Academic Coordinators MeetingDecember 2, 20159:00-11:30Roll Call: Attendees: Stephanie Shaw, Arlene Feliciano, Jocelyn Tieman, John Abbott, Mike De Leon, Tammy Thompson, Heather Small, Lorinda Murdock-Lane, Paula MacRae, Glen Fukui, Anne Carson, Mary Lopez, Patti Heyl, Brian Phan, Miguel Ramirez, Vera Moubayed, Sarah Parra, Sheila Davis, Elizabeth Paray, Bernadette Omote, Lori Lindstrom, Sue Shapses, Lena Grant, Erik Aguirre, Arlene Bieschke, Aimee Villarica, Trashon Fearington, Sandybeth Munoz, Markus Avery, Bernadette Sandoval, Jackie Shinn, Meg Malasarte, Rita Dartt, Audra Potz, Lynette Hand, Cynthia Guzman, Debra Moorehead, Mark Lucas, Catherine Weston, Marilynn VanderHule, Jenny SeaverIntroductions OPUS – Updates to Academic History Clean-UpReminder: Departments should already be in the middle of working on their Academic History List.History Clean-Up must be done in time for the Merit rmation/Presentation on the DGSOM’s Academic History Data Cleanup Process is available on the Freshdesk website.To Access Freshdesk, go to the OPUS homepage and select Help. For SOM specific instructions, type “Medicine” in the Search Box.The RED box on the History Clean-Up means that the information is coming from ADB. If the box is in GREY, you cannot touch the information; a request must be placed to make changes either thru the Dean’s Office or APO depending on the field. Further Above-Scale Actions now have a Step in ADB (i.e. FAS-1, etc.).All other academic titles (i.e., Academic Coordinators, Specialists, etc.) will have a step designation based on their annual salary.Freshdesk has under Forums Tab the Announcements section regarding updates and issues.The UC Publication Management, powered by the California Digital Library, is now available for the Health Sciences faculty to utilize in searching the web for publications they have authored.Departments are strongly advised to complete the History Clean-Up by Spring.UC RecruitCurrent Recruit UpdatesTrue Visiting folks do not need to be recorded or go thru UC Recruit effective immediately.Open/Initial Review/Final vs. Open/Closed/Final in regards to running a Search Report (see below).Recruit Updates Effective 2016Dedicated Search Waiver section to be implemented which will also include No Searches and Emergency AppointmentsAPO and DGSOM will have a discussion if this feature is feasible for affiliate faculty.Any UC Recruit questions/help requests must be sent via email to of Review Period on Multiple Hires for a Single Open Position (i.e. Clinical Instructor) with a Long Close Date in Relation to the Search Report.Regular Deadline – Open/Close/Final Initial Review Date – Open: October 1; Initial Review Date: November 1; Close: June 30thRecruit allows for additional review dates to be entered.In order for a Search Report to be generated, the Review Date should have passed already.Mentoring for the Senate SeriesNew Mentoring Program for Regular and In-Residence series run by the Academic Senate separate from DGSOM rmation will be sent out with the Appointment Letter for all new faculty; existing Assistant rank professors who have been at UCLA for 3 years or less will receive them directly.Promotion Action Announcement from APO Promotions effective 7/1/16 from Associate to Full – The review period covers everything since appointment in the Assistant rank with emphasis on recent activities since last advancement. Solicitation Letters must also note the change of scope for the review.Data Summary Pages entries includes everything since appointment.See CALL – Promotion section for all series.DGSOM will start using the new mandate for Promotion actions effective 7/1/17.Removal & RelocationMemorandum from Travel Office that stipulates that reimbursements must be submitted within 60 days of the employee’s date of hire (first deadline). After 60 days, the amount of relocation expenses is taxable.All Relocation requests must have a letter of exception addressed to the VC with strong justification or detailed information on why the submission is behind schedule. If the submission is a year overdue (second deadline), the letter of exception must include extraordinary or extenuating circumstances for the delay.New Benefits Tier As background, UC President Napolitano had to make a concession with the state in order for the UC Budget to be approved. The result is the creation of Two Tiered Retirement Plan effective 7/1/16.Nothing formal/in writingPotential AY 16-17 new hires (professors/clinical instructors) starting in/around July 1st can be hired on 6/30/16 in order for eligibility to participate under the old 2013 retirement system.Two Tiered PlanDefined Benefit Plan is up to the $117,020 salary cap (based from Social Security)Defined Contribution Plan is up to $265,000 salary cap (based from IRS)BYLAWS Workshop by Academic Senate ................

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