Lesson plans 3rd grade - Neuhaus

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Multisensory Grammar Lesson Plan Third Grade

LESSON PLANS 3rd grade

? Introduce nouns ? List nouns on chart tablet or

board (Person, Place, Thing) ? Play Around the World

? Review Nouns ? Play Noun Bingo ? If time, read a noun book

? Review Nouns ? Introduce verbs ? Activity A, p. 3 ? Play Noun Bingo ? If time, read a verb book

? Review nouns & verbs ? Activity B, p.3 ? Line-up Activity ? Match appropriate nouns &

verbs (yellow noun cards, orange verb cards)

? Review, nouns, verbs ? Name nouns and verbs from

camp picture. Generate oral sentences (yellow, orange) ? Make a pop-up book using nouns and verbs.

? Review, nouns, verbs ? Share pop-up books ? Introduce noun markers ? Activity A, p. 4 ? Activity B p. 4, oral (teacher

writes on overhead)


Manual-Yellow objects - Yellow card Chart tablet\marker

Around the World noun cards

Noun card (yellow) Bingo grids, cards, counters Noun book

Noun card (yellow) Overhead with I can ____. Verb card Vis a Vis - overhead Bingo grids, cards, counters Verb book

Noun and verb cards

Yellow index cards with nouns and orange index cards with verbs

Noun, verb cards Camp picture

Overhead with Child plays. Yellow and orange Vis a Vis

Noun, verb

Noun marker card Blank overhead, Vis a Vis Sentence Pattern Cards 1, 2

? 2008 by Neuhaus Education Center. All rights reserved. Updated 5/29/2008 713.664.7676


Lesson 7


9 10 11

Multisensory Grammar Lesson Plan Third Grade

LESSON PLANS 3rd grade

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers

? Play Around the World ? Activity B p. 4 Use sentence

pattern cards to generate sentences (have a theme), (students copy) ? Activity C p. 4 use foam squares

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers

? Introduce completer nouns ? Activity A p. 5 ? Activity B p. 6 Introduce

subject and predicate ? Complete worksheet #3 as a

group (overhead)

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns

? Worksheet #4 as a group (overhead)

? Play Around the World

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns

? Worksheet #5 ? Check as a group ? Play Noun Bingo

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns

? Worksheet #6 ? Check as a group ? Play Around the World

MATERIALS Noun, verb, noun marker cards Around the World cards Sentence pattern card 1 & 2 Notebook paper, (Coding devices) map pencils, markers or crayons Foam squares Sentence pattern cards 1, 2 Noun, verb, noun marker cards

Vis a Vis Worksheet #3 overhead

Noun, verb, noun marker cards Worksheet #4 overhead Around the World cards Noun, verb, noun marker cards Worksheet #5 Coding devices Bingo grids, cards, counters Noun, verb, noun marker cards Worksheet #6 Coding devices Around the World cards

? 2008 by Neuhaus Education Center. All rights reserved. Updated 5/29/2008 713.664.7676


Lesson 12 13 14 15 16


Multisensory Grammar Lesson Plan Third Grade

LESSON PLANS 3rd grade


? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns

? Worksheet #7 ? Check as a group ? Play Noun Bingo

Noun, verb, noun marker cards Worksheet #7 Bingo grids, cards, counters

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns

? Worksheet #8 ? Check as a group ? Line up

Noun, verb, noun marker cards Worksheet #8 Coding devices Sentences from worksheets 3-8

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns

? Activity F p. 6 ? Activity G p. 7

Noun, verb, noun marker cards

Lg. colored cards red, yellow, orange Sentence pattern cards 1-4, notebook paper

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns

? Activity H p. 7 ? Line-up Activity H p. 7


Noun, verb, noun marker cards

Foam squares Page 27 cards a, b, g, h, j

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun

Noun, verb, noun marker cards

markers, completer nouns

? Introduce Adjectives


? List adjectives on chart tablet

or board (What kind? How

many? Which one?) ? If time, read an adjective book Adjective book

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Activity B p. 8

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Notebook paper

? 2008 by Neuhaus Education Center. All rights reserved. Updated 5/29/2008 713.664.7676


Lesson 18

19 20

21 22

Multisensory Grammar Lesson Plan Third Grade

LESSON PLANS 3rd grade

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Activity C p. 8 ? Activity D p. 9 ? Play Around the World with


? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Worksheet #9 ? Write cinquain ? Play Around the World with


? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Worksheet #10 ? Write cinquain ? Play Around the World with


? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Worksheet #11 ? Play Around the World with


? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Worksheet #12 ? Play Around the World with


MATERIALS Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Around the World cards

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards Worksheet #9 Coding devices Cinquain form Around the World cards

