NOUN atau kata benda, biasanya didahului oleh :

a). articles, a, an, the

b). pronouns (lihat halaman 41): this, these, that, those, my, your, his, her, our, their.

c). numerals one, two, hundred, etc.

d). adjectives (lihat ADJECTIVES halaman 14): happy, big,

good, many, much, some, few, little, etc.

NOUNS dibagi dalam dua kelompok besar yaitu : COUNTABLE NOUNS (kata benda yang dapat dihitung), dan UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung).

Examples (contoh) :


an agreement - perjanjian.

a company - perusahaan.

his driver - sopirnya.

that disease - penyakit itu.

many employees - banyak pegawai.

my experience - pengalaman kerja.

our library - perpustakaan kami.

this lecture - kuliah ini.

some marks - beberapa tanda.

this occasion - kesempatan ini.

an operation - operasi.

these owners - pemilik-pemilik ini.

one piece - satu potong.

those prices - harga-harga itu.

your salary - gaji anda.

a strike - pemogokan.

a statue - patung.

four students - empat mahasiswa.

many spies - banyak mata-mata.

that surgeon - ahli bedah itu.

their wages - upah-upah mereka.

few words - beberapa kata.

NOTES : di dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal adanya kata benda abstrak dan konkrit (abstract dan concrete nouns), tetapi hendaklah hal ini tidak dicampur adukkan dengan countable dan uncountable nouns.

Ada ABSTRACT nouns yang COUNTABLE seperti misalnya :

pikiran - thought - thoughts

usaha - effort - efforts

pendapat - opinion - opinions

tetapi ada pula ABSTRACT NOUNS yang UNCOUNTABLE, misalnya :

rasa hormat - respect - respect

bantuan - assistance - assistance

penghargaan - appreciation - appreciation

Exercise :

Study the vocabulary above, then fill in the missing nouns in the sentences below :

1. Give me a ……………………..……………. of that cake, please

2. This car …………………..…………. has many ……………………

3. …………………………………….. have gone up with 10%

4. He has to take a long rest after his ………………………………….

5. There are good books in that ………………………………………..

6. All letters were late because of a postal ……………………………

7. The ………………………. of this villa died a few years ago.

8. How many ………………………………. passed the exams ?

9. There were no …………………… of torture on the dead body.

10. He gave a ………………………. on political science.

11. The ……………………….. spread rapidly and killed many people.

12. I wish you all the best on this happy ………………………………..

13. The workers demanded higher ……………………………………..

14. His ………….. is not big enough to send his son to the university.

15. The ……………………………. of the beautiful woman was found.

16. This ………………………… takes good care of the ………………

17. The …………………………. told his patient that he had to take a

rest after the …………………………………………………………...

18. He was a Russian …………………………………………………….

COUNTABLE NOUNS biasanya mendapat ‘s’ pada bentuk jamaknya (drivers, patiens). Tetapi ada pula COUNTABLE NOUNS yang bentuk PLURAL-nya.

1. ditambah – es (box – boxes), jika berakhiran pada huruf desis ; sh, ch.

2. berubah huruf akhirnya (company – companies).

3. berubah sama sekali (mouse – mice).

4. sama dengan singular (sheep – sheep).

5. ditambah dengan – en (ox – oxen).

6. berubah menjadi ves (leaf – leaves).

7. berubah suku kata akhirnya (memorandum – memoranda).


the air - hawa udara.

his anger - kemarahannya.

her breath - nafasnya.

brown clay - tanah liat coklat.

long drought - musim kemarau yang panjang.

much dust - banyak debu.

the earth - bumi.

the food - makanan itu.

my hair - rambutku.

patience - kesabaran.

petrol - bensin.

soil - tanah.

speed - kecepatan.

much time - banyak waktu.

little water - sedikit air.

some information - sedikit keterangan.

Fill in the missing nouns.

1. He took a deep ………………………………………………………..

2. Everybody needs fresh ………………………………………………

3. Because of the long ………………. The streets were very dusty.

4. Indonesia’s ………………………………. Is very fertile.

5. Many cars were waiting to get ……………………………………….

6. Formerly people did not believe that the …………….was round.

7. The doctor told the patient to have …………………………………

8. He drove at high ………………………………………………………

9. The man lost his ……………. and shouted at his employee.

10. A good manager always tries to devide his …………. carefully.

Banyak NOUN dibentuk dari kata-kata lain dengan menambah akhiran:

ness – ment – ity – y – hood – dom – ism – ion – ian – er – ence – ist.

Example :

happiness - kebahagiaan.

agreement - perjanjian.

wisdom - kebijaksanaan.

impatience - ketidak sabaran.

lecturer - dosen.

childhood - masa kanak-kanak.

comedian - pelawak.

operation - pembedahan, operasi.

criticism - celaan.

opportunity - kesempatan (yang dapat dipergunakan).

discovery - penemuan.

dentist - dokter gigi.

Exercise :

Fill the gaps with the nouns above.

1. That man did not have a happy …………………………………………………………………………..

2. The ………………………………………….. was signed in 1972.

3. This …………………………………. is much liked by his students.

4. A …………………………………………… makes people Iaugh.

5. His ……………………… has saved his son from becoming an alcoholic.

6. I wish you ………………… and success in your new life.

7. Because of your ……………………… you did not wait for the bus, but took a taxi.

8. An important ………………….. was made by the archeologists.

9. Take this ………………………………… to study hard.

10. You can expect a lot of ………….. when you publish that article

Exercise :

Underline the nouns in the sentences below!

This village has a big population.

1. He attended a conference in Singapore.

2. Many people watched the demonstration.

3. That is your responsibility.

4. Try to solve these problems.

5. That system is good.

6. Some countries produce rice, sugar, etc.

7. His parents agreed to send him to the province.

8. He is doing a research on education.

9. His parents agreed to send him to the province.

10. People are attracted by his modesty.

11. He lived in my neighbourhood.

12. The detective wore a blue coat.

13. This discovery was made a century ago.

Exercise :

Fill in the missing nouns. Use the ones you have just learned, or fill your own :

1. Do you know that man in the dark green …………………………..

2. The workers organized a ………….. to get higher ………………...

3. People still buy many things although …………. have gone up

4. Many ………………………. of big buses need much driving

5. He lost his get the job because he didn’t take it.

6. Have you ever traveled by …………………………………………?

7. He had run so fast that he was out of...... When he arrived.

8. Hospitals always need donors of ……………………………………

9. Which …………………………… on TV do you like best ?

10. The man on the bridge was wearing a blue ………………………..

11. Each country has to solve its own …………………………………..

12. The general …………………………. will start in May 2014.

13. The house is old, but situated in a nice …………………………….

14. I wish you ……………. and ………………… in the year to come.

15. Congratulations on your ……………………………………………..

16. The archeologist discovered a ………………………………………

17. His wisdom has brought ……………. and ………… the country.

18. Do not miss this …………………………………………………… !

19. A social ………… gets in close contact with the poor people.

20. Watch your …………………………………………….. please !

Exercise :

Write ten nouns of each noun ending in.

- ness, – ment, ity, - y, - hood, - dom, - ism, - ion, - ian, - er, - ance, - ist, - ence.


Dalam tiap kalimat lengkap bahasa Inggris terdapat VERBS, yaitu kata yang menunjukkan kegiatan (kata kerja), VERBS itu erat sekali hubungannya dengan SUBJECT (pokok kalimat), dan akan berubah bentuknya sesuai dengan TENSES.

Examples :

I look at the two men on the bridge.

He looks at the two men on the bridge.

You looked at the two men on the bridge yesterday.

REGULAR VERBS (VERBS yang beraturan).

IRREGULAR VERBS (VERBS yang tidak beraturan).


COPULAS (VERBS penghubung).

REGULAR dan IRREGULAR VERBS mempunyai empat bentuk :


Preterite (Past Tense).

Present (Participle).

Past Participle.



| |Infinitive |Preterite |Present |Past |

| | | |Participle |Participle |

|Menunggu |- to wait |Waited |waiting |waited |

|Kembali |- to return |returned |returning |returned |

|menemukan |- to discover |discovered |discovering |discovered |

|Pindah |- to move |Moved |moving |Moved |

|tukar menukar |- to exchange |exchanged |exchanging |exchanged |

|Bekerja |- to work |Worked |working |worked |

|Bercakap |- to talk |Talked |talking |talked |

|Menangkap |- to arrest |Arrested |Arresting |Arrested |

|Mengelilingi |- to surround |surrounded |surrounding |surrounded |

|Terjadi |- to happen |happened |happening |happened |


| |Infinitive |Preterite |Present |Past |

| | | |Participle |Participle |

|Menangkap |- catch |Cought |catching |cought |

|Menembak |- to shoot |Shot |shooting |shot |

|Mendapat |- to get |Got |getting |Got/gotten |

|menggambar |- to draw |Drew |drawing |drawn |

|Berbicara |- to speak |Spoke |speaking |spoken |

|Meletakkan |- to put |Put |putting |put |

|Ada |- to be |was, were |being |been |

|Melakukan |- to do |Did |doing |Done |

|Mempunyai |- to have |Had |having |had |

Perhatikanlah, bentuk REGULAR VERBS ditambah ed dalam bentuk PRETERITE dan PAST PARTICIPLE. IRREGULAR VERBS, seperti EXAMPLE di atas berubah bentuknya dan ada pula yang tidak berubah sama sekali (to put, to cut, to hit, dsb). TO BE, TO DO, TO HAVE juga berfungsi sebagai AUXILIARIES (kata kerja Bantu). Pada halaman

terdapat daftar IRREGULAR VERBS yang harus dihafal.


Berbeda dengan REGULAR dan IRREGULAR VERBS, AUXILIARY VERBS tidak mempunyai bentuk PRESENT PARTICIPLE dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, tetapi selalu mendahului VERBS, AUXILIARY VERBS banyak dipakai dalam NEGATIVES *) dan INTERROGATIVES *).

Termasuk kelompok ini adalah :


Exercise :

You have studied regular, irregular and auxiliary verbs. Now try to use them in the sentences below. They are all in the Participle or Past Participle forms.

1. I ………………………………….. to him, but he did not hear me.

2. Please …………………………… for me, I will come soon.

3. Have you ………………………… the book to the library ?

4. The statues was ………………………………………………. in 1920.

5. He ………………………………his brown coat for a blue one.

6. She does not live there anymore, she ……………………………………

to Bali last year.

7. The detective ……………………………………………………. a spy.

8. He ……………………………………. a medal for his courage.

9. The boat …………………………………. by the river bank.

10. What have you ………………………………….. all day to day ?

11. He …………………………………….. nothing important to say.

12. Her birthday ……………………………………………. last week.

13. Where have you ………………………………………. my jacket ?

14. I did not …………………………………….. to pass the bridge.

15. What you …………………………………………. is a good rest.

16. The police ………………………………….. not find her identity.

17. My girl friend used to wear full length skirts but now she has …………..

18. I………………………………. you have come if I had invited you ?

19. I ………………………….. a bad experience Yesterday.

20. He ………………………… the books to the library.

Exercise :

Learn the Irregular Verbs below by heart!

| |Infinitive |Preterite |Present |Past |

| | | |Participle |Participle |

|Bangkit |- arise |arose |arising |arisen |

|Bangun |- awake |awoke |awaking |awaken |

|Ada |- be |was (were) |being |been |

|Mulai |- begin |began |beginning |begun |

|Membawa |- bring |brought |bringing |brought |

|membangun |- build |Built |Building |Built |

|Datang |- come |came |coming |come |

|Memotong |- cut |cut |cutting |cut |

|Menggali |- dig dug |digging |dug |

|Menarik |- draw |drew |drawing |drawn |

|Makan |- eat |ate |eating |eaten |

|Jatuh |- fall |fell |falling |fallen |

|Berperang |- fight |fought |fighting |fought |

|menemukan |- find |found |finding |found |

|Mengungsi |- flee |fled |fleeing |fled |

|Terbang |- fly |flew |flying |flown |

|Mendapat |- get |got |getting |Got/gotten |

|Memberi |- give |gave |giving |given |

|Pergi |- go |went |going |gone |

|Tumbuh |- grow |grew |growing |grown |

|Mempunyai |- have |had |having |had |

|bersembunyi |- hide |hid |hidding |hidden |

|Memukul |- hit |hit |hitting |hit |

|Memegang |- hold |held |holding |held |

|Menyimpan |- keep |kept |keeping |kept |

|Berlutut |- kneel |knelt |kneeling |knelt |

|Mengenal |- know |knew |knowing |known |

|Memimpin/ |- lead |led |leading |led |

|Menuju | | | | |

|meninggalkan |- leave |left |leaving |left |

|meminjamkan |- lend |lent |lending |lent |

|Kehilangan |- lose |lost |losing |lost |

|Membuat |- make |made |making |made |

|Berarti |- mean |meant |meaning |meant |

|Bertemu |- meet |met |metting |met |

|Ketiduran |- oversleep |overslept |oversleeping |overslept |

|Membayar |- pay |paid |paying |paid |

|Meletakan |- put |put |putting |put |

|Membaca |- read |read |reading |read |

|bersembunyi |- ring |rang |ringing |rung |

|Lari |- run |ran |running |run |

|Berkata |- say |said |saying |said |

|Melihat |- see |saw |seeing |seen |

|Duduk |- sit |sat |sitting |sat |

|Berdiri |- stand |stood |standing |stood |

|Mengambil |- take |took |taking |taken |

|Mengajar |- teach |tought |teaching |taught |

|Mengatakan/ |- tell |told |telling |told |

|Bercerita | | | | |

|Memikir |- think |thought |thinking |thought |

|Mengerti |- understand |understood |understanding |understood |

|Menjalani |- undergo |underwent |undergoing |undergone |

|mengenakan |- wear |wore |wearing |worn |

|Menulis |- write |wrote |writing |written |


ADJECTIVES atau kata sifat memberi keterangan tentang NOUN dan mendahului NOUN itu (dalam bahasa Indonesia NOUN mendahului ADJECTIVE).

Examples :

an ancient city - kota kuno.

the low salary - gaji yang rendah.

silent enemies - musuh-musuh yang diam-diam.

a good surgeon - ahli bedah yang baik.

hot water - air panas.

dark places - tempat-tempat yang gelap.


Kalau tadi dikatakan, bahwa ADJECTIVE mendahului NOUN, peraturan ini berubah bila ada VERB TO BE atau VERBS tertentu seperti Feel, Smell, Get, Become, Turn, Taste.

Example :

This room smells bad - ruang ini berbau tidak enak.

His article is interesting - naskah ini menarik.

The weather has become cold - hawa udara telah menjadi dingin.

His face turned red - mukanya berubah menjadi merah.

That pudding tastes nice - puding itu enak rasanya.


Bentuk PRESENT PARTICIPLE dapat berfungsi sebagai ADJECTIVE

the smilling girl - gadis yang tersenyum.

a boring discussion - pembicaraan yang membosankan.

a challenging job - pekerjaan yang menantang.

an embarrassing situation - keadaan yang memalukan.

the waiting list - daftar cadangan.


Bentuk PAST PARTICIPLE dapat berfungsi sebagai ADJECTIVE

an untold story - cerita yang tidak diceritakan.

his written report - laporannya yang tertulis.

the decorated walls - dinding-dindingnya dihiasi.

an uninvited guest - tamu yang tidak diundang.

the well known writer - penulis yang terkenal.

