Blooms Taxonomy

Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

MEDT 3401

|Name: |Thomas L. Thornton |

|Lesson Plan # |1 |

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|Classroom Configuration |

|1 Computer |3-5 Computers |6-10 Computers |1 - 1 |

| |x | | |

|Design for Learning |

|Whole Group |Small Group |Small Group |Individual |

|X | | | |

|Bloom’s Taxonomy - Levels Addressed |

|Knowledge |Comprehension |Application |Analysis |Synthesis |Evaluation |

|x |x |x |x | | |

|Lesson Title |Reaching Our Resources: Renewable and Non-renewable resources and the technology use along side them. |

|Subject (s) |Earth Science / Geology |

|Duration |2 periods/blocks (approx 60 minutes per day) |

|Learners |

|Grade Level(s) |High School Sophomores/Juniors |

|Prerequisite Skills |Reading on a level of 6th grade or higher |

| |Locate Important details in content reading |

| |Capable of shifting through information for relevant information |

| |Make judgments about the value of technology |

| |Basic Keyboarding Skills |

| |Know basics of Microsoft Word |

| |Know basics of using a search engine |

|Objectives |

|Goals/Objectives |In this lesion students will research renewable and non-renewable resources; as well as the technology for accessing these resources and improving |

| |their efficiency. They will compose a document with two columns, one for renewable resources and the second for non-renewable resources; in each |

| |respective column they will put what characterizes/defines a resource as renewable/non-renewable and five examples. They will then pick one of those|

| |resources and research a piece of technology related to improving the efficiency of the utilization and accessibility of said resource, and create |

| |an informational card about it. |

|GPS and Elements |SEV4. Students will understand and describe availability, allocation and conservation of energy and other resources |

| |a. Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources including how different resources are produced, rates of use, renewal rates, and |

| |limitations of sources. Distinguish between natural and produced resources. |

| |b. Describe how technology is increasing the efficiency of utilization and accessibility of resources. |





|Student NETS |1. Basic operations and concepts |

| |2. Social, ethical, and human issues |

| |5. Technology research tools |

| |6. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools |

|Assessment Evidence |

|Student Processing/Products |Each group will create a document with two columns, one with renewable resources and their definition and one with non-renewable resources and their|

| |definition; they will then research a technology associated with one of those resources and create a Environmental Technology card based off of |

| |their research. |

|Assessment Instrument |Completed Document with both columns and completed card. |

|Evaluation Evidence |Rubric |

|Instructional Technology |

|Teacher |Computer w/ Internet Access |

| |Microsoft Word |

| |Campus File Sharing Program |

|Student |Computer w/ Internet Access |

| |Microsoft Word |

|Teacher URLs | - Fossil Fuel Consumption and its Implications |

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|Student URLs | |

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|*All handouts and media used should be available with this lesson plan via your online portfolio. |

|Learning Plan |

|Hook/Motivation |In groups ask students to define renewable and non-renewable resources as well as to list different examples of each. |

| | |

| |Then have students discuss how technology plays a role as they research and create a card on a form of technology that helps with the accessibility |

| |or utilization of one of the resources they cited. |

|Activities |Teacher will begin by sharing an article entitled “Fossil Fuel Consumption and its Implications” |

| | |

| |The teacher will then briefly introduce renewable/non-renewable resources |

| |Students will broken into groups and told to further research these resources, to find what defines/characterizes them into the two groups and five |

| |examples of each; which is to be put into a word document using the file provided in their folder via the file share system. |

| |They will also then be responsible for finding a form of technology which increases the efficiency of accessibility or utilization of one of the |

| |resources they cited as an example; creating an informational card on it. |

|Extensions/Enrichments |Students will discuss the impact of humans on the environment. |

| |Students will create their own ‘alternative energy’ organization and flyers. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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