floor of the third ventricled. Pons <=e. ?3. The lumbar plexusa. Is immediately medial to the inferior vena cavab. Is formed from the posterior ramic. Is derived from the last three lumbar nervesd. The femoral nerve is formed from L2, 3, 4 <=e. The pudendal nerve is a branch of the lumbar plexus4. regarding the innervation of the bladdera. parasympathetic innervation is via the pelvic splanchnic nerves <=b. sympathetic innervation comes from L3 and L4 segments of the cordc. sympathetic fibres are excitatory to the bladderd. bladder distension sensation travels with the sympathetic nervous systeme. bladder pain travels only with the superior hypogastric plexus5. With regards to the spinal cord blood supplya. There are two anterior spinal arteriesb. The anterior spinal artery arises form the vertebral artery <=c. The posterior spinal artery is singulard. The posterior spinal artery arises from the posterior superior cerebellare. The anterior spinal artery retains a uniform size throughout its length6. The diameter of a motor nerve fibre isa. 1-2 micrometreb. 3-5 micrometrec. 5-12 micrometred. 12-20 micrometre <=e. 20-50 micrometre7. With regard to dermatomal nerve supply:a. C7 supplies the index finger <= overlap with C6b. The anterior axial line of the upper limb runs between C6 and C7c. T6 is at the level of the nippled. The umbilicus is supplied by either T12 or L1 – T10e. The heel is supplied by S2 – S18. with regard to myotomal nerve supplya. opponens pollicis is C8b. shoulder abduction is C5, 6c. ankle plantar flexion is L4, 5d. elbow extension is C7, 8 <=e. ankle eversion is L49. The afferent path of the sneeze reflex is mediated via thea. Ophthalmic nerve V1b. Maxillary nerve V2 <=c. Mandibular nerve V3d. Vagus nervee. Glossopharyngeal nerve10. The motor nuclei of the facial nerve are situated in thea. Floor of the third ventricleb. Cerebellumc. Midbraind. Pons <=e. Medulla oblongata11. The dermatome supplying the great toe is usuallya. L3b. L4c. L5 <=d. S1e. S212. Regarding the cranial nervesa. The trigeminal nerve is purely sensoryb. The abducens nerve traverses the foramen lacerum – superior orbital fissure, foramen lacerum is deep petrosal nerve from internal carotid -> sphenopalatine ganglionc. The trochlear nerve supplies the superior oblique muscle only <=d. The hypoglossal nerve exits the skull through the foramen magnum – jugular foramen w/ 9,10,11, internal jugular (bulb), inferior petrosal and sigmoid sinuses, ascending pharyngeal and occiptal arterise. The facial nerve may be involved in infection in the cavernous sinus – exit skull via internal acoustic meatus13. Which of the following about the facial nerve is incorrect?a. Supplies muscles of facial expression – via stylomastoid foramen, gives of posterior auricular, then to parotid and forms parotid plexus -> TZBMCb. Supplies buccinatorc. Gives the great petrosal nerve – also the chorda tympani and nerve to stapediusd. Contains taste fibrese. Contains fibres destined for the ciliary ganglion <= geniculate ganglion, the ciliary is parasympathetic from the E-W nucleus via occulomotor (III) -> sphincter pupillae and ciliaris14. with regard to the cutaneous innervation of the thorax and abdomena. above the 2nd rib, the skin is supplied by the cervical plexus (C4)b. loss of a single spinal segment will produce a sensory deficitc. it is supplied segmentally by the anterior primary rami of T1 to L1d. T8 supplies skin at the level of the umbilicuse. The lower 8 thoracic nerves pass beyond the costal margin to supply the skin of the abdominal wall15. A 40 year old man suffered a whiplash injury to his neck and now complains of pain along the lateral aspect of his left forearm, and there is weakness of his left biceps. What is the most likely cause of his symptoms?a. Prolapsed 4th cervical disc impinging on C4 rootb. Prolapsed 4th cervical disc impinging on C5 rootc. Prolapsed 5th cervical disc impinging on C6 root <= (b/c cervical nerves exit superior to the vertebrae w/ same number, although discs are named C5/6 usually?)d. Prolapsed 6th cervical disc impinging on C6 root e. Prolapsed 6th cervical disc impinging on C7 root16. Wernicke’s encephalopathy involvesa. Expressive dysphasiab. Receptive dysphasia <=c. ?d. ?e. ?17. Regarding the cutaneous nerve supply to arm and forearma. C3/4 supply pectoral and upper shoulderb. Branches of the brachial plexus supply arm and forearm <=c. C4/5/6/T1 supply the majority of the armd. ?e. ?18. referred pain from pancreatitis is at what level?a. T7/8 <= ?b. L1/2c. T3/4d. T12/L1e. ?19. corneal sensation synapses in which ganglion?a. Ciliaryb. Oticc. Geniculated. Trigeminal <=e. Pterygopalatine20. Regarding parasympathetic nervous systema. Supply all viscerab. Have connector cells in brainstem and sacrum <=c. ?d. ?e. ?21. In the spinal cord:a. Hemisection of the cord (Brown-Sequard Syndrome) results in paralysis and loss of touch and proprioception on the same side and loss of pain and temperature sensation on opposite side <=b. The cord ends at L3c. The lateral corticospinal tract is an important motor tract <=d. The blood supply at each level is in danger because of poor anastomosese. The dorsal/posterior columns contain primarily motor fibres22. The vagus nervea. Arises from the medulla as a single nerveb. Receives nucleus ambiguous fibres from the accessory nerve <=c. Supplies motor fibres to the diaphragmd. Supplies sensory fibres to the facial regione. Can be tested by looking at tongue movements23. The sensory root of the facial nervea. Arises from the sulcus between the pons and medullab. Is called the nervus intermedius <=c. Presents as