Selain ADJECTIVES yang telah disebutkan diatas ada pula kata-kata yang sudah dikenal sebagai ADJECTIVE karena akhirannya : - able, - ible, - al, - ive, - less, - ant, - ent, - ous, - y, - ful, - ic, - er, - est.

Example :

a comfortable place - tempat yang santai.

a sensible answer - jawaban yang masuk akal.

classical times - jaman klasik.

a creative man - orangnya mempunyai daya citra.

a careless driver - sopir yang tidak berhati-hati.

an important discovery - penemuan yang penting.

prominent persons - orang-orang terkemuka.

a prosperous country - negeri yang makmur.

an icy wind - angin yang dingin seperti es.

a graceful woman - wanita yang luwes.

tropic islands - pulau-pulau tropis.

bigger wages - upah yang lebih besar.

the poorest village - desa yang paling miskin.

Learn the adjective below, then complete the sentences that follow.

urgent - mendesak.

exact - tempat.

recent - baru-baru ini.

latest news - berita terakhir (terbaru).

last news - berita terakhir (tidak ada lagi).

careful - hati-hati.

similar - sama.

dense - padat.

anxious - cemas.

scientific - ilmiah.

remarkable - menakjubkan.

pleasant - menyenangkan.

professional - ahli.

convincing - meyakinkan.

active - aktif.

better - lebih baik.

honest - jujur.

simple - sederhana.

primitive - primitive.

1. Have you seen the ………………………………………… fashion ?

2. This dress looks ………………………………………………………………

3. His ………………………… words before he died were “take this letter to mywife”, it is …………………………………………………………………….

4. The lost child was brought back to its ………………… parents.

5. ………………….. tribes have their own way of communicating with each other.

6. He played an ………………………….. role in this organization.

7. She is not a very good typist, but she is very …………………………….

8. In such a ……………… environment you can forget your worries.

9. A …………………… experiment was made on the use of that medicine.

10. You must be very ………………….. when driving a car in Jakarta.

11. He got the price, because his voice was …………………………… than his arrival’s.

12. You can solve that problem in a ……………………………………. way.

13. Give me the …………………………………… date of your arrival.

14. Jakarta has a …………………………………………… population.


- able, - ible, - al, - ive, - less, - ant, - ent, - ous, - y, - ful, - ic, - er, - est


ADVERB atau kata keterangan/keadaan biasanya menerangkan VERB atau ADJECTIVE dan keterangan itu dapat berupa :

1. MANNER (cara) yang pada umumnya berakhiran – LY dan menjawab pertanyaan HOW. Ada beberapa ADVERBS OF MANNER yang tidak berakhiran – LY, yaitu WELL, FAST, HARD.

Example :

She announced the news - ia mengumumkan berita itu

officially secara resmi.

The thief accepted his - pencuri menerima hukumnya

punishement quietly dengan tenang.

He did well in his examination - ia berhasil baik dalam ujiannya

It is dangerous to drive - adalah bahaya untuk jalan

to fast in Jakarta terlalu cepat di Jakarta.

The doctor worked hard - dokter berusaha keras untuk

to relieve the partient’s suffering meringankan penderitaan. pasien

2. PLACE (tempat) yang menjawab pertanyaan WHERE.

Example :

I did not see him there - saya tidak melihatnya disana.

His office is upstairs - kantornya diatas.

Wait for me outside - tunggu saya diluar.

The car went downhill at - mobil itu meluncur kebawah.

great speed dengan kecepatan tinggi.

3. TIME (waktu) yang menjawab pertanyaan WHEN.

Example :

He presented his papers - ia menyajikan kertasnya

yesterday kemarin.

That matter will be discussed - hal itu akan dibicarakan nanti

tonight malam.

Plaase, send this letter now - kirimkan surat ini sekarang.

He will resign soon - ia akan segera meletakkan


4. FREQUENCY (menunjukkan seringnya kegiatan dikerjakan) yang menjawab pertanyaan HOW OFTEN, yaitu GENERALLY, SOMETIMES, OFTEN, FREQUENTLY, RARELY, SELDOM, EVER, USUALLY, OCCASIONALLY, ALREADY, JUST, STILL

Pemakaiannya ialah :

didepan (sebelum VERB).

dibelakang (sesudah) AUXILIARY VERB yang pertama.

dibelakang (sesudah) TO BE dan kadang-kadang sebelum TO

BE untuk memberi tekanan.

Example :

Newspaper usually exaggerate.

People frequently visit this place.

She has often explained that to me.

It might never have happened.

He will rarely be involved.

It has already been decided.

The bus is generally late.

Food is still cheap.

We are occasionally in this place.


Adverb ini letaknya dimuka suatu ADJECTIVE / ADVERB lain, dan menunjukkan “tingkat” atau “derajat” dari ADJECTIVE / ADVERB lain yang disertainya. ADVERBS of DEGREE yaitu : quite, too, very, pretty, surprisingly, tremendous, dsb.

Example :

1. You can never to be too careful in watching in ants.

2. During the first weeks of the academic year the secretarial staff is

rather busy with the new enrolments.

3. They said they were pretty sure of their parents favourable answer.

4. At long last the boys have pretty well finished the work.

5. Frankly speaking I’m not quite sure of his abilities.

6. John is surprisingly good in mathematics.


ADVERBIAL PHRASES adalah sekelompok kata (kalimat tidak lengkap) yang menerangkan VERB, ADJECTIVE atau ADVERB keterangan itu dapat berupa MANNER, TIME dan FREQUENCY.

Example :


Tono drives carefully Tono drives with care.

(How) (menerangkan VERB)

Such diseases were not Such diseases were not known

known then (When) in those days.

(menerangkan VERB).

The arrow fell here The arrow fell on this spot.

(Where) (menerangkan VERB).

Vitamins are good for health. (menerangkan ADJECTIVE).

The country is rich in minerals (menerangkan ADJECTIVE).

I have done well on the whole (menerangkan ADVERB).

The gun went off with loud noise (menerangkan ADVERB).

He acted in the same way (manner).

The seminar was held in the hotel (place).

Last year this factory was burned down (time).

The team meets every two weeks (frequency).

As soon as the boat moved off, the man jumped (time).

Some time ago a statue was found (time).

Study the following ADVERBS and the ADVERBIAL PHRASES that are equivalent to them.


Braverly In a brave manner, or with bravery.

Unwisely In an unwise manner, or without wisdom.

Swiftly in a swift manner, or with swiftness.

Beautifully in a beautiful style.

Formerly in former times, or once upon a time.

Recently just now, or at a recent date.

Soon before very long, or at an early date.

There At the place.

Away To another place.

Abroad To (in) a foreign country.

Exercise :

A. Underline the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the sentences below

Mention what they indicate, and what question they answer

1. The secret agent investigated the case carefully.

2. He was in his room when the manager called him.

3. Now and then we can watch a science program on TV.

4. Nowadays the educational system is being focuses upon.

5. He looked at the painting critically.

6. In these times you experience changes everywhere.

7. He explained the case in a simple manner, and in the end everybody understood it clearly.

8. The Jakarta Fair will be opened soon, in may parts of the city people begin to make preparations.

9. You will find several industrial exhibitions there, and once week a good film will be shown.

10. Usually the Governor himself opens the Fair.

11. The training school has teachers who work efficiently.

12. Wealthy people live in large cities.

13. A delinquent child must be treated with love and care.

14. He has to work hard today to finish his thesis.

15. The engine runs smoothly now.

16. They have a conference every two years.

17. He used to live in a village.

18. The man died before he was arrested.

19. In war people are hungry and frightened.

20. I will pick you up around the corner at 9 a.m.

B. Fill in the blanks with adverbs or adverbial phrases

1. He has gone ………………………………………… to get some books.

2. Whatever you want to say him, say it …………………………………...

3. I heard the news about the plane crash while I was sitting …………...

4. The lawyer is ………………………… with difficult problems.

5. There was not any paper ………………… so I could not finish typing

the letter.

6. That boy ……………………………..………………… gives me trouble.

7. He has to go …………………………. to be taught how to learn a skill.

8. The Doctor will come ………………….. because I told him that you

need him ………………………………………………………………….

9. ……………………… the clock will strike ten, so stay …………………

10. No wonder he speaks English so ………………………… he has

studied ………………………………. for ………………………………

11. The witness was not nervous at all. He told the court ……………….. that he had seen the man who killed his wife so ………………………

12. Profiteers will continue to make lots of money during …………………

13. He was …………………… introduced to the director in his …………..

14. When I’am a sleep I ………………………. dream that the world will

change ……………………………………………………………………..

C. Choose the correct word in brackets :

1. (Careful, carefully) plans must be made before you can establish

such a project.

2. He broke the news (calm, calmly) so that no one was upset.

3. Have you understood him (good, well) ?

4. The Prime Minister cancelled his trip to Europe for (political, politically) reasons.

5. Let us do some (intelligent, intelligently) thinking on this issue.

6. He explained (patient, patiently) that he was late because he was enough in a heavy traffic.

7. Man has always had four (physical, physically) advantages which explain why be became a culture – builder.

8. The animal’s reactions to life are (main, mainly) instinctive.

9. War or floods can produce (crucial, crucially) situations.

10. The council of elders (real, really) governed the primitive tribes.

11. The enemy (unexpected, unexpectedly) surrounded the capital city.

12. The three bodies were administered (separate, separately).

13. The lecturer described (clear, clearly) the dynamics of atom and strom clouds to the students who listened to him (attentive, attentively).

14. He left (peaceful, peacefully) among the mountains and amid the village community.



Biasanya PREPOSITION ini ditempatkan sebelum NOUN, atau PRONOUN dan sesudah VERB.

Examples :

He looked at my children.

We often talk about the past events.

The students took care of their campus.

The police hurried toward the place of accident.

The hotel is next to the bank.

His office is not far from here.

You have to go through his door to enter into that room.

Yang sukar tentang PREPOSITION ini ialah, bahwa tidak ada peraturan yang menentukan dimana menggunakan ABOUT (mengenai) AT (pada, di) dsb, selain beberapa perkecualian.

Examples :

The ASEAN summit meeting was held in Bali, on February 23 in 1976 it was declared open at 9 o’clock on Monday by our President. Seperti halnya IRREGULAR VERBS, PROPOSITION HARUS DIHAFAL.

Exercises :

A. Fill in the correct preposition in the sentences below

1. Many planes fly ………………………….. the world nowadays.

2. I could not hear what they were talking …………………………….

3. he hit him …………….. a stick ……..................... his head.

4. This building was build …………………..a famous architect

…………………………………………………………………. 1970.

5. Don’t look ……………………………………. me like that.

6. Some one is knocking ……………………. the door. Who could it

be ………………………… me …………………………….the day ?

7. We walked ………………………….. the main road ………………

the Departement Store.

8. He went ………………… the seaside …………………… car.

9. A girl …………………………… brown eyes and dresses ………

pink turned ………………….. and smile ……………………… me

10. They were standing ………………………… the Conventional hall and the theatre.

11. Here is a present ………………………… you. It was given …......

………………. me …………….. a man who was waiting …………… me ……………………………………….the office.

12. You can reach the station ……………. bus ………. ten minutes.

13. Don’t go out ………………… the rain …………….. an umbrella.

14. I go ……………… the past office every day ……………………….

my way ……………………………………………….. my work.

15. When we get back ………………………. Our walk, we are going to sit ………………….. the room ………………… our books …………….. half an hour.

16. I fell ………………… a rock when I was climbing ………………… a mountain …………………………………….. my friend.

17. He must work hard …………………. his English if he wants to be

admitted ………………………………….. that school.

18. You can cut this paper ………………. two …………..this knife.

19. Type your theirs …………………….. white paper, then bring it

…………………………… you …………………….. next week.

20. Now that you have reached the end ……………….. this exercise

you may turn ……………………… page 23 to see how well you

have done.

PREPOSITIONS UP, AT, dsb yang erat sekali hubungannya dengan VERB dan gabungan VERB – PREPOSITION ini disebut TWO WORD VERB atau ADVERB PARTICLE.

Examples :

Please put out the light.

The police blew up the bridge and the rebels gave in.

Without a ward he walked away.

Pay back the money you borrowed.

Slowly he went backward.

Take off your coat, it is not cold.

Ada pula ADVERB PARTICLE yang mempunyai lebih dari satu arti.

Examples :

Keep your coat on, it is cold (pakai bajumu terus).

Keep on talking (teruskan bicara = jangan berhenti).

Take your shoes off when you enter (tanggalkan sepatumu).

The plane took off at 5 (pesawat tinggal landas).

Exercise :

Put the adverb particles in brackets in the correct order.

I (put down) him as a fool.

Do not get mad at him when he shouts at you.

Just (put down) it to this nervousness.

Who (took out) you for dinner last night ?

The stranger (took out) it on him for not coming earlier if you were not there ?

Why should you (take out) it on him for not coming earlier if you were not there.

The retreating troops (blew up) the bridges behind them.

When I asked for a day off, my boss (blew up).

He (broke up) the bread and gave each child a piece.

you cannot (break up) the meeting before every thing has been discussed.

I am sure the spelling of “focused” is correct. I (looked up) it in the dictionary.

Bagaimana pentingnya PREPOSITION atau ADVERB PARTICLE dalam menentukan arti, dapat dilihat pada EXAMPLES dibawah ini:

He is the right man in the right place.

At the end (pada akhir) of each chapter you will get a test.

In the end (akhirnya) he admitted that what he had done was wrong.

His children are taken care of (diurus) by the social affairs Departement.

We looked after (mengurus) the house when the occupants left it.

I am looking for (mencari) a good dictionary.

Look at (lihat pada ………….. ) it carefully.

VERBS tertentu selalu diikuti OF, FROM, IN, ON:

OF accuse beware cure hear think

approve boast dream smell to be tired

assure consist expect suspect warn

FROM borrow differ emerge prevent

defend dismiss escape separate

demand draw

IN believe engage include invest

delight experience indulge involve

employ fall insert persist

ON act congratulate elaborate operate

base count embark perform

call decide insist rely

comment depend live vote

concentrate economize write

Exercise :

Learn the above by heart. Then fill in the appropriate prepositions.

1. I drew a lot of money ………………………………… the bank.

2. Why do you refuse to comment ……………………. His work ?

3. He is complaining ………………… the weather, the work, the traffic, etc.

4. Is the tax included ……………………………. the bill.

5. He congratulated me ………………….. being promoted head of the department.

6. This bulgar alarm will protect you ………………….. people who have come with bad intentions.

7. Did anything emerge …………………………. Your discussions ?

8. I dreamt …………………….. the horror film last night.

9. You can never rely …………………… him are be punctuaficult task.

10. Nothing will prevent him……………… carrying out this difficult task.

11. Are you interested ………………………………….. politics ?

12. He persisted ……………………………. Asking questions and I had a hard time getting rid …………………………………. Him.

13. Since we were separated ………………….. the war, we have not heard ………………………………………… each other.

14. I insisted …………………… his telling me the truth, so he said that my father could only be cured …………………… his illness if he was operated ……………………………………………………...

15. You can count ………………………… me if you need help in investing your money ……………………… this enterprise.

16. His report was based ……………………… wrong information.

17. I suspect him ……………….having broken ……………………. Your house, but I cannot accuse people ………………………. anything until I have some evidence.

