LESSON 12FEBRUARY 19, 2023SUBJECT: Responsibility of the CallDEVOTIONAL READING: Amos 5:7-15BACKGROUND: James 2:1-12LESSON: James 2:1-12MEMORY VERSE: Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? James 2:5 NIVLESSON AIM: To show how favoritism and discrimination are incompatible to God’s principles.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEI. THE SIN OF DISCRIMINATION: JAMES 2:1-7Who is James addressing in James 2:1? What is he warning his readers against?How does James describe Jesus? What do you think James is trying to emphasize about Jesus’ character? James 2:1What must believers in Jesus not show? James 2:1What are some of the root causes of favoritism (partiality)? What does the Bible teach about favoritism (partiality)?(With respect to human beings): Deuteronomy 1:17(With respect to God): Acts 10:34-35(With respect to Christ): Galatians 3:28(With respect to instructions): 1 Timothy 5:21What example did James give on how churches of his day discriminated? James 2:2-3Give examples of how a church might discriminate and show partiality today.What sin do we commit when we show favoritism toward people based on their economic status? James 2:4Why do you think some churches have a tendency to show favoritism toward the rich?What does God promise to do for the poor who love Him? James 2:5v. 5bv. 5cWhat do you think it means to be “rich in faith” as recorded in James 2:5? They are sure of their Ephesians 2:8They have a sureHebrews 11:1They are pleasing toHebrews 11:5They walk (live) bynot by2 Corinthians 5:7They havewithRomans 5:1What were some of the early Christian churches guilty of committing against the poor? James 2:6aWhy did James say it was so inconsistent and illogical for church people to insult and dishonor the poor and honor the rich? (He gives three reasons.) James 2:6b-7v. 6bv. 6cv. 7Do you think James is condemning all rich people? Why or why not?II. THE STATUS OF THE ROYAL LAW: JAMES 2:8-13What is the royal law? Why do you think it is so called? James 2:8; Leviticus 19:18bIf we keep the royal law what approval to we receive from God? James 2:8bWhat is meant by “neighbor”? What parable did Jesus tell to define “neighbor”? Luke 10:25-37What did Jesus say about the royal law? Matthew 22:36-40What did Paul say about the royal law? Romans 13:8-10How did James say one breaks the royal law? James 2:9aWhat is one guilty of who shows partiality (favoritism)? James 2:9bHow does the law describe one who shows favoritism? James 2:9cWhat is one guilty of who breaks just one of God’s laws? James 2:10Who is responsible for giving all the laws to live by? Leviticus 18:4What example does James give to express the principle in James 2:10? James 2:11Why do you think one sin amount to violating the whole law? (Consider and discuss the following: God’s character is perfect. The contents of the law cannot be divided. Humans have a tendency to caterorize and rate various laws but God does not separate His laws. God looks at His laws as one.)How does God see sin? (Are there little sins and big sins?)How are believers to speak and act? James 2:12What does one receive who follows God’s law? James 1:25; 2:12bWho will not receive mercy at the Last Judgment? James 2:13aWhat triumphs over judgment? James 2:13bHow does one obtain mercy, so as to triumph and have no fear of judgment? Matthew 5:7What should be our goal as it relates to mercy? Luke 6:36 ................

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