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards Worksheet #10 Coding devices Cinquain form Around the World cards

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards Worksheet #11 Coding devices Around the World cards

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards Worksheet #12 Coding devices Around the World cards

? 2008 by Neuhaus Education Center. All rights reserved. Updated 5/29/2008 713.664.7676


Lesson 23 24

25 26

27 28

Multisensory Grammar Lesson Plan Third Grade

LESSON PLANS 3rd grade


? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Introduce and play Adjective Bingo

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Adjective Bingo cards, markers

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Activity I p. 10 ? Activity J p. 10

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Cards, stickers Notebook paper, Sentence Pattern Cards 1-9

? Game Day with Parts of Speech Around the World cards, Bingo grids,

Bingo, Line Up, Around the

Line Up cards


? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Activity K p. 11 ? Write cinquain ? Activity K p. 11 (variation)

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Foam squares Cinquain form Cards a, b, d, e, g, h, j

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Activity L p. 11 (Round Robin)

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Index cards, coding devices, notebook paper

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, adjectives

? Introduce Proper Nouns p. 11 and Activity A

? Activity 8 p. 12 ? Activity C p. 12 ? Worksheet #13

Noun, verb, noun marker cards Worksheet #13 Coding devices

? 2008 by Neuhaus Education Center. All rights reserved. Updated 5/29/2008 713.664.7676


Lesson 29 30 31

32 33


Multisensory Grammar Lesson Plan Third Grade

LESSON PLANS 3rd grade

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives

? Worksheet #14 ? Play Adjective Bingo

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives

? Worksheet #15 ? Play Adjective Bingo

? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives

? Worksheet #16 ? Play Around the World with


? Review, nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives

? Activity F p. 12

? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives

? Activity G p. 12 ? Play Around the World with


? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives

? Introduce prepositions ? Activity C p. 13 Make Preppy

and Tree ? If time read preposition book

MATERIALS Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Worksheet #14 Coding devices Adjective Bingo grid and markers

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Worksheet #15 Coding devices Adjective Bingo grid and markers

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Worksheet #16 Coding devices Around the World Cards

Noun, verb, noun marker, adjective cards

Foam squares Notebook paper Cards

Notebook paper Around the World cards - adjectives


Preppy and tree Preppy and tree sheets worksheets #17 & #18 Preposition book

? 2008 by Neuhaus Education Center. All rights reserved. Updated 5/29/2008 713.664.7676


Lesson 35 36 37 38


Multisensory Grammar Lesson Plan Third Grade

LESSON PLANS 3rd grade


? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives

? Activity A p. 13 ? Worksheet #20 Sign Language ? Play Line Up p.27, if time


Worksheet #19 Worksheet #20 Line Up cards (omit C,F,I,K,L)

? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives

? Activity D p. 14 ? Worksheet #21 ? Begin painless paragraph


Large cards Worksheet #21 Coding Devices Sample/column sheet

? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, prepositions

? Worksheet #22 ? Continue painless paragraph ? Learn preposition song


Worksheet #22 Coding devices Copies for students

? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, prepositions

? Continue painless paragraph ? Color-coding + Editing ? Worksheet #23 ? Preposition song


Worksheet #23 Coding devices Copies for students

? Review nouns, verbs, noun


markers, completer nouns,

proper nouns, adjectives,


? Preposition Song

Copies for students

? Students write Preppy poem

with "Preppy lives..." and share

Activity H p. 15 ? Worksheet #24 on overhead

Worksheet #24 as overhead

? 2008 by Neuhaus Education Center. All rights reserved. Updated 5/29/2008



Lesson 40

41 42 43


Multisensory Grammar Lesson Plan Third Grade

LESSON PLANS 3rd grade


? Review nouns, verbs, noun


markers, completer nouns,

proper nouns, adjectives,


? Activity I p. 15. Sentence

Sentence pattern cards 12 & 13

pattern cards 12 & 13.

Students generate sentences in

small groups

? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, prepositions

? Activity J p. 15 ? Activity K p. 15 Round Robin


Foam Squares Index cards

? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, prepositions

? Play Line Up Activity K p. 15 ? Introduce conjunctions p. 24

Cards Line Up cards A-K

? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, prepositions

? Fanboys p. 25 ? Activity A p. 24 ? Worksheets #25 & #26


Fanboys overhead Worksheets #25 & #26 Coding devices

? Review nouns, verbs, noun markers, completer nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions

? Activity D p. 25, ? oral & ? written

? Foam square dictation from worksheet #20


Sentences on overhead, paper Worksheet #20

? 2008 by Neuhaus Education Center. All rights reserved. Updated 5/29/2008 713.664.7676



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