18. The Government has embarked ………………….. a new educational system and researchers are now concentrating ……………………………. the curriculum.

19. Nowadays we must economize ……………………. many things.

20. He failed ..………………. his attempt to escape ……….. prison.

21. I have told him already that we cannot approve ……………… hunting, but he said that it was unreasonable to demand …………………………. him to stop doing so.

22. This man delights ……………………… borrowing money ……………………….. others I have warned him …………….. leasing his friends, but he said that he would never act …………… my advice and that his friends consist ………………. People who are very wealthy. He asked me not to get involved …………………………. His business, so from now on I despair ………………………. ever having any influence on him.

Here are the answers to the exercises on pages 24 and 25 Each correct answer is a point.

1. around, 2. about, 3. with, on, 4. by, 5. at, 6. at, 7. along (across), to (toward), 8. to, by, on for, 9. with, in, around, at, 10. between, 11. for, to, for, in, 12. by, in, 13. in, without, 14. to, on, to, 15. from, in, with, for, 16. on, up, with, 17. on, to, 18. into, with, 19. on, with, by, 20. of, to.

How well have you done.

40 ---------- 48 point = Exellent

25 ---------- 40 points = Good

10 ---------- 25 points = Fair

Less than 10 = Try again


CONJUNCTIONS atau kata penghubung adalah kata-kata AND, OR, BUT, SO, yang tugasnya menghubungkan kata-kata, kelompok kata, dan kalimat-kalimat sejenis (AND, OR), tidak sejenis (BUT), akibat kalimat pertama (SO).

CONJUNCTIONS dapat dikelompokkan menurut jenis, misalnya :

A. “And” type conjunctions of this type are :

1. both – and; 3. not – only --- but as well;

2. also; 4. as well as

Examples :

The success of this experiment depends on careful observation it depend on careful thought.

a. The success of this experiment depends on careful observation and thought.

b. The success of this experiment depends both on careful observation and thought.

d. The success of this experiment depends on careful observation and also on careful thought.

d. The success of this experiment depends not only on careful

observation but on careful thought as well.

e. The success of this experiment depends on careful observation

as well as careful thought.

B. “or” type. Conjunctions of this type are :

1. either ----- or 3. otherwise

2. neither ---- nor 4. or else

Examples :

You can study in the library, you can study in my room.

a. You can study in the library or in my room.

b. You can either study in the library or in my room.

c. He is either a rich merchant or the owner of a big hotel.

d. He is neither inteligent nor hardworking.

e. Hasan has to study very hard otherwise he will fall again.

NOTE : semua NEGATIVE ADJUNCT (never, neither, not, only, etc). Mendapat INVERSION apabila letaknya dipermulaan kalimat / anak kalimat.

Examples :

I never persuaded him to accepts that job.

Never did I persuade him to accept that job.

He is never seen doing his assignment on his own.

Never is he seen doing his assignment on his own.

He is neither intelligent nor hardworking.

Neither is he intelligent nor hardworking.

I’m not going to repeat and neither is he.

He is not only rich, but he is a genius as well.

Not only is he rich, but he is a genius as well

C. “but” type : 1. however.

2. on the other hand.

3. while.

4. never the less.

5. whereas.

6. although.

7. in spite on.

Example :

The books in the library are old. They are valuable.

a. The books in the library are old but valuable.

b. The books in the library are old, however they are valuable.

c. The books in the library are old, yet they are valuable.

d. Although the books are old, they are valuable.

e. He passed the examination, although he had been sick

f. in spite of his sickness, he passed the examination.

g. Although (though) they are very poor they are always neatly


h. In spite of their poverty, they are always neatly dressed.

i. The party was a great success, on the other hand it cost us a lot

of money.

j. He was working on his assignment, while the other students

were watching.

k. he old teachers used to apply the translation method in language teaching, whereas language instructions nowadays are advocates of the direct method.

D. “so” type. Conjunction of this type are :

1. therefore 4. that’s 7. since 2. consequently 5. because

3. accordingly 6. because of

Example :

The experiments was to total failure, the expert had to find another approach.

a. The experiment was a total failure, so the experts had to find another approach.

b. The experiment was a total failure, consequently the experts had to find another approach.

c. The experiment was a total failure, accordingly the experts had to find another approach.

d. The experiment was a total failure, that’s why the experts had to find another approach

e. Because the experiment was a total failure, the experts had to find another approach.

f. Because the experiment total failure of the experiment, the experts had to find another approach

g. Since the experiment was a total failure, the experts had to find another approach.

NOTE : because, although are followed by a clause

because of, in spite of are followed by a noun

Exercise :


1. He studied English.

He studied German.

2. John went home by taxi.

Mary went home by taxi.

3. She dances well.

She sings well.

4. Pafiah is tall.

Pafiah is beautiful.

5. Sylvia is a good nurse.

Sylvia is a kind nurse.

6. The geography class is interesting.

7. She writes the words rapidly.

She writes the word correctly.

8. Don’t be stupid.

Don’t be lazy.

9. Mother is a teacher.

Mother is a tourist.

11. Don’t be cruel.

Don’t be naughty.


1. He is a rich man. He is a dishonest man.

2. John is poor. John is honest.

3. I saw him yesterday. He was not at home.

4. We hurried to the station. The train had left.

5. I can’t go the meeting. Se can go to the meeting.

6. He studied French. She didn’t study French.

7. Father usually takes a nap in the afternoon. Mother doesn’t take a

nap in the afternoon.

8. They don’t want to go. My sister wants to go.

9. She speaks English well. She writes English badly.

10. He is a smart student. He is a lazy student.

NEITHER …………………. NOR

1. The car is not blue. The car is not green.

2. I am not for the proposal. I am not against the proposal.

3. He could not stand up. He could not lie down.

4. She is not likely to be present at the meeting. I am not likely to be

present at the meeting.

5. The house is not big. The house is not comfortable.

6. The bag is not mine. The ho.use is not comfortable.

7. I don’t hear it. I don’t see it

8. The first show was not good. The second show was .

10. I don’t like it. I don’t hate it.

NOT ONLY …………………… BUT …………………. As Well

1. The husband likes living in Jakarta. The wife likes living in Jakarta.

2. The man had been arrested. The man had been sent to prison.

3. The poor man was robbed. The poor was shot.

4. The teacher asked us to learn the conversation.

The teacher asked us to memorize the conversation.

5. He is his teacher. He is his father.

6. The passage is long. The passage is difficult.

7. He came to see the victims. He gaves the victims some money.

Connect these attachments with:

A. SO …………………………………….. THAT

SUCH …………………………………. THAT

1. The class on philosophy was interesting. I never missed an assignment.

2. The teacher give many assignments. I was always busy.

3. The book was long. I didn’t finish it till 2.00 a.m.

4. The book was written simply. I could road it rapidly.

5. It was interesting. I didn’t get sleepy.

6. The system of education here is complex. It is difficult to understand.

7. There are many book in the education library. I can never read all.

8. Some off the books are important. I must read them.

9. The library has many books. It is difficult to find the ones they want.

10. There any many librarians. I can always find one to help me.

11. He is an interesting speaker. I don’t want to miss him.

12. He talks about important problems. The deserve our complete attention.

13. I have a lot of difficulty with the work. I have to ask many question.

14. This is an easy exercise. I can do it in two minutes.

15. The lecturer gave me a long assignment. I will have to work late to night.

16. Profesor A is an interesting teacher. We like to go to his classes.

17. He gives clear explanations. We learn a lot from him.

18. Paul is an intelligent young man. He learns more than his class- mates.

19. He is a good student. I want to be like him.

20. Dutch is an easy language. We can learn it quickl.y


1. I didn’t go to school. I was sick.

2. I stayed home. It was raining.

3. He wrote it. He was interested.

4. He went to Florida. The weather was cold in winter.

5. He went to the lake. The weather was hot in August.

6. Thomas wants that course. The Professor is famous.

7. He wanted to study business administration. His father asked him to do.

8. He didn’t answer the letter immediately. He had a lot of homework to do.


1. It was raining heavily. The players of the football team continued playing.

2. The princes of several building materials have gone up tremendously. People are building new beautiful houses.

3. life is very hard in some rural areas. People don’t want to leave their village.

4. The peasant worked very hard for his family. Yet it was not easy for his wife to make both ends meet

5. The student made great efforts to pass the exam. Yet he failed .


PRONOUN (kata ganti NOUN) dapat berupa :

A. PERSONAL PRONOUNS (kata ganti orang) yang dapat berfungsi sebagai :

a. SUBJECT PRONOUN ini selalu diikuti VERB.

I -- first person singular.

You -- second person singular.

He -- third person singular.

She -- third person singular.


We -- first person plural.

You -- second person plural.

They -- third person plural.

Example :

1. I persuaded him to get a Sarjana degree before looking for a job.

2. You should not always insist on asking a raise.

3. He has proposed her several times, but she keeps rejecting him.

4. The dog was run over by a car. It is still breathing but you here to

take it to the veterinarian soon.

5. We agreed to admit him to the club as a member.

6. You did not tell me that smoking was prohibited in this compartment.

7. They closed a contract with this company.

B. DIRECT OBJECT (pelengkap penderita) PRONOUNS ini berubah bentuknya sbb :

I -- me

You -- you

He -- him

She -- her

It -- it

We -- us

You -- you

They -- them

Examples :

1. I told him about the decision of the director to transfer him to Irian Jaya.

2. You promised me to return that record player this week.

3. The dog bit him in his leg when he tried to climb over the gate

4. Our TV was out of order. I took it back to the shop where I bought it.

5. The Doctor informed her that she had to take a good rest.

6. Our children pleased us with their good grades in school.

7. He invited you to his wedding party next month.

8. Let us visit them while they are still in town.

C. INDIRECT OBJECT ( pelengkap penderita). PRONOUNS biasanya didahului TO or FOR.

Examples :

1. This experiment is very interesting for him.

2. He contributed a lot of money to them.

3. I don’t know what I have said to him.

4. You have done everything for her and yet she still grumbles about you.

Ada kalanya INDIRECT OBJECT tidak didahului TO atau FOR.

Examples :

1. I gave him the answer to his questions.

2. They made her a delicious wedding cake.

3. We promised them 10% of whatever we sold.

4. Don’t buy him that sophisticated tape recorder. He cannot operate it.

5. Tell me how you arrived at such a decision.

D. POSSESSIVE PRONOUN (kata ganti kepunyaan). Bentuk berubah sbb:

1. Yang diikuti oleh NOUN

I -- my

You -- your

He -- his

She -- her

It -- its

We -- our

You -- your

They -- their

Examples :

1. This is my typewriter.

2. May I use your paper to type on ?

3. You better get his ballpoint to correct the red stakes.

4. After that, go into her room and find carbon paper.

5. Put everything on her desk in the library.

6. They will give you their opinion about your work.

2. Yang tidak diikuti NOUN.

I -- mine

You -- yours

He -- his

She -- hers

It -- its

We -- ours

You -- yours

They -- theirs

Examples :

1. That statement of mine caused many problems.

2. This part is yours, take it.

3. Although the car is here, she has never used it.

4. The decision is his, so let us wait and see.

5. The land is ours now. We bought it recently.

6. That huge building is theirs.

|PERSONAL.PR |D.O. |I.O |POSS.PR (1) |POSS. PR (2) |

|I |Me |Me |My |Mine |

|You |You |You |Your |Yours |

|He |Him |Him |His |His |

|It |It |It |Its |Its |

|We |Us |Us |Our |Ours |

|They |Them |Them |their |Theirs |


Ada 4 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS (kata ganti tunjuk) yaitu :

This -- untuk menunjuk benda tunggal dekat kita.

These -- untuk menunjuk benda-benda (jamak) dekat kita.

That -- untuk menunjuk benda tunggal jauh dari kita.

Those -- untuk menunjuk benda-benda (jamak) jauh dari kita.

Examples :

1. Look, this building next to you is the library.

That one over there is the laboratory.

2. That man over there has just graduated.

3. Use your binoculars and watch those little boats on the river.

4. These documents have been sent by airmail.


RELATIVE PRONOUNS merupakan bagian yang penting sekali dalam statement karena menentukan SUBJECT sehingga tidak menimbulkan keraguan lagi siapa, apa atau yang mana, yang dimaksud.


WHO dan WHOM -- menerangkan orang.

WHOSE -- menerangkan kepunyaan orang.

WHICH -- menerangkan benda dan binatang yang dipilih.

THAT -- menerangkan benda, binatang dan orang.

Examples :

1. The man who wrote that article was put in prison.

2. The book that is lying on the table is about Administration.

3. The girl who came in the blue car got an accident.

4. Did you see the woman whose son was killed in an air crash ?

5. The subject which you chose for your thesis is no longer up to date.

Tanpa RELATIVE ini tidak dapat diketahui, orang laki-laki, buku, gadis, wanita atau hal apa yang dimaksud.

Karena itu dalam EXAMPLES di atas, WHO, WHOSE, THAT, WHICH disebut DEFINING RELATIVE dan tidak diberi koma dimukanya.

Sekarang perhatikan EXAMPLES dibawah ini ;

1. The man in the batik shirt, who was here last night, is a doctor.

2. The book with the black cover, that lies on the table is written by my brother.

3. My eldest son, who is in grade III of primary school, is very healthy.

4. The summit ASEAN Conference, which was held in Bali, was a great success.

5. The victims of the earth quake in Guatemala, whose houses were destroyed, were given temporary lodgings.

Tanpa kalimat diantara koma pun sudahlah jelas, orang laki-laki bukan anak, konferensi mana yang dimaksud. Dalam EXAMPLES tadi WHO, THAT, WHICH, WHOSE, selalu didahului koma, dan disebut UNDEFINING RELATIVE.

RELATIVE PRONOUN “THAT” sebaiknya tidak dipakai dalam kalimat-kalimat sbb :

1. The book I put on the table is borrowed from the library.

2. When the new building the architect built burnt down, the owner cried.

3. The man you spoke to yesterday left for India.

4. The experiment we undertook was a great success.

The book, the building, the man, the experiment adalah OBJECT dan sebaiknya tidak diikuti THAT.


In the sentences below fill in THAT when necessary.

1. The village ....... has attracted so much attention is in a remote area.

2. The tapes.......he sold me were recording of the Minister’s speech.

3. The therapist …………….. cured him was introduced in this hospital.

4. Where did you put this back …………. was lying on the shelf?

5. The advertisment ……………… chased so many people was found in all leading newspaper.

6. The advertisment……………. be placed drew many people to his shop.

7. The book review …………… discussed the latest works of a famous author was read nation wide.

8. The book review ………… be mentioned to you gave him an idea of the latest works of the famous authors.



WHO, WHOM -- menanyakan orang.

WHOSE -- menanyakan kepunyaan.

WHICH -- menanyakan benda yang sama.

WHAT -- menanyakan benda atau kegiatan.

HOW -- menanyakan bagaimana.

WHEN -- menanyakan bila.

WHERE -- menanyakan dimana atau kemana.

Examples :

1. Who won the nobel prize for chemistry?

2. Who did you refer to when you said that?

3. Where paintings do you like best?

4. What is today’s news about the changes he made in his office?

5. How did you overcome your financial problems ?

6. When was the first car made ?

7. Why cannot you tell me where you hid the money ?

INTEROGATIVE PRONOUN ini penting sekali sebagai LINK WORDS.

