50_MC How do Employment Agencies work

50_MC How do employment agencies work? (CLB 6)

Answer Key

1. Employment agencies are private companies that (find) you a job with another company.

2. You should (never pay) any money to a temp agency. Sometimes workers agree, thinking they will get a job when they don’t.

3. Legitimate employment agencies earn money by (charging a fee) directly to the company who is employing you as a worker. Usually the agency takes a percentage of your income directly from the employer.

4. A headhunter or temp agency may require you to pay a fee after they have found you a job. Only pay a fee after you (have received) a pay cheque.

5. The Association of Canadian Search, Employment & Staffing Services (ACSESS) has a list of agencies in Ontario that (don’t charge) job seekers at any time before, during or after they have found employment through an agency.

6. Workers can (apply to) more than one agency. This may increase your chances of finding employment.

7. It is advisable (to register) with agencies that place workers in your field of work.

8. A common ‘bait and switch’ tactic used by scam agencies offers you a very different job than you are qualified for. First the agency will advertise a great job, then once you apply, they will say you are (over-qualified) for this job and offer you a very different, lower paying job.

9. Another common scam advertises highly-paid work that you can do from your home. Usually they ask you (to purchase) a business- starter kit to run this small business from home.

10. Any ‘get rich quick’ advertisement is considered a scam. Avoid advertisements asking for money (up front) in order to obtain employment.

11. Any ad that promises high (weekly earnings) of up to $1,000 usually involves commission only sales jobs, and are likely a scam job requiring you to purchase a sales kit or purchase a training program.

12. Where can you get information about a company before (accepting) a job? You can check the reputation of a company with business associations and consumer agencies.

13. What kinds of ‘fee for services’ should you be suspicious of from an employment agency? The most common scams (are resume writing) and job search counselling for a fee and the promise of a job.

14. To protect your SIN number when searching for a job, never give your SIN over the internet, the telephone, or by mail. Only provide your SIN in person when you are signing an employment contract or you (have been offered) a job.

15. As a temp worker, you (aren’t covered) under the Employment Standards Act. You can call the Ministry of Labour for further information about your situation.


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