
22193253810000VISTA GRANDE HIGH SCHOOL ---------- Student Success is Our Business ------------ESS (Math) DepartmentMs. Cassandra A. French2020-2021Email: cfrench@Phone:(520) 876-9400 Ext: 4548Classroom: Room# 1148Math Applications SyllabusCourse Description:The Math Applications class is a specially designed Math course which is relevant to our daily life. Fundamental math skills will be discussed with enrichment activities on the application of these concepts in real life situations. The basics of personal finance is also introduced. The class will use textbook and online resources. Instructions will be presented in several ways to assist students in their understanding of the math concepts. Required Materials Needed Daily: Lenovo Thinkpad or any approved deviceSpiral Notebook (for Math Only)Scratch paperPencil, eraserOur class will be set up for both Synchronous and Asynchronous learning.Asynchronous= Students work on assignments on their own. I will be available during office hours from 1:00pm to 3:00pm most days for additional help. Students will work in Blackboard.Synchronous= in a session with the teacher; most likely lecture/explaining/instructing expectations on contentTo maximize our time together you will be asked to review prerecorded videos and complete small tasks outside of class time. This way we can devote our face to face synchronous learning time to answering questions and doing math together..Expect a few videos, practice assignments, quizzes and live sessions each week.You will need to login to Teams each weekday and sign in to class to be counted present.On the main page in Teams there will be a Tab at the top that says “Attendance”. Click on this tab and complete this survey each school day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). You will need to complete this survey each day to be counted present for my class. If you complete this survey after I have already submitted attendance for the day I will adjust the absence the following school day. For example, if you complete this at 7:53 pm, the next day when I look at the survey results again and I will change your absence in PowerSchool to present. If you notice it hasn’t been changed after two days please send me an email and let me know.Class will meet each morning following the school bell schedule.If you are unable to make the synchronous meeting please email your teacher so we can come up with a solution to best meet your individual learning goal.Proper etiquette during online meetingsMute your microphoneReserve the chat for questions and clarifications, not personal conversationYou can turn on your camera if you like. If your connection gets slow, shutting the camera off will help alleviate issues.Students that are inappropriate during meetings will be redirected, muted and possibly removed from the live session for the day. This could also result in a discipline referral.Where to go for help?Tech issues- Call 520- 316-7000Math issues- attend an afternoon session during office hours, utilize the resources in MML, email your teacher.I will be responding to emails each weekday afternoon. If you do not get a response within 24-hours please reach out again to ensure that I received it.Grading Policies:Students are given fair and equal treatment inside the classroom. Precise grading applies to objective type tests. Students are encouraged to actively participate inside the classroom by asking questions frequently especially during lectures. While enrolled in the course, the students are expected to constantly learn and work on assessments. Attitude is a vital role in learning so this will also be given a percentage in grading. GRADING: You will be given points for all assignments, but grades will be weighted with the following percentages:SEMESTER FINALS: SEMESTER 1 GRADEQuarter One - 40%Quarter Two - 40%Semester Exam – 20%SEMESTER 2 GRADEQuarter Three – 40%Quarter Four – 40%Semester Exam – 20%QUARTER BREAKDOWN: Test 30%Quiz 30%Extended Learning (Classwork, Homework, Notes, Bellwork Participation) 40%All students take the final exam each semester. (NO EXEMPTIONS OF ANY KIND)GRADING SCALE: Grades will be posted as often as possible. A - 100%-90%B - 89%-80%C - 79%-70%D – 69%-60% F – 59% or belowGrading: Official grades are only posted in PowerSchool. Grades posted on any other system are for progress advisory only and are NOT official.The CGUHSD mathematics department understands the importance of preparing students for the future. ?We are dedicated to helping your child succeed. ?In order for this to happen, students may need to obtain help outside of the classroom if they begin to struggle. ?Tutoring is available for free on campus before and after school, as well as during lunch. ?If a student is starting to struggle should talk with their math teacher for additional help and resources.?Also, the ESS Department has been providing modifications that will cater to the needs of students. The students need to advocate for themselves to ensure that specific class modifications are being offered.MATERIAL COVERED FOR THIS COURSEDuring the year students will work on Whole Numbers, Integers, Fraction, Decimals, Real Numbers, Percent, and Algebra concepts in solving real-life word problems, Basics of personal finance such as gross income, net income, budgeting, and investments.TEXTBOOK AND ONLINE ACCESS: Mathematics For Business and Personal FinanceNext Gen Personal FinanceCLASSROOM RULES: Respect your staff and peers. Respect must be given in order to receive it. Follow directions the FIRST time they are given. No profanity. No FOOD or DRINK in the classroom. You will be given time in class to work on assignments. You are expected to be working on the daily assignments and/or weekly homework.CELL PHONES: Cell phones are NOT ALLOWED to be in sight in the classroom. Phones found inside the classroom will be confiscated after the warning given by the teacher. Cell phones are excellent source of technology, but they cause too much of a distraction in the classroom. Unless the teacher specifically tells you to pull out phones, it should be in a pocket, purse, or bag. This means it should not be sitting on your desk. Phones should not be out for ANY reason:There is a clock on the wall that works; therefore, you do not need to check your phone for time.If there is an emergency that absolutely cannot wait until a passing period, parents should call the front office. Someone will immediately come to or call the classroom to get the student and/or inform him/her of the emergency.There are actual calculators in the classroom that want to be used. **In the event that I take a cell phone, the following consequences will occur. 1st offense: Parent will pick up the item.2nd offense: Saturday School3rd offense: 1 day of In-School Detention4th offense: 3 days of In-School DetentionPROCEDURES: Class begins when you enter the room. You are expected to be ON TIME…this means in your desk ready to begin WITH YOUR COMPUTER OUT when the bell rings.HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned several times per week. Students are expected to complete all homework. Late work will be accepted up to a week late. Repeated incomplete and missing homework will result in parent conference.ASSESSMENTS AND QUIZZES: Students will receive assessments and quizzes throughout the quarter. They are only allowed to be taken during class time. Please ensure computers are charged. If a student accesses a test outside of class, they will receive a zero that test.MISSED TESTS OR RETAKES: Arrangements with the teacher must be made to retake a test Students are allowed to take a missed test or retake tests to improve scores. Students will have to complete a student study plan as well as other preparations in order to retake assessments. PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is defined as presenting the work of another as one’s own. More than four consecutive words from a source other than the writer constitute plagiarism when the source is not clearly identified in appropriate documentation format. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use of paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: You are expected to do your own work on all assignments including quizzes and tests. Failure to do so will result in a grade of zero and possible disciplinary action. Retakes are not allowed on any assignment, quiz, or test that received a zero for academic misconduct.** The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus at any time. **Student/Parent/Guardian’s Signature???I have read the?Math Applications Course Syllabus and I understand the course requirements as well as the Classroom Rules and Procedures. Student Name___________________________________________________Student Signature_______________________________Date______________ Parent Signature________________________________Date_____________Please provide a contact number or email._____________________________________________________________________ ................

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