Examples :

1. I do not know what to do.

2. He has forgotten where to find her.

3. She taught me how to drive.

4. I do not know why he insists on doing that.

5. The police told me who murdered the poor man.

6. He showed me which button to push when I get stuck in an elevator.

7. No one knows which proposal will be accepted.



WORD ORDER atau urutan kata penting sekali – karena dapat mengubah arti kata. Kata sifat yang dipakai sebagai keterangan diletakkan di depan kata benda.

Examples :

- bus station.

- station bus.

- chocolate cooking.

- blue sky.

- sky blue.

- pocket watch.

- watch pocket.

Kata sifat (kata benda) yang dipakai sebagai PREDICATE diletakkan di belakang kata benda.

Examples :

- The child is asleep.

- Life on a desert Island is simple.

- The statue was very graceful.

- The country becomes prosperous.

- Everybody was anxious to know, what had happened.

- The students were impatient to start the expedition.

Dalam SIMPLE SENTENCE (kalimat tunggal) WORD ORDER dalam kalimat bahasa Inggrisnya biasanya SUBJECT – PREDICATE COMPLEMENT (OBJECT) – ADVERBAL QUALIFICATION.

Examples :


|This lawyer |works |Hard |

|The chairman |came |at the meeting at 7. |


|The sun |gives |Light |

|The President |has attended |the conference |

|The child |is |Dead |

SUBJECT : pokok kalimat (orang atau benda) yang melakukan suatu pekerjaan PREDICATE apa yang dikerjakan oleh pokok kalimat. Kata yang paling penting dalam PREDICATE ialah : kata kerja (VERB).




|1. The sky |Grew |Dark |

|2. The doctor |Is |Good |

|3. The man |Seems |Worried |

|4. The building |Is |In a dilapidated condition |

|5. Your pen |Is |there |

COMPLEMENT adalah kata (kelompok kata) untuk memperlengkapi PREDICATE supaya mempunyai sebuah pengertian.

Bila VERB-nya TRANSITIVE, maka OBJECT diperlukan untuk memperlengkapi pengertian PREDICATE, WORD ORDERNYA menjadi :



|1. Good children |pity |The poor |

|2. The foolish |Tried |To sing |

|3. I |Recognized |Your voice at once |

|4. Snakes |Cast |Their skin once a year |

Exercise :

Put subject, Predicate and complement or object in the correct order

1. The radio broadcast listened we to.

2. Lost the public’s support The Minister.

3. Family Planning a small family encourages.

4. From the past all of us must learn.

5. Creates The Constitution a powerful executive office.

6. Dissatisfaction caused poverty and disease.

7. Agricultural products very expensive were.

8. In educational development Indonesia makes progress.

9. Receive their verges daily the workers.

10. Has achieved through hard work he prosperity.

11. To the brim the cup is full.

12. He unconscious became.

13. An a suites is every man of his own fortune.

14. Of considerable importance appears the matter.

15. A good type of modern athlete is He.

WORD ORDER dapat juga merubah STATEMENT menjadi INTEROGATIVE*) khususnya kalimat yang memakai “auxiliary”.

Examples :

-- Where were you last night ?

-- Was the governor present ?

-- Is the announcer tired ?

-- Am I correct ?


Examples :

-- What a powerful king he is ?

-- What complicated problems we are facing ?

-- What a fool you are ?

-- What a strange building that is ?

-- How nice the weather is ?

Exercise :

Rewrite the following sentences using “what” and “how” at the beginning!

1. Those are interesting topics.

2. That singer has a marvelous voice.

3. It is a successful performance.

4. It is a terrific program.

5. People have different opinions on family planning.

6. There are many uncontrollable floods.

7. There was a big crown at the football game.

8. This is an enriching experience.

9. She is an intelligent girl.

10. This is complicated program.

11. He gave an interesting account of his travel.

12. She is a narrow minded person.

13. This is a very use full intelligence test.

14. There are many meanings for social welfare.

15. They made big efforts to classify casework procedures.

*) lihat Chapter V

Note : What – is followed by a noun

Dalam suatu kalimat mungkin ada dua OBJECT, yaitu INDIRECT OBJECT dan DIRECT OBJECT. Dalam hal ini WORD ORDER adalah sbb :


|He |gave |her |a reward |

|You |have promised |him |a job |

|They spy | |the Minister |false document |

|The Governor |showed |the guest |the new city plan |

Exercise :

Arrange the words or group of words in the right order!

1. Will tell / en interesting story / her grandmother / she.

2. twice a week / a letter / john / her / sent.

3. a bottle of beer / the man / the, waiter / brought.

4. me / The shop assistant / some new office equipment / showed.

5. The man / The Police / a reward of / ten thousand rupiahs / gave.

6. each of us / has promised / Our boss / a raise in salary.

7. should show / how to do the work / some one / her.

8. him / The refused / permission to enter the country.

9. The treasurer / a large check / at the bank / cashed.

10. premised / The doctor / medicine / me.

11. I / the policement / the direction to the station / asked.

12. The Government / a fellowship overseas / him / awarded.

13. me / My uncle / has been teaching / mathematics.

14. The anthropologist / us / where the ancestors of the Polynesians came from / told.

15. Jono / his mother / much trouble / caused.

Beberapa TRANSITIVE VERBS memerlukan COMPLEMENT bersama OBJECT-nya. Perhatikan WORD ORDER-nya.


|1. The jury |found | |guity |

|2. The news |will make |you |happy |

|3. Jono |kept |us |waiting |

|4. The police |caught |him |stealing apple from my garden |

|5. We |listened |to the band |playing at the party |

|6. The teacher |made |his students |do their work |

|7. He |had |His eyesight |tested |

Exercise :

Arrange the words or group of words in the right order.

1. Your gift / happy / will make / the boy.

2. The exercise / strong / muscles / has made.

3. We / the storm / saw / approaching.

4. the child / made / irritable / The sickness.

5. elected / His friend / him / secretary of the club.

6. found / him / I / working at his desk.

7. could feel / She / beating wildly / her heart.

8. likes to have / clean and tidy / her house / The.

9. felt / We / the house / shake.

10. the matter / We / rest there / cannot let.

STATEMENT dapat terdiri dari enam bagian seperti dalam EXAMPLE dibawah ini. Perhatikan WORD ORDER-nya.


| |The flame |spread | | |In all | |

| | | | | |directions | |

| |The boy |took |some medicine |angrily | |today |

| |People |were talking |about it |guletly | | |

| |The students |talked |each |noisly |In the cafeteria|this morning |

|Yesterday |They |discussed |the problems | |at the coating | |

|Last week |The new ambassador |submitted |his credentials | |at the palace | |

| |She |wrote |a confirmation | |in her office |An hour ago |

Seperti dapat dilihat di atas TIME dapat diletakkan di depan atau dibelakang.

Exercise :

1. cheaply / all his picture / He / at the exhibition / sold / a week ago.

2. The chairman / clearly / at the meeting / the program / explained.

3. He husband / she / to the end of the world / will follow.

4. Stopped / after the law / had been passed / this from of crime.

5. Over the wall / climbed / in the middle of the night / noisily / he.

6. The captain / into the see / ordered / the goods / the man / throw.

7. Once / used to live / two detectives / opposite our house.

8. To find a good job / he / when he has left school / hopes.

9. behind the door / the boy / quietly / hid.

10. Adidarma and his orchestra/ a concert / gave / last night / at TIM.

11. His wife / him / the end of the story / will tell.

12. Gave / verse / The Ministry of Heath / a series of test / in April / in. the nearest town where she lived

13. Asked / her teacher / Siti / a piece / paper / politely / yesterday morning / in his office / of.

14. Was / to me / The whole idler / new and unusual / something

15. The strikers / to morrow / The employers / will meet / again



Dalam bahasa Inggris TENSES memegang peranan sangat penting karena VERB berubah sesuai dengan waktu dan orang (lihat Buku Structure I Chapter I: VERB). Apabila kita bandingkan dengan bahasa Indonesia, maka kata kerja dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak berubah, karena orang maupun waktu.

Contoh : kata kerja TO BEGIN (mulai)

- The conference begins today – konperensi mulai hari ini

- The conference began yesterday – konperensi mulai kemarin

- The conference will begin the – konperensi akan mulai lusa

day after tomorrow

Dalam bahasa Inggris “TENSE “ dibagi dalam 3 macam TENSES yang utama.

I. Present Tense - menyatakan waktu sekarang.

II. Past Tense - menyatakan waktu lampau.

III. Future Tense - menyatakan waktu yang akan datang.

I. Present Tense terdiri dari :

1. Simple Present Tense (Habitual Present).

2. Present Continuous Tense.

3. Present Prefect Tense.

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

II. Past Tense terdiri dari :

5. Simple Past Tense.

6. Past Continuous Tense.

7. Past Prefect Tense.

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

III. Future Tense terdiri dari :

9. Simple Future Tense.

10. Future Continuous Tense.

11. Future Prefect.

12. Future Perfect Continuous.

Examples :

Produce - produces - menghasilkan.

Publish - publishes - menguraikan.

Organize - organizes - menyelenggarakan.

Establish - establishes - mendirikan.

Abolish - abolishes - menghapuskan.

Memorize - memorizes - menghafal.

Advertise - advertises - mengiklankan.

Advise - advises - menasehati.

Apologize - apologizes - meminta maaf.

Find 10 or more verbs ending in a hissing sound as the example above.

Simple Present Tense digunakan.

a. Untuk menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang berulang atau menjadi kebiasaan pada waktu sekarang. Sering dipakai dengan kata-kata seperti: usually, never, often, always, dsb.

Misalnya : I often forget to wind my watch.

He never goes to the cinema.

b. Untuk menunjukkan suatu kenyataan umum, atau suatu kebenaran yang tidak dapat disangkal.

Misanya : Metal expands when it is hot.

Cows cut grass.

c. Dengan beberapa kata kerja yang tidak bisa dipakai dalam bentuk

continuous; ini pada umumnya kata-kata yang menunjukkan perasaan atau perhubungan dengan panca indera yang tidak bisa kita kuasai seperti : hear, see, watch, like, dsb.

Misalnya : Do you like this film ? (bukan = are you liking this film?)

I see a train coming (biasanya = I can see a train coming)

NOTE : Kalau kata kerja panca indera ini dipakai dalam bentuk continuous (misal : You’re seeing things) artinya berubah (disini : Engkau berhalusinasi).

d. Untuk kegiatan yang masih berlangsung, apabila kalimat itu mulai

dengan kata HERE atau THERE. Kata kerja yang sering dipakai disini ialah : come dan go.

Misalnya : Here comes the bride.

There goes the bus !

Perhatikanlah bentuk VERB yang menyatakan waktu dan orang yang mengerjakan (lihat buku Structure I Chapter I : VERB).

Present Tense mempunyai empat macam bentuk :

1. Simple Present : I work.

2. Present Continuous : I am working.

3. Present Perfect : I have worked.

4. Present Perfect Continuous : I have been working.

Dalam Simple Present kata kerja tidak menyatakan bahwa pekerjaan itu telah selesai atau sedang dikerjakan, tetapi merupakan kebiasaan.

Dalam Prefect Continuous kata kerja menyatakan bahwa pekerjaan sedang berlangsung.

Dalam Present Perfect Continuous kata kerja menyatakan bahwa pekerjaan sudah ada hasilnya tetapi berlangsung terus dan belum selesai pada saat ini.

Jadi Tenses tidak hanya menunjukkan waktu dan orang saja tetapi juga keadaan kata kerja tersebut.

Seperti halnya dengan Present Tense maka Past Tense dan Future Tense masing-masing mempunyai 4 bentuk juga :

Past Tense

1. Simple Past : I worked

2. Past Continuous : I was working

3. Past Perfect : I had worked

4. Past Perfect Continuous : I had been working

Future tense

1. Simple Future : I shall work

2. Future Continuous : I shall be working

3. Future Perfect : I shall have worked

4. Future Perfect Continuous : I shall have been working


1. Simple Present Tense.

Untuk 3 rd PERSON SINGULAR yaitu : He, She, dan it, VERB ditambah “s” atau “es”, dan bagian VERB yang akhirannya bersuara es diucapkan sebagai iz.

Exercise :

1. Every nation (attempt) to prepare and maintain an adequate national structure.

2. Management personnel (set) and (carry) out policies for the business

3. A pub is a place that primarily (serve) alcoholic beverages.

4. Computers (do) many tasks for us that would be extremely difficult if we did not have them.

5. My father (not work) in a bank, but (work) in an insurance office.

6. The gardener (grow) flower very well, but he (not grow) vegetables.

7. He (prefer) psychology to philosophy he (know) a lot about children.

8. Many restaurants coats (be) the same as those in other business and (remain) relatively fixed.

9. People who wish to become computer programmers generally (take) an aptitude test prior to any formal training.

10. The room clerk (fill) in the room number and the rate the guest will play.

11. The personnel influence of the manager (vary) from hotel.

12. An architect usually (make) the plan of buildings.

13. Generally pictures, films, etc. (be) useful aids in teaching.

14. He (want) to study the science of speech at Boston University.

15. The economic systems, and the length of the work days (effect) productivity.

16. Usually the project leader (discuss) the cater with the committee of the new project.

17. His autobiography (remind) me of the rural customs in the United States.

18. The secretary usually (put) the documents in the file.

19. The soil (be) fertile, so he (cultivate) his land.

20. The peasant will have good crops, if the Government (provide) modern machines.

21. This manager always (rebel) against new working regulations for women and children.

22. A new equipment science course (last) two months.

23. The Government (allocate) adequate funds for Pelita projects.

24. Mobile libraries (require) good management.

25. The Vice President (represent) the Head of State in his absence.

26. Nowadays more and more young couples (accept) family planning

27. One (need) special training to operate a computer.

2. Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense adalah TO BE dalam bentuk Present Tense + VERB + ING.

am / is / are + verb + ing

Present Continuous Tense dipakai :

a. Untuk suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang.

Sering dipakai dengan kata-kata: now, right now, at, the moment, nowadays, at present.

Misalnya : Is John reading the newspaper ? No, he is writing letters at

the moment.

Look ! That man is running to the bus.

b. Untuk kegiatan yang belum selesai tetapi tidak sedang berlangsung pada waktu itu.

Misalnya: I am writing a new novel. (I haven’t finished it yet). She is

making a new dress for the party (but right now she is typing letters at the office).

c. Untuk suatu kegiatan dalam masa depan yang dekat (near future) sering dengan kata kerja yang menunjukkan gerakan seperti come, go, travel, fly, leave, take, etc. (biasanya disertai keterangan waktu)

Misalnya: My uncle is coming to see us tomorrow.

He is flying to New York next week for a conference.

I’m leaving for Holland this afternoon.

Are you taking the children to the Bazaar on Sunday ?

B. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous Tense

1. What John (do)? He (work) in the garden.

2. They are continually (pull down) old houses and (build) new ones.

3. Come in quickly, the students (take) a test.

4. You (come) to his lecture tonight ?

5. Come in, you (not disturb). He (not work), he just (take) a rest.

6. Nowadays the educational system also (focus) upon on formal education.

7. His company (make) much profit by selling used cars.

8. The manager of this factory (consider) giving a bonus to the


9. The population of a country may increase even if its birth rate (not increase).

10. The farmers (improve) their methods of irrigation.

11. The scientist (demonstrate) the efficiency of using computer


12. The leaders of the political parties (have) a meeting right now.

13. The other (try) to express the ideas of his newly published book

during a press conference.