a swelling in the bend called the otic gangliond. Emerges from the base of the skull through the foramen ovalee. Supplies the mucous membrane of the posterior third of the tongue24. Which of the following is not a branch of the trigeminal nerve?a. Supraorbital nerveb. Great auricular nerve <=c. Mental nerved. Lacrimal nervee. Auricolotemporal nerve25. The 4th cranial nerve suppliesa. Lateral rectusb. Inferior obliquec. Orbicularis orisd. Superior oblique <=e. Medial rectus26. The trigeminal nervea. Has five divisionsb. Mandibular division is purely sensoryc. Has its motor nucleus in the upper pons <=d. Exits the skull entirely through the foramen ovalee. Does not carry autonomic nerves27. The cervical sympathetic trunka. Descends from the upper posterior triangle to the first ribb. Runs lateral to the vertebral artery <=c. Lies behind the carotid sheathd. Lies behind the prevertebral fasciae. Ends at the inferior cervical ganglion28. A dematome isa. ?b. separated from a discontinuous dermatome by an axial linec. ?d. ?e. ?29. which is the CORRECT myotome?a. S1 supplies hip abductionb. ?c. L3, 4 causes knee extension <=d. ?e. L5 supplies skin of dorsal 1st web space30. Myotome of shoulder abduction?a. C5 <=b. C5, 6 c. C5, 6, 7d. C6, 7, 8e. C6,731. All of the following are branches of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve EXCEPT:a. Lacrimal nerveb. Infraorbital nerve <=c. Supraorbital nerved. Infratrochlear nervee. Supratrochlear nerve32. Which of the following is a branch of the mandibular nervea. Infraorbital nerveb. External nasal nervec. Zygomaticofacial nerved. Auricolotemporal nerve <=e. Zygomaticotemporal nerve33. which of the following is a branch of the maxillary nerve?a. Zygomaticotemporal nerveb. ?c. ?d. ?e. ?34. The midbraina. Is largely in the middle cranial fossab. Is supplied by the anterior inferior cerebellar arteryc. Lies between pons and upper spinal cordd. Contains the oculomotor nuclei <=e. Contains the trigeminal nuclei35. cerebrospinal fluid communicates with the subarachnoid space via thea. 4th ventricle <=b. 3rd ventriclec. subarachnoid granulationsd. choroids plexuse. tela choroidia36. Which of the following pathways is not concerned with posture and movement?a. Spinocerebellarb. Vestibulospinalc. Tractus solitarius <= taste from VII, IX and X, chemoreceptors and baroceptors in carotid and aortic bodiesd. ?e. ?37. The posterior column transmimts which of the followinga. Afferent pain and temperatureb. Afferent tendon stretch impulses <= proprioception, LT, vibrationsc. Motor tractsd. ?e. ?38. The infratrochlear nerve supplies thea. Upper incisorsb. Labial gumc. Bridge over the nose <=d. Upper lipe. Skin of the lower eyelid39. Which nerve supplies the vertex of the scalpa. Greater occipital <=b. Third occipitalc. Auriculotemporald. Supraorbitale. Supratrochlear40. Corneal sensation synapses in which gangliona. Pterygopalatineb. Geniculatec. Oticd. Ciliarye. Trigeminal <=41. Regarding the speech centresa. Broca’s area is on the left side in most left-handed peopleb. Broca’s area is posteriorc. Wernicke’s area controls motor responsed. Damage to Broca’s area produces motor aphasia <=e. Damage to Wernicke’s area produces expressive aphasia42. Regarding the optic pathwaysa. Combined inferior rectus and superior oblique gives lateral gazeb. Abducent paralysis makes eye turn down and outc. Superior rectus makes eye turn up and outd. Trochlear paralysis, eye cannot look downwards when turned out e. Combined superior rectus and inferior oblique causes vertical upward gaze <= true43. Regarding the blood supply of the cerebral cortexa. Middle cerebral is contralateral arm, leg and speech areasb. Anterior cerebral is contralateral leg, micturition and defaecation <=c. Middle cerebral is ipsilateral arm, face and visiond. Posterior cerebral is ipsilateral visione. Anterior cerebral is contralateral leg, auditory and speech44. The septum of the nasal cavity is innervated bya. Nasopalatine nerve from cranial nerve V2b. Posterior ethmoidal nerve from V1c. Greater palatine nerve from V2d. Lesser palatine nerve from V2e. None of the above45. The fifth cranial nerve suppliesa. Temporalis <= muscle of masticationb. Skin of the tip of the nose via the external nasal branch of the maxillary nervec. Skin of the earlobe via the auriculotemporal nerved. Skin over the occipute. The conjunctiva beneath the lower eyelid via the ophthalmic nerve46. The cutaneous innervation of the eara. Is the lesser auricular nerveb. Involves the dermatome of C3c. Includes the zygomaticotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerved. Includes the vagus <= e. Involves the greater occipital nerve47. The ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nervea. Enters the face via the inferior orbital fissureb. Supplies sympathetic fibres to constrictor papillae musclesc. Supplies sensation to the forehead and upper eyelid, excluding the orbitd. Gives five branches, two of which contain sympathetic as well as sensory fibres <=e. Controls abduction of the eye48. Where does the superior cerebral vein lie?a. Deep in the sulcib. Between the dura and the skullc. In the arachnoid mater <=d. In the margins of the falxe. With the superior cerebral artery49. Regarding the circle of Willisa. Posterior cerebral is a branch of the internal carotidb. Anterior cerebral is the largest branch of the internal carotidc. Middle cerebral supplies motor but not sensory cortexd. Internal carotid gives off ophthalmic artery <=e. Anterior communicating unites middle and anterior cerebral ................

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