EXPECTATIONS - wsfcs.k12.nc.us



• Always give every task your BEST effort

• Cooperate with other people in the class

• Raise your hand to be recognized

• Be prepared (Notebook, Pencil, Paper, Assignments, Calculator)

• Be in your seat when the bell rings and ready to begin class

• Always stay alert (this will prevent your head from resting on the desk)



Everyone will receive two progress reports each quarter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tests 40%

Quiz/Notebook Check 30%

Daily Grades/Homework 30%



3ring binder with notebook paper


TI-83+ or TI-84 Calculator


Tardy Policy

You must be in your seat when the bell rings

We will discuss the tardy policy in class


Discrete Mathematics is a course that introduces students to the mathematics of networks, social choice, and decision making. The course extends students’ application of matrix arithmetic and probability. Applications and modeling are central to this course of study.

* Matrices (Operations, Leslie Model, Leontief Input-Output Model)

* Statistics and Probability (1 variable statistics, Normal distribution, Permutations, Combinations)

* Graph Theory (Euler Circuits, Hamilton Circuits, Networks, Scheduling)

* The Mathematics of Social Choice (Voting systems, Fair division, Apportionment)

These topics are taken directly from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Discrete Math. The North Carolina Discrete Math curriculum is divided into three major goals:

Goal 1 – The learner will use matrices and graphs to model relationships and solve problems.

Goal 2 – The learner will analyze data and apply probability concepts to solve problems.

Goal 3 – The learner will describe and use recursively defined relationships to solve problems.


I will tutor by appointment.

My email address is dwatson2@wsfcs.k12.nc.us

I am looking forward to an exciting year. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 703-6735 or email me.

Mrs. Dana Watson


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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