14. Nowadays the Government (stress) the importance of mass education.

15. Sorry, he isn’t in. He (attend) the opening ceremony of the Kuningan

Youth Centre.

16. Give me some more information about the problems he (try) to solve.

17. Look, the man over there (report) the tragic accident to the police!

18. The student (defend) his thesis before the examination commitees.

19. The price (go up) tremendously, so it’s difficult to make both ends


20. The Indonesian Government (make) progress in the development of teaching materials.

21. Listen, the pianist (play) this piece of music beautifully!

22. That students have already road the questions. They (write) the

answers now.

23. That family (move) to a new duplex apartment next month.

24. The Head of the state (discuss) the political situation with the parliament.


Rumusnya adalah :

have / has + Past Participle

Seperti terlihat dari namanya Present Perfect Tense, maka kegiatan itu berhubungan dengan Present Tense. Biasanya dijelaskan dengan kata-kata seperti : FOR, SINCE, NEVER, EVER, ALREADY, YET, RECENTLY, THIS MORNING, THIS YEAR, THIS MONTH, LATELY, etc. Bentuk ini digunakan apabila kita kita menunjukkan bahwa suatu kegiatan berlangsung dimasa lampau, atau suatu keadaan asal mulanya di masa dan ada hubungannya dengan masa kini. Saat dimasa lampau itu tidak penting, mungkin baru saja berlalu atau sama sekali tidak dipastikan (I have lived in Europe). Yang penting ialah hubungannya dengan masa kini.

Yang harus diingat ialah bahwa Present Perfect Tense ini tidak boleh dipakai bersama dengan kata atau keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan saat masa lampau yang pasti. Kalau ada kata atau keterangan waktu demikian kita harus pakai Simple Past Tense.

Misalnya: I saw that film last week. (bukan : I have seen that film last


Bentuk Present Perfect Tense ini digunakan :

a. Untuk suatu kegiatan yang mulai di masa lampau dan masih berlansung sekarang juga.

Misalnya : We have known each other for the past years.

I have never seen a zebra.

b. Untuk suatu kegiatan yang berlangsung di masa lampau tetapi saat

terjadinya tidak dipastikan.

misalnya: I have lost my driver’s license.

He has been a teacher, a sales representative,

a bookkeeper, and now he is a journalist.

c. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kegiatan telah selesai dijalankan

di masa lampau – baru saja atau sudah lama – dan hasil atau akibat dari itu kelihatan sekarang.

Misalnya : I have had my lunch. (jadi sekarang saya tidak lapar).

You have told us that already. (jadi anda tidak usah.

ceritakan sekali lagi).

It has rained during the night. (buktinya sudah basah).

Someone has called while we have been out.

(buktinya pintu pagar terbuka).

d. Untuk suatu kegiatan yang baru saja selesai dikerjakan sering

disertai kata just, recently.

Misalnya: I have just finished my homework. (sekarang juga)

He has just gone out.

Perhatikan: Dengan ungkapan-ungkapan seperti This morning,

This afternoon, yang menunjukkan waktu tertentu dalam suatu hari maka boleh dipergunakan Perfect Tense atau Past Tense, tergantung keadaan.

Misalnya: apabila hari masih pagi pada waktu kita


Misalnya: I have had so many interruptions this

morning that I have done scarcely any work.

Akan tetapi apabila pada waktu kita berbicara hari sudah sore maka kita harus katakan :

I had so many interruptions this morning that I did scarcely any work.

Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut :

I have come to ask your advice. (Present Perfect).

I came to ask your advice. (past).

Kalimat pertama diucapkan orang pada waktu datang, untuk menunjukkan kedatangannya.

Kalimat kediucapkannya beberapa waktu sesudah kedatangannya, dan menghubungkan adanya dia di dalam kamar itu dengan kedatangannya beberapa saat sebelum itu.

B. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Tense :

1. John (wait) for twenty minutes.

2. The postman (come) yet?

3. We (complete) 17 lessons so far.

4. Where you (put) my pen ? I can’t find it

5. I never (be) to Hollywood, though I always (want) to go there.

6. The prime minister recently (visit) Egypt.

7. Bill (own) this house since January.

8. My watch (stop). Can you give me the right time ?

9. He (eat) a big breakfast, but he says he’s still hungry

10. Oh, there you are, John Dick just (call).

11. At present the number of illiterate people (increase) to 800


12. The development of democracy and scientific progress (contribute) the rise of modern nationalism.

13. He (write) a novel for to years, but it (not publish) yet.

14. Nobody has come to see us, since we (move) into our old house.

15. Employers obtain their profits only after they (pay) all their


16. The mechanization of farming (bring) about many changes.

17. The development of refrigeration greatly (widen) the market for


18. In recent years, the training schools (realize) the value of public


19. Through years of hard work she (achieve) prosperity.

20. The technology of communication and travel (make) the scene of

the world smaller.

21. Since 1960 a buggy manufacturer (find) great profits in

producing automobiles.

22. The Japanese and Indonesian association (hold) a reception

party to welcome the new Ambassador to Japan.

23. Some people who are enjoying modern ways of life and

conveniences (desert) spiritual life of religion.

24. The Indonesian top beauty queen (organize) a variety batik show.

25. The population growth in the sitter (effect) social relationship .

26. My colleagues (leave) for the airport to welcome the new director

of the International Bank.

27. The President of this company already (sign) the document

28. The Government (provide) ride for the victims of the war .

29. The Jaya Ancol Dreamland with its various kind of recreation

program (attract) many people.

30. They (equip) Putri Duyung Cottages with the most up to date

facilities like air conditioning and in door-garages.

Perhatikan penggunaan SINCE dan FOR.

We have studied since seven o’clock.

John has waited for twenty minutes.

Keterangan waktu sesudah since menunjukkan titik/poin saat tertentu.

Since seven o’clock.

Since Yesterday.

Since last week.

Keterangan waktu sesudah for menunjukkan jangka/jumlah waktu.

for two hours.

for three days.

for a week.

Practice Since and For with the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs.

e.g. Bill owns this house. Bill has owned this house.

He bought it in January. since January.

I wanted to see this. I’ve wanted to see this

movie a year ago, and I. movie for a year.

want to see it now.

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Rumusnya ialah.

have / has + been – verb + ing

Penggunaan dari PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE ini sama dengan PRESENT PERFECT TENSE, hanya dalam tense ini kita lebih mengutamakan CONTINUITY dari kegiatan itu.

Example :

- I have been living in Jakarta since 1969.

(mean I have been living here for 7 years uninterruptedly)

- she has been waiting for him for two hours.

(means : waiting for him for two hours without interruption)


digunakan dengan VERB OF STATIC NATURE, seperti : STAND, STUDY, LIVE, REST, SIT, etc.

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUS ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan :

a. Bahwa suatu kegiatn dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung sekarang juga.

Misalnya: He has been sleeping for hours. (and is still sleeping)

I have been looking for a job for months .(and I haven’ t found one yet).

b. Bahwa suatu kegiatan yang baru saja selesai memakan waktu yang lama.

Misalnya: I have been working hard all morning, and now

I feel tired. It has been raining all day.


John is talking the teacher John has been talking to the

teacher for two hours.

Ini menunjukkan apa yang Ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan

John kerjakan sekarang dimulai di masa lampau dan

sekarang masih berlangsung

Put the following sentences into the present perfect continuous.

Include for two hours in the first five sentences.

1. John is studying at the library.

2. Paul is looking up words in the dictionary.

3. Bob is listening to the radio.

4. Mr. Miller is talking to Mrs. Alleh.

5. John is studying mathematics.

6. The Government (prepare) the Southern coast of Singapore to become a paradise for pleasure seekers.

7. The project leader and his staff (discuss) the possibilities to promote mutual understanding among the workers.

8. What you (do) while I have been out? I (sit) here typing so many letters, but I have not quite finished yet.

9. The scientist (demonstrate) how to use a clay cutter machine to make bricks.

10. The committee (organize) a cocktail party at the Bali sea side cottage as a farewell to the fantastic Island.

11. The Belgian foreign Trade Minister (try) to improve trade relations with Southeast Asian Countries.

12. That church (stand) here for centuries.

13. The tourists (visit) the ancient temples of Borobudur and Prambanan.

14. The journalists (report) the new economic policy which leads to world development.

15. They (publish) books about delinquent children.

16. The Indonesian Red Cross (distribute) food and clothes for the relief of the flood victims.

17. They (produce) film to promote a better understanding of planned parenthood.

18. The Government (construct) a number of low cost house.

19. They (discuss) the application of technology for national development.

20. The old man (hide) his money under the bricks of the floor.

21. He (work) hard to prepare for the coming mid semester test.

22. The storm (blow) against the ship all day long.

23. Those doctors (do) their assignments in the provinces for a few years.

24. He (check) his test paper before submitting it to the supervisor


5. Simple Past Tense (Preterite).

Dipakai untuk menyatakan, bahwa sesuatu terjadi pada waktu lampau. Yang diutamakan disini ialah waktu kejadiannya.

Biasanya dijelaskan dengan keterangan waktu seperti : AGO, YESTERDAY, LAST NIGHT, LAST YEAR, LAST, etc.

Examples :

a. The Plane landed safety this morning.

b. Last year the two countries agreed to exchange, information on the latest economic development.

c. The report in the newspaper said that ten people lost their lives in the demonstration last week.

d. Yesterday the Rector selected some people to be the leaders of the coming discussion groups.

e. A few years ago, we assisted the Government with the selection of appropriately qualified trainees.

Simple Past Tense digunakan :

a. Untuk menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang berulang atau menjadi kebiasaan dalam waktu yang lampau.

Misalnya: School started at seven o’clock in those days.

In the Middle Ages people believed that the earth

was flat.

b. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian berlangsung pada saat tertentu diwaktu yang lampau.

Misalnya: The train arrived late yesterday.

John left the library at ten o’clock last night.

c. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa beberapa kegiatan berlangsung berturut-turut di waktu yang lampau, dan merupakan kegiatan utama dalam suatu cerita

Misanya: He hurriedly put the letter in an envelope.

Put the verbs between brackets in the Past Tense!

1. Last week the flood in Jakarta (destroy) three villages and many people (lose) their homes.

2. In 1960 the university (be) just a simple building without a mighty conference hall like we have today.

3. The r ed cross (provide) the refugees with cloches and food.

4. Many years ago, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers and nurses (neglect) retarded children.

5. John (grow) up on a farm, and he (enjoy) living in the country.

6. many years ago they (start) using modern mochas, so the harvest (increase).

7. Formerly the two tribed (hate) each other, and this situation (end) in battle.

8. He (be) a member of that faculty in 1970; he (teach) computer mathematics.

9. When you (are) in Yale University, in what subject (is) you major ?

10. Edward Kennedy (run) for election as governor in 1979.

11. A few minutes ago, he (leave) the debate without saying a single word.

12. This morning the engineers (identify) the obstacles that (stagnate) our development plans.

13. In 1935, mass education (be neglected) in developing countries.

14. The agricultural scientists (convince) them many years ago that modern techniques of planting rice should be practice.

15. The company (deliver) the goods to the sole agent early this morning.

16. The share holders (deposit) their arrival bonus in the international City Bank.

17. The faculty (encourage) he students to participate in social activities

18. The social consequences of the discovery of the atomic bomb (lead) to a heated debate.

19. The competent public administration authorities (give) the matter serious consideration.

C. Put the following sentences into the Simple Past Tense

1. I go to work yesterday 11. He work hard.

2. He always wears black 12. She speaks slowly.

3. They play tennis well 13. He leaves the house at 9 a.m.

4. I know what he wants 14. He cries when he is hurt.

5. She often feels III 15. We live in London.

6. I think I am right 16. His dog always attacks


7. I remember his address 17. I see him every day.

8. He takes the dog out twice a day 18. He sleeps badly.

9. I usually pay his bill 19. I smoke look cigarettes a week

10. Who knows the answer? 20. His dog always bites me.

D. Put the following sentences into the (a) negative and the (b) interrogative).

1. I saw your brother 11. I lent you ten dollars

2. We flew to New York 12. Mrs.Brown translated the letter

3. He wrote the report 13. The police caught the chief

4. She lost her way 14. He forbade her to leave

5. He sent the letter air mail 15. Ann drew a map

6. The duck laid an egg 16. He tried to understand his son

7. He invited her to dinner 17. She accepted his invitation

8. He refused to obey him 18. He signed the cheques

9. Mr.Pitt shook the bottle 19. You found my watch

10. He kept the money 20. We set out for Romeo

5. Past Continous Tense.

Rumusnya ialah :


------ + VERB + ING


Past Continous Tense dipakai :

a. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kegiatan sedang berlangsung pada saat tertentu diwaktu lampau.

Misalnya: A ten o’clock last night I was reading a book.

Where were you sitting at the meeting last Friday ?

b. Menunjukkan bahwa suatu kegiatan di masa lampau berlangsung untuk waktu yang lama.

Misalnya: People were rushing about the house all morning.

Trying to get everything ready for the wedding.

We were playing cards all night last night.

c. Untuk latar belakang suatu cerita.

Misalnya: A cold wind was blowing and only a few people were

walking in the streets when Peter left the house.

d. Apabila ada suatu kegiatan yang berlangsung untuk waktu yang lama, dan dipotong oleh kegiatan yang lain, maka untuk kegiatan yang lebih lama berlangsung digunakan Past Continuos Tense, sedangkan untuk kegiatan yang memotongnya dipakai Simple Past.

Kata penghubung yang dipakai ‘when’ dan ‘while’.

e. Apabila ada dua kegiatan berlangsung pada waktu yang sama di waktu yang lampau. Dalam hal ini sering dipakai kata penghubung while.

Misalnya: John was writing I was reading.

While Nero was playing the fiddle Rome was burning.

Exercise :

A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Simple Past or Present Perfect Tense)

1. We (go) to the theatre last evening.

2. My Father (be) sixty years old last Tuesday.

3. Do you know whether to doctor (come) yet ?

4. You (see) the film that is showing at the start ?

5. We (come) to this house in 1935 and (live) here ever since.

6. We (spend) all our money so we shall have to walk home.

7. Shakespeare (live) from 1564 – 1616.

8. The postman (come) yet?

9. She (go) out at ten o’clock, and (not yet return).

10. The accident (happen) at 10.30 this morning.

B. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continous Tense

1. Detective, “I’m afraid I must ask you both what you (do) Yesterday at

10.20 p.m”?

Mr. X., “I (play) chess with my wife”.

Mr. Y., “I (watch) television”.

2. I was alone in the house at that time because Mr.Jones (work) in the field and Mrs.Jones (shop).

3. When I first met him he (study) medicine .

4. The car was empty but the engine (run).

5. Two men (fight) at a street corner and the policeman (try) to stop

them. What they (fight) about ? Nobody seemed to know.

6. From the sounds it was clear that Mary (practice) the piano.

7. The traffic (make) so much noise that I couldn’t hear what he (say).

8. Whle he (repair) the roof he had a bad fall.

9. Where he (live) when you saw him last?

10. Who you (talk) to on the phone last nigh?

I (talk) to Mr. Pitt.

