Bony to Bombshell Ultimate Cheat Eating

[Pages:4]SNACK TIME!


Eating Enough & What to Eat to Gain Weight


Beat your body's craving to stay the same by objectively tracking what you eat SNACK TIME! with MyFitnessPal, a free app.


Add 250 calories to what you're currently eating to start gaining SNACK TIME! weight.




Eat more often rather than eating huge meals to make it easier to hit your calorie goals, even with a tiny stomach.



Eat healthy foods that take up less space per calorie, aren't as satiating, and require less chewing.



Eating Enough & What to Eat to Gain Weight

You try eating everything you can. And you still don't gain weight.

You feel permanently full.

You know you have to eat more, but even the thought of it makes you nauseous.

You may have even tried some weight-gainer powder, and that still didn't work.

Why aren't you gaining weight? Why can't you eat as much as other people? Is it even possible for you to gain weight?

Does any of this sound familiar?

Let's be honest. It can be a struggle to eat more food. You know that you want to gain weight, but whatever you eat--it's never enough.

We all felt that exact same way, too.

We tried olive oil shots, cracking over half a dozen eggs into a glass and drinking it raw, and chugging a litre of milk before bed. Not only did all of that make us gag, it also had us waking up in the middle of every night to pee.

But you don't need to force-feed yourself, eat foods you don't like, or completely change your diet.

In fact, when you understand what's going on, you'll find you can finally eat more. It'll be much more comfortable than in the past, plus you'll finally see results!

There's an incredible feeling of freedom and

peace when you finally learn how to control your appetite and diet.

Why Your Weight Is Always the Same

Our bodies crave homeostasis, which is just a fancy way of saying balance. It doesn't want you to gain or lose weight.

When you eat a large meal, your body will subconsciously try to restore balance by making you feel fuller for longer. That fullness, or lack of hunger, makes you eat less in following meals, and balance is restored.

This balancing act is how you can eat a huge Thanksgiving meal with double helpings of dessert and still not gain weight. The next day your body might make you delay breakfast, or eat a little bit less at each meal.

While you are trying to gain weight, you cannot trust your appetite.

Knowing this is a huge step to beating it. You can use a free calorie-tracking app like MyFitnessPal to objectively measure the food you're eating. This will help you realize when your appetite is trying to trick you.

What's a calorie? It's a unit of energy. Your body needs energy to live. When you eat more energy than you use, you will gain weight. That extra weight can be stored as fat, but if you do a good job of lifting weights and eating protein, you can make it so that most, or even

all, of the weight that you gain is muscle.

How Do I Make My Body Gain Weight?

The simplest thing to do is to take what you're currently eating and then add in around 250 calories per day.

But the most important thing is that you track how many calories you're eating, weigh yourself each week, and then adjust based on your results, adding in extra calories when you aren't gaining weight.

Adding 250 calories daily should allow you to gain about 0.3?0.5 pounds each week, which is a good pace to be gaining weight at. Whenever you aren't gaining weight, add in a bit more calories (100?200) and try again.

It's vital that you start lifting weights before you start eating more, though. Otherwise, you will gain fat instead of muscle.

Now sure how many calories are in the foods you're eating? That's totally normal. You can track your intake by using free calorietracking apps, like MyFitnessPal.

Eat Often To Feel More Comfortable

We skinny people are known for having small stomachs, so it's easier for us to eat enough if we have smaller but more frequent meals.

Don't worry, snacks count! The snack can be as simple as having some trail mix, a glass of milk, or a little Greek yoghurt and fruit.

This means you'll need to eat breakfast, however small it may be. And eating some

protein and minimally processed carbs for breakfast can also help improve your energy and mood in the morning. A large latte and some fruit can do the trick as well.

What Foods Are the Easiest To Eat?

Research shows that foods that are high in fibre, water or protein are more filling. There's also research that lots of chewing may make us feel fuller.

Think of broccoli, which is high in fibre and water, or chicken breast, which is high in protein and water. Both are extremely filling per calorie.

So what should people with skinny stomachs eat? Well, a banana is 3x less filling than a boiled potato per calorie, even though both are equally unprocessed and healthy.

You should always aim to get 80% or more of your calories from whole foods. But don't be too strict about it. For example, milk, dried fruits, rice and bread count as whole foods. And then the remaining 20% of your calories can be discretionary: a slice of cake, chips, or some sugar in your coffee.

Focus on eating more good stuff, not on restricting junk food. If you're already struggling to eat enough, the last thing you want to do is remove junk food from your diet. If you eat enough good food, then you should still be able to get enough fibre, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals to be optimally healthy while gaining weight.

Foods That Are Easier To Eat:

? Ground Meat / Tender Cuts / Tofu ? Fatty Fish (like salmon) ? Eggs ? Casseroles ? Milk & Kefir ? Yogurt ? Cheese (and cottage cheese) ? Lighter Bread & Grains ? Butter & Olive Oil ? Sauces (mayonnaise, cream sauces,

sour cream, gravy) ? White Rice ? Pasta & Noodles ? Crackers ? Cereals Especially With Seeds,

Dried Fruit, & Milk ? Avocado, Bananas, Cantaloupe &

Melons ? Dried Fruits (dates, raisins, dried

melons, etc.) ? Nuts & Nut Butters ? Honey, Jams & Jellies ? Protein Shakes & Bars

? Smoothies

? Dark Chocolate (70% and up)

? Desserts (waffles, ice cream, cookies, milk chocolate)

Cook your veggies to make their calories more available. And they'll be easier to chew because they're more tender. Smoothies help by making chewable calories into liquid calories. Lastly, make your foods hyper-palatable (super delicious) with oils, salt, and spices. It makes it easier to eat more.

Very Filling Foods

These foods are all healthy, but they can make it more difficult to eat enough to gain weight. Get crafty here, like getting your greens by blending spinach into your smoothies, by baking homemade fries instead of boiling potatoes, and so on.

? Potatoes (especially boiled)

? Fibrous Veggies like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts

? Apples & Oranges

? Brown Rice & Brown Pasta

? Porridge

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