Lesson Title: The Solar System Subject: Science and Art 1st Grade

Lesson Title: The Solar System Subject: Science and Art 1st Grade

March 21, 2012 Created By: Erica Nation, Marissa Whitman, Cyley Wytko, Sara

Houser, Adam Pearce & Katie Bond

Title of lesson: Science in Space Subject: Space Grade: 1-4

Authors: Katie Bond, Sara Houser, Erica Nation, Adam Pearce, Marissa Whitman, and Cyley Wytko Paragraph for the unit: All of our units center on space science. We hope to inspire students to be more interested in science and take pride in the things they create. For the first lesson created by Katie Bond, students will role play planets in the solar system as well as draw and find facts about their given planet. The second lesson plan by Sara Houser consists of students journaling the phases of the moon and sharing their journal findings with their peers. The third lesson plan by Erica Nation involves students making clay models of all the planets, making sure they understand the physical appearance of all the planets in the solar system. For the fourth lesson plan by Adam Pearce he has created a lesson where students demonstrate the universe through role playing the paths the planets take and their relation to the sun. The fifth lesson plan was created by Marissa Whitman and she has students researching all the planets in the solar system until they determine their favorite, once they pick a favorite planet they will paint that planet on a foam ball. The sixth and final lesson plan by Cyley Wytko allows the students to create a brochure of planet earth in order to convince extraterrestrials that it is the best planet in the solar system to visit. All these lesson plans were created with diligence and hard work

in order to provide quality lessons to teach our future students.

Table of Contents

Lesson 1: Bringing the Solar System to Life ? by Katie Bond Lesson 2: Phases of the Moon ? by Erica Nation

Lesson 3: Planets and their Relationship with the Sun ? by Adam Pearce Lesson 4: The Phases of the Moon ? by Sara Houser Lesson 5: - by Marissa Whitman

Lesson 6: How is Earth Different from Our Other Planets ? by Cyley Wytko

Instructional Plan

Revised 3/2/2011

Teacher Candidate: _Katie Bond___ Cooperating Teacher: Mrs.Pollestead

_____________ Date: 3/21/12


2nd ____________

School District:_Pullman___________________ School: _Jefferson Elementary School_______

University Supervisor: Pauline Sameshima


Unit/Subject: Art


Instructional Plan Title/Focus: Planet Rotation: Bringing the Solar System to Life

Learning Targets/Purpose/Previous Learning a. Instructional Plan Purpose: This instructional plan will help students gain an understanding of the solar system planets, as

well as their rotation around the sun. This lesson involves having the students learn about their respective planet, draw and color their planet, and understand the rotation of it around the sun. The students will then be involved in a role play that demonstrates the universe and its connection to the sun. This will teach the entire class different aspects of each planet, and serve as a solid understanding for how the planets revolve around the sun.

b. State Learning Standards:

Science: EALR 1:2-3 SYSA A system is a group of interacting parts that form a whole

2-3 SYSB A whole object, plant, or animal may not continue to function the same way if some of its parts are missing EALR 2: 2-3 INQE Models are useful for understanding systems that are too big, too small, or too dangerous to study EALR 4: Earth is a spherical shape. It spins on its axis and orbits the sun.

Art: EALR 2: The student uses the artistic processes of creating, performing/presenting and responding to demonstrate thinking skills in dance, music, theatre and visual arts.

2.2 Applies a performance and or presentation process to the arts

c. Content Objectives: SWBAT describe and explain one of the eight planets and what its physical properties are SWBAT explain how the planets revolve around the sun SWBAT understand the terms revolve, orbit, and rotation

d. Language Objectives: SWBAT use terms such as orbit, rotation, and revolution to describe the planets movement around the sun. SWBAT use an artistic process and apply it in a role play performance with the planets revolving around the sun

e. Previous Learning Experiences: The students will have already had a lesson on the eight different planets, and been given a chance to research their planet of choice. They have then been able to draw their planets using what they learned about their physical properties.

Assessment Strategies

Attach questions, worksheets, tests or any additional documentation related to your assessment strategies. Also attach appropriate marking rubrics, criteria lists, expectations, answer keys, etc. ? Formative: measures process/progress toward mastery of target(s) ? Summative: measures outcomes/achievement of target(s)

Content Objectives Describe and explain one of the eight planets, and what its physical properties are

Assessment Strategies Formative: The teacher will check on the student's drawings of the planets during the process, making sure they are correctly drawn and their physical properties show.

Explain how the planets revolve around the sun

Summative: The students will share their drawings and two interesting facts in front of the class. Formative: The teacher will explain this during the role play.

Understand the terms revolve, orbit, and rotation.

Summative: Students will get to write in their science journals at the end of the lesson to show what they have learned. Formative: The teacher will introduce these terms, and write down what they mean during the role play.

Summative: The students will be given a short review about these terms and one thing they learned during this project.

Student Voice:

K-12 students will:

1. Communicate the learning targets and their progress toward them.

Student-based evidence to be collected (things produced by students: journals,

work samples, projects, papers, etc.) Students will write in their journals

2. Communicate the relationship between Students will participate in a role play the assessment and the learning targets.

Description of how students will reflect on their learning

The students will write what they want to learn, and one question they have about the planets rotation around the sun. The students will participate in a role play outside, where they will be guided by the teacher to represent their own planets, and learn about what a revolution and orbit is.

Grouping of Students for Instruction

? This lesson is specifically made so all students can participate. The teacher will make sure that there is an even amount of children doing each planet. Once the teacher places the children in their separate orbits, and shows them what a revolution is, the next set of children will come and be placed by the teacher so that all the children have a chance to partake and can also watch so they gain a solid understanding. If there is a child in a wheel chair, the teacher will make sure that the lines are far enough apart for them to still be able to rotate around the sun, or they could practice being in the middle to be the sun. Any other child with special needs could also have this task of being the sun that the planets rotate around.

Learning/Teaching Experiences

1. Introduction: Have any of you ever wondered what is going on up there in our Solar System? Well today we are going to make the solar system come alive by role playing what happens when the planets rotate! Now, how many of you are familiar with the planets? Let's name them all! Students will be asked before the unit to draw upon experiences that they have had about any planets they are interested in or know something about. I will then explain that we will be learning about the planets and their orbits around the sun.

2. Questions: 1. At the beginning of the class discussion we are going to have a piece of white construction paper to write on, and the teacher will ask the children, "Now, who can tell me one of the eight planets we have in space?" 2. Does anyone know what happens in space? What do the planets do? 3. Does the sun play a role in the planets? Does it move? 4. Who can define the words rotate? Orbit? How about revolve? Write it down in your journal if you know. 5. What have you learned so far that you didn't know?

3. Learning Activities: 1. We will have a class discussion about each of the eight planets, and the sun. The children will talk about what they know about each planet. 2. The teacher will then assign each child a planet to research from the website, , and tell the children that they will need to know two facts about their planets to share. 3. Each child will be given a piece of thick construction paper to draw their planet. They will cut their planet out with scissors and label the name on the back. 4. After the planets are drawn, each group of planets will shortly explain their two facts to the class and show their drawing. 5. The class will then move outside, or to the gym, and the teacher will take the chalk and mark eight paths to show the planets. 6. Each child will be placed, by the teacher, in their respective spots. The teacher will have any extra students gather around to watch, and one lucky student will get to stand in the middle and be the sun.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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