7. Past Perfect Tense

Rumusnya ialah :

had + past participle

Seperti halnya Present Perfect Tense berhubungan dengan Present Tense. Maka Past Perfect Tense hubungannya ialah dengan Past Tense. Past Perfect Tense dipakai untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu kegiatan telah selesai berlangsung sebelum saat di masa lampau yang sedang dibicarakan. Sering juga disebut dengan istilah DOUBLE PAST.

Biasanya disertai dengan kalimat atau bagian kalimat (PHRASE) dalam Past Tense dan jarang Past Perfect Tense berdiri sendiri. Sering pula dipakai dalam INDIRECT SPEECH (lihat INDIRECT SPEECH).

Examples :

- When arrived, we found that they had prepared everything for our coming.

- Before the second world war broke out, he had devoted his life to the care of orphans.

- It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months.

- I had learned French long before I went to France.

- She knew that the boy had stolen the money.

- She told me that the man had tried to decelve her.

- He said that he had studied for the exam.

Past perfect continous (had been + verb + ing)

Bentuk ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kegiatan dimasa lampau berlangsung terus sampai pada saat yang sedang dibicarakan.

Misalnya : He had been working in the firm for ten years before he

asked for a bigger salary.

Mrs. Lume told him she had been talking sleeping pills.


9. Present Future Tense

Rumusnya ialah :

shall / will

to be going to verb (ini lebih pasti

dari pada shall / will + verb)

Present Future Tense dipakai untuk mengatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dalam waktu yang akan datang. Biasanya Tense ini :

a. Disertai keterangan waktu seperti : TOMORROW – TO DAY – THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW – NEXT WEEK – NEXT YEAR – NEXT TUESDAY – NEXT DAY, dan sebagainya.

b. Dipakai dalam CONDITIONALS (lihat Buku Structure I Chapter VII)

c. Berbentuk GOING TO.

Bentuk future dengan GOING TO ini yang paling mudah dan sederhana tetapi hanya digunakan apabila pembicara ingin menunjukkan niat dan kepastian.

Apabila niat itu tidak direncanakan sebelumnya harus dipakai bentuk SHALL / WILL.

Examples :

- The Government will provide doctors and medicine for the victims of the flood.

- The Government is going to provide doctors and medicine needed for the victims.

- The scientist will explain the efficiency of using computers.

- The scientist is going to explain the efficiency of using computers.

- Tomorrow the manager will analyze the constraints of the new


- Tomorrow the manager is going to analyze the constraints of the new project.

- He will Join the study tour, if his mother gives permission


- I will fetch her to the graduation, if she asks me (conditional).

Ada beberapa cara untuk menunjukkan masa depan dalam bahasa Inggris. Yang paling biasa ialah dengan menggunakan bentuk SHALL / WILL + VERB atua bentuk BE GOING TO + VERB.

Kita bisa katakana misalnya :

I shall docide tomorrow.

I will decide tomorrow atau

I am going to decide tomorrow.

Masa depan yang dekat juga bisa ditunjukkan dengan menggunakan Present Continous Tense seperti telah diterangkan pada bagian Present Continuous Tense.

Exercise :

A. Underline the Simple Future Tense

Next June my brother Tom will be a psychiatrist

Then he will work in a hospital, curing people who are mentally ill or men unbalanced

Now he is in Holland and he will be back in Indonesia after he has finished his study.

We will meet him at the airport, then we are going to arrange a big party to celeberate his success.

We are going to ask my sister’s school band to play.

I think everyone will have a very enjoyable time.

I am sure, he will always remember this day


Bentuk future dengan SHALL / WILL ini juga mempunyai bentuk continuous.

Misalnya: I shall be waiting for you outside the school.

This time next year he will be studying in New York.

Bentuk ini digunakan untuk suatu kegiatan yang belum selesai pada saat tertentu di masa depan, dan karena itu hampir sama dengan continuous tense yang lain.


Rumusnya ialah :

Shall / will + have + Past Participle

Seperti namanya future perfect tense berhubungan dengan future yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan telah selesai pada suatu saat di waktu mendatang.

Karena TENSE ini dibarengi dengan suatu kalimat atau PHRASE dalam waktu yang akan datang.

Exercise :

1. Before his next visit here, he will have returned from a world tour.

2. What grammar patterns will you have mastered by the end of this course?

3. How long will you have lived in Jakarta by the end of this year?

4. By the end of this month the maintenance cost of this machine will have reached Rp.5.000.000,-

5. He will have heard to news this evening, so we can expect him tomorrow.

Compare :

1. I have read three of show’s plays.

(I know about them now)

2. I will have known seven of show’s plays by the end of the year.

(I shall know about them then)

B. Put the verb between brockets in the Future Perfect Tense

1. By the end of this country, the Indonesian population (increase)

about 200 million.

2. By the end of the year. all important roads (be repaired).

3. I hope you (not forget) all this by tomorrow.

4. By the end of this semester, he (teach) English for 3 years at the Faculty of Social Science.

5. If you stay in New York until December, do you think you (spend) more money then you planned to?

6. By the beginning of the next century, astronauts (land) on venus.

7. If a train starts at 8 a.m. it travels at an everage speed of fifty miles an hour, how far it (travel) by noon?

8. Before sundown tomorrow afternoon, my sister (get back) from Australia.

9. Before you arrive tomorrow evening the cocktail party (be) over.

10. Weather permiting by the end of next month the construction work (come) to an end.


Rumusnya :

shall / will + have + been + verb + ing


Seperti Future Perfect Tense yang menyatakan, bahwa pada suatu saat mendatang sebuah kegiatan akan sudah selesai, maka dalam Future Perfect Continous ini kegiatan itu berlangsungnya dalam jangka waktu yang lama dan hasilnya akan sudah tampak sementara kegiatan itu masih berlangsung.

Tense ini jarang digunakan

Example :

- By the end this month he will have been living in Jakarta for fifteen years

- By December Tono will have been attending school for live years.

13. Past Future Tense digunakan :

a. Untuk memperhalus suatu kalimat : STATEMENT dan REQUEST

Examples :

Statement :

- I would appreciate receiving a prompt reply.

- I am sure she would like to join our discussion.

- I would prefer improving the quality of teachers to building more


Request :

- Would you come to the meeting tonight ?

- Would you hand in our papers on time ?

- Would you mind repeating that question ?

b. Untuk menyatakan keinginan atau harapan (WISH) yang tidak belum


Examples :

- I wish you would join the study tour.

- I wish you would say something.

- I wish you would stop arguing.

c. CONDITIONAL (Chapter VII Buku Structure I)

Examples :

- The director would make a business trip if it were necessary.

- He would come if you visited him.

- He would implement it if he were asked to do so.

- He would ask for assistance if he needed it.

d. Dalam menyatakan pengutamaan

Examples :

- I would rather work for a very large company than for a small one.

- He would rather live in a big city than in a village.

- I would rather tell him about the problem myself.

B. Put the verbs between brackets in the Past Future form !

1. (will) you mind helping me to mail the letters?

2. I wish you (will not) repeat what you have heard.

3. I wish the doctor (will) visit the patient more often.

4. If I had a choice of life, I (will) like to fill everyday with pleasure.

5. (will) you sit by me, so that I could work better?

6. Suppose you weren’t allowed to join this exciting trip, how (will)

you fell?

7. I wish he (will) stop that noise.

8. If he said that, (will) you believe him?

9. Papa (will) recover soon, if he followed the doctor’s advice.

10. If I had the money, I (will) pay you.

11. It (will be) a pity, if he didn’t see her before he left.

12. I wish you (will) tell the truth.

13. If he believed a speech, everybody (will) listen attentively.

14. Do you think he (will) apply for a job soon?


1. If you start by now …………………………………………………………

2. By seven o’clock tomorrow morning ……………………………………

3. By the time he returns to the village ……………………………………

4. By the beginning of next century ……………………………………….

5. By the end of his month ………………………………………………….

6. By the weekend …………………………………………………………..

7. By the end of this decade ……………………………………………….

8. If you start saving money now …………………………………………..

9. If we don’t get there before seven ………………………………………

10. By the end of summer …………………………………………………...

D. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continous Tense to show near future !

1. She (come) out of hospital next week.

2. We (have) dinner early tonight as we (go) to the theater.

3. The committee (meet) next Monday.

4. How you (get) to the party tomorrow?

I (go) by car.

Who (drive) ?

5. I (catch) the 6.30 plane tomorrow.

Where you (leave) your car ?

I (leave) it at the airport.

6. Her mother (send) her to France next years.

7. You (do) anything tonight?

Yes, I (go) to a talky by the head of the Department.

8. We’ve bought a new house and (move) in very soon .

9. I (lend) him my car for the holidays.

10. The strickes (return) to work next week.

E. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Continous Tense

1. When you arrive I probably (work) on my paper.

2. I’ll call for her at eight.

No, don’t do that, she still (have) breakfast then.

3. You’d better go back now, your mother (wonder) where you are.

4. You (need) your typewriter tomorrow or can I borrow it?

5. Air hostess : We (take off) in a minute. Please fasten your seat belts.

6. In a hundred years time people (go) to Mars for their holiday.

7. When you next see me, I (wear) my new glasses.

8. We are making a house to house collection for the refugees, We

(come) to your house next week.

9. I’ll come at three o’clock.

Good, (expect you).

11. In fifty years time we (live) entirely on pills.

F. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Perfect Tense

1. In 1989 I (live) here twenty five years.

2. I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening.

3. By the time he leaves hospital, his parent (spend) more than

Rp. 500.000,- on his illiness.

4. The police (hear) of the theft by this time.

5. By midnight he (be) unconscious for fourtur eight hours.

6. The treasurer said, by the end of the year all our debts (be paid)


7. When we reach valparair we (see) all round the world.

8. I’ll still be here next summer but Tom (leave).

9. When you come back I (finish) all the house work.

10. If we don’t hurry the train (go) before we reach the station


Rumusnya adalah :

should / would + have + past participle

TENSE ini banyak digunakan dalam CONDITIONALS yang menyatakan IMPOSSIBILITY (ketidak mungkinan) atau PAST POSSIBILITY yaitu kemungkinan yang telah lampau (lihat CONDITIONALS type 3).

Example :

- He would have come if you called him.

(you didn’t call him. So he didn’t come)

- If I had the time I would have visited all he museum.

(I didn’t have time. So I didn’t visit all the museum)

Exercise :

A. Underline the Past Future Perfect Tense

The student were discussing their examination.

Anto and Jono had not been able to complete it and it seemed that they had found it too difficult.

Anto said that if he had known that so many questions, he would have been asked of comprehension he would have concentrated on reading rather than on vocabulary.

Jono argued that if he had gone more carefully through the material he would not have had so many difficulties with the grammar.

All students agreed that if they had made good notes they would have been more successful.

B. Put the verbs between brackets in the Past Future Perfect Tense

1. If you had done as I told you, you (succeed).

2. If she hadn’t answered the telephone, he never (hear) the good


3. If I had the courage I (answer) him back.

4. Everything (be solve) if you hadn’t said that.

5. If you had got up earlier, you (not miss) the train.

6. if the committee had arranged the program earlier no one

(feel disspointed).

7. If the proposal had been sccepted, there (be) more domestic

tourists from Sumatera.

8. I (help) you if I had heard about your trouble .

9. If I had known you didn’t have the key, I (not look) the door.

10. We (not dispatch) the goods if they hadn’t been in good


Complete the following sentences

If it hadn’t been raining ……………………………………………………

If I had plenty of money …………………………………………………..

If I had known he was there ……………………………………………...

If you had worked harder …………………………………………………

If your message had not come …………………………………………..

if the director hadn’t signed the contract ………………………………..

if you had reached the station a bit earlier ……………………………..

if hadn’t lost my savings ………………………………………………….

if you had reminded him ………………………………………



Untuk membuat NEGATIVE dari STATEMENT yang memakai VERBS digunakan bentuk dari AUXILIARY DO + NOT + INFINITIVE.


|I |Like |detective stories |

|The prosecutor |investigated |the case |

|The case |came |before the court |

|The jury |tries to be |objective |

| |VERB | |

|SUBJECT |Do / does + not + infinitive |OBJECT/COMPLEMENT |

|I |do not like |detective stories |

|The prosecutor |did not investigate |the case |

|The case |did not come |before the judge |

|The jury |does not try to be |objective |


| He |Is | a lawyer |

|They |were |at the meeting |

|I |can, drive |a car |

|He |must, do |that |

|The doctor |may, be, able, to |come |

|They |might, have been, injured |in the accident |

| |will, be taken | |

|They |has, had |to the hospital |

|He | |a blood transfution |


| He |is, not | a lawyer |

|They |were, not |at the meeting |

|I |cannot, drive |a car |

|He |must not, do |that |

|The doctor |may, not, be, able, to |come |

|They |might, not, have been, injured |in the accident |

| |will, not, be taken | |

|They |has, not, had |to the hospital |

|He | |a blood transfution |

Apabila di dalam kalimat ada lebih dari satu AUXILIARY maka NOT ditempatkan sesudah AUXILIARY pertama (lihat EXAMPLES di atas). CANNOT ditulis sebagai satu kata, tetapi COULD NOT sebagai dua kata, kecuali dalam bentuk singkatan, yaitu COULDN’T. Dalam percakapan digunakan bentuk singkatan yaitu :

Is not - isn’t cannot - can’t

I am not - I’m not could not - couldn’t

Are not - aren’t must not - mustn’t

Were not - weren’t need not - needn’t

Was not - wasn’t ought not - oughtn’t

Do not - don’t Does not - doesn’t

shall not - shan’t Have not - haven’t

will not - won’t Had not - hadn’t

Bentuk MAYN’T dan MIGHTN’T kadang-kadang terdengar juga, namun karena agak sukar mengucapkannya, bentuk ini jarang dipakai.


A. Make the following sentences negative

a. 1. A journalist leads an exciting life.

2. In the course of his job he meets all kind of people and

experiences the most interesting things.

3. Journalists compete with each other to be the first with the latest news and in so doing often risk their own lives.

4. Last year a journalists friend of mine accepted an assignment to

go to Africa with a hunting party.

5. He knew how to shoot but at that time he only shot animals with

his camera.

6. He ran for his life when a lion attacked the party.

7. Natives thought they had hostile intentions and used poisoned

Arrows to frighten them away.

8. Twice he fell into a wild rushing river, the first time he broke three

ribs, the second time he broke his leg.

9. He had to leave the party and traveled two days before he

arrived at the nearest hospital.

10. The doctor advised him to fly home immediately.

B. 1. Leader can make decisions that change history.

2. Those decisions may lead to success of failure.

3. A leader might insist that there was no alternative.

4. He could have taken another decision.

5. A leader must rely on certain groups for import.

6. The village population is open to new ideas.

7. The local authorities will be able to persuade them to try out new

methods of lending.

8. It has been proved that one successful farmer can bring about

more change than a thousand speeches.

9. We really ought to concentrate on finding the right person.

10. In the long run it would save time and money.

C. 1. The author selected twenty three persons for his study of the

young delinguent.

2. The prison authorities approved of his.

3. They were interviewed by that author with their consent.

4. These stories were checked by discussing them with the staff.

5. However, the author left many important facts unverified.

6. Later he discovered that some of them told him lies.

7. It occurred to him that lying might have been their most natural

reactions in that situation.



Untuk mengubah STATEMENT yang memakai PREDICATE menjadi INTERROGATIVE dipakai bentuk dari AUXILIARY DO + SUBJECT + INFINITIVE.


|The United Nations |Convene |Once a year |

|Minister Marty |Goes |There every year |

|He |Spoke |At the conference last year |

|They |Discussed |The documents |




|Do the United |Convene |Once a year? |

|Nations | | |

|Does Minister Marty |Go |There every year? |

|Did he |Speak |At the conference last year ? |

|Did they |Discuss |The documents ? |

Exercise :

Make the following Sentences Interrogative!

1. Manual workers receive for more money than clercks who work in offices.

2. Many people often sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.

3. They feel that the rise in status is well worth the loss of money.

4. Alfred Bloggs worked as a dustman for the Tilesmere Corporation.

5. He succeeded in letting his wife believe that he was an office worker.

6. He felt too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.

7. His fellow dustmen kept his secret.

8. Every morning he left home dressed in a fine black suit.

9. Then be changed into overalls.

10. Finally he found a job as a junior clark in an office.

Apabila STATEMENT itu memakai salah satu bentuk dari BE atau suatu AUXILIARY, maka STATEMENT itu menjadi INTERROGATIVE dengan mengubah susunan kalimat SUBJECT – VERB menjadi VERB / FIRST AUXILIARY – SUBJECT.




|They |are |representative |

|They |were |at the meeting |

|He |ought to have started |immediately |

|The lawyers |could help |him |

|His competitors |will sue |him |

|They |might have been |right |

|He |should have listened |to his advises |



| Are |They |- |representative? |

|Were |They |- |at the meeting? |

|Ought |They |to have started |immediately? |

|Could |The lawyers |help |him? |

|Will |His competitors |sue |him? |

|Might |They |have been |right? |

|Should |He |have listened |to his advisors? |

Exercise :

Make the following sentences interrogative!

1. Historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the

advent of agriculture.

2. Recent scientific avidence seems to indicate that this assumptions

is incorrect.

3. Historians have been learning to read the marking left by early


4. Freedom of the Press can easily be abused.

5. Stories shout people will often attract far more public attention than

political events.

6. Reporters can cause great suffering to individuals by publishing

details about their private lives.

7. Newpapers can bring about major changes in the lives of ordinary


8. They might even overthrew a Government.

9. He ought to have listened to his adviser.

10. He might have been able to avoid the disaster.


AUXILIARIES sangat penting untuk memberi SHORT RESPON (jawaban pendek).

Dalam jawab pendek itu dipakai PERSONAL PRONOUN untuk SUBJECT dan AUXILIARY yang dipakai dalam INTERROGATIVE itu.

Examples :

Are you secretary ? Yes, I am (bukan, Yes, I’m)

No, I am not (I’m not)

Does John always listen yes, he does

to your advice ?

Has the doctor arrived on time? Yes, he has

No, he hasn’t

Should the universities take No, they shouldn’t

part in the program

Please compare :

English : Can’t you go with me ? No, I can’t

Indonesian : Tak dapatkah ya, saya tidak.

engkau turut saya.

English : You don’t like it, do you ? No, I don’t

Indonesian : Kau tidak suka itu, bukan? Ya, saya tidak suka.

Exercise :

a. Give short answers to these questions. Use personal pronouns (you, it, they, etc) or there in the short answers. Use contracting only for short answers with no.


1. Do you know where professor No, ………………………………

Ali is ?

2. Is he in the conference room ? Yes, ……………………………..

3. is there going to be a meeting Yes, ……………………………..

tonight ?

4. Will you attend the meeting ? No, ………………………………

5. May I smoke in the room ? Yes, ……………………………..

6. Do you have to go now ? Yes, ……………………………..

7. Can’t you stay a little longer ? No, ………………………………

8. Would you mind speaking a little No, ………………………………

more softly ?

9. Have there been only calls for me ? Yes, ……………………………..

10. Will the lecture be interesting ? Yes, ……………………………..

11. Where there many people at Yes, ……………………………..

the concert ?

12. Did your friends enjoy the music? Yes, ……………………………..

13. Weren’t they interested in meeting No, ………………………………

the speaker ?

14. Will there be money enough to Yes, ……………………………..

cover all the expense ?

15. Would he be willing to support the Yes, ……………………………..

project ?

16. Does the library open at nine ? Yes, ……………………………..

17. Can student from other faculties No, ………………………………

borrow books ?

18. Are they allowed to use them in Yes, ……………………………..

the reading room ?

19. Are you working on your Yes, ……………………………..

assignment ?

20. Didn’t your friend help you with No, ………………………………

the subject ?

21. Will you be ready by next month? Yes, ……………………………..

22. Wasn’t’ Mrs. Ali home when you No, ………………………………

called ?

23. Might she come this afternoon? Yes, ……………………………..

24. Has Hartono gone to meet his Yes, ……………………………..

friend ?

25. Will the plane be on time ? Yes, ……………………………..

26. Does his friend know where No, ………………………………

we live ?

27. Have you given him our Yes, ……………………………..

telephone number ?

28. Will it rain this afternoon ? No, ………………………………

29. Won’t you come and watch No, ………………………………

the game with me ?

30. Was this assignment too No, ………………………………

difficult to do ?

b. Write a question about the underlined part of the sentence begin each question with a question word (where, what, etc)

Examples :

- They will stay there for two weeks, How long will they stay there?

- Mr Sidik is in charge of the project, Who is in charge of the project ?

Exercise :

1. One of the greater advances of modern technology has been the invention of computers.

2. They are already widely used in industries and universities.

3. Ordinary people will be able to use them as well.

4. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all

branches of learning.

5. Computers can solve the most complex mathematical problems.

6. Because they work accurately and at high speed, they save research

workers years of hard work.

7. They work accurately and at high speed.

8. This whole process by which machines can be used to work to us has

been called automation.

9. Some time ago an expert on automation, Sir Leon Bagrit, made a

suppressing statement.

10. It was a mistake to believe that these machines could think.

11. They need detailed instructions from human beings in order to be able

to operate.

12. By providing a machine with a patien’s system, a doctor will be able to

diagnose the nature of his illness.

13. In the future, small, portable computer will be developed.

14. Computers will also be used in hospitals.

c. Make a question about the underlined part of the statement

1. Relatively little is known about the internal structure of the earth.

2. The deepest hole over to be bored on land went down 25.3 – 40 feet.

3. Until recently, scientists have been unable to devise capable of cutting through hard rock.

4. Scientists have developed a method which sound surprisingly simple.

5. The method sounds surprisingly simple.

6. Three possible sites are being considered for geologics.

7. Two of those sites are in the Atlantic Ocean and one pacific.

8. An immense platform will be erected.

9. It will rise to 70 feet above the water.

10. A tall steel tower rising to a height of nearly 200 feet will rest on the platform.

11. The platform has to be made strong enough to withstand hurricanes.

12. To keep the platform in position at sea, scientists have to device methods using radar and underwater television.

13. If the project is successful, scientists will learn a great deal about the earth.

Write a question about the underlined part of the sentences.

Put the preposition at the end of the question.

1. He doesn’t agree with what I say.

2. Mr. Salim is willing to agree to your suggestion.

3. You should abstain from all exercise.

4. Sensible people do not believe in superstition.

5. The regulation applies to all office workers.

6. They had to compete agains a much stronger team.

7. Doctors and nurses care for the sick.

8. The train will depart from the other platform.

9. We all hope for a quick recovery.

10. The professor insists on accuracy in all our work.

11. The students all longed for the end of the semester.

12. He objected to my helping the students.

13. My friend reminded me of the promise I made.

14. The price of the foods depends on the quality.

15. He wished to speak to the manager.



Suatu kalimat dikatakan dalam susunan PASSIVE VOICE, bila SUBJECT-nya bukan pelaku, jadi kebalikannya dengan ACTIVE VOICE dimana SUBJECT nya menjadi pelaku.

Example :

|ACTIVE VOICE |The Rector |Opened |The seminar |

|PASSIVE VOICE |The Seminar |Was opened |By the Rector |

PASSIVE VOICE tidak banyak dipergunakan dalam bahasa Inggris jelas tidak sebanyak seperti dalam bahasa Indonesia. Susunan ini kadang-kadang dipakai sekedar untuk variasi gaya bahasa saja. Secara tata bahasa ACTIVE VOICE selalu bisa dialihkan ke PASSIVE VOICE, bila persyaratannya terpenuhi Tetapi hal ini akan mengakibatkan tersusunnya kalimat-kalimat yang janggal dalam bahasa Inggris.

Namun demikian ada kalanya PASSIVE VOICE dipakai dalam keadaan tertentu, seperti berikut ini :

a. Bila tidak diketahui siapa pelakunya.

Example :

1. The book was printed in Jakarta.

2. He was shot right in his head.

3. The participant has been booked for Flight OF 724.

4. This device was made in France.

5. The book he borrowed from the library had been written in Bali.

b. Bila dianggap lebih baik tidak menyebut pelakunya.

Example :

1. The applicant was told that his English was satisfactory for the course.

2. A new way of introducing modern technology into agriculture is being

tried out.

3. Dr. Tuaga was brought up from the R and D Center to assist the task force.

4. The report had been reviewed several times.

5. Discussions were held to solve the problem.

c. Bila OBJECT lebih dipentingkan daripada pelakunya

Examples :

1. The cause of failure of the new system must be discovered.

2. The consultant had been given a new assignment.

3. Educations is considered the key of a success.

4. After World war II, most Colonies were replaced by independent


5. The research is sponsored by many donor agencies.

d. Bila hasil dari suatu usaha lebih terkenal dari yang melakukannya, atau setidak-tidaknya setaraf seperti kejadian-kejadian menonjol dalam sejarah atau masyarakat.

Examples :

1. Indonesia Raya was composed by W.R.Supratman.

2. Indonesia’s independence was proclaimed by Soekarno and Hatta.

3. Twilight in Jakarta “was written by Mochtar Lubis.

4. The photograph of Monalisa was painted by Picasso.

5. Electricity was invented by Edison.

Kalimat-kalimat seperti tersebut dalam EXAMPLES a dan b tidak pernah menyebutkan pelakunya. Examples dalam c pelakunya dapat disebutkan dapat pula tidak. Sedangkan kalimat-kalimat dalam EXAMPLES d harus menyertakan pelakunya. Pelakunya dalam hal ini ditempatkan sesudah VERB dan didahului oleh BY.

Seperti dapat dilihat dari susunan kalimat dalam PASSIVE VOICE seperti tersebut dalam example sebelumnya, maka dalam setiap kalimat selalu terdapat suatu bentuk BE diikuti oleh VERB dalam bentuk PAST PARTICIPLE. Bila ada kata-kata AUXILIARIES maka kata-kata tersebut ditempatkan sebelum BE.


| | | |Participle | |

|The book |- |Was |Printed |In Jakarta |

|The cause of failure |Must |Be |Discovered |- |

|Indonesia Raya |- |Was |Composed |By WR.Supratman |

|The consultant |Had |Been |Given |A new assignment |

|A new technique |Is |being |Tried out |- |

Exercise :

a. Mention five names of famous pieces of literature and their authors

Use a passive construction.

b. Do the same for famous pieces of musical compositions.

c. Similary try also for famous discoveries and inventions.


People say – it is said.

People say that girls do better than boys in studying foreign languages.

It is said that girls do better than boys in studying foreign languaes.

Girls are said to do better than boys in studying foreign languages.

Exercise :

Here are some more sentences for you to make passive.

1. People have to obey the law.

2. You must write your thesis on one side of the paper only.

3. No one has ever beaten Indonesia at badminton.

4. They fought a big bettle there a few years ago.

5. He made this desk himself.

6. They still deny women the right to vote in some countries.

7. The director asked the rest of us to come at 8 o’clock.

8. The principal told the new students where to sit.

9. This company offers a job with a good salary.

10. Some one ordered the soldier to shoot.

11. She was asking the students difficult questions.

12. They told me to go away.

13. Can anybody repair my TV?

14. What ought we to do about this ?

15. Nobody may make mistakes.

16. People should not speak about much things in public.

17. The police could arrest the journalist for writing such an article.

18. Somebody must have brought this child up very badly.

19. You have to do something for these poor men.

20. They asked me why I went out with him.

21. We have asked some friends of her to join me.

22. You must not throw away empty bottles.

23. People will laugh it if you do that.

24. They had prayers after the ceremony.

25. Why do you talk to me as if I were a child ?

26. They will tell us the results by the end on next week.

27. People say tortoises live longer than elephants.

28. The police would arrest you for speeding on jalan Jenderal Sudirman.

29. Could you prepare some sate for the social evening ?

30. The Government was not going to adopt another school system.

31. They spent their holidays by being helpful to people in the rural areas.

32. Do you have to do all the work on your own ?

33. Did he do the work as he was supposed to do ?

34. He can’t find his boots anywhere.

35. I was making the necessary revisions, when the dean called me.

36. People say political science in more interesting than social welfare.



Yang dimaksud CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ialah kalimat yang mengandung suatu syarat. CONDITION berarti syarat. Biasanya dalam bahasa Indonesia kalimat semacam ini memakai : jikalau, jika, kalau, andaikan, andaikata, dsb.

Di dalam bahasa Inggris kata-kata itu biasanya diterjemahkan dengan IF.


A. Future Conditionals.

B. Present Conditionals.

C. Past Conditionals.

A. FUTURE CONDITIONAL, yaitu kalimat yang mengandung persyaratan yang berlaku untuk waktu yang akan datang.

Example :

1. If it rains tonight, I will not attend the meeting.

(jika nanti malam hujan, saya tidak akan menghadiri rapat itu jadi kalau tidak hujan, saya akan hadir).

2. If he passes all his exams, he will graduate in June.

3. My counsin will study law, if he finished high school.

4. The secretary will inform me, if the papers are ready.

TENSE yang dipakai untuk kalimat semacam itu ialah :

PRESENT TENSE dalam IF – CLAUSE (anak kalimat IF) dan PRESENT FUTURE TENSE (WILL, CAN, MAY + INFINITIVE) dalam MAIN CLUSE (kalimat induk).

I will not attend lectures , if it rains

Nana can pass , if she does well on her final exam

What will you do , if you need help

Dalam CONDITIONAL SENTENCES, tidak selalu IF CLAUSE harus diletakkan di belakang.

Examples :

1. If you lend me your motorbike, I will be very grateful.

2. You will soon be able to swim, if you practice hard.

3. if they do not notify the police right now, they will meet a lot of trouble.

4. Will he try it once again, if he fails this time ?

5. If the manager doesn’t give his approval, the workers may launch a sit down strike.

Exercise :

Complete the sentences below.

1. If you invite me,………………………………………………………………

2. If the weather is nice, …………………………………………………………

3. If you need help, ………………………………………………………………

4. if the prices go up, …………………………………………………………….

5. if you work hard, ……………………………………………………………..

6. What will you do if …………………………………………………………..

7. The book will be published soon if ………………………………………..

8. I will put more sugar in the tea if …………………………………………..

9. I will answer your questions if ……………………………………………..

10. If you read the instructions, ………………………………………………….

B. PRESENT CONDITIONAL, ialah kalimat yang mengandung suatu pengandalan yang berlaku untuk waktu sekarang.

Examples :

1. If father had the money, he would buy me new scooter.

(Andaikan ayah punya uang, dia akan membeli scooter untukku – di sini tersimpul keinginan ayah untuk membelikan saya scooter tetapi dia tidak punya uang).

2. if I had the time, I would visit him at the hospital.

3. If he finished his assignment, he could attend the social function.

4. Betty might live in the dormitory, if she did not have an aunt near the



He would help her if he only knew how

The professor might give his approval if you asked him

He could take social science if he wanted

Dalam hal ini, AUXILIARY BE dalam IF CLAUSE menjadi WERE untuk siapapun.

Example :

1. If I were you, I would leave college.

2. They would understand things better, if they were given laboratory experience.

3. The might look down upon me, if she were a VIP.

4. If he were in my place, he could not escape.

IF WERE dan IF I HAD – dapat juga disingkatkan menjadi WERE I, HAD I.

Examples :

1. If I were in his place, I would forget everything

2. Were I in his place …………………….

3. Were he an engineer, he would not hire a mechanic.

4. Were you me, you would say something else.

5. Had I the time, I would join you.

Untuk memberi tekanan atau untuk menyatakan suatu harapan (WISH). IF dapat diikuti oleh ONLY.

Example :

1. If only we were richer, dear, I would buy you a nice car.

2. My tutor would certainly correct my mistakes, if only he had more time.

3. He would give me his support, if only he knew I am in danger.

4. if only Noor passed her matriculation – test, she would not be that depressed.

C. PAST CONDITIONAL, yaitu kalimat yang mengandung suatu pengandaian yang berlaku untuk waktu lampau.

Example :

1. If I had known it was going to rain, I would have taken my umbrella with me.

(Andaikan tadi saya tahu, bahwa akan hujan, saya akan membawa payung).

2. You would have passed your exam long ago, if you have studied


(Ini berarti – kamu sekarang sudah lulus, tetapi andaikan sebelumnya kamu belajar lebih giat, sudah dulu-dulu kamu lulus).

3. Mother could have come earlier if only she had not missed the train.

4. We should not have discarded the goods if they had been in good


5. If only they had been honest and cooperative, everything might have

turned out alright.



The student council would have been

grateful if the board had lowered the

tuition fee.

The meeting might have prolong the if they had bad full authority.



Exercise :

It looks more difficult this time, but you can do it !

1. If I had known you were here,…………………………………………………

2. He would not have borrowed you book if …………………………………..

3. The police would not have discovered his secret if ……………………….

4. if you had given me your phone number, …………………………………

5. If you had asked that question earlier, …………………………………….

6. What would you have done if ………………………………………………..

7. if you had told me that story, ………………………………………………..

8. If he had given us th correct address, ……………………………………..

9. If the accident had not happened, ………………………………………….

10. if I had bad enough time, ……………………………………………………..

Dalam IF CLAUSE ini sering pula IF dihilangkan, dan susunan kata mengalami perubahan sebagai berikut :

Example :

1. If he had been a psychiatrist, he would have offered her his services

Had he been a psychiatrist, …………………………………………………

2. if the demand had not increased, …………………………………………..

Had the demand not increased, …………………………………………….

3. If father had noticed this before, ……………………………………………

Had father noticed this before, ……………………………………………..



Yang dinamakan REPORTED SPEECH, ialah kalimat tidak langusng REPORT = melaporkan, SPEECH = ucapan, jadi REPORTED SPEECH ialah melaporkan apa yang diucapkan oleh seseorang.

REPORTED SPEECH dibagi dalam :

1. Imperatives.

2. Statements.

3. Questions.

4. Requests.


IMPERATIVE = perintah, yang dilaporkan disini ialah suatu perintah. Karena suatu perintah biasanya tidak mengenal SUBJECT, maka VERB dalam INDIRECT IMPERATIVE menjadi INFINITIVE PHRASE.

Examples :

“Go away” - He told me to go away.

“Don’t do that” - She asked him not to do that.

“Be on time” - The chairman told us to be on time.

“Fire” - The sergeant commanded the soldier

to fire.

“Clean the dining-room” - The landlady ordered the servant

to clean the dining room.


Exercise :

Put the following sentences into the reported speech using the VERB INDICATED.

1. “Study harder” mother keeps telling me ……………………………………..

2. “Follow the directions strictly” the doctor said ……………………………..

3. “Be alerts” he ordered …………………………………………………………

4. “Leave me alone!” she begged him …………………………………………

5. “Don’t turn left but go straight ahead!” the policeman advised us ………..

6. “Let you start the work all over again” she suggested me………………

7. “Don’t clean your dirty shoes on my nice carpet!” the landlady told him …………………………………………………………………………………..

8. “Be careful he doesn’t spill anything on the clean table cloth!” I told her


9. “Hold tight !” the bus conductor asked the passengers …………………..

10. “Don’t be silly and get ready for work!” He told him ……………………….


A. Di sini yang dilaporkan bukan suatu “perintah” melainkan suatu


1) Beda dengan REPORTED IMPERATIVE, maka dalam REPORTED STATEMENT ada perubahan PRONOUN, dan di dalam hal ini dipakai kata penghubung THAT, REPORTING VERB dalam STATEMENT ialah : SAY, TELL, REMARK, etc.

2) Apabila REPORTING VERB dalam bentuk PRESENT TENSE

atau PRESENT PERFECT atau FUTURE TENSE, maka DIRECT STATEMENT tidak mengalami perubahan TENSE.

“I am very sorry”

He says that he is very sorry.

“Can’t help you”.

Mother has told me that she can’t help me.

“It is certainly not your fault”.

Father will tell them that it is certainly not their fault.

“You are not working hard enough”.

The boss keeps saying that I am not working hard enough.

“I will give everyone of you a salary increase”.

The captain tells that crew that he will give everyone of them a salary increase.

Exercise :

Put the following sentences in the reported speech.

1. “Elly has to give a lecture” he says …………………………………………..

2. “I have been smoking too much” John always tells me ……………………

3. “My cultural background is different from yours” the guide has told the tourists …………………………………………………………………………..

4. “The program on TV has been changed” They say ………………………

5. “You will miss this opportunity” My adviser says …………………………...

6. “We prefer our method to yours” They have told us ……………………….

B. Apabila REPORTING – VERB itu dalam bentuk PAST TENSE atau PAST PERFECT TENSE, maka VERB dalam DIRECT STATEMENT berubah sebagai berikut :

|Direct Speech |Indirect (Reported Speech) |

|1. Present Tense (Simple/Cont) |Past Tense (simple continous) |

|-“I am a doctor”. |- He told me that he was a doctor. |

|-“We are doing fine”. |- They said that they were doing fine. |

|-“Price go up”. |- The butcher said that price went up. |

|-“We always try to please you”. |- They said that they always tried |

| |to please me. |

|2. Present Perfect/Present |Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous |

|Perfect Continuous |- Mother told us that becaks had |

|-Becaks have become scarcer |become scarcer lately. |

|lately. |- They had told us that the mission |

|-The mission has been making |had been making that the neccesary |

|the neccessary changes. |changes. |

|3.Past Tense (simple/continous) |Past Perfect Tense / Past Perfect Continous |

| |- The local people told us that they |

|We decided to transmigrate. |had decided to transmigrate. |

| |- The board had stated that the |

|The group was marking a lot of |group had been making a lot of |

|progress. |progress. |

ADVERBS OF TIME AND PLACE berubah pula sebagai berikut :

Direct Indirect.

Here There.

Now Then.

Yesterday The day before.

This That.

These Those.

Next week The following week.

Last week The week before.

A go Before.

Tomorrow The following day, the next day,

The day after.

Examples :

|“It is very cool here”. |She remarked that it was cool there. |

|“I really don’t have anything to do now”. |He said the he really didn’t have anything to do then. |

|“We had beautiful weather yesterday”. |They told us they had beautiful weather the day before. |

|“This papers have been written by an expert”. |The secretary had told us that those papers had been written |

| |by an expert. |

|“She completed the course last year”. |She stated that she had completed the course year before. |

|“We visited the temple two weeks ago”. |The archeologist said that they had visited the temple two |

| |weeks before. |

Meskipun biasanya kata penghubung THAT dipakai dalam REPORTED STATEMENT, namun boleh juga THAT itu diabaikan, seperti dalam EXAMPLE berikut ini :

-He told me that he was a lawyer.

He told me he was a lawyer.

-Mother reminded me that I had been working too hard.

Mother reminded me I had been working too hard.

Exercise :

Put the following statements in the reported speech, putting the reporting verbs in the Past Tense.

1. “The archeologist explored a temple in an ancient city there centuries ago”.

2. “The man was dressed a light, grey jacket last night”.

3. “I am fully sorry but I really don’t intend to hurt her”.

4. “By the time we arrive at the station, the train will have left”.

5. “You can gain a lot of experience while you are here”.

6. “The next clerk is very industrious but doesn’t have common sense”.

7. “Father has been piling up long in the back yard since yesterday”.

8. “My brother is working hard on his dissertation right now”.

9. “You must follow the direction strictly or else you will get into a lot of trouble.

10. “If you don’t want to listen to me, I wont help you any longer”.


Dalam hal ini perubahan TENSE sama dengan perubahan yang berlaku untuk REPORTED STATEMENT, namun berbeda dengan REPORTED STATEMENT, maka REPORTED QUESTIONS ini mengalami INVERSION dalam WORD ORDER; REPORTING – VERB dalam QUESTIONS ialah : ASK, INQUIRE, WANT TO KNOW, WONDER, dsb.

Example :

“What is your hobby”.

1 2

He asked me what my hobby was.

Dalam QUESTION WORD – QUESTIONS, maka QUESTION – WORD (HOW, WHY, WHEN, WHO, WHICH, WHERE, WHAT), berfungsi sebagai kata penghubung.

Example :

“Where can you keep your money safety?

The old lady asked her grandchild where she could keep her money safety.

“How would you solve the problem ?

The professor asked the student how they would have solved the problem.

“Why did you go out last night?

The judge asked the chief why he had gone out the night before.

Exercise :

Put the following questions in the reported speech, putting the reporting in the Past Tense.

1. “Where can you obtain these application forms? “

2. “Why didn’t you attend lectures this morning?”

3. “Since when have you received financial aid from the institution?”

4. “Who told you all that nonsense?”

5. “Whose responsibility is it to clear up this terrible mess?”

6. “Who recorded the motions at the meeting yesterday?”

7. “In what way can I be of any help to you?”

8. “Which foreign languages have you studied?”

9. “When does the student council start publishing the journal?”

10. “How will the debate be conducted?”

Jikalau QUESTION itu tidak dimulai dengan QUESTION WORD, tetapi berupa pertanyaan yang harus dijawab dengan YES or NO (OPEN QUESTION) maka di dalam hal ini dipakai kata penghubung IF atau WHETHER dalam REPORTED QUESTION.

Example :

“Have you understood the topic thoroughly?”

My tutor aske me if/whether I had understood the

topic thoroughly

“Is that the only thing you can do?”

She asked me whether that was the only thing I could do.

“Do you usually take a nap?”

The doctor asked me whether I usually took a nap.

Exercise :

Put the following questions in the reported speech, putting the reporting verb in the Past Tense

1. Was he chosen as leader of the base ball team?

2. Will the crowd be satisfied with such as acknowledgement?

3. Has he told her bluntly that he works for the corporation?

4. Did the editor read the article but refuse to publish it?

5. Can you immedialely set out to check the truth of this move?

6. Didn’t the police arrest the thief ?

7. Isn’t there any urgent need to take strict measures in this case?

8. Shall I show you the original text or are you satistifed whit this carbon copy?

9. Must we keep this sort of medicine in a cool, dry place?

10. Do you need to worry, if you have been told that everything is fine?


Karena REQUEST pada dasarnya susunan katanya serupa dengan OPEN QUESTIONS, maka perubahannya dalam REPORTED SPEECH juga sama dengan OPEN QUESTION.

Example :

1. “Could you help me please?” She asked whether I could help her.

2. “Would you mind joining us our debate?” The chairman asked the professor whether he would mind joining them in their debate.


EXCLAMATION sering tidak dipergunakan dalam REPORTED SPEECH

“What a lovely garden this is !”

He remarked what a lovely garden it was.

Example :

“Good gracious I’ve made the same mistake again I”

She exclaimed that she had made the same mistake again.

“What on earth are you aiming at!”

He cried out that I was aiming at.


Jika IMPERATIVE, STATEMENT, QUESTIONS atau EXCLAMATIONS dicampur dalam suatu percakapan, maka tiap jenis kalimat dalam REPORTED SPEECH harus diperlukan menurut peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku untuk masing-masing jenis kalimat.

REPORTING VERB untuk jenis STATEMENT dan IMPERATIVE ialah TELL, SAY, EXPLAIN, REMARK, COMMAND, ORDER, etc. Sedangkan untuk QUESTION AND REQUESTS misalnya : ASK, INQUIRES, WANT TO KNOW, WONDER, etc. Jangan lupa menambah “AND” sebagai penghubung.

Example :

1. “Please, accept that job !” The rise in status is well worth the loss of money !”.

We advised John to accept the job end told him that the rise in status was well worth the loss of money.

2. “You really look beautiful in your new dress”.

Does the full length skirt come back into fashion now?.

He said that she really looked beautiful in her new dress and asked her whether the full length skirt came back into fashion then.

3 .“Good heavens ! I spilt some turpentine on my new overall and wondered what he should do.

He exclaimed that he had spilt some turpentine on his new overall and wondered what he should do.

4. “Why don’t you take a shower and change your clothes?

Its certainly very refreshing after a hard day work”.

Mother asked him why he didn’t take a shower and change his clothes and said that it was certainly very refreshing after a hard day work.

“Oh how nice you all are! Dou you think I deserve such a great reward”?

He remarked how nice all of us were and asked whether we thought be deserved such a great reward.



GERUND adalah VERB berbentuk ING yang berfungsi sebagai NOUN dan mempunyai sifat sama dengan NOUN biasa.

Pemakaiannya adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Sebagai SUBJECT dan OBJECT.

Examples :

1. The members of parliament like lobbying.

2. Arguing can be something very interesting.

3. Being a professor is hoped by every lecturer.

4. Smoking is a bad habit.

5. Learning to speak a foreign language requires time and patience.


Examples :

1. The Government now is in the middle of reforming the educational system.

2. The participant submitted his working paper before joining the meeting.

3. In judging other countries matters, the government has to consider several political aspects.

4. By taking stricker regulation, the police tried hard to reduce traffic accidents.

5. After talking with the psychiatrists he felt very much relieved.


Examples :

1. Father does not like their interfering with our domestic affairs.

2. The National Planning Board cannot understand his refusing to cooperate.

3. The magistrates prefers his leaving the townhall.

4. The Ambasador is afraid of their getting into difficulties.

5. I cannot hear his being rude.


Examples :

1. My driving licence needs renewing.

2. My boss keeps telling me to concentrate on my work.

3. The accused kept telling the lawyer he was innocent.

4. The nasty girls love interfering with someone else’s affairs.

5. Why do not you give up drinking?

6. At his stage I would prefer approaching him in an informal situation.

7. Father prefers reading the


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