Keystonee 5 Oral Reading Fluency

[Pages:6]Longman Keystone

Level E, Unit 5

Daily Oral Reading Fluency Activities

Lesson 1 Tracking Method

Write the first two sentences from page 269 in the Student Book on the board. Read the sentences aloud tracking the print as you read. Then, have a student reread the sentences, tracking the print. Continue with the rest of the paragraph if the student is able.

Lesson 2 Paired Reading

Have students work in pairs. The first student will read the Big Question and the second student will read the sentences following the Big Question on page 270 in the Student Book. After the students have had a chance to read, have them switch roles. For students having difficulty with the reading fluency practice, pair them with stronger readers.

Lesson 3 Reader's Theater

Assign the parts of Benvolio, Tybalt, Prince, and Romeo to students. Have students practice reading their parts from Romeo and Juliet on pages 274-275 in the Student Book orally with a partner, so they can receive feedback. When the students are prepared to read, have them come to the front of the room with their books and perform the scene for the class. If time permits, have several groups of students perform the Reader's Theater.

Lesson 4 Reader's Theater

Assign the parts of Benvolio, Tybalt, Prince, Romeo, Paris, Capulet, Servant, Lady Capulet, Nurse, and Juliet to students. Have students practice reading their parts from Romeo and Juliet on pages 274-279 in the Student Book orally with a partner, so they can receive feedback. When the students are prepared to read, have them come to the front of the room with their books and perform the scene for the class. If time permits, have several groups of students perform the Reader's Theater.

Lesson 5 Dramatic Reading

Have student work in five groups to act out the scenes of the play. Have them assign parts, and encourage students to use the description of the scene to get an overview of what is going on. Have students read their parts aloud and to discuss stage directions with one another. Have them think about how their character would act. When students are ready, have them act out the scenes in order with the rest of the class.

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Longman Keystone

Level E, Unit 5

Lesson 6 Listen and Read

Have students listen to the audio while they silently read Romeo and Juliet on pages 274-281 in the Student Book. After students have had a chance to read silently, have them read the pages to you aloud. Encourage students to pay attention to intonation, pace, and accuracy.

Lesson 7 Neurological Impress

Read the student writing-model on Student Book page 285. Sit slightly behind the student holding the book in front of him or her so you speak toward his or her dominant ear. Read together as "one voice" with you tracking the print. The article should be read slightly beyond the student's normal rate, so attention is paid to whole words and sentences.

Lesson 8 Paired Reading

Have students work in pairs. The first student will read the Big Question and the second student will read the questions following the Big Question on page 286 in the Student Book. After the students have had a chance to read, have them switch roles. For students having difficulty with the reading fluency practice, pair them with stronger readers.

Lesson 9 Echo Reading

Read the first paragraph from Furious Feuds Enemies by Association on Student Book page 291 with appropriate intonation and pacing. Have a student try to imitate your reading model. Continue until the student can imitate two paragraphs.

Lesson 10 Buddy Reading

Pair a student with stronger reader. Have a student read a paragraph from Furious Feuds Enemies by Association on Student Book page 292 to the stronger reader. As the stronger reader listens, he or she gives appropriate feedback.

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Longman Keystone

Level E, Unit 5

Lesson 11 Read for Fluency

Have students work with a partner. Have them read the Read for Fluency direction on page 295 in the Student Book. Have students find a paragraph from the reading. They should read the paragraphs to themselves noticing how the paragraph makes them feel. Then they should practice reading the paragraph aloud with a tone of voice that shows how the paragraph makes them feel. The students should each have a turn reading the paragraph. Encourage students to give each other feedback on their reading.

Lesson 12 Listen and Read

Have students listen to the audio while they silently read Furious Feuds Enemies by Association on pages 290-293 in the Student Book. After students have had a chance to read silently, have them read the pages to you aloud. Encourage students to pay attention to intonation, pace, and accuracy.

Lesson 13 Paired Reading

Have students work in pairs. The first student will read the Big Question and the second student will read the sentences following the Big Question on page 298 in the Student Book. After the students have had a chance to read, have them switch roles. For students having difficulty with the reading fluency practice, pair them with stronger readers.

Lesson 14 Neurological Impress

Read the first academic word, definition, and sample sentence Student Book page 300. Sit slightly behind the student holding the book in front of him or her so you speak toward his or her dominant ear. Read together as "one voice" with you tracking the print. The word, definition, and sentence should be read slightly beyond the student's normal rate, so attention is paid to whole words and the sentence. Continue the activity with the rest of the words, definitions, and sentences on page 300.

Lesson 15 Reader's Theater

Assign parts from Romiette and Julio on Student Book pages 302-302 to students. Assign a narrator, Malaka, and Romiette. Have students practice reading their paragraph orally with a partner, so they can receive feedback. When the students are prepared to read, have them come to the front of the room and perform their parts for the class.

