Practice A - Weebly

Practice A

Lines and Angles

Complete the statements by matching the correct term.

1. ______________________ lines are not coplanar. They are not parallel

and do not intersect.

2. Parallel planes are planes that do not ______________________.

3. Perpendicular lines (⊥) intersect at _______________________ angles.

4. ____________________ lines (||) are coplanar and do not intersect.

For Exercises 5–8, identify each of the following in the figure.

5. a pair of parallel segments _________________________

6. a pair of skew segments _________________________

7. a pair of perpendicular segments _________________________

8. a pair of parallel planes _________________________

Refer to the figure to match the correct terms for Exercises 9–13.

9. A transversal is a line that intersects two coplanar _____________________

at two different points. The transversal j and the other two lines k and [pic]

form eight angles.

10. _____________________ angles lie on the same side of the

transversal j, on the same sides of lines k and [pic].

11. Alternate exterior angles lie on opposite sides of the transversal j,

_____________________lines k and [pic].

12. _____________________ interior angles lie on opposite sides of

the transversal j, between lines k and [pic].

13. Same-side interior angles lie on the _____________________

side of the transversal j, between lines k and [pic].

14. Sudeep walks back and forth along parallel segments

in his yard. Then he walks back diagonally across the

yard. Identify each of the following in the figure.

a. a transversal b. corresponding angles

c. alternate interior angles d. alternate exterior angles

Practice B

Lines and Angles

For Exercises 1–4, identify each of the following in the figure.

1. a pair of parallel segments _________________________

2. a pair of skew segments _________________________

3. a pair of perpendicular segments _________________________

4. a pair of parallel planes _________________________

In Exercises 5–10, give one example of

each from the figure.

5. a transversal 6. parallel lines 7. corresponding angles

8. alternate interior angles 9. alternate exterior angles 10. same-side interior angles

Use the figure for Exercises 11–14. The figure shows a

utility pole with an electrical line and a telephone line.

The angled wire is a tension wire. For each angle pair

given, identify the transversal and classify the angle

pair. (Hint: Think of the utility pole as a line for these


11. ∠5 and ∠6 12. ∠1 and ∠4

13. ∠1 and ∠2 14. ∠5 and ∠3

Practice C

Lines and Angles

For Exercises 1–4, sketch an example and state the apparent relationship

between lines j and [pic].

1. Line j is parallel to line k and line [pic] is parallel 2. Line k is perpendicular to lines j and [pic].

to line k. Lines [pic] and j are coplanar. Lines [pic] and j are not coplanar.

3. Line k is parallel to line j. Line [pic] is 4. Line j is parallel to line k and line [pic] is

perpendicular to line k. Lines [pic] and j are parallel to line k. Lines [pic], k, and j are

coplanar. not coplanar.

Luke and JoAnne make up a game. For a game board, they draw two lines

crossed by a transversal and then they take turns placing Xs and Os in the

angles. Corresponding angles score 10, alternate interior angles score 20,

alternate exterior angles score 30, and same-side interior angles score 40.

Tally the score for X and O on each game board below.

5. [pic] 6. [pic]

Draw a filled-in game board that satisfies each condition.

7. Neither player scores any points. 8. X scores the maximum possible amoun



1. Skew 2. intersect

3. 90° or right 4. Parallel

5. [pic]

6. [pic] and [pic] are skew.

7. [pic]

8. plane ABD (( plane EFH

9. lines 10. Corresponding

11. outside 12. Alternate

13 same 14. line r

15. (1 and (3 or (2 and (4

16. (2 and (3 17. (1 and (4

Practice B

1. [pic]

2. [pic] and [pic] are skew.

3. [pic]

4. plane ABC (( plane DEF

5. line z 6. lines x and y

7. Sample answer: (1 and (3

8. Sample answer: (2 and (6

9. Sample answer: (1 and (5

10. Sample answer: (2 and (3

11. transv.: utility pole; same-side interior angles

12. transv.: tension wire; alternate exterior angles

13. transv.: telephone line; corresponding angles

14. transv.: utility pole; alternate interior angles

Practice C

1. [pic]

Lines j and ( are parallel.

2. [pic]

Lines j and ( are skew.

3. [pic]

Lines j and ( are perpendicular.

4. [pic]

Lines j and ( are parallel.

5. X ( 10; O ( 10

6. X ( 40; O ( 70

7. [pic]

8. [pic]


1. g (( h 2. j and h

3. j ( g

4. Possible answers: [pic]

5. Sample answer: [pic]

6. Sample answer: [pic]

7. plane DEF (( plane GHJ

8. Sample answer: [pic]

9. Sample answer: [pic] and [pic]

10. Sample answer: ∠1 and ∠3

11. Sample answer: ∠1 and ∠8

12. Sample answer: ∠2 and ∠3

13. Sample answer: ∠2 and ∠7

14. transv. n; same-side int. [pic]






90° or right













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