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Longman Keystone

Level E, Unit 5

Lesson 16 Reader's Theater

Using page 314 in the Student Book, assign the parts of Cornell, Malaka, Romi, and Julio to the students. Have students practice their parts reading with a partner, so they can receive feedback. When students are prepared to read their parts, have them come to the front of the room with their books and perform the story. Remind students decide how their character feels and to use appropriate gesture and body language. If time permits allow the Reader's Theater to be performed several times by different students.

Lesson 17 Neurological Impress

Read the student-writing model on Student Book page 311. Sit slightly behind the student, holding the book in front of him or her. Speak toward his or her dominant ear. Read together as "one voice" with you tracking the print. The paragraph should be read slightly beyond the student's normal rate, so attention is paid to whole words and sentences.

Lesson 18 Listen and Read

Have students listen to the audio while they silently read Romiette and Julio on pages 302307 in the Student Book. After students have had a chance to read silently, have them read the pages to you aloud. Encourage students to pay attention to intonation, pace, and accuracy.

Lesson 19 Paired Reading

Have students work in pairs. The first student will read the Big Question, and the second student will read the sentences following the Big Question on page 312 in the Student Book. After the students have had a chance to read, have them switch roles. For students having difficulty with the reading fluency practice, pair them with stronger readers.

Lesson 20 Neurological Impress

Read the first academic word, definition, and sample sentence on Student Book page 314. Sit slightly behind the student, holding the book in front of him or her so you speak toward his or her dominant ear. Read together as "one voice" with you tracking the print. The sentences should be read slightly beyond the student's normal rate, so attention is paid to whole words and sentences. Continue the activity by reading the rest of the words, definitions, and sample sentences if there is time.

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Longman Keystone

Level E, Unit 5

Lesson 21 Reader's Theater

Assign a paragraph from Conflict Resolution The Win-Win Situation on pages 316-317 in the Student Book to each student. Have students practice reading their paragraph orally with a partner, so they can receive feedback. When the students are prepared to read, have them stand holding their books with their backs to the audience. When each student reads, he or she faces the audience, and then turns back around when he or she is finished.

Lesson 22 Reader's Theater

Assign a paragraph from Conflict Resolution The Win-Win Situation on pages 316-318 in the Student Book to each student. Have students practice reading their paragraph orally with a partner, so they can receive feedback. When the students are prepared to read, have them stand holding their books with their backs to the audience. When each student reads, he or she faces the audience, and then turns back around when he or she is finished.

Lesson 23 Read For Fluency

Have students work with a partner. Have them read the Read for Fluency direction on page 321 in the Student Book. Have students find a paragraph from the reading. Have them discuss which words seem important for communicating meaning. Have students take turns reading the paragraph aloud and give each other feedback.

Lesson 24 Neurological Impress

Read the student-writing model on Student Book page 323. Sit slightly behind the student, holding the book in front of him or her. Speak toward his or her dominant ear. Read together as "one voice" with you tracking the print. The paragraph should be read slightly beyond the student's normal rate, so attention is paid to whole words and sentences.

Lesson 25 Oral Reading Fluency

Have students read the passage found on page 181 of the Assessment for Unit 5 with speed and accuracy. Record how many words the students read in one minute. Use the rubric provided to score each student's performance.

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Longman Keystone

Level E, Unit 5

Lesson 26 Model Fluent Reading

Read the first chapter in The River Between Us by Richard Peck. Encourage students to listen attentively, and to think of questions they might have about the book. Encourage students to read the books recommended in the Further Reading on page 325 in the Student Book.

Lesson 27 Read Aloud

Have students volunteer to read a paragraph each of the first chapter in The River Between Us by Richard Peck Encourage students to pay attention to pacing and intonation and to read with expression. Encourage students to read the books recommended in the Further Reading on page 325 in the Student Book.

Lesson 28 Duet Reading

Choose an appropriate reading from Unit 5. Choose a reading that the student will find challenging, but not too challenging. Sit side by side with the student. Read with the student and set the pace, staying one or two syllables ahead. Read fluently and with expression. Track print as you read. As students are able, they can take over tracking the print and reading the story without prompting.

Lesson 29 Speed Drill

List key, academic, and literary words from Unit 5 on a word wall. Have students read the wall with speed and accuracy. Record the words they have difficulty with, and have students write the words in their personal thesaurus for review.

Lesson 30 Listen and Read

Have students listen to the Audio Program while they silently read Fighting for Land on pages 332-333 in the Student Book. After students have had a chance to read silently, have them read the pages to you aloud. Encourage students to pay attention to intonation, pace, and